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File: 7 KB, 217x215, 1509451691124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6257821 No.6257821 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Link always hold up so well during crashes?

>> No.6257889

Because people who hold link aren't stupid enough to sell at the first sniff of red.

>> No.6258002

link just dipped to about .89 what are you talking about

>> No.6258084

Pajeets have slower internet.

>> No.6258085

It's crashing hard. what are you talking about?

>> No.6258098

yeah I posted this at $1, then it dumped seconds later. o well

>> No.6258168
File: 11 KB, 481x288, linky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip. :^)

>> No.6258175

people are retarded. why would u sell alts into bitcoin/eth during this.

>> No.6258337

Wake me up inside.

>> No.6258432

The difference here is that you are comparing it to USD. It's price is going down because BTC/ETH and the entire market is going down.
Watch the buy and sell. HUGE buys, TONS of small WEAK HANDED FAGGIT sells. It's consolidating which is good for long term growth.

>> No.6258496
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cheap linkies :D

>> No.6258508

Good time to trade all of my Bitcoin for link, or would that be stupid right now??

>> No.6258705

its about to go down. but yes people done sell off their link, its just not what link holders to or at least its the last one to sell off

>> No.6258824

95c now recovering better than most..

>> No.6258853

some might be tempted to do a swing to gain some linkies... not so sure how that tends to turn out under these conditions. This isn't your usual pajeet pnd :D

>> No.6258952

The only thing that will save link is if someone posts the Sergey Gurren Lagan image in this thread

>> No.6258969

>tfw no more money for the dip
I hate being a poorfag

>> No.6259027

linkers been thru much fud than this. we are well trained with iron hands

>> No.6259033

I'll be happy if I can get back to 45k LINK from this.

>> No.6259118
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$1.02 boys

>> No.6259134

Goddam clogged ETH network made me miss out on sub $0.90 LINK >:-(

>> No.6259189

god damn LINK is so comfy

>> No.6259200

I can't believe some normies got to buy LINK sub $1. I thought we locked out poorfags by trading over 1 for the past few days.

>> No.6259232

whew, i bought at .96

couldn't get my limit buy to fill at 89 for some reason. i'm not very good at this.

>> No.6259272

My biggest regret today is not selling the peak and buying more at $.88

>> No.6259288
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Bought 10k. Now a stinky linky.

>> No.6259325
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>implying you can time this shit

>> No.6259336

Bought 550 more LINK during this shit. I was going to buy a korean hooker but instead I bought LINK. Did I make the right decision?

>> No.6259339

Smart money is watching this one.

>> No.6259370



>> No.6259373


>> No.6259379

Because LINK Marines are impervious to crashes. We just buy more.


>> No.6259382

What? I have been refreshing like crazy. I did not catch that. Fuck. I missed that discount.

>> No.6259424

Clearly I can't because I didn't sell the peak and just held.

>> No.6259436
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hmmm, that's a tough one

>> No.6259452

in the middle of the crash it spiked up to 9000 sats. The whales are hungry

And it looks like our cup found a way to get its handle. The meme gods are looking down upon us. We're mooning soon

>> No.6259463

I predict more money coming into link next few days. This crash should make people reevaluate thier investment strategies. I only buy into projects that are actually solving a problem. We have enough currencies, exchanges, privacy coins, nobody is replacing paypal, etc etc. QSP and LINK for me, please.

>> No.6259482

post pics of hooker

>> No.6259493

i just did this with a small portion of my stack, made an extra 150 links. It worked out this time but overall not worth the stress

>> No.6259516

you'll be able to buy 550 more 2 hour sessions with a hooker of your choice in the future anon. you tell me

>> No.6259527

sell or die pajeet

>> No.6259568
File: 33 KB, 1225x379, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep some guy market bought a ton of link

>> No.6259576


such a deluded linkie

>> No.6259598
File: 75 KB, 782x700, 1513222703094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so forget about it. That is, make sure to have a small gambling fun stack, and go ahead and try to time the market. It's fun and a good learning experience all in one. :)

>> No.6259619

I'm paid tomorrow at midnight

Chances are chances are all gone by the time it's all funded.

>> No.6259628

If you did that it would have made you too confident, you would have tried to make the same thing in the future and again until you get burned harshly.
HODL is a meme but it works.

>> No.6259656

200k LINK. not even thinking bout selling til at least $100. This is the type of shit kings are made of. All the weak hands are gone by now. We know what we're holding

>> No.6259676

The real reason is because it's not on any exchanges with actual volume

>> No.6259723
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Pretty good advice. Thanks, anons.

>> No.6259736
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It's a massage parlor actually. I've fucked 2 girls there already. Sometimes they even do it cheaper because they say i'm one of the only dudes that come in there that isn't fat and ugly. No LARP, these are the girls I fucked already. I blacked out the phone number to the place.

>> No.6259786

because it hardly has any volume at least on binance

t. 50k LINK marine

>> No.6259789

>hurr guys muh store of value
Stinky Linkies find a way to be even more insufferable

>> No.6259793

yea which means that if it was a shitcoin it would dump to hell since every degenerate would be looking to market sell immediately

>> No.6259799

how big were their dicks?

>> No.6259809

It literally lasted seconds

>> No.6259815

anon why are you censoring this shit

post everything wtf

>> No.6259850

They didn't have dicks. They had vaginas. They showered me all up, gave me a mediocre massage, then start sucking dick and fucking. All for $200. It's very nice.

>> No.6259872
File: 77 KB, 197x175, BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold so well? I literally just bought bags at .89 from weak handed faggots.

No complaints, though, best sale ever.

>> No.6259922

lmao. People should really just buy link as a store of value during these crashes.

>> No.6259926

I blacked out the phone number of the massage parlor. If you want to find these places near you, google backpage, it's like a hooker craigslist. go to "massage" and it will change your life.

>> No.6259928

>made an extra 150 links

>but overall not worth the stress
ehhh, probably depends what risk you take. And even if you lose a trade, I like it either way, from a trading experience pov. Thrilling shit, so in a way, you can look at a loss like a ticket for yet another shitty kino with popcorn, or some other event/experience/hobby shit... But I'm not playing around with my main stack either.

>> No.6259935

gross wtf

>> No.6259937



>> No.6259994

isnt binance the biggest exchange now?

>> No.6260047


Lmao. Get rekt. We're never going away.

>> No.6260070


Chainlink is the Chad coin, just goes to show how iron hands LINK marines are

>> No.6260105
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1515618545125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek imagine being that retard that sells his whole stack at .89
what goes through their minds when they do that? is it panic?

>> No.6260115

I think there is no use to just accept this hodl meme as is. Start out hodling, as a newfag anyways, but start to trade with a small stack you're absolutely willing to lose. Keep track of your trades, maybe write a trade journal even, and then you'll see for yourself how fast you'll lose money, or not, and if it's even fun for you. Or too much stress. Or too boring. I don't know. But most importantly, for the ADHD full autists around, it keeps your twitchy hands away from your main stack. :)

>> No.6260159

anon where the fuck is this place

post ETH wallet for a tip

>> No.6260168

shit really...

>> No.6260176

I have 2 eth. How much should I put into link for a long term hold?

>> No.6260244


All of it or at least 50/50 like I'm doing

>> No.6260416

what a rush, swing traded the dump for an extra 1k LINKs. Making money during a crash is always fun.

>> No.6260420
File: 85 KB, 641x626, 1514944804174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a 30/30/20/20 split: NEO, VEN, ICX, LINK

Swap VEN and LINK if you please, slightly riskier.

Thank me later

>> No.6260429

This or greed as they think they can buy back later from someone even more weak handed.

>> No.6260440
File: 109 KB, 1636x720, asianmassage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is in near Atlantic City, NJ. However, these places are all over the place. Like I said, go to backpage, then go to your area, then search massages. If a massage parlor posts on there, they give happy endings. There is a site called Rubmaps that you can pay a subscription for to read reviews and prices for each place. It's so fucking worth it. They are more prevalent in cities than rural areas btw.

>pic related

I know it looks corny as fuck, but every single post is a happy ending just waiting for you.

>> No.6260535

Yea bro. Check it out

>> No.6260641
File: 1.01 MB, 633x994, its real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit it's real

what the fuck

>> No.6260741

I told you I wasn't LARPing. A few dudes I was stationed with at my last unit in the military told me about it and it's been a fucking game changer. Girlfriend is being a bitch? Massage. Don't want to beat off? Massage. Made money in crypto? Massage. It's fantastic. I can run you through the process so you're not nervous as fuck if you'd like.

>> No.6260808


>> No.6260814

I-I don't even know if I'd realistically try it but fuck it...

give me the rundown on this shit anon

>> No.6260909


fuck and im just sitting here a khv with 3 hour dried cum on my leg

>> No.6260924
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>> No.6260950

if you are paying more than 70 bux for a rub and tug/fuck, you are paying too much....

200 dollarydoos? jesus christ man, they better be actual white girls, because you can smash gook pussy for $50, and mexicans for $60 in those places.

>> No.6260998


the thing with daytrading is that it can absolutely work but you have to make lots of small decisions fast and you can fuck that up. In hindsight then it's obvious that you should have done X but that is hindsight
personally i fucked it up a few times already, I prefer buying on a dip and that's kinda like daytrading anyway except you hold longer

>> No.6261013

So the best place to find prices and reviews is the site called Rubmaps. But i does have a subscription which kinda sucks. Completely worth it though. Some place will just give you a handjob, other places will let you fuck the girls.

>walk in
>mamasun greets you
>usually a older korean lady that barely speaks english
>she shows you to a room or lets you pick a girl
>go to room, girl walks in with skimpy fucking clothes
>you give her cash
>ask how much for a "shower"
>they literally shower you but it's to get you clean before happy ending
>negotiate the price. don't be a jew
>just figure out what the price is
>they barely speak english
>don't be a nervous fuck
>they'll tell you to undress
>undress and then follow her instructions
>fucking relax and have a good time

>> No.6261059

be careful with backpage my guy. I went to an escorts house and it turned out to be some 40 year old asian lady instead of the 20 year old "college student" like the ad said. Fucked anyways, but I regret it

>> No.6261066

anon, how do you know if the pictures are real or not? some look *almost* too good to be true, but then again could be real

>> No.6261120
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>Fucked anyways

>> No.6261148

What the fuck? How old are you faggots if you don't know about asian massage parlors being brothels?

Well damn I guess I was 22 before I figured it out myself. I went in there and paid $40 for a cute little chinese girl to sit on my face and jerk me off. She barely spoke english, and I'm pretty sure they kept her an about 8 other girls in a locked cargo container when they weren't "at the office".

That's the only problem I have with these places, since lots of these chicks are brought here without any support and forced to work till they pay off their 'debt'.

If you can find a decent place with friendly, english speaking girls its wonderful. I even dated an AMP girl for a few months a couple years back, when she got out of the brothel. Sweet little thing, but she went back to Vietnam as soon as she saved up the money for it.

>> No.6261159

Yea I never do the escorts thing. I just stick with the massage parlors and look up reviews to verify.
You don't know they're real.
>but they have the watermark that says 100% real
Like I said man, the only true way to find out is to look it up on Rubmaps. It's $15 a month. But if you're trying to do this one time, then just sign up for a month then cancel. Pretend that $15 was going towards the massage anyways. Pretend the $200 you'd spend for the girl would be $215.

>> No.6261164

because I gave her money and then I thought she would leave to go get the girl, but instead she came back and it was too late at that point

>> No.6261194


>> No.6261195

yea I'm just gonna 50/50 on LINK and VEN and take the most profits thanks

>> No.6261222

I have been wondering the validity of rubmaps recently. Thanks for the info I will try it out.

>> No.6261225

which is why I suggest to keep and maintain a trading journal. If you do this for a while, you'll get to see where this leads, and what you're capable of, or not... and you get to compare this strategy to the hodl meme with your own experience. People tend to need that, I think.
And once again: all this only under the premise that trading is fun to you. If you don't enjoy it, then don't.

>> No.6261235

what a time to be alive

this is gonna sound stupid but is there any easy way to get viagra or cialis or anything? I dont have health insurance because murican
>Fucked anyways

>> No.6261244


of course the pictures aren't real you clown, thats why you go there and check them out yourself

you have zero obligation to pay a dime or do anything until you take a look and decide if you want to go in

in each place there are always a couple skinny ones, but I seriously recommend that you pick the girl who gives you the best smile, since she is probably not in a shitty mood

>> No.6261249

I went to my first one at 21. I'm 22 now and visit them frequently. I'm not a neet either, I'm a fairly attractive white dude but it gets me off like nothing else. I fuck them good too, the ones I've fucked have actually had orgasms and wanted to meet up after.

>> No.6261266
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>> No.6261272
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>I thought she would leave to go get the girl
>she was the girl

fuck, i laughed.

but my gf is 16 years older than me, i would have preferred the older one, anywho.

>> No.6261274

lmao. Reminds me of a strip club I went to in Paris. Inside looked like the fucking Flintstone's house. Bar tendress (fat, old mexican lady - in Paris for some reason) walked around and gave my friends and I our one complementary drink, and then this hag proceeds to set her drink tray down on a table, walk up to the pole and start dancing. Shit was fucking hilarious.

>> No.6261299

I'm an america fag too. You can try those pills they sell at gas station. I'm pretty sure if you google "gas station erection pills" they will show up. I've heard they aren't regulated but fuck it dude, if you're going to one of these places you might as well try them out.

>> No.6261337

I've had some friends who tried the gas station boner pills and say it fucks them up with weird side effects

so thats why I was asking about the real pills

>> No.6261338


damn you are fucking helpless aren't you

you can get generic sildenafil citrate for like 3 dollars per 50mg

just order it online, don't waste your money on brand name shit


same here man, they were pretty excited to meet a young white guy that treated them well and made them feel good

its a really weird way to be with women, but whatever...I sometimes had a chick come visit on her time off, gave her 30 dollars for an afternoon of fucking, even bareback once she got to know me

god bless asian hookers

>> No.6261346

Im out of the high end escort phase and prefer AMPs myself now. Its the comfy option.

>> No.6261375

to-be gen practitioner in school here, literally go tell your doc you've had issues staying hard and want to try it

you would be stunned at how normal that is and how many men use it

>> No.6261419
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>Fucked anyways, but I regret it

>> No.6261422

>damn you are fucking helpless aren't you


>> No.6261451
File: 28 KB, 354x286, 1507264562286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit thanks anon, I really appreciate it.

no bruv, you didn't read. I don't have a doctor, because I don't have health insurance because burgerland

>> No.6261476


>tfw ywn lose your virginity to a middle aged asian hooker

>> No.6261487


yeah but everybody uses way too high of dosage

you only need 2.5mg - 5mg max for a couple hours of fucking

the 25mg and 50mg above dosages are for literal geriatrics that want to get their flacid, wrickled old peckers to stand up

>> No.6261500

Just when you think link threads can’t get any better

>> No.6261532

It's being pump and dumped. Check the biz discord.

discord gg/sJ7vFEZ

>> No.6261543

I found one by me as well. I regret nothing, and I plan on going again when I'm not putting every penny I have in crypto.

>> No.6261545


>> No.6261579


how the fuck do you even feed yourself? go to a goddamn general practitioner and set and appointment, he will write you a prescription (that you will pay for), but ask for generic so its cheap

$50 for appontment, $20 for a years supply of sildenafil if you chop up the pills to small dosage when you want it

grow the fuck up and learn how to problem solve my man...what the fuck are you going to do if you actually get injured and need a doctor? christ

>> No.6261595

literally about to all-in LINK purely based on the quality of its memes and holders

you faggots are beautiful

>> No.6261621

Well the amazing thing is the $500 I put into LINK 20 minutes ago is now worth ~$620, so that paid for nearly an entire session with one of these bitches.

>> No.6261745

you are throwing hundreds if not thousands of dollars into crypto, but you don't even know how to get a prescription?

can you clue me in here? how did you get to this point? I'm fucking flabbergasted

>> No.6261808

holy fuck who are you people? am I the normie here? I'm leaving, jesus

>> No.6261879

d-don't bully...

I've been a neet until the past 2 years...
my job is a contracting job currently and doesn't offer health insurance unless I pay a fuck ton every month out of my paycheck

it's ok though because I'm about to get a new job in a couple weeks with full benefits and pretty good pay ($100k~) and I plan on getting checked for every disease known to man

I haven't been to the doctor's in maybe 10 years now and I'm kind of seriously concerned I might have cancer or something

last year was the worst year of my life, almost went into cardiac arrest, didn't think I was gonna make it through the night, broke up with my gf, crashed my car etc

the problem is that you dont know what you dont know, so all the common sense or whatever you might think you have, isn't the same for everyone else

>> No.6261909

Because no normies hold LINK, which means no banic selling

>> No.6261998

But can you actually justify cashing out a few hundo for a couple of hojos? (In my case anyhow -- I haven't tried to fuck one yet, but the last one sure hinted at it). I can never justify cashing out any of it...

>> No.6262023
File: 43 KB, 309x313, 8AD1309C-523C-4382-B3F5-FD8F5BD6CB27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s simple... chicken and oatmeal

>> No.6262032

LINK's price EOY 2019

What is it?

>> No.6262084


>> No.6262091

1 satoshi

>> No.6262107


>> No.6262149


>> No.6262152

Considering I just saw the market take a huge dip, instantly bought ETH with my credit card without even taking a second thought, and put it all in LINK, yea I could justify it. I wasn't planning on putting that money into crypto anyways. It was just a natural reaction to the dip. I may leave half of it though. One day when LINK is $100 I will laugh about the time I took some profits to fuck a korean.

>> No.6262204


Bullying is how society fixes people like you before you fucking self destruct.

Fix your shit before you literally fucking die, my man. Oh and if you have a heart condition you should probably nix the idea of taking viagra and then fucking, because you might just fucking have a heart attack on the massage table.

>> No.6262214

Nobody can say

Agreed, and i'm ballsdeep in link.

>> No.6262250

dubs says it'll be 1000$

>> No.6262260
File: 65 KB, 744x687, 1515043051423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fatass and I don't think I have a heart condition, it was the first time it happened in my life because a mix of stress and anxiety and over exerting myself just that one day

>> No.6262274

yes you are, byebye

>> No.6262307

True but we probably got a couple hundred k worth of weak handed fucks out of Link

>> No.6262321

you missed. it's gonna be 2000

>> No.6262327

Have you ever caught shit fucking them, or do they tend to be fairly clean?

>> No.6262330

It’s not a real Korean parlor unless they eat your asshole without asking.

t.guy who has been to massage parlor in Seoul

>> No.6262355

do korean girls really do this

this is kind of a taboo fetish of mine

>> No.6262360

no I fucked up, it'll be 50$ now...

>> No.6262374
File: 201 KB, 189x590, 64356546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely never had that happen. It was nice being married to a half korean girl for a year though. pic related.

>> No.6262553

Yes it happened on 3 occasions 3 different girls like it was a standard part of the service. I was in really good shape at the time though so your mileage may vary

>> No.6262611

>for a year though

what happened? any noods?

>> No.6262653

I got her pregnant and convinced her to get an abortion. She didn't want one though, so she said if she got one we were getting a divorce. I said ok bitch. and yes, plenty.

>> No.6262657


>> No.6262666

i just read that the exchange owned by the guy who made ICX was raided.

if y'all were holding ICX would you sell?

>> No.6262712

I'm a linkie and I kek'd

>> No.6262735

sorry to hear bout those rough times fellow marine

>> No.6262775

this could be a good time to sell and buy the large dip. If there is no dip then you know ICX is fucking going somewhere, Mr Satan

>> No.6262786

10/10 mate

>> No.6262827

Next time just kys.

>> No.6262878


i'm not good at sell/buy the dip. i'll just hold i guess, still up about 25%

>> No.6262952

Here's a video of me fucking her if you're interested.


>> No.6263083

Damn you've got a big dick no homo

>> No.6263134

Ahhhh my link is gone give it back you baby killer!!!

>> No.6263262


any of her by herself?

>> No.6263330

Nope. Just ones of me fucking her or her sucking my dick. I literally have a video of me getting her pregnant. That video is gold to me.

>> No.6263345

how many miles have you gotten on your asshole so far?

>> No.6263353


post it on mega

>> No.6263390

I fucken told you anon


>> No.6263496

Was going to, then I saw this thread on /b/ so figured it would be easier to just link it.


>> No.6263943
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Fucking degenerate idiot

>> No.6263958
File: 46 KB, 1150x198, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 10.34.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down in dollar is ok, its going up in sats

>> No.6263998

no one cares about sats you dweeb

>> No.6264350

Setting a buy order for 90 cents and hoping for the best

>> No.6264424
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, Pepe_the_Frog_-_Plush_doll_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one cares about sats

>> No.6264669

Oh man chain link bounced back up from less than a dollar back to what it was before the South Korea FUD. This coin is amazing!

>> No.6264733


Bro post your wallet address so I can send donation. Enjoyed the story, thank you for helping me making it through this dark time

>> No.6264840


Hey, did not expect any donations, but thanks!
Much appreciated and glad to be of help.

ETH wallet.

>> No.6264862

In case you are stupid this is not the same anon.

>> No.6264918

this is good advice.

i've had a few rubs (not fucking bc i just really like handjobs, something about cumming out of your control is different) and some get into it and that makes it so much better. you can usually touch their tits and ass while they do it too.

some places aren't super explicit about it, but the key is to wait to get fully naked until they come in to massage you. Keep your boxers on, take them off while making eye contact so she sees your dick and can tell you're comfortable.

if they turn you onto your back its on. if you can get a boner at that point its a good signal that you're not a cop and there for the rub.

they may ask you to negotiate price before hand, or you just tip after. 40$ + 40$ tip is pretty common and fairly cheap.

you will feel a little gross after, but i think it has to do with the amount of money. I'd pay 10$ for a handjob every day and not blink, but 80-200 is still in that range where it makes me feel like im wasting money. just need more crypto gains to start getting them more regularly

>> No.6265108

sorry to say this but if you ever have heart problems, you should go to a doctor, even if its expensive. that doesn't just happen to people bc of stress and "over exerting" yourself. did you workout harder than you ever had? even then you shouldn't be having cardiac arrest, you may have an irregular heartbeat or something


>> No.6265185

Yes I worked out harder than I ever had before in my life, did 3 hours of cardio from a sedentary lifestyle, and I didn't go fully into cardiac arrest I was showing symptoms of it, this happened last year in march btw and I've had no signs of it since then

I'll check out the link though and I definitely do plan on getting a check up in a month or so, thanks

>> No.6265190

kys if true

>> No.6265235


i like that position in the end, more? im lazy and didnt read your other posts but i thought she was korean? tattoos on her are also excellent

>> No.6265244

Fuck man idk if I should just market buy it instead.

>> No.6265618

biz cares :) take care of yourselves anons

>> No.6265814

Link is actually my only green coin.
It's becoming FUD resistant and marching it's on way.

Once it goes over 1 USD 10USD will come quickly.

This is the chance for everyone who missed ETH last year.

>> No.6265922

There is no way to tell. Doesn't matter though, you are asking the wrong question.
LINK will literally be the defacto currency in the world. "How many LINKs can I buy with 1,000 USD?" Is what next generation normies will do

>> No.6265964

Best way to store my newly acquired Link till 2020? I was thinking of getting a nano ledger s but they won't ship till late March from their website.

Is MyEtherwallet secure enough? I assume leaving it in binance is a bad idea.

>> No.6265991

LINK,VEN, XLM, ZXR. What to buy?

>> No.6266015

MEW with a paper wallet is fine enough.

>> No.6266089

200 dollars is cheap for a quality prostitute retard

>> No.6266145

holy shit, and whites complain about black blood being impossible to remove

>> No.6266174

Bleached blonde buttholes.

>> No.6266195

yeah if 200 is too much for you, you shouldn't be seeing prostitutes.

>> No.6266203


Normies will not be holding monk till it’s 10usd. Cos then, it’s high enough to sell right?

>> No.6266864


>> No.6266892
File: 37 KB, 805x461, cup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards look at this massive cup & handle thats about to form. if you dont buy in now, you're truly fucked.

>> No.6267248


damn gina look at those love handles

>> No.6267285

technical analysis is bullshit but i need a moon in the next 82 days.

>> No.6267491

technical analysis isn't bullshit.
XLM and ADA will moon in the next few days. screencap this.

>> No.6267518

Imagine being one of the ones that sold under a buck today. Show yourselves. WTF were you thinking? What are you thinking rn?

>> No.6267542

I have 1080 link cause poorfag and I am new to this game, am i going make it some what?

>> No.6267603

$100/Link EOY
$500/EOY 2019

I cannot see farther than that, for there is a block in the force.

>> No.6267642

When does link get added to coinbase?

>> No.6267669


>> No.6267706

This is why I want 10k minimum. Tron go back up you piece of shit so I can sell half my stack and buy 9k more link ahhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.6267747
File: 566 KB, 1152x627, WHATS THAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as many as Sergey has put through his since the ICO


>> No.6267828

what's the meme:potential ratio on link anyway.

>> No.6267952

hows the older poon

>> No.6268021

>convinced her to get an abortion

>> No.6268122


>> No.6268140

When's the le mainnet actually coming out?

>> No.6268205

because LINK holders are not retards

>> No.6268303

This year. Don't worry about the price until then. Just make sure you have enough when it happens.

>> No.6268549

>tfw I managed to snag some
feels good man