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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6257429 No.6257429 [Reply] [Original]

The most weak handed faggots ive ever seen. Even the TRX normies are doing better.

>> No.6257619

Cant believe xlm is getting justed more than trx

>> No.6257658

This might actually go back to 2k SATs

>> No.6257837

because /biz/ fucking shilled it into accumulation

every fucking jew on Binance bought it yesterday and today after the FUD storm so here we are

>> No.6257901
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trx will jump to atleast 30 cents in at most 2 weeks. screen cap me on this

>> No.6257940


evreything is getting JUST'd right now, u faggots act like the whales only had a stake in XLM, no u stupid faggots they do this to the entire market everytime

>> No.6257978

Are you retarded? Why wouldn't you sell and rebuy at the bottom?

>> No.6257992


>> No.6258027

We goin to 2500 sats.

>> No.6258056

It was $0.14 last month.

>> No.6258130

the minute this POS breaks even with my previous gains i'm out.

bags are so heavy I could've fucking made much more

>> No.6258135
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How long must we suffer?

>> No.6258159

Heading down to .20 where it belongs. This pig has a huge market cap

>> No.6258213

i just bought more SCREW IT BOYS

>> No.6258276

>tfw we're going to drop below 3k sats and trigger a lot of panic sells

>> No.6258426


>huge market cap
>disregards the tech and reasoning behind having a huge market cap

lol stay stupid

>> No.6258431

Divine retribution for whales who kept choking the damn coin at 4k sats. Get fucked. Glad I got out at 4050 SATs.

>> No.6258452

Dumped yesterday for Ether, I'm not bag holding this shit

>> No.6258515

For example, look at how REQ is doing atm, it had p much identical growth like XLM until the after 6k pump dip where whales started being retarded with XLM.

>> No.6258578

Everything is bleeding on the korea news, you fucking mongs

>> No.6258614

wasnt evertything bleeding when China said they would ban bitcoin?

What happened? Oh yeah the chinese bought it all cheap when evreyone sold at a loss cuz they thought it was going to 0

enjoy faggots

>> No.6258629

why is the spread so fucking far? what is happening? huge buys, huge sells? c'mon please.

>> No.6258686

because /biz/ is suddenly majority newfags who dont know how to capitalize on their first dip

>> No.6258694

pity a man with paper hands, for he buckles at the first wisps of the storm

>> No.6258696

Tether saved our asses back then


>> No.6258723

The other coins are crashing from their ATHs, XLM is crashing after losing 50% of its value already.

>> No.6258810

I had great hope for this shitty rocket ship with ibm on board and everything. But today I started thinking about my very first computer an ibm. It was total piece of shit.

>> No.6258925

yall weak, i bought a fat stack at 80 cents, not even worried right now honestly. *yawn*

>> No.6258926

Whales think in quarters, not minutes, idiot

>> No.6258938

back in at .55 and going to get back in again shortly if it keeps dipping.

>> No.6259014

Same, I believe in stellar

>> No.6259025

im 160k deep with hands of steel. I dont give a fuck how deep it dips. This shit wont die today.

>> No.6259043


>> No.6259056

Lmfao, good luck with that growth with FairX being pushed back and people losing faith in the coin due to stagnation while everything else is growing.

>> No.6259075

it will be back at 60 cents by morning time

>> No.6259076

Dead cat bounce.

>> No.6259119

I don't think people care about real coins right now, period. Doesn't matter what it does, matters who is going to buy what the most. All the coins I hold have longterm, real value, with very little to no competition, and they're constantly getting justed.

>> No.6259267

Only sold my stack to buy back lower. Upped my stack by 1500 XLM. I am happy.

>> No.6259357


>> No.6259360


FairX is 1 decentralized exchange that is competiting with global crypto exchanges

How is 1 side project that some guy wants to put on the Stellar Network going to STAGNATE the Stellar project lmfao

holy shit how deluded are u

>> No.6259446
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Was to busy to sell and buy the dip. FeelsBadMan, need to watch this shit all the time apparently. Not worried about XLM, it's a good project and will recover. We will leave the atmosphere eventually.

>> No.6259564

Man it was pushed down hard lol!

I had turned off my computer for the night, had to check. Buy some more then

>> No.6259570

You niggers just don’t understand , when BTC falls so does your shitcoins.

>> No.6259677


its called stop loss, try it some time

>> No.6259717

stop losses FUCKED me

>> No.6259719


>> No.6259739

Because like it or not FairX is p much the main selling point of Stellar to huge majority of people (including people here as well).

>> No.6259743

nice. thank you whales

>> No.6259828

>very first computer

IBM were pioneers man.. think about it

>> No.6259893

Stop loss is dangerous in this sort of market.

>> No.6259907

Yup. Enjoy your fucking bags you dumb retards. Even if you try to pump this coin now there are hordes of people wanting to get out.

This coin could've been like REQ or Link at the moment weren't it for those retards.

>> No.6259914


>main selling point of Stellar to huge majority of people (including people here as well).

no its not u stupid fucking normie

just because you got shilled to fucking hell everyday about FairX doesn't mean thats the only thing Stellar is based on u stupid fucking idiot

Go on their homepage and you'll realize 1 fucking exchange is nothing compared to the partnerships coming out, the mass adoption coming across SE.. I mean go fuck yourself normie I rather someone who has real intelligence invest their money in this

not some normie on biz who thinks were marketing a pump and dump,

go kill yourself faggot

>> No.6259962

When 30% dips are just an every day occurrence, what do you set your stop loss to?

>> No.6260035

I know, but I keep my XLM off the exchange and have it set to an inflation pool. So have to actually watch. Might just xfer to binance while market is all over the place. But you're right, should have done it yesterday.

>> No.6260056

Whatever makes you feel better buddy. Have fun holding your bags for months while I get on some coins that will actually bring me profit.

>> No.6260066

IBMer fag here. They are a total piece of shit of company but occasionally they invest in something value. Think XLM has a big year next year (regardless of IBM riding in on the coat tails)

>> No.6260175

this was a pretty massive panic sale, I get what happened here just now.

There was a whale that bought hundreds of thousands earlier today, two of those buys amounted to a million of them. Then it was also annouced in another thread that it was going to get "pumped" lol. Obviously this whale is pressing it down to get people to panic

>> No.6260214


>implying im not making profit right now

ok buddy keep FUDing a project u have no 0 knowledge about

>> No.6260232
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hands of steel checking in

>> No.6260280


no u stupid fucking idiot, 70 billion dollars left the crpyto market last night


its recovering now though but could keep crashing

>> No.6260286

Holy shit

>> No.6260318

My biggest losses have been because of stop-loss. No matter how low said it the market will always find a way to get down to it before reversing and going back up to where it was before it started.

>> No.6260333

>using stop losses in crypto
Best way to get justed

>> No.6260351
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>> No.6260365

Did these useless faggots really postpone FairX till 2019?

>> No.6260380


Man I was just too late for the rock bottom there, oh could have gotten so many of them
it's going to correct anon, it's in these times you can earn quite a lot of shekels, you just need to have a cool head

>> No.6260436

The only source I've heard that from is 4chan threads. I'd like to see a real source.

>> No.6260457


Dude, TRX hands are made of barnacles. I can't believe they're still hanging onto it.

>> No.6260471


>> No.6260547

>implying you can cash out
>implying anyone ever leaves crypto

>> No.6260552

hodling since 3 cents
do you think I give a single fuck?

>> No.6260602

70 billion didn't "leave"
market cap is a terrible indicator of the overall market
in reality it was probably a much smaller amount (10-15 billion) suddenly leaving that caused the 70 billion drop

>> No.6260627
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You guys need to ease back and be cool. It will revisit it's ATH again. Crypto is a growing asset class and XLM is not a shitcoin. Anyone who sells at a loss deserves to lose their money.

>> No.6260631
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"CPR was successful, lets bring his vitals back up to $.50"

>> No.6260650

XLM is going to be huge. Hang on friends. Just hang in there.

>> No.6260717

We’ve already rebounded guys, we are good. See that wasn’t so bad

>> No.6260720

i set one for 3700 sats the other day on my XLM right before that big dip. triggered it and i bought back in like a retard at like 4200 sats thinking it was just a temporary thing.

>> No.6260755

I bought in at 81c AUD as well. I’m actually a bit fucking annoyed cause it’s bounced back already and my deposit to buy the dip didn’t come in time

>> No.6260766

Man how I wish I got in that early, I was a bit earlier than the current sats but not that early

>> No.6260783


most normies have been shaken out now, imagine getting in over 20 cents and dropping below 10 immediately.

the whales are seriously accumulating, there are million+ buy orders during the dip, some at 10 million.

the tron holders that got in below 5 cents, such as moi, have been holding mercilessly cause we know where this is going. Holding tighter than a wolf's jaw around a deer's throat, I ain't lettin go until I get meat. might be some of the toughest holders in the game, along with stinky linkies

>> No.6260864


> green id

I've been in since 3 cents too. This will explode soon

>> No.6260871


u can trade to fiat for some exchanges

>> No.6260975

I seriously wonder what they are doing with these ripple machines in korea these days when it comes to this. You can/could cash out ripple on atms there. You have all seen it, you would just transfer ripple to this card and insert it then voila there was your shekels

>> No.6260978

I hope you're pretending to be retarded

>> No.6261128

You can't cash out. You're in this forever.

>> No.6261132

It's hard to tell here, but I think it was down all the way to about 3150

>> No.6261226
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holding 4880 through all these painful dips

>> No.6261390

Same here. Must be some discord faggots fudding

>> No.6261588

Yeah but then eveyone else made it better

>> No.6261687

just bought some more

>> No.6261800

No 100 cents stat

>> No.6262437

Me as well. thank you teeka. this shit can go to 1/10th of what it is now and I'm still 2x.

>> No.6262680

Whats the best wallet for xlm? I got like 15k xlm and would rather keep them in a wallet.

>> No.6262863

buy a ledger nano s

>> No.6262975


You think it's worth the bux? I'll look into this thanks.

>> No.6263077

i mean, if you only have like 100 XLM then don't bother paying for something to hold them, but i think the ledger is the best consumer wallet out there

>> No.6263129

oh nvm you mentioned above that you have 15k, yeah for 15k i'd definitely shell out for a ledger

>> No.6263132

Yeah I got more than that. I will get that wallet, seems like a good deal.

>> No.6263244

Bought ath, it hurts a little bit

>> No.6263302

This is me and BAT right now. It's okay, just HODL and you'll make it.

>> No.6263960
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I really hope these rich fucks don't end up killing Stellar with their greed. It's such a promising project, especially with FairX. It'll be OK eventually, right?

>> No.6264025

I'm literally sitting here putting up 70-100k walls at 4500-4540 and buying at 4430-4440 lmao made like 1k in the last hour

>> No.6264091


what do you mean? I have a Gemini account and I can change to fiat whenever I want. All it takes is a 5 day wire-transfer into my account to cash out.

You actually believed that meme?

>> No.6264240

There's no hope for you.

>> No.6264357
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The first guy was giving you some insightful information and the second guy was memeing and they both flew over your head

>> No.6264364

Just taking advantage of the market rn

>> No.6264391

I've learned my lesson with this coin.

>> No.6264451
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>> No.6264544
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a c c u m u l a t e

>> No.6264838

Who the fuck sells this before FairX launches? Are you that much of a retard?

>> No.6264914

So what actual value does tron have other than a chinese elite class ceo

>> No.6265130

the open knowledge that it's an exit scam gives people confidence in their ability to predict it, raising its price

>> No.6265265

Im hodling my 300k lumens, but im quite certain Fairx is gonna be a flop. Lots more things to be excited for though.

>> No.6265398

trx dropped 70% stellar dropped 50%?

>> No.6265432

thanks for the cheap coins goys...i mean guys