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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 600x600, UFRshillSCAM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6253940 No.6253940 [Reply] [Original]


UFR discord shill just don't get it.
No matter what time I go to /biz/ I see that annoying UFR shitposters.

And again they came up with a new BULLSHIT story.

Now they want you to believe that Kim Dotcom and The Pirate Bay is on board !?

WTF ?? They don't even fake the tweets correctly.

Here you can check the original twitter accounts:


...NOTHING ABOUT UFR, this is all fake news created by these FAGGOTS that are desperately trying to sell you bags of their shitcoins.


/biz/ getting annoyed!

>> No.6254010

UFR is a great coin for waking up to red in your portfolio

>> No.6254015

Why you so wound up anon.

>> No.6254038

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6254045

Bump. Don't get scamed

>> No.6254057

sirs ufr great fantastic coin with many dreams a for much winning! sirs ufr is today a great coin please. thankyou

>> No.6254090

Yeah this shit is so annoying. Its biz on biz crime

>> No.6254119

>I was going to start my own scam coin bitco2in, that wastes the earths resources to make a tiny elite rich by saying it's to free the oppressed. But then realised Bitcoin is basically that.

lol actual tweet by Sunde

>> No.6254128

Nice reddit spacing you blogposting faggot

>> No.6254144

This is how you can smell shitcoin, tons of fakenews and shitposters.

olso why don't you just pick one random coin from top 20 and wait a year?

>> No.6254152

You realize shills arnt even that stupid and those are FUD'ers pretending to be shills...right? I thought that was obvious

>> No.6254162

Kill yourself

>> No.6254195

lol triggered

someone bought ath and sold at the bottom of a marketwide dip

hate on some random shill group all you want, this coin is still up 320% this week

>> No.6254212

To be fair, you sound as bad as them and are clearly Indian because you can barely construct a sentence. All in on UFR.

>> No.6254232


> tinfoilhat

...your discord shillgroup must be completely retarded.

IQ max <= 20

>> No.6254295
File: 85 KB, 1190x595, trumpok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys fudder, Im not dropping my bags, gonna buy more now before it moons!!! UFR BOYZ!!!!!!

>> No.6254300

>Scam coin
>Up 500%

Nigger you're so bitter you missed out

The Discord shills didn't create the coin you fucking autist

Even if they are shilling it, who gives a fuck? Why do you care? It's going up consistently

Stay poor loser

Tip 1: Don't get emotional

>> No.6254310


dude I don't every buy shitcoins like UFR ...kek

I don't care if the shitcoin is up or down, I just don't like fucken scammers like you that are shilling that shitcoin 24/7 here with pure BULLSHIT posts.

All fake af!

>> No.6254339

>he mad

>> No.6254342

OP is the shill you dumb fuck
This is organised FUD
Check the archive, hes posted this every 20 minutes for the past day and a half

>> No.6254395

Shitcoin thats up 500%
I don't give a fuck if its a shitcoin, it made me over 60k in two days from an initial investment of 2k

>> No.6254433


great, you must be some of the idiots that shill fakenews.

I hope UFR will crash so you fucken retard lowIQ idiots / normies get off the cryptomarkets. damn you guys are the most annoying shillers I've ever seen here. ...also the most retarded

>> No.6254522


Nah I agree with OP. UFR is an organized shill job. Pajeet pump and dump. Shit's down 20% today.

Who the fuck would pay to torrent? That defeats the whole purpose of torrenting - people torrent because it's fucking free.

What a bunch of retards you lot are.

>> No.6254567



is that your new tactic of shilling? spreading fakenews of your shitcoin because you think that nobody will question it, and if your stupid shitstory is exposed you blame it on the guy that exposed it?


damn UFR is bringing a bunch of total degenerates to 4chan.

>> No.6254581

Bump this needs more exposure, they’ve been raping our board long enough

>> No.6254595

>muh secret club durr reddit sucks guys amirite

>> No.6254623

OP you're a bit of a faggot you know that? Just block the keyword UFR

>> No.6254653


thanks you are right. just ask around the torrentscene. nobody will ever use that coin.

...but besides that, the shillgroup is completely retarded.

If you really want to shill a shitcoin, rule #1 is not to get caught spreading fake-news.

>> No.6254770

Oh yeah mate because retards from Discord with 2 eth can pump 20 million into coin? It was a whale manipulating the price you newfag fuck

Notice how it rose to 2.70, dropped to 1.70, rose to 2.50 again? Thats him making about 100k a minute from dumb cunts like you who have no clue

I was banned from the discord for telling the pajeets to stop spamming on here

The fucking discord retards have nothing to do with the coin, EVERY COIN on 4chan is shilled you dopey fuck

Jesus newfags need to fuck off or stfu and dont post until they've lurked for a while

See above.

Stop posting until you know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.6254813

Also, you get PAID TO SEED, you thick fuck. People already pay for subscriptions to trackers too. You have literally no clue wtf you're talking about, do you?

>> No.6254852

>Nobody will use it
Lol people said the same about every coin on CMC

Stay mad because you missed 500% gains in two days faggot

>> No.6254870
File: 46 KB, 720x476, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> stop posting until you know what the fuck you're talking about

> UFR teaming up with Kim Dotcom and ThePiratebay


>> No.6254898

Thats how i know im comfy af...because im not in a shill discord and im betting that most of this money flowing in isnt either....and everyone whos advocating for ufr is being incriminated in "muh discord" witch hunt......yeah im the one wearing the tin foil hat..you do realize you could literally pick any coin in the top 500 and find a discord that has been talking abt shilling it recently right?

>> No.6254916

Nice response bro. People shill coins on biz every day 24/7. Any reason you single this one out? Did poor little anon get burnt?


>> No.6254944

ahahahah you probably made those images to FUD.
Why are you trying to fud so hard this coin? are you mad that you didn't get in before?

>> No.6254985

Thanks bought 100k

>> No.6254998

This isnt just about torrenting, but thats definetly a big use for it. Its a peer to peer file sharing system on a decentralized network of nodes. AKA you dont have mediate with a 3rd party middle man

>> No.6255145

die shills
no ones gonna fuck you even if you make 20k of scam coins

>> No.6255153

Exactly...shills arnt this stupid....and they can literally see all the FUDers calling it a scam coin...why would they post a fake story that cna be shown to be false in about 10 seconds knowing there is skepticism out there? God FUDing pajeets will never learn

>> No.6255236


>> No.6255316

t. Increasingly jealous faggot
Hows your portfolio looking poorfag?

>> No.6255393


Making money from people like me? Lol people like me aren't dumb enough to invest in pajeet PnD shitcoins with no future like this one. This coin barely has 30 million market cap and it hasn't been increasing very fast at all. You don't even need a whale for there to be fluctuations of that scale, since it's such a low market cap coin.

It's a shitcoin and people are getting tired of pajeet shills like yourself promoting some retarded concept of monetizing something that exists because it's FREE.

Fucking retards. Have fun losing money. Just go kill yourself.

>> No.6255815

If you say so poorfag

>This coin barely has 30 million market cap and it hasn't been increasing very fast at all
>Ten million a day for the past 2 days
Nigger what? LMAO

You upset you missed out again poor boy?

>> No.6256250

If something is shilled hard on /biz/ it dumps.

>> No.6256489
File: 900 KB, 736x561, 1515553881753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i want people to buy this coin on a board which his filled with FUD threads calling it a scam...let me just post some fake tweet that someone is sure to call fake....thatll get people to buy it REAL QUICK (thats what these FAKE shills/FUDders want you to believe)

>> No.6256889

Its not just about torrenting retard
>obviously hasnt read the white paper
>doesnt understand the concept of p2p file sharing on a decentralized node network and the possibility if many different real world applications that will be applied with this technology. Have fun with your shit coins that have no real world use worth 800 million dollars

>> No.6257481

I wonder how much he lost by panic selling