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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58226 No.58226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>TFW students at my school major in business
>TFW they buy nice suits and walk around campus in them
>TFW they think their degree is practical and useful in labor markets
>TFW after graduation they are working as shift leads at Target
>TFW my stem major
>TFW 25 and 6 figure salary

>> No.58257

Like I say to everyone else. It's not just the degree that counts, but what you do while you are at school. How much you stud in your free time, and how focused you are. Take two people earning the same degree within the same socio-economic background, and the one who takes it more serious will come out ahead while the one who does the bare minimum ends up shit leader at Target.

>> No.58296

I think you are a cunt, so there is that...

You can hardly call a man in a suit a cunt.

>> No.58303


I don't find that to be particularly true. It's usually the one that works harder and are more focused when they actually get into the workforce. These tend to be the same people who work hard in college but not always.

>> No.58311


You mean TEM major right?

No one fucking makes 6 figures in science.

>> No.58345
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>tfw Math and Economics double major

>> No.58340

>STEM major

top lel

>> No.58357

Business, marketing and sociology students are cunts. Deal with it. Even in the workplace, people who are low level management are invariably considered overly aggressive man children and marketing people are douchebags, short and simple. No one likes these people, they're almost as detestable as HR people.. almost.

Now HR people, they're a group every business can do without. If your company needs anything but automated software and a manager's secretary/assistant/intern to find workers, your company isn't compartmentalised enough. On that note, interviews should be done by managers, not HR people.

>> No.58389

I used my elective credits by taking some classes in the business school at my university. I swear most of the people in those classes were clinically retarded. I'd get my exam scores curved up to 120+ regularly because the next highest score would be 80 or below.

>> No.58385

Ay my school (top 5 business school in US&A) all the business kids get baller jobs while us engineers all work for banks and consultancy firms. I hate consulting.

>> No.58396

>mfw i know a business major who ended up working for a friend of a friend of dad
>mfw he tells me his employer is the atypical conservative baby boomer who thinks that "i worked to pull myself up from the bootstraps"
>mfw my friend is now slowly transforming so that he conforms to his office environment- he's started supporting less taxes and is anti socialized medicine etc
>mfw he tells me he plans to start flipping houses in the future cause "my coworkers wife does it"

i know nothing about bizness nor the intricacies of the financial sector but what i do know is that these are the atypical top 5% around here

>> No.58391

> tfw when you lie on the internet

>> No.58424

you bastard, so you're the one cranking out shitty Target team leads I have to deal with. Thanks for filling their ego so they can shit on me

>> No.58433

If your company depends on talent you have to completely avoid using HR to hire them.

>> No.58459

You mean meritocracy? Why the fuck not?

>guy is a masters in electrical engineering, he has a peckerwood as fuck name
>girl from obscure ethnicity did two years in a bachelors of "engineering technology"
>implying I won't hire the guy every damn time

>> No.58473
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>HR people

>> No.58518

I don't think he meant that, also >implying a manager wouldn't hire the guy too

>> No.58520
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>not doing a humanities or arts subject, spending all your time doing drugs and having sex then blagging a job in a cushy corporate grad scheme

>> No.58570

Sometimes I just don't get the >implying logic, you saying that the manager should hire workers? Absolutely, only the manager knows what kind of traits he wants for his team and in a good company usually the manager works alongside his team and can, somewhat, do their job.

Meanwhile, HR people think .NET has something to do with the internet, C++ is always better than C and that Java and Javascript are the same language.

>> No.58752

>TFW people are this stupid

In order of expected average salaries from largest to smallest:

It might be the frontrunner but its certainly not in last place.
>INB4 a dozen comments arguing about which STEM major is the best


>> No.58777

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.58792

Actually HR, if organized right and constructed with proper talent, can be a powerful asset to any company.
>Inb4 youre just saying that because youre probably a HR major
I work as a Mathematical Forecasting Consultant

>On that note, interviews should be done by managers, not HR people.
>On that note, interviews should be done by PROJECT managers, not HR people.

Fixed that for you.

Out of all the companies I have worked with, the ones that empower their employees more aggressively than industry average are generally the most successful.

>> No.58802

Project managers shouldn't hire anyone besides contractors.

>> No.58821


i hope you are kidding

>> No.58838


mah nigga. same here. how do you deal with the heavy ass workload?

>> No.58839


Please show me these magical 100k jobs in research science and not management.

>> No.58849

>heavy ass workload
Having a second major in economics is about as demanding as minoring in art.

>> No.58887

but .NET DOES have something to do with the internet

>> No.58886

Where are they?
Oh I dunno maybe with the thousands of large successful companies such as 3M, Con Agra, and a plethora of big pharma companies?

>> No.58891

>tfw it's a graduation REQUIREMENT to work an internship
>tfw my school forces me to be successful

>> No.58893

No, it doesn't, and if it does only because it has a few libraries that involve networking. You can use .NET for everything from trading tools to xbox games.

>> No.58914


STFU we're trying to get off to a good start here bum

>> No.58905


Please give me one example that isn't management and is actually science not TEM.

You can say 'they are here' all you want but I want a job advert

>> No.58907


>School forces you be a low/unpaid slave for the companies that donate money to the school.

>> No.58922


i dont know where you live, but in my country studying economics actually requires effort. Now imagine studying econ AND maths.

>> No.58937

That face when first result

>> No.58931

except the company I'm gonna intern for has a 99% rate for extending full time offers for their interns, so I'll be making 60k starting when I finish undegrad

>> No.58959

Nigger I do study math.
Last semester of a dual major Actuarial Science and Management Information Systems

Please tell me again how hard your dual major is.

>> No.58970

Natsumi can copy any angel with that cheeky ability of hers

>> No.58975


>> No.58973


>> No.58984


Doesn't even suggest a wage...Also good luck getting that position without at least 5 years plus experience as a noob chemist.

>> No.58990

> actuarial science

Enjoy your suicidally boring, soul crushing life

>> No.58999


confirmed for citizen of a country with low education standards

>> No.59005

Ah the tears of jealousy for my throbbing huge successful cock.

>> No.59012


say that again when i finally break through the 200.000€ mark and enjoy the rest of my life with a 20 hour week.

>> No.59015

You're in school. You're not successful.

And actuarial shit is fucking terrible. I looked into doing it and decided against it after talking to actual actuaries.

>> No.59025

> confirmed for wilfully ignorant

>> No.59026


See here all the massive choice for 6 figures in 'science' (actually engineering for half of it)


Check out all the consultant, manager, executive and director posts. How many of those do you think are going?

>> No.59089

What is an actuary?? Like what do you atually do wand why do they get paid so much?

>> No.59096


Bit like stock market traders. You fuck up once and you get raped big time.

It's payment for risk.

>> No.59099

Because the barriers to long term entry is the field are pretty big and until recently is was a "little known" job. Now there are way more people trying to do it than there are positions for it.

>> No.59131

>there are people on this board browsing right now who think STEM degrees guarantee jobs


>> No.59136

STEM majors are unlikely to get the huge bonuses opportunities that business types get.

That's why software development is so great. You get the reliable salary and employability of a STEM major, with the huge bonus potential of a business major as long as you work for the right company.

>> No.59151

Signing bonuses in CS are really only at the very beginning (if you're lucky) and for extremely experienced and well known individuals.

>> No.59190

Fuck man, theres always a catch.

Are there any solid majors/careers that you can make bank with and are stable that, heres the catch, AREN'T insanely math oriented?

I've been bad at math all my life and I just want that skrill ;_;

I promise I work hard

>> No.59187

Well yeah, you do have to be good at your job and willing to put in the long hours if you want to get recognized with equity.

I don't think it's that rare though. I've had one pre-IPO and one post-IPO company offer large amount of equity as an incentive, and they do pay it out as long as you hit targets.

>> No.59212

no. and working hard means nothing.

>> No.59213

Actuaries figure out the risk of shit happening or not and give these numbers to insurance companies so they can accurately decide how much to charge people for different kinds of insurance.

It's good because insurance companies will sell insurance to anyone for anything if they have the money, but they need the actuaries to prove to them that 1) the insurance company is getting it's fair share and 2) to have something to persuade the insurance customer that they're not getting fucked over and that giant bill is actually a justified price for this kind of coverage.

>> No.59232

>Are there any solid majors/careers that you can make bank with and are stable that, heres the catch, AREN'T insanely math oriented?
This is what everyone who goes into business and law is seeking: a non-shit job that doesn't require math. Take note that those job sectors are beyond oversaturated.

>> No.59260

They really want you to be unmarried and have no social life. Even the stereotypical "good" companies like Google want that.

>> No.59307

>like Google want that
It's really true. Everybody oogles over their mountainview campus; i mean, it is like a fucking resort, but considering it's Google, and from what I've heard, you need that resort or the stress really gets to you.

>> No.59309

Can't really argue against that.

But I think it'd be rare to make a million before 30 without either being exceptionally lucky or working your ass off for it.

There are trade-offs. May or may not be worth it.

>> No.59323

But what does it mean?
Are there different fields within business and if so what's the best one?

>> No.59315

>mfw everybody is suddenly a STEM major
>mfw saturated field where only the greatest can actually get these 6 figure jobs
>mfw studying management and business administration in a city with a shortage of people with admin skills

>> No.59336

"business" is not the same as a specialized degree in say finance or accounting. No shit someone with "biz admin" wont get shit because they have no knowledge. Fuck off m8 your'e a faggot and your school is probably a piece of shit anyway.

>> No.59369

>Are there different fields within business and if so what's the best one?
There's not so much different fields as there are just different jobs you can get with a business degree. Things like sales and middle management. Anything where you wear a suit and sit at a desk all day.

The problem is, everyone who wants a decent job but doesn't want to do any math or a fuckton of work goes and gets a business degree, so these people are basically expendable to employers.

>> No.59392

I've been there a bunch and know people who work there. They really want you there as much as possible.

Yeah, that's a reasonable way to look at it.

>> No.59394

Social media marketing bro

>> No.59420

I major in economics through the business school, and I feel like killing myself every time I go into a business class. It's like, they teach nothing.

They teach some fucking buzz words, some common sense ideas on how to treat people in the work place, and some dumbed down social-psychological theories.

What's the fucking point? Like honestly? What is it? Why would you ever major in management?

>> No.59433

Business majors are retards. Economics, Finance, and Accounting majors are smart

>> No.59458

>Business majors are retards
I get this, but it's almost as bad as humanities. Hell, at least history teaches you something new. Business fucking teaches shit. Like, it's just a bunch of thoughts that some successful academics published. When they're not shoving down non-contingent vocabulary down your throat, they're throwing Maslow bullshit at you.

If you wanted to fucking learn how people behave or how the mind works, then major in sociology or psychology! Why would you ever get some shitty application of another discipline as a focus of study?

>> No.60308 [DELETED] 
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>> No.60352
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God fucking damn it!

fin engg phd here. had to take some business classes in a top 5 b school.

most useless shit in the world.

prof just gave out a working excel sheet. no principles/math work behind the file was taught.

all the fuckers did was plug and play with the numbers. and they struggled even with that crap.


>> No.60382

Can someone please delete this ignorance?

>> No.60398
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how about you delete yourself?


>> No.60435


If by "need people to run them" you mean they need a constant supply of low skilled labor to fill menial positions within the company for shit pay, then yes you are right.

>> No.60451

Is this what a nervous breakdown looks like?

>> No.60467

What is a "business major" anyway?

Is that an umbrella term for everything thaught in business schools like finance, accounting, economics, marketing, management?

>> No.60495

It's a discipline within itself. It's where you go and learn absolutely nothing. Basically, a good 90% of it is common sense. Don't be a dick to your employees, don't be authoritarian, keep consumer and worker satisfaction at a maximum, et cetera. The rest, which might actually be practical, you could learn on your own by reading essays/books.

>> No.60514


exactly. it's a bullshit major that scratches the surface of a variety of topics and doesn't give the student many useful skills. if kids are interested in business, they should be studying math, finance/econ, and/or computer science.

"business administration" is dumb.

>> No.60517

This thread is a really good start to a new board.

>> No.60528


accounting is a pretty good major for students. Goes hand in hand with finance.

>> No.60537

Alright. I'm just studying finance and accounting myself. Any leadership skills I might want I've gotten from the military already (not US).

>> No.60547

Accounting is useful and actually teaches you skills necessary to manage capital in a company. Finance is great as well as it teaches you much about the various intricacies on how markets operate on a purely, monetary level.

Business/International Business/Business Administration is like a really simple application of a variety of disciplines. It's dumbed down sociology, psychology, accounting, economics, et cetera.

>> No.60552

Currently double majoring in engineering and computer science.
Wanna know how I do it? Amphetamines. I don't sleep for days at a time.

>> No.60624

you should sell them instead, you'l make more money that way.

>> No.60638

>Not doing gender studies

It's like you don't want to be a complete waste of oxygen with a useless degree

>> No.60643

Drug dealer isn't a good addition to a CV.

However, dealing to the rich kids might net you some good contacts.

>> No.60658
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I have a friend studying law and they're told to wear suits to university when their class has meetings. It's cringe worthy stuff seeing a group of them in suits on campus especially on hot days.

I'm assuming it's just to make them feel important? There really isn't any practical reason for it.

>> No.60662
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>tfw I made 110k first year out of highschool selling cars
>tfw everyone else is sinking in debt for years and first year out will be making 40-70k
>tfw you want a new career cause at 30 you don't want to go to your kids career day at school and say you sell cars

>> No.60663
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>tfw businesses in your area are starting to buy into these as legitimate degrees integral to a productive work environment

>> No.60691

How do you into selling cars?

Are you a retailer, or you flip cars?

Is it worth it?

>> No.60743

got into from family members. retail. its worth it as long as you are willing to make the money. sit down every night research the cars your selling, have good people skills, constantly be willing to improve people skills. I legit have seen a guy trying to sell a car to muslim, muslim said he needed to go home and pray on it. Motherfucker pulled out his phone, looked at his compass, said, "that way is mecca, lets pray together" get down on his fucking knees and pray with the dude, needless to say he sold the damn car.

>> No.60804

Sounds like some hardcore selling. Good shit.

>> No.60821
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>studying economics actually requires effort

>> No.60837

i would have pointed out all of the ample space to hide car bombs.

>> No.60857

That guy sounds like an old friend of mine.

The joke, he's muslim. He'd kiss the Wailing Wall if it sold him a car.

>> No.60867

nice thing is half of my dealership is dodge and jeep. Guys coming in looking at trucks don't need any selling, they already know what they want and they have researched it. Jeeps are some what easy, usually little teenager comes in with daddy and they want that big RANGULAR!

>> No.61227

Accounting=useful but detestable
Finance=useful but filled with people to dumb for maths
IT=certificates are better, saturated by chinks and injuns

why are business majors such shit, why do people still believe in MBAs?

>> No.61234

It requires mathematical skill

>> No.61253

>mathematical skill
You mean basic algebra and bare minimum calculus? The only calc I see those guys do is d/dx(x^2) = 2x

>> No.61266

>game recognize game
that dude is a true hustler...he prolly had a rug handy just for praying

>> No.61399

why do people still think MBAs are worthwhile?
seriously, management is the fakest major ever

>> No.61438

In non American countries Economics employs high level linear algebra.

>> No.61775

>business owner at 21
>going to make 100k+ this year
>collegefags haven't even finished school yet
>probably be millionaire by 25

>> No.61815

MBAs aren't all management dipshit. In fact the majority of them aren't.

>> No.61825

> lying on the internet

Nobody's impressed.

>> No.61894

I'd say go accounting. While businesses can always shed dead weight, accounts are fundamental to any organization so they can actually figure out what the shit is going on with their money. There is expected to be decent growth in accounting jobs over the next decade, and the math you do is addition and subtraction heavily helped with the use of Microsoft Excel.

>> No.61945

>>TFW they buy nice suits and walk around campus in them

Most b-school kids wear garbage suits and even worse dress shoes

>> No.61965

Business Administration is useful as a base skill until you start learning about management/communication

You'd be surprised by the number of people who can't use simple Excel functions or use Accounting software

>> No.61980

You are a fucking moron. I am a finance major, who did finance because I wanted to study a subject more specialized yet still easier than economics. I can tell you right now you do not belong on this board because you have no grasp of any knowledge in any part of life because your IQ, if it was not impossible, would be in the negative. Please kill yourself ASAP for being that fucking stupid.

>> No.61993

i got a business degree from usc, got a financial analyst job at a major bank making 80k out of graduation. it worked for me

but business degrees only work if youre good at networking and presenting yourself. if youre an austitc neet out of shape aspie with bad hair and bad clothes like most of 4chins, a business degree is a bad idea. STEM is perfect for you in that case

>> No.62026
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>> No.62041

what some repectable MBA areas then?

>> No.62057

chill out anon. OP is obviously just jelly of business admin majors because STEM classes don't have any girls in them.

He's right about the kids who do the Target Executive Team Leader shit though. It's usually dumb marketing students who do it.

>> No.62090

how is usc business nigga

>> No.62127

Finance and accounting come to mind. Going to get an MBA in general management is usually a waste of time because it's literally just the slightly higher version of a business administration degree. It's just way too general. Even getting it in a specific type of management is better than just doing a general MBA.

>> No.62136

The core courses in an MBA program introduce the various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources and operations management; many programs include elective courses.

It also teaches people how to use google to find a simple answer

>> No.62157

if you want to work in LA after you graduate, it's your only option. UCLA and stanford don't have undergraduate business schools.

many of the major banks / big 4 firms will not even talk to other schools. they only recruit from USC

so it's a great school if you do your own networking and take advantage of the huge number of recruitment opportunities. but the school doesn't hold your hand at all; you have to do this all on your own

the schooling itself is pretty gay. the undergraduate business classes are hit and miss, with professors who are either great or terrible. lots and lots of international students. you will have a lot of group projects with frat boys and sorority girls, who make up a huge % of the business school

im graduating in 3 years with a fulltime job lined up, so it worked for me. but if youre looking to "take your time" in college or take it easy, its not the best school. its for those OCD networking types who can make things happen

>> No.62174

Well let's hope my quad legacy status bumps me in, sounds like a gr8 school

>> No.62235


didn't bother reading the rest of the posts in this thread but you obviously attend a garbage university. Many business major at top universities...ie. Penn (Wharton), Berkeley, Cornell, USC, etc... are easily clearing six figures straight out of undergrad, mainly if they go into investment banking or trading.

Extremely unlikely you are making six figure salary as an engineer; even the people from top schools working at the best firms (Google, Facebook) are barely or not even breaking six figures at age 25. seeing as how you apparently attend a shit university, I seriously doubt your claim

>> No.62244
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>tfw business major
>don't need to work because I'm rich and I live on 300$ a month
>dad forced me into this school, too beta to oppose him
>find out I hate the operational side of business, but kinda like the applied science and theoretical side of it
>want to get a masters in economics or finance
>have no solid background in economics due to half-assed econ courses because business school
>pretty good at finance but hate the idea of working at an investment bank
>considering academia, but the paper stress would be too much of a hassle
>on top of it I'm not naturally gifted towards mathematics as I'm towards writing, I doubt I could get a MSc without a lot of suffering
>as a result of this I'd probably have to be one of those bullshitters that keep debating century old economists to keep my job or work for the government on regulation fucking shit up, which I despise both
>dad calls me this morning asking me when I'll get a job

fucking hell I just want to keep masturbating to my animes

>> No.62258

usc bro checking in. I'm guessing HLHZ? >>62157
UCLA is solid as well. search through linkedin, you will find a ton of UCLA people who work at major banks in LA. definitely agree with you on the professors and the classes at marshall, i fucking hate it and cant wait to graduate

>> No.62267

>what are trustfund babbys networking and colluding

>> No.62275

what are you people talking about? The business degree at my school has a choice of concentration of either management (lel), finance, accounting, or marketing

>> No.62340

>tfw I am scared to wear a suit to my Econ class because I'll look too autistic. But everyone else does it.

>> No.62343

You are worse than poor people.
Die, you filthy leech. If it weren't for your dad's money you'd just be another NEET.

>> No.62349

Enjoy losing your job to curryniggas, ma nigga.

>> No.62360 [DELETED] 

Is there a site for exchanging doge that doesnt look like its going to collapse in a horrible shady ragefest?

>> No.62363

Nigga is you serious?
I fucking love wearing suits. Makes me feel good about myself because I look damn good (every man in a well tailored suit does) bitches love it and I get a (fake) sense of success and being rich (which I'm not).
Even if you shouldn't really wear it because you haven't "earned" it, fuck that, feels good nigga.

>> No.62365

>6 figure salary
so much bullshit

>> No.62375

Most engineering starts out much lower than that too.

>> No.62379

Maybe if you dream hard enough it will become reality?

>> No.62392

If you're talking about OP, then yes.

>> No.62411


Woah, envy much? At least I'm not spending his fortune, didn't have to pay for college.

>> No.62406

Biology majors I know look at pharmacy techs making piss poor money.

>> No.62417

None of those are much good. I am a business major and I would suggest only doing it if you can get in a top school like Harvard.

>> No.62438

>tfw older brother studied politics & history
>makes well into 6 figures in business (at 29)

>tfw i studied accounting
>i'll be lucky to make 1/5 of what he makes by the time i'm 29

>> No.62429

I am an investment banker and did a degree in finance and earning pretty good money.

>> No.62430

Alright fine I'll be honest and yes I'm fucking yelly.
I fucking hate being poor, but if it takes years of suffering to gain years of joy, then so be it.
But some people are jsut born into it never having to worry how to make the most bang out of their buck.
And then people like you come along.

>> No.62445


>> No.62463

He's certainly the exception to the rule. I know way more History and other Liberal Arts majors that are either jobless or working at shit jobs (Mall, Starbucks, that sort).

>tfw i'll be making $81,000 and my gf will make $100,000

>> No.62477

Alright, so tell us what happened.
How does he differ from you?

>> No.62480

what school did you go to anon?

>> No.62544
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closest thing to a feel thread so posting here:

it's 4am. I have class at 8. need to wake up at 6:30-7 normally

stay up and get mcdonalds-->go to class--> come home and sleep or force myself to stay awake til like 8PM then pass out for a solid nights sleep

thanks /biz/ybees

>> No.62547

Niqqa go to sleep at 8pm.
A good night of sleep is vital for a productive day at work.

>> No.62571
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dont sleep at all duh

>> No.62574

alright neat, so I just have to watch ice dancing at full volume for another hour and a half before I can go shower and start binging coffee for 13 hours.

thanks for your input

>> No.62575


Don't need to be jelly, anon, I'm not as rich as you think I am. I lead a very humble lifestyle and my dad is pretty much broke. Good thing I have some money on my name that I barely touch. Nevertheless, you'll probably be better off with a decade's work than I'll ever be not working at all. I'm just not cut for the market.

>> No.62843

What's the math in a Finance/Econ MSc like?

>> No.62883


2nding this question

>> No.63019
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is an bat an business?

>> No.63136

>If your company needs anything but automated software and a manager's secretary/assistant/intern to find workers, your company isn't compartmentalised enough. On that note, interviews should be done by managers, not HR people.

>what is outsourcing your HR function

>> No.63175
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Excel is half the battle, friend

>> No.63188

>not storing data in .csv
>not using R or similar
Fuck excel

>> No.63197

R is overly complex. SPSS is better.

>> No.63222

>not overly complex

That program hurts my head. Mostly because I was forced to use it in college even though we weren't shown how to use it properly

>> No.63229

>R is overly complex.
I should probably put it on my CV more then.

>> No.63236

excel is easy if you know the math you're trying to work out

>> No.63249

They used to make the econ undergrads use STATA at my Uni, that programme is bs. Even the university itself demanded SPSS over STATA for jobs, no idea why they didn't use SPSS

>> No.67005

R is an excellent choice when grinding out some niche mechanics. It has no place in the office environment, however, as it is not as translatable or effective when presenting information as Excel is.
>Inb4 I dont know what Im talking about
>Inb4 some undergrad who used R for one semester during his statistics class tries to explain how superior it is to excel

>Inb4 why you bump this shit thread.

>> No.67056


>> No.67120

>R is an excellent choice when grinding out some niche mechanics. It has no place in the office environment, however, as it is not as translatable or effective when presenting information as Excel is.
I've used it to (partially) auto generate periodic reports and other things, including excel spreadsheets. Excel has a lot of data handling issues unfortunately, plus its graphics have always been p bad. R on the other hand is not used as broadly and fewer people have the skillset to use it, but if you're doing anything where you can't risk a bug fucking shit up it's great and can do the same file output and input as excel.

>> No.67172

Everyone I know that got a B.A. in business or business related got jobs right out of college and are making obscene money working for Wal-mart/Tyson/JBHunt/Sam's/etc. corporate offices.

>> No.67199


nobody pays engineers

the managers of the engineers get more than double what they pay the engis.

Want raise? Nope, u just got canned for another engi hoping hed make it into the big monehs

>> No.67237

you're fucking retarded, stop using words you don't understand

>> No.67338
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I hate the STEM acronym; it was probably created by a sociology major and it screams beaucratic stupidity.

>> No.67328

I'm double majoring in Management Information Systems and Operations Management at a top 5 business college. Am I fucked?

>> No.67331

>nobody pays engineers
Depends. An engineer who isn't management material isn't really worth much to anyone, those who are can get monies on par with any other high paid profession. A lot have this weird fantasy of being locked in a cupboard and working sciencey problems all day though, bloody useless.

>> No.67332

>believing the STEM myth
I'm not going to call you stupid because that's not fair, there are definitely a lot of opportunities in STEM but for every person who is wildly successful, I would wager there are twice as many dead end jobs and general failures.

If you are picking a job for security, I genuinely hope it works out for you because if it doesn't, you'll have nothing.

>> No.67390

MIS, so long as you have drive, is a quick way to become rich.

Use your Operations Management major to get in the door at a company, use your MIS skills to pursue your fortune.

>> No.67444

If you have any of the following degrees, you are wasting your time in undergrad studies:
-Software Engineering (Unless your tuition is less than 7k a year)
-Gender Studies (Or anything even close to it)
-Political Science

>> No.67462

and the rest of the Obvious ones

>> No.67470

biology, writing, and english belong on that list

>> No.67499

what about history

>> No.67508


>> No.67514


>> No.67535

>Management Info systems
You can be, but at my university it had 100% job placement, and not "shift leaders at Target" either.

>> No.67553

I wish I could get a degree that was a double major in bowel movements and sitting around

>> No.67575

>this is what teenagers actually believe

>> No.67577


cuz muh TA is lazy shit

I dont like R simply for its retarded pants on hats lexicon/operators...

especially compared matlab and python

>> No.67594

Psychology legit is bullshit

>> No.67628

It's to make sure that they have multiple suits for when they start their employment and when they start to interview.

>> No.67726

Any of the aforementioned fields of study, save for software engineering, require graduate school or similar to even be considered a somewhat competetive asset in the labor market. EVEN THEN, diversified academic indulgence is preferable to niche study.

i.e. A Lawyer with an undergrad background in finance is much more desirable to employers than a Lawyer with an undergrad in prelaw.

>> No.67750

I get that it is an advantage to feel comfortable in a suit when you begin to participate in the business environment, but they still look like dushes.

>> No.67780

Basically this.

>> No.67964

psychology is not what you read in a magazine you fucking faggot.

Its statistics, science, neuroscience, cognitive science etc

Its a new science, so it has catching up to do, but progress is immense.

There are still many people on this planet that believe in a "soul" and dispute the fact that the brain is responsible for behaviour.

ex psychology: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438898801505

>> No.68479

>not centered in the spreadsheet
>0/10 waste of time

>> No.68748

Not that guy, but how exactly?

>> No.68857

I recently held a pivot table class in my IT shop - around 300 people attended. They think I'm some sort of wizard.

Learn that shit inside and out.

>> No.68923

I never get the big deal with Pivot Tables.

They take about ten minutes to learn, but people act like they're the PhD of excel or something

>> No.68951

>I never get the big deal with Pivot Tables.
Then you're not using them properly.

>> No.68963
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>implying he wasn't making room for Robin

You're clearly not in tune with our company vision, anon. Please report for the bi-daily Performance Complement Sandwich Review

>> No.69035

> believing 'admin skills' can be taught
> not knowing that most people drop out of STEM and switch to Business

>> No.69027


This article, especially the comments is one of the most redpilled things I've read in a long time. Is it actually true?

>> No.69142

I major in Engineering as it's difficult. I do what others have failed to do and I'm going the extra mile.

You really think anybody will want to hire you skill-less narcissistic Economics/Business majors over an Engineering major? You're fucking deluded. There's nothing you can do that we can't do better.

>> No.69164

Depends on the skillset the job requires, negro

>> No.69186


Business majors have no real skills.

>> No.69200

Business majors have no competitive advantage over other undergrads who arent liberal arts majors.

>> No.69237
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I feel you bruh. Chem Eng. master race

These business majors talk big but what it comes down to is they have one of the easiest majors.

An easy major cannot guarantee success due to the many graduates it produces which aren't necessarily intelligent people. It's an easier major, why would an easier major produce greater opportunity? It cannot. Sure, the people who excel will get opportunities, but even the average student in engineering has a multitude more opportunities than the average student in business.

That said, it's still a great degree but only if you put in the work not to just get A's or to pass but to really excel. I can't respect anyone getting their degree who did not put as much effort into theirs as I have into mine.

>> No.69246

What skills do engineering grads have?

Serious question, btw. I don't quite understand the level of circlejerking among engineering grads on /biz/.

I have two engineering grads in my masters business course, and they don't have any advantage over the rest of us, they get the same results

In terms of employability, yes they do.

I did a languages undergrad, and any time I went for interviews, it was plain I didn't have a fucking notion what I was doing.

After I started my business masters, I actually understood business-related topics, and knew how to perform different business roles.

Stop believing everything /pol/ says

>> No.69406 [DELETED] 

In terms of employability, yes they do.

I did a languages undergrad, and any time I went for interviews, it was plain I didn't have a fucking notion what I was doing.

After I started my business masters, I actually understood business-related topics, and knew how to perform different business roles.

Stop believing everything /pol/ says
This just sounds like youre retarded. You dont need to waste thousands of dollars learning what the difference between franchise, license and affiliation is. Thats something you should be doing in your spare time instead of wasting away on 4chan.

>> No.69416

>In terms of employability, yes they do.

>I did a languages undergrad, and any time I went for >interviews, it was plain I didn't have a fucking notion >what I was doing.

>After I started my business masters, I actually >understood business-related topics, and knew how >to perform different business roles.

>Stop believing everything /pol/ says

This just sounds like youre retarded. You dont need to waste thousands of dollars learning what the difference between franchise, license and affiliation is. Thats something you should be doing in your spare time instead of wasting away on 4chan.

>> No.69436

Don't be retarded. And Political science actual has a much higher median mid-career salary than you think.

>> No.69453

That's not correct. At all. Why? Because you're making the assumption that nearly everyone works in a job directly related to their field of study, which isn't even remotely close to true.,

>> No.69462

Protip: many many companies hire business types to manage over engineers.

>> No.69471

>However, dealing to the rich kids might net you some good contacts.
I sold (some) cocaine to rich kids, and got to meet their parents when I was a student at Harvard. After meeting one of their fathers, I got invited to go skiing in Colorado, and eventually got a job trading at his firm.
I can't talk about it, though.
Oh, and obviously, they all just thought I was a friend.

>> No.69478

Protip: Only MAJOR business do that.

>> No.69491

The vast majority of medium to large companies do that.

>> No.69505

Protip: Only if you go exceedingly high up the totem pole.

You will never have a business type directly manage engineers who are actually working nor over their superior engineers and engineering managers. Engineers < Leads < Eng. Managers < Discipline Chief < Manager of all Engineering < Business related faggots

Big companies such as Chevron or Shell train engineers to have a business like mind when they move them to middle management or whatever.

>> No.69522

And yet they still hire liaisons without technical backgrounds because engineers generally suck donkey cock of dealing with other parts and aspects of a company.

>> No.69567

This is not applicable to anyone coming out with a bachelor's which is generally what this thread is bickering about.
And again, these liason's are high up the totem pole and do not directly deal with engineers. So delusional.

>> No.69593

Oh really? Did starbucks start paying their employees more?

>> No.69602


>> No.69608

I think specialized degrees would be at least somewhat useful, like a healthcare admin MBA.

>> No.69633
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>that feel when electrician

>that feel when nearly every engineer I meet is terrified of the hum coming from the breaker panel and wont even walk past it

>that feel when potato does more complex thinking on the job than I do

>> No.69643 [DELETED] 

>TFW I got a 2 year degree in business administration
>TFW best job I could get was managing a coffeeshop for 25kish
>TFW got 4 year degree in business administration
>TFW got 40k job working at large firm
>TFW go back to school and graduate at age 27 with degree in a niche engineering field
>TFW 1 year after graduation I was making 90kish working on proprietary hydraulic technology

>> No.69671


Plumbers, Electricians, etc make dank money for next to nothing in capital expenditures, relatively speaking.

When I was in college I faked credentials and advertised myself as a plumber in Wisconsin. Pulled in 4k a month for roughly 15 - 20 hours of work a week.
Gave it up when I graduated. Glad I never got caught, could have ended badly.

>> No.69682

They can't be a fucking liaisons if they don't deal directly with the parties they go between.


Take note of government, international relations, and political science itself (all three are part of political science).

>> No.69712
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I actually want like business/finance/economics
it's what my dad does and even though he's not making as much as he could because: he wants to stay with us as much as he can, he hates the locations he'd have to work in to make a lot of money, and he hates people

I just want to do what I want to do, but is it really as good as you /biz/nessman say, or is it as shit as you /stem/cells say?

>> No.69760
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>nearly every engineer I meet is terrified of the hum coming from the breaker panel and wont even walk past it

Sometimes I get shit to arc just to halt conversation

>> No.69788

STEM people are usually just bitter because they see us making bank but don't understand how finance/economist types create value to society.

While the work stemcells do is complex, even the dumbest of laymen can see how stemcells contribute to society.

That said, don't go into business administration. If you even get close to the top of the totem pole, you'll take a year off and do an MBA anyway.

>> No.69850

If you're socially retarded, be an engineer. You won't thrive in business unless you're good at speaking and networking.

>> No.69874


Government in 14th place.
International relations in 28th place (17 spots above philosophy)

Median starting salary for Political Science is 41,000.

Average pay assuming the standard salary work week of 50 hours a week and excluding 2 weeks for vacation you have about 16.4$ per hour.


Base level management at Target stores make more than that, and the whole time you were pissing away thousands of dollars getting your degree they were working and making money.

>> No.69887

I see, so you literally ignored the information.

>> No.69909

>Extremely unlikely you are making six figure salary as an engineer; even the people from top schools working at the best firms (Google, Facebook) are barely or not even breaking six figures at age 25
I actually know someone who is an engineer, is at that age, is working at a large firm, and is making a 6-figure salary. It's possible, but you need a seriously good history (involvement in projects, qualifications/certifications, etc) and the right connections. It also helps to go into a government sector, suffer a bit by earning a sub $60k for a year or two while doing work beyond your qualifications (and succeeding at it), take as many certifications as possible under the government's bankroll, and then market yourself in the civilian sector with all the work experiences you've accumulated in that time. It also helps to go into the defense sector.

>> No.69928

Holy shit, I know that guy. He's a professor at University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

>> No.70253

The correct term here is "twat".

>> No.71605

It's easily possible. Most of my friends who got offers started out > $80,000 and my gf accepted an offer for $100,000 + $20,000 sign on bonus.

It helps to be in a city where engineering is actually practiced though...Houston is nice in that respect.

>> No.71633


My dad works in mechanical engineering, a defense-related government-funded company.

They recently hired a girl in at 90k who has had one semester of community college. She just said "Well I'm REALLY GOOD at programming stuff" So now they pay her for college, and a salary. It makes me want to fucking puke.

>> No.71667

> tfw you went to a shit - tier university.

>> No.71718

>Extremely unlikely you are making six figure salary as an engineer; even the people from top schools working at the best firms (Google, Facebook) are barely or not even breaking six figures at age 25.
100k starting salary + stock is pretty much standard right now at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.

>> No.71745

>mfw I had a highschool teacher who majored in business
>mfw he taught computer science so others wouldn't make the same mistake as him

>> No.72057


Looks to me like they included all sciences in STEM. That's a blue-pill.

>> No.72144

you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.72166

wow, that's completely incorrect

>> No.72324

>not programming databases in access with vba

>> No.72552

Bumping this beautiful thread

>> No.72619

in any respectable school you have to at least solve basic differential equations

>> No.72646

basic: Microeconomics - Mankiw
advanced: Microeconomics - Mas Collel

>> No.72717

Not sure if I believe this. With a quick google search looking up economics programs, I see requirements of only Cal 1.

>> No.72748

>not fleshing out business models in your free time while studying engineering so you have a solid fallback if plans don't work out, or if they do, some technical and problem-solving background that would be helpful in many fields

>> No.72881

Dont believe him, hes full of shit. The lowest level mathematics course that would touch differential equations is calc 2 and ALOT of majors do not require this.

Went to a top tier school for university, majored in mathematics. Can confirm that Calc 1 there had no differential equations.

>> No.72908

This is what I thought. I just looked up the program offered at UT in Austin. I'm a Chem eng senior at a different school and I've taken Cal 1 - 3 and Diff. Eq. of course but I've never heard of economics majors taking anything past Cal 1...

>> No.72982

Women are in high demand for affirmative action quotas, I bet.

>> No.73003

They really are. You get these dumb dolls that get the good internships without even having passed thermo 1 or chemical processes...50% they'll fail out of the major anyways.

>> No.73039

>haven't even passed thermo I
Jesus Christ. I'm majoring aerospace and am in my second semester of sophomore year, took intro to aero/astro, am up to Diff EQ's, took several physics courses, am in statics & dynamics (physics again basically), thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and have taken several other core classes that were all relevant, and I am terrified of even applying to intern this summer - I feel as though I'm not prepared for any sort of real world work.

>> No.73056

r u retarded? you know the average cost to the student at harvard is like $10k

>> No.73075


>> No.73078

Don't worry brosef. I didn't intern until I finished up Dynamics, Thermo 1, Diff. Eq, and...I forget as a sophomore. Honestly did not use any of it except for basic unit conversions since they did not expect much out of me since (or most interns). But it really helps having a grasp of these subjects since you can really talk turkey with some of the engineers and show you know shit and how it's relevant to how they're designing things. I've since interned there a total of three times and changed majors to Chemical Engineering and am about to graduate this semester. Most internships and engineering in the real world is not theory heavy in the slightest. It just really helps if you remember it when on the off chance you actually need to use it when you develop something from the ground-up or what have you.

The money is also good. Made $22 / hr.

>> No.73086

>this thread
>nerds trying to justify their degree
>pretend it's hard
I bet you're the same guys on /g/ that find 1st year calc difficult
top kek

>> No.73113

I found calc very difficult. A lot of that probably had to do with the fact that I had shit teachers and shit outside help.

>> No.73207
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Take it easy, people deal with school better than others.

>> No.73300

****Full of shit alert****

>> No.73314

Calc 1 - Medium Difficulty (Unless you were one of the rubes who threw away their youth to take preparatory courses in high school.)
Calc 2 - Hardest out of the three courses.
Calc 3 - Easiest out of all three courses.

>> No.73340

I ended up getting 1% away from a required C- my first time in Calc II. I buckled down and retook it at my hometown's community college while working full-time the summer after and got an A. If you review it (whether in a class or on your own) Calc II starts to make intuitive sense, and you can actually do it well.

>> No.73425

Nobody in STEM is actually like that. Everyone is clean cut and well adjusted for the most part. A few are genuinely ugly but at least they're self-aware. You wouldn't believe how many fucking business majors at my school walk around in poorly fitting suits with bulky cuff links trying to give the impression that they just closed a $80 million deal.

>> No.73464

>staying up all night
>eating mcdonalds
Nigga get your shit together.

>> No.73468

They wear the cheapest looking suits because their internships are generally unpaid or paid very little :^)

Sucks to suck, I suppose.

>> No.73492


>> No.73530

That and the idea of having a tailor is totally alien to them. Their lower class background tells them anyone looks good in a suit so the $100 suit from Macy's will look just fine. When they're not wearing suits, they're usually wearing huge basketball shoes, basketball shorts and a tank top, regardless of whether or not they're working out or playing basketball. They still have a high school mindset and putting on a suit isn't going to change that.

>> No.73531

how is business a waste exactly? Unless you don't include accounting or finance

>> No.73596

>tfw 2.5 GPA though

>> No.73660

Good luck m80. Hope you know someone!

>> No.73666

You're basically dead. Might as well just kill yourself and your whole family for failing to raise you correctly.

>> No.73668

My biodad graduated with an aerospace degree (went on to do real estate flipping and renovating and renting apartments though) and might be able to get me connected, but that 2.5 is still embarrassing. I'm trying to buckle down, but obviously it's not officially changing before application season is over.

>> No.73693

Yea man, whichever way you get one you need to get one. Getting one leads to others even if your GPA is so-so. And if you do well at that one you could always just intern there the following summer as well instead of trying to switch...But of course, have to get that first one.

>> No.76846

open here. bumping

>> No.79610


making $34/hr isn't slave wage status