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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6251448 No.6251448 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point in having an ED account anymore?

The only exclusives I see are scam coins like TAU.

>> No.6251486

How else are you going to buy prix?

>> No.6251583

I exclusively trade on etherdelta. It's noncustodial and you can trade anything with only the ERC20 token address.

>> No.6251615

there's no such thing as an ED account lol. you just connect it to various wallets. whenever I wanna use it I create a throw away wallet and send eth / tokens to it.

>> No.6251650

None of my trades even process these days.

>> No.6251996

ChainTrade (CTT) Thank me later. All star team, sub 20 million market cap, 40 million max and circulating supply. Get COMFY.

>> No.6252115

I'm using it to pick up some CRED.

Used it to pick up OPT, 7x'd on it.

Was shilled into UFR on it too, still walked away with a profit before it started tanking. (not a shill, just saying)

Picked up some NIMFA too but I don't recommend that.. just threw some pocket change at it in case it mooned.

ED is good for exclusives outside of exchanges with a good user interface.

>> No.6252251

Im not new to crypto and I made quite a good money on it. I lost 2 eth the other day and I dont know how.

I never EVER shared my private key. I always verify its the actual site and not a scam mirror...

anyone has a clue how the fuck did I lost my eth?

>> No.6252303

Just used it yesterday and it was slow as hell. Fucking eth.

>> No.6252543

did you lose the eth after depositing it to the ed contract? maybe you had old buy orders that were filled. check out previous tokens you were trying to buy and see if you have any balance. if that's not the case, then i have no clue. i only use metamask for ed just in case, and no problems as of yet.

>> No.6252774

Sophiatx and mywish are very valuable coins. Will make easily x2 below two weeks

>> No.6252829

It has CRED you fool.

>> No.6252856

Already took off.

>> No.6252899

metamask bruh. use metamask.

>> No.6252952

>with a good user interface.

I hope I'm misinterpreting that as saying ED has a good user interface.

>> No.6252990

I mean, blockcat is on etherdelta, thats a sleeping giant.
it's on cryptopia too, but who wants to risk them fucking up another wallet and losing your currency

>> No.6252995

Subtle fudder missed the TAU train? You can still buy in, anon...

>> No.6253008


Yeah, I was really impressed by SPHTX. I'm really surprised it's not discussed on here more often. I've seen it mentioned twice, including your post.

>> No.6253036

It’s a double-digit coin.

>> No.6253124

I've heard good things about EXRN

>> No.6253142
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It gets all sorts of great moon missions, OP, I'd deal with the lousy interface if only for that.

It had DRGN, UFR, ATS, and a shitton of other good ones weeks before anyone was shilling 'em.

Definitely still worth it, just don't lose your account by "changing the gas price" lol

>> No.6253163
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>> No.6253185

No Need for EtherDelta for me anymore.
For anyone whos been buying from this shithole because they dont have a crytopia account... They just reopened registration.


thanks me later

>> No.6253325

Pick up some NIMFA. Their platform launches tommarow and it's and easy 50x from there

>> No.6253520

Thank you. Just got an account. However Etherdelta and IDEX is still much needed for shitcoins that no one knows about yet.

>> No.6253536


Yeah, ED has the shittiest user interface ever. I meant that you wont find most exclusives in exchanges with a good user interface.

>> No.6253580

Holy shit, crypto margin loans with zero backing? Is this real?

>> No.6253745

Wow those devs are smart as shit
Coin will definitely explode just for the concept
People will get fucked over HARD in the end for taking out a loan
But it seems good just to buy without actually taking out a loan.
>Still, I'll pass

>> No.6253752


It's a gamble brah, but it could pay off handsomely.

>> No.6253821


Fucking this

>> No.6253848
File: 21 KB, 785x578, DQ2vMIBV4AAPPwQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay $8
>get nothing

I love trading on ED

>> No.6253860

You're obviously a brainlet.
Most of my gains are because of me buying shit before it's mainstream.
Also just up your gwei to 70+ and you'll be fine

>> No.6253885

Nope, only reason I had was to buy coins from Cryptopia. Now that it is open once more I can finally buy UFR somewhere else.

>> No.6253890

GMT is only available on ED and is a Mark Cuban coin, worth it just for that

>> No.6253923

Happened to me today brother. Then there was no point in me trying again because I wouldn't have enough gas left. Fuck ED. Is it even possible for them to improve the exchange or is it just the nature of the blockchain?

>> No.6253958

Wow a whole 8 dollars. If you have a decent sized portfolio that's not even noticeable amidst normal fluctuation.

>> No.6253974


Look at this retarded bullshit.

>> No.6253988

Is it safe to keep ETH/tokens in ED's smart contract? I know the DNS was hacked but anything in the smart contract should be safe right?

>> No.6254019

Not the point. This should NEVER happen.

>> No.6254021

Wow looks pretty good actually.
I also want to know this. Don't feel like paying for 2x gwei

>> No.6254025

>2700 gwei
>$848 fee

oh my god please tell me this wasn't you anon

>> No.6254033

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's a ponzi. Like, by definition.

At least Tether lies about its stability.

>> No.6254039

PFR is worth it but EtherDelta is fucking trash

> No customer service to speak of
> Gas prices dont matter
> Literal days for transactions to process
> Scams you out of gas money if the payment fails

Just buy as much Payfair in one go as you can and get the fuck out

>> No.6254044

Why the fuck did the chink who bought this ran it into the fucking ground. Holy shit an ICO? For what fucking purpose you scamming greedy chink. You could have made more money being a first mover in DX's.


>> No.6254065

Meant to reply to you here>>6254021

>> No.6254069

this post was meant for this

>> No.6254083

how much gas you using faggot?

>> No.6254086

More room for ZRX I guess?

>> No.6254115

I was compaining after losing $10

Jeez man