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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 865x487, ripplexrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6243054 No.6243054 [Reply] [Original]

What would be an realistic target for XRP? Would $5 forinstance be possible?

>> No.6243085


ripple cripple


>> No.6243129

0.3 jew token soon.

>> No.6243132


>> No.6243189

$5 by the end of the month.

CMC purposefully tanked the market so their bots could scoop up more before big news in their Q4 report pumps the price.

>> No.6243190

$5 is happening within 12 days. $280 is happening in 8-10 months. Finish filling your positions and be patient.

You're welcome.

>> No.6243236

target 0.75 eoy

>> No.6243353

5 dollars in 16 days

>> No.6243368

got in at 0.22 so that would still be profit ;)

>> No.6243516
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and why didn't you sell at ath you retard? waiting for 20k? dummy

>> No.6243593

cause me is greedy and likes money, also thought it would be going up for a while longer

>> No.6243644

$1000 is the final target.

>> No.6243680

come on, 100k is more realistic, cnbc said so.

>> No.6243697
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>> No.6243709
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And that is giving it far too much credit.

>> No.6243746
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>> No.6244050


Global market cap of all central bank paper and electronic currency is at least $90 Trillion. All global wealth is at least $590 Trillion. XRP is the new world reserve currency and $1000 is a realistic target with a market cap of $50 Trillion.

>> No.6244125

I saw the thread and it's probably bullshit, both accounts were 2-3 days old without any other posts.

>> No.6244154

no faggot it's not, it's a piece of shit that have nothing to do with ripple network.
stop being deluded this shit will never be cash 2.0

>> No.6244233

Dude the US dollar will be a fucked up dead shitcoin if this happens. $1000 would buy you a happy hour beer when XRP is 1k.

>> No.6244255

Obviously 500$ before summer.
Go all in anon, you'll make it

>> No.6244316


It's the only cryptocurrency that complies with existing financial laws and regulations, and was made specifically to meet the needs or corporations and governments. So yes, XRP is obviously the next world reserve currency.

>> No.6244354


>> No.6244384

literal cuck

08' just wasn't good enough was it, huh cuck?

>> No.6244434

Anon, it's up to you how you invest and pick your freedom as how to make money.

I'm in it for the greenbacks. That is all.

As long it makes some Benjamin and doesn't carry jail, then it's fair game.

>> No.6244546


You already use central bank money every day, yet you choose XRP to be the hill that you die on? If you want to disconnect from the central bank system you need to go to some place where central bank money is not used, and western governments have no jurisdiction. But no. You would never be honest with yourself and do that.

>> No.6244584

what board is it

>> No.6244632
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fuck your normies bullshit regulation, what is good for burgerland doesn't apply to the whole world, faggot.
stay cucked to your masters.

>> No.6244732
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>what the fuck is a crypto currency

I'm going to gas you economic illiterates myself.

>> No.6244840

How did you buy your lunch today?

>> No.6244904

>could achieve financial freedom through an alternative system.
>choose ripple.
good goy.
you're not even in this for the money, as there are shitcoins that could give you 100x the ROI of ripple, still you choose to be a slave to the jew. people amaze me.

>> No.6244976

>localbitcoins when need to use fiat for petty cash

Everything else I literally use crypto for and for the remainder they just haven't adopted yet. So your point is moot (lol)

>> No.6245035


>> No.6245077

It was some random board I saw while looking up info on xrp.

Trust me, it's bullshit

>> No.6245118

So its literally impossible to budget since you cant predict your buy power with all your money in crypto. And to top it all off you get no benefit from this since when it does come time to buy money you still have to convert over to the evil bank system.


>> No.6245128

>tfw thinks bankers are going to cede control to Chris and Brad
the moment they see them above them on the forbes list this shit is going to crash...

>> No.6245183

I know you're really struggling to understand network effect here, but soon I won't have to and for the most part I already don't.

>> No.6245238


>Thinks it's possible to build a parallel system and replace a system that took hundreds of years to build. A system that has the support of every government in the west, the military and police, and a majority of the population. Thinks other countries that want to destroy the US wouldn't take advantage of the chaos. Thinks the government wouldn't become even more brutal out of desperation. Thinks there is a single case of a successful slave or peasant rebellion in world history that did not have the help of a foreign government.

>> No.6245324

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

>> No.6245480

he's clearly an antisemitic piece of shit.
fucking jew.

>> No.6245524

Wow, can we not go naming Jews like this? Thank you.

>> No.6245565


>> No.6245610

These are all correct

>> No.6245679


>> No.6245801

38,739,142,811 XRP in circulation
5 dollars isn't happening bud

>> No.6245898

they can also print more if they want btw.

>> No.6246049

No matter if you agree or not with what Ripple is doing, it's going to keep going up. Right now we're in a slump but if you just buy some XRP and throw it on a ledger and come back in a few months to a year you will 100% be pleasantly surprised. Too many people on here let their emotions get in the way of the money. XRP is gonna make you money long term whether you like it or not. It's up to you if you like money. It's a no brainer.

>> No.6246072

At that price I'll still make a profit.

>> No.6246354
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fuck off to twatter dumbass newfag nigger faggot.

>> No.6246416

#XRPthestandard #XRP #Ripple


We're going to get so rich guys!

>> No.6246633

$5.02 10 Days

>> No.6246641

It's ironic because you shitcoin speculators are doing the exact same thing you hate Jews for

>> No.6246652
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>> No.6246672


>> No.6246688

A profit told me

>> No.6246728

$666 by may

>> No.6246888

yep, no reason they be the only one abusing gentils goys like you. faggot.

>> No.6246957
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>being this retarded

>> No.6247136


ahahahaha deluded fucking cripples

You can say literally the same thing about any cryptocurrency, have fun when the big short comes though because I can assure you XRP isn't going to be one of those unscathed

>> No.6247225

Yeah go take a long position on tron, raiblocks, or iota and see how that works out for you

>> No.6247261

Ripple is the new litecoin

its the one that the normies who want to get in an crypto and le get rich

>> No.6247357

I agree with this.

>> No.6247472

Sad thing is, if you bought in at a good point instead of a high, the same rule still applies. Assuming crypto won't crash for another 6-9 months you could open a position on practically any of the top 50 coins and have a reasonable profit (in $)

>> No.6247611

But a crash will occur at some point in the near future (<2 years). If you're in the game for a long position then you are left with a very short list, and XRP makes it onto that list.

>> No.6247721

>But a crash will occur at some point in the near future (<2 years). If you're in the game for a long position then you are left with a very short list
yeah i like where you're going
>and XRP makes it onto that list.
aaaand you lost it

>> No.6247757

Thats fine, give me your list and ill give you mine. Maybe we agree on a few.

>> No.6247759
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>> No.6247836

Fake and gay

>> No.6247962

>LINK possibly, not holding any right now but it depends on their roadmap
>BTC depending on where it stands in the leadup to the crash

>> No.6248056

you can't do shit with ripple except stick it up your ass, it's not a trading pair, and will never be.
and normies already complain about the 20 xrp you burn to create a wallet because muh wy you take 20 rippel to open my woullet that's like 100k when rippel is 20k yo.

>> No.6248203

Well we found one thing to agree on.
(Listed in no particular order)

And just maybe BCH, but probably not.

>> No.6248230

why the fuck would you go on xmr and ripple? contradiction much?

>> No.6248232

Why LSK of all things? And you need more chink products on there

>> No.6248242

>What would be an realistic target for XRP? Would $5 forinstance be possible?

$5 market cap eoy 2018

>> No.6248282
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My man!!!

Seeing that XRP burns for every transaction the "muh market cap" crowd gets to suck it!!!!

>Currency designed for the 23 trillion dollar market of bank transfers
>Designed to literally let you become your own lender
>Works against all fiat and crypto pairings
>Coin burn in every transaction as verification and anti spamming procedures
>Intra bank transfers is 23 trillion dollar market PER DAY.
>Do the math
>And they could have owned what the banks NEED to survive now
>CIA pushed Intel Corp. to release known Meltdown/Spectre vuln.
>Banks vulnerable legacy tech will lead us to Valhalla
>Clif High even called it but didn't know how it would go down

>> No.6248360

I'm not investing biased on ideology, thats a dumb thing to do. XMR has a clearly defined use case that it works for. That means it provides value.

>> No.6248427

You do realize banks don't use XRP right? Using the ripple network =/= using XRP
Those transactions aren't burning XRP because those transactions aren't occuring

>> No.6248521

no the dumb thing to do is giving your money to the jews, faggot.
btw your portefolio look like a pussy "safe" (((investor))).

>> No.6248594

>btw your portefolio look like a pussy "safe" (((investor))).

Thanks friend!

>> No.6248611

Google it bro, they will. The savings and implementation reasons are too enticing for jews not to.

>> No.6248635

The CEO is already the 5th richest person in the world, this Ripple game is over.

>> No.6248638

Why do you retards keep repeating this shit. They don't HAVE to use it. But it's existing tech that SAVES THEM AN ADDITIONAL 30%.
What business would ever want to save 30% on billions of $? Literal idiots on biz.

>> No.6248760

Quit sperging out my dude I hate XRP but you're acting like a faggot
>trust me sir they'll buy it please sir the CEO's only own 40% of the supply sir please buy my XRP
>30% gains
Why would they invest in a deflationary limited supply asset simply because of savings?
>Save an additional 30%
As opposed to using other networks that are cheaper and more reliable?

>> No.6248785

lol normie fag

>> No.6248879

>limited supply
Pretty sure you don't understand ripple or XRP at all.

>other networks that are cheaper and better
Name one that isn't a scam white page.

>> No.6248965

lol xrp is volatile as fuck all cryptos are

banks won't trade with that shit

if you really """"believe""""" in ripple so much ur better off just waiting for their ipo

the amount of transactions on the ripple network that are actually made with xrp is negligible, but normies don't know

>> No.6248985

>As opposed to using other networks that are cheaper and more reliable?

I'm not aware of any network that is cheaper or more feature complete then the ripple protocol. Which are you talking about?

>> No.6249015

XRP has a hardcapped supply retard
XLM is literally XRP but with inherent use for the token + the CEO's don't own 40% of the supply + has the same level of development that Ripple Labs have put out

>> No.6249033
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Ripple dip

>Pink /w dubs
Ripple crash

>Pink /w trips

>> No.6249080

So you think banks wont us XRP, but will use the XRP fork XLM?

>> No.6249096
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>green /w dubs

>> No.6249110

>Biz for the last 6 months
>Ripple won't hit 20c
>Hits 20c
>Ripple won't hit 30c
>Jumps to 70c
>Ripple won't break $1
>Breaks $1
>Won't break $2 muh marketcap
>Breaks 3.70
>Only crashes because 2 massive pieces of misinformaton come on top of eachother, that Coinbase won't be adding new coins, it will they just haven't decided what coins and CMC acting like a bunch of irresponsible cunts not informing users of the site with a popup that Korean exchanges have been delisted, Ripple's volume mostly being in Korea and Japan.

Legitimately /biz/ is fucking retarded. Bunch of /pol/faggots that let their own retarded ideology get in the way of easy money. Bought 10k at 20c, sold at $3.50 eat shit.

>> No.6249115

Uhhhh... all it has to do is hit the same market cap as BTC and it'll be 5 dollars. People hate ripple like liberals hate Trump... for imaginary reasons they have to make up because there aren't any real reasons aside from the fact that it hurts your fee fees that you were wrong.

>> No.6249169


>> No.6249219

Was an example friendo, I don't think banks will use either
>XRP will flip BTC
jesus christ dude

>> No.6249227

I'll give you ICX and mayyybe ETH... the rest are shit and BTC could fall to BCH soon with some of the moves being made by some players. Lightning network might save it.

>> No.6249302

Fun fact, the same person created both Monero and XRP. He created XRP then split off to go create Monero because he didn't like the direction ripple was taking XRP.

So, same tech, but different directions for sure... but ironically by the same guy pretty much.

>> No.6249336

you guys know that ripple can lock your fund and freeze your balance if they want to right?

>> No.6249351

Lightning network /will/ save it and please anon, what's wrong with any of the other coins I listed ?
That's XLM not XMR you fucking brainlet

>> No.6249364

No they can't. It's pure FUD.

>> No.6249383

no you're talking about xlm dummy.

>> No.6249400

>Was an example friendo, I don't think banks will use either

But wasnt it you that, just said:
>Why would they invest in a deflationary limited supply asset simply because of savings?
>As opposed to using other networks that are cheaper and more reliable?

And in response I asked which other network would suit their needs then, and you responded with XLM.

So what do you think banks will use?

>> No.6249419

You should really go read the white paper, because then you wouldn't parrot stupid shit like this that exposes that you are still in high school.

>> No.6249469

Well yeah, they were literally both designed by the same person.

>> No.6249527

fuck banks man, why so obsessed?
this may be the end of the banking system as we know it. why do you want to give your money to other to keep it for you so bad?

>> No.6249555

>I'm not aware of any network that is cheaper or more feature complete then the ripple protocol. Which are you talking about?
That's actually what you said which is why I responded with XLM
In reference to what banks will use, there isn't a technology that meets international transfer of fiat compliant with regulations for banks, and there sure as hell isn't a currency that banks will hold as a reserve or for transactions yet. Maybe there will be an ICO for one soon, but it's likely that the blockchain tech that banks use will be produced by the fintech industry for the fintech industry, without letting shrimps and dolphins like /biz/ get in on the action. There's no reason for a bank to pay for a blockchain tech when they can produce their own.

Am I wrong nigger

>> No.6249566

No the same guy created Monero and XRP. Completely different team on Stellar lumens.

>> No.6249644

Not true, the owners, that are public, are registered with the SEC. If they did that they'd be guilty of securities fraud... and trust me, these guys are not stupid. They aren't going to risk their fortunes and careers on that.

>> No.6249646
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kys if serious here.

>> No.6249684

wasn't talking about the cap. Was talking about your retarded understanding of the supply they will use.

>> No.6249709
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and what happens if it's the SEC that ask for that you total waste of brainlet?

>> No.6249739


In what timeline?

$5 by mid year is a given

$10 by EOY

After that, who knows.

>> No.6249795

The SEC doesn't have the authority to do that, it would have to be an act of congress or by the president with an executive order for rule changes. Learn American law works, faggot. stay in school.

>> No.6249829

Again, I don't invest biased on ideology. I don't invest biased on what i want to happen. I hate how apple operates and have owned apple stock. I love what tesla is doing to the auto industry and wont dare touch the stock.

Banks are not going anywhere.

>> No.6249833

d-do you think that fluffpony made XRP??
You mean the 60% portion (total) that isn't held by the Ripple Labs, and by extension the 2 CEO's who are, by current ATH price, in the top 10 richest individuals on earth?

>> No.6249879
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>> No.6249908


>hurrr the people putting in all the work have stake in the companies worth, how dare they!!!
>downnnn wit gubbment
>down wittt banks

>> No.6249926

not amerimutt here. idgaf about your dumb laws, still if some control organism ask for your account to be shut down by ripple, they'll do it, and you're fucked.

>> No.6249978

>bank transfers are a 23 trillion dollar market

fucking cripples. You know there's only like $70 trillion dollars of currency in existence?


>> No.6249991
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>he thinks 2 individuals holding 40% of the supply of a cryptocurrency is ok
>he thinks banks will invest in said cryptocurrency despite the distribution
literally what reason do you think banks will have to buy XRP? They're a hell of alot better at investing and risk management than you are that's for sure

>> No.6249993

you realize those coins are not shares, don't you? it's just a dumb shitcoin with no intrinsic value atm.

>> No.6250034

Gateways, not ripple, can freeze assets on the ripple network that except XRP. This is a requirement to be legal in almost every country. XRP cannot be frozen as that is not a legal requirement. Try to keep Ripples target in mind when looking over its features.

>> No.6250150

Did mentioning stocks really confuse you that much?


>> No.6250179

I used to be a massive Cripple (bought at 0.22, sold at 3.10) until I realised two things.

1. Read, and read well

There are other articles like this out there.

2. All the $90tn cash in the world to XRP? The fuck would that work? The fuck should $1 USD be worth more than 1 XRP at the end of the day?

>> No.6250191

>The Ripple payment network is facing criticism this week over revelations about the liquidity of some of its assets. It’s come to light that Ripple gateways — the onramps and offramps of the network — have the ability to “freeze” user funds at will. Furthermore, Ripple Labs has already used its influence to convince Bitstamp, a prominent gateway and exchange, to freeze $1 million worth of funds belonging to Ripple’s departed founder Jed McCaleb.


>> No.6250261

no, but i know how much cripplers are newfags.
>no intrinsic value

>> No.6250294

Response from lead ripple dev.
>Ripple cannot freeze and nobody can freeze XRP


>> No.6250296

Reminder that cripples genuinely believe that 1 XRP should be worth $5
It has intrinsic value but that intrinsic value only works if there's adoption of XRP itself, which there isn't
Aka ponzi

>> No.6250336

Which is pure FUD from Bitcoin faggots.

>> No.6250412
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>> No.6250424
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sure let's trust (((them))) they know what they are doing, goys.
At least bitcoin is somewhat decentralized.

>> No.6250503

I guess we cant really move on with any conversation if your just going to start dismissing facts as jews.

>> No.6250569

sure go back to your safe heaven lereddit.
you'll find plenty of good goys like you "investing" in ripple.

>> No.6250620
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bro, DYOR. That guy is super off base.

Ripple 101

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 100s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

>> No.6250636
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good goy

>> No.6250666
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>> No.6250699
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>> No.6250827
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Yen to $XRP starts today! Oh... and they have 23 MILLION users. CB only has 17 mil.

Round three right around the corner.

Keep rocking my friend

>> No.6250933
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Nah, I hate Reddit. I think a fucking redditor took my posts and started copypasta for himself the re formatted it. I just used his work to make my life easier.

>> No.6251129


>>6250503 is correct. Afaic we're having a decently in depth discussion and you're just being a faggot and dragging it down

/pol/ is just angsty reddit at this point, ya'll are like 9gag

>> No.6251214

>-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.
40% of it has been released. Good luck for 5 years
>-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.
Minimum 25 XRP spend makes this feature useless for everyday use
>-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.
No benefit to everyone.
>-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.
XRP != Ripple you dumb fuck. SWIFT have their own blockchain technology that isn't being released to the public markets.
>-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.
Lining their own pockets nicely. Can't blame them
>-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)
Many others don't either. Bitcoin is obsolete, but that doesn't mean XRP wins.
>-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 100s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.
No benefit compared to other cryptos that don't follow BTC style.
>-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).
As is every other crypto.

tl;dr there are many better than XRP out there

>> No.6251331

Fact :
>Biz has no clue what the price of ripple will be in a week
>Biz missed and didn't predict the massive price increase

Why are you here listening to people that have no clue?

>> No.6251378

Thanks friend

>> No.6251400

This. This thread and all the negativity is identical to everything people here were saying when Ripple was 70 cents.

Listening to these faggots is not wise

>> No.6251410

>It's the only cryptocurrency
It's not a cryptocurrency.

>> No.6251484

my bad forgot that banksters, media outlets and overall elite are all Romanians and Ukrainians.

>> No.6251510

so does ripple or link get the most REEEEEE attention?

>> No.6251579
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nice PnD btw.

>> No.6251581
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>Minimum 25 XRP spend makes this feature useless for everyday use

>> No.6251633

I'm not a faggot who pays $50 for a starbucks, unlike you.

>> No.6251732

Can you explain to me how you think XRP works? I don't have any idea what your talking about with this 25 minimum XRP.