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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6248644 No.6248644 [Reply] [Original]

Filthy peasants, every one of you. At least I take solace knowing that most of you will blow your newfound wealth within 6 months. Financial prowess is genetic and you have merely won a lottery ticket. You may buy a Tesla car and be the prince of the suburbs for a day, but within one or two years you will be selling it. It is not your money that disgusts me but how quickly you will let it slip through your fingers. That is simply put what peasants do.

>> No.6248702


>talks about peasants winning financial lottery
>posts pic of literal peasants who won lottery

Research the history of the Saudis and the Hashemite dynasty. Every Arab who is currently rich was a religious fanatic who stole lands and discovered oil. The land was taken from the Jordanians.

>> No.6248871

Who cares... live your life and be happy with any gains and learn from your losses... money alone won’t make you happy and being pissed off about somebody else’s sure won’t.

>> No.6248951


i tip my hat to you sir.

the house of saud were nothing more than caravan raiders and thugs. al ikhwan (the brotherhood) were fooled by them and led astray as they did their bidding throughout Arabia. Abdulaziz is a decorated thief. he even invaded Riyadh during Ramadan when the city was breaking it's fast. shame

>> No.6249081

>but they were there first
History is full of tribe after tribe conquering one another.
Hardest part of being rich is staying that way which the House Of Saud has accomplished for several generations.
Financial prowess isn't genetic it's a learned habit.

>> No.6249159

>Post pic of sand niggers
Spamming Dubai coins or what?

>> No.6249255

actually if it wasn't for the English supporting the Saud's in their fight against the Ottomans there wouldn't be a saudi arabia. the ottomans had a monopoly over mecca and medina. the sauds fought them with british munitions and reinforcements

>> No.6249340

Based Sauds

>> No.6249342

As much as the western world hates Saudis, they're one of the richest royalty in the world with huge influence in the region.

Love em or Hate them if they fell, the whole region would become even more unbelievably unstable. Which I know is hard to imagine for most of you burgers but believe me. It can be a whole lot more destabilised.

I agree with OP. If your first thing you do with your new found wealth is a lambo you deserve to lose your gains in a year.

Poor mentality, my flatmate is like that. All he obsesses over is how much things are and buys shitty overpriced shit like Gucci whilst working a minimum wage job. If I showed him my portfolio I think he'd cry.

>> No.6249421

>Financial prowess isn't genetic it's a learned habit
Not self-evident, a lot of traits connected to monetary success are proven to be inate.

>> No.6249485


same could be said of Bashar Al Assad and Al Gaddafi but look at their countries

>> No.6249629

jokes on you OP, I have 20k in Jibrel

>> No.6249670
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>> No.6249968

Look what Happened when Jamie Dimon a wall st CEO called it a fraud: it skyrocketed and he retracted his statement.

Imagine if the leader of the free world said something similar.


>> No.6250022

I agree with OP you shouldn't be blowing your money on a car that pricy. Hell if I made it a used GT-R or Corvette would work for me. Put that money into a house or another investment to keep making money.

One of my best friends has an op in Colorado that is proving profitable.

>> No.6250397

When you help someone out in need they often return the favor.
They've turned being a bunch of poor religious nuts getting a chunk of land for helping the Brits into a $650 billion GDP nation.