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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 411 KB, 553x492, bitcoin-cash-is-now-just-bitcoin-declares-bitcoin-jesus-roger-ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6238548 No.6238548 [Reply] [Original]

What's his endgame?

>> No.6238593

i dunno i wish he'd just fuck off and go be a rich guy somewhere far away. not unlike hillary clinton desu

>> No.6238644

Economic liberty to billions of people.

>> No.6238645

When he take over crypto and reveals himself as Satoshi and fooled the world the whole time

>> No.6238660

The destruction of all governments worldwide via cryptocurrency that can be used as money

>> No.6238708

this. he truly is Bitcoin Jesus

>> No.6238758

>Economic liberty

Abolish currency.

>> No.6238761

also he's one good looking chad, no homo

>> No.6238768

Making bitcoin usable, but it isn't going to matter because even BCH has 10 minute blocks. Compare that with the speed of Stellar transactions, a few seconds. There's no way it can compete.

>> No.6238874

>Abolish currency.
If you don't like it don't use it. It's really that simple.

>> No.6238878

Free the goyim from Jew slavery

>> No.6238952

>being this economically illiterate

>> No.6238992

Bcash isn't Bitcoin. It has nothing to do with Bitcoin. It's a random shitcoin that stole the Bitcoin name and logo.

>> No.6238999

Real talk, is Ver gay/bi?

I can hear it in his voice so well, I've just never been able to confirm it.

>> No.6239013

>it isn't going to matter because even BCH has 10 minute blocks
>he doesn't know about 0-conf transactions

ouch, sorry about that friend may I suggest you do some research

>> No.6239014 [DELETED] 

https://pastebin.com/gm9PPYgm - Link for discord is in the pastebin as I can’t post discord links directly in /biz.

Our discord group are mainly look for undervalued coins with 10-100 million market caps on binance/kucoin/ICOs. We will be giving free Palm Beach signals in about a week or two, we follow Data Dash, Ian Balina, etc. and we have a nice FAQ for trading for newbs to intermediates. Our discord will always be free, and there will never be any faggot premium subscriptions like that Cryptoverter faggot, or “Crypto Army.”

Just looking for fundamental analysis/swing trader types to grow our room which was created yesterday, so apologies in advance for the shilling :) . Also, some calls we’ve made the last 10 days are: DBC, QLINK, SNOV, PRL, etc. We’re mainly looking at coins on Binance/Kucoin for entry/exit. Again, not a pump and dump - and 100% free always and forever.

We are looking to grow our community with competent 4chan traders for swing trading, good hodls, ICOS, mining, etc and to discuss GOOD ideas, and get rich together. Everything is and always will be free - we are, quite simply, striving to be the Consumer Reports of Discord Crypto rooms. If you read this all the way here, you can probably tell that we’re legit. We will NEVER accept money, and we are here for good discussion so we can get rich over weeks and months. If that sounds good to you then join, and contribute! And sorry for the shill, I know it’s shit, but gotta do it to grow. We will never charge for shit, nor are we a non-Pump and Dump group, nor will we ever be one.

>> No.6239029

why is a good looking guy so autistic?

>> No.6239042

I hope so. If humanity is to survive, that is the only way.

>> No.6239068
File: 97 KB, 600x600, bcashlolJesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going for global dominance.

In 2018 you will realize only one public blockchain will ever really become relevant in world commerce.


>> No.6239073

nah he pulls so much tail your head would spin, just look at those eyes. he's a fucking billionaire chad, panties drop all around him from the slightlest smile and twinkle in his eyes

fuck, he is turning me gay right now wtf

>> No.6239082
File: 566 KB, 1440x1131, Screenshot_20170830-200031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is just a vehicle to institute full global communism.

Prove me wrong

>> No.6239143
File: 366 KB, 511x896, corecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin doesnt have 0-conf transactions. You can safely pay day to day transactions with instant transaction with bitcoin.

>> No.6239155

I'm not saying he can't pull women, he's obviously very good looking and a MMA chad.

What i'm asking is if he prefers male company. Just listening to his voice, I swear I can hear his secretly gay life.

>> No.6239173

Lowest quality bait

>> No.6239294

bitcoin cash is just to show that bitcoin core is shitcoin and after that he will jump on raiblocks and he will travel to the alfa centauri

>> No.6239501
File: 43 KB, 496x818, 1515611873154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To save crypto with CW/SN

>> No.6239542
File: 291 KB, 1366x768, 1509832974360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abolish currency

Fuck off, stupid nigger.

>> No.6239562 [DELETED] 

https://pastebin.com/gm9PPYgm - Link for discord is in the pastebin as I can’t post discord links directly in /biz.

Our discord group are mainly look for undervalued coins with 10-100 million market caps on binance/kucoin/ICOs. We will be giving free Palm Beach signals in about a week or two, we follow Data Dash, Ian Balina, etc. and we have a nice FAQ for trading for newbs to intermediates. Our discord will always be free, and there will never be any faggot premium subscriptions like that Cryptoverter faggot, or “Crypto Army.”

Just looking for fundamental analysis/swing trader types to grow our room which was created yesterday, so apologies in advance for the shilling :) . Also, some calls we’ve made the last 10 days are: DBC, QLINK, SNOV, PRL, etc. We’re mainly looking at coins on Binance/Kucoin for entry/exit. Again, not a pump and dump - and 100% free always and forever.

We are looking to grow our community with competent 4chan traders for swing trading, good hodls, ICOS, mining, etc and to discuss GOOD ideas, and get rich together. We do this by culling information and seeing what people like Data Dash say, what 4chan is shilling, or what reddit is shilling for instance.

Everything is and always will be free - we are, quite simply, striving to be the Consumer Reports of Discord Crypto rooms - and free speech with no censorship. If you read this all the way here, you can probably tell that we’re legit. We will NEVER accept money, and we are here for good discussion so we can get rich over weeks and months. If that sounds good to you then join, and contribute! And sorry for the shill, I know it’s shit, but gotta do it to grow. We will never charge for shit, nor are we a non-Pump and Dump group, nor will we ever be one.

>> No.6239579


I hate Roger and BCH but holy shit LOLOLOLOL

>> No.6239607
File: 1.80 MB, 500x332, 1500688793548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfaggots still don't understand that bitcoin is instant and always has been

>> No.6239647

for bitcoin to win, ver needs to lose.

and for bitcoin cash to ever be something more than an angsty anti-bitcoin coin, ver needs to remove himself from it too.

he pretty much ruins everything he touches.

>> No.6239753

everyone report this assface

>> No.6239859
File: 54 KB, 825x510, DNUdxmAXkAADPcU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn Bitcoin into paypal 2.0 so numale faggots can buy coffee with no fees (besides inflation subsidy via the block reward).

>> No.6239882
File: 978 KB, 2821x2331, cashchads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6239908

>for bitcoin to win

No, they just need to raise the block size and be humble like the little bitches they are.

>> No.6239933

nice "tinyurl" source faggot

>> No.6239976

>he pretty much ruins everything he touches.

wew lad. Roger is directly responsible for a huge amount of the explosive growth Bitcoin has experienced the last 8 years, go neck yourself

>> No.6239996

>implying second layers are incompatible with blockchain

The problem with LN on Core is its required.


>> No.6240049
File: 122 KB, 600x600, 1512151311373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit liberals are so bad at memes it's physically painful

>> No.6240251

>Getting caught selling explosions and being sentenced for jail

>> No.6240288

cashing out his shitcoins and buying real BTC with it

>> No.6240348

>Getting caught selling explosions and being sentenced for jail
>selling explosions

>> No.6240371
File: 237 KB, 550x350, Homelanddenied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not bowing to the state and selling firecrackers anyways
>renouncing citizenship and becoming self made billionaire despite ex-con
Chad indeed

>> No.6240397

stay beta if you need to look up to men to decide what coin to buy

hahaha, stop being his little bitch boy, you should know he's done nothing but negative things in this entire space in the past 5 years, and way more damage than any little boosts he gave it early on. the market has outgrown manchildren like him.

>> No.6240461
File: 3.04 MB, 240x193, 1508033413050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit:



>> No.6240469

He's the reason most people know about bitcoin who aren't tech nerds.

>> No.6240629

Context faggot. He literally says he wants to tell all states to fuck off and have permissionless decentralized cash for EVERYBODY

>> No.6240671

>Not looking up to people more rich/successful than you
Stay jealous, pleb

>> No.6240759

He is a con artist. He'll say anything. And him purportedly being an ancap doesn't make him correct or prescient about wanting to turn Bitcoin into paypal 2.0.

>> No.6240887
File: 239 KB, 3026x1024, theChadCash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ver is as ancap as it gets.

stay mad virgin corecuck

>> No.6240960

He sure is but he's the Donald Trump of the crypto sphere and has the self aware straight talk on his side that is the zeitgeist of 2017-18

>> No.6241061

he obviously has a god complex

>> No.6241352
File: 147 KB, 1080x230, Screenshot_20180110-234044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putting your trust in suits over engineers

>> No.6241392

>he thinks 0conf is safe because rbf was removed
>he doens't even understand why the blockchain exists
ouch, sorry about that friend may I suggest you do some research

>> No.6241528

it costs about 300,000 dollars to attack the network succesfully to let you double spend that transaction

for any payment less than that you are completely safe with 0-conf transactions

>> No.6241564
File: 15 KB, 211x238, 1458671815146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0-conf is unsafe

>> No.6241596

0 conf are for retail transactions of low value. Its safer for shops to accept zeroconf than it is to accept dollar notes (which can be fake).

If youre doing 200$+ wait for next block

>> No.6241682

that sounds chaddish as fuck to me, i bet a corecuck like you would never dare to do anything illegal

>> No.6241732

confirmed fake email you fucking retard

>> No.6241827
File: 6 KB, 161x250, 16602953_10155348885889523_5735474240227244566_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forking off is a violation of consensus but injecting segwit isn't

>> No.6241885


>> No.6241990


>> No.6242230

You can't enforce mining node behavior. I guarantee you they change the codebase to arrange txs based on fees instead of fifo when it comes to conflicting transactions. This became apparent when Bitcoin hit its first soft limit and transactions were getting stuck. Rebroadcasting transactions with a higher fee often got mined even though it was a double spend. No rbf required.

Nice argument.

>> No.6242344
File: 29 KB, 463x679, sid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Destroying all the neighborhood kids' toys.

>> No.6242402

>You can't enforce mining node behavior. I guarantee you they change the codebase to arrange txs based on fees instead of fifo when it comes to conflicting transactions. This became apparent when Bitcoin hit its first soft limit and transactions were getting stuck.
You fucking retard, the only reasons transactions became stuck was because the mempool got full. With an adaptable blocksize you don't run into this issue. Are you literally retarded?

>Rebroadcasting transactions with a higher fee often got mined even though it was a double spend. No rbf required.
That's literally what RBF is you fucking moron

>> No.6242498
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1504743536557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Cash removed RBF, RBF allows double spending and prevents 0-conf. I don't need to argue because you didn't make one. All you said was shit was unsafe.

>its a feature not a flaw

>> No.6242726

Financial bankruptcy to go along with his moral bankruptcy

>> No.6242963

>You fucking retard, the only reasons transactions became stuck was because the mempool got full. With an adaptable blocksize you don't run into this issue. Are you literally retarded?
You missed the point. When transaction became stuck due to SOFT BLOCK SIZE people were able to rebroadcast their transaction with a higher fee and get it mined despite the old transaction still being in the mempool. This was not the default behavior which showed that miners, being profit driven, were changing non consensus rules that their node enforced. This is a double spend without rbf. RBF is a protocol method that allows and rbf marked transaction to be replaced with a higher fee, removing it does not make 0conf safe because you still pull off a double spend relatively easily as long as miners continue to rearrange tx based on fees. 0conf is not safe. Removing rbf does not make 0conf safe.

>> No.6243080
File: 6 KB, 480x480, the king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows adaptable blocksize is superior, but he wants everyone else to realize this, so he is fucking up the BTC mempool and pumping BCH.

He also knows that privacy is the future, so the next step of his plan will be to reveal the devastating consequences of a public blockchain, by using Craig Wright's Satoshi keys to move the Satoshi bitcoin to an exchange wallet and crash the market with the resulting hype.

His ultimate plan is to hype and get everyone on board Monero, the true future of digital cash.

>> No.6243097
File: 49 KB, 645x729, 1510898031704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removing replace by fee does not remove replace by fee

>> No.6243161


BCH can't lose

that's the end game

>> No.6243348

Holy shit this board is retarded. I'm pointing out an easy method to pull of a double spend on 0conf tx due miner changing their node behavior even with rbf removed. This method worked long before rbf protocol was made. Yet you BCH cheerleaders keep claiming that 0conf is now safe because rbf was removed which is false.

>> No.6243434

they are working on fixing this rare problem too

you realize the majority of miners would have to chose the same more expensive transaction so they would all have to change their rules at the same time

>> No.6243462

centralized crypto is going to be used for full global communism. Decentralized crypto is the answer

>> No.6243494
File: 272 KB, 680x636, 1494182175819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sitting on a massive BCH long that I averaged into at .15

>> No.6243500
