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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6233513 No.6233513 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people here lack any sort if imagination and don't get why LINK is going to be so huge. So I decided to tell you all how it'll happen.

We all know why ETH blew up, because word got out about ICOs and how you can make bank buying ICOs with ETH. Well, a similar phenomenon is about to happen with LINK. No, you won't be using it to buy ICOs on the LINK platform, but instead, you'll be using it to stake on oracle nodes of your choosing.

So imagine a website where there are hundreds of oracles to choose from, ones for political data, ones for weather data, ones for transportation data, sports data, economic data, etc. The examples of real world data are obviously endless. Imagine all these oracles, and now imagine you have a big bag of LINK. You're like a kid in a candy store, you can pick whatever oracles YOU think will earn you the most money, and oracles that will earn you the most money are ones that will be queried the most.

Basically, as a LINK holder, you will be able to pick ways to achieve immense passive income, all based on data queries. And you can choose one kind of oracle for a few months and switch to another, based on whichever you think will get the most data queries. A smart LINK holder will change based on whatever data he thinks is most in demand, but a lazy LINK holder can just pick one oracle and forget about it, still making great passive income.

I hope this begins to paint a picture of the future of LINK. They will be THE shining example of passive income for all time. Even just 10k LINK will net you tons of money for doing nothing.

Invest wisely.

>> No.6233570

Ethereum mooned hard because scam ICOs and eth pairs
Will link offer any of these o the cryptoworld? Nah of course not
This is another bank coin like ripple or tnb
All time high will be 4-5$

>> No.6233814


This; I hold link too and I'll be tickled for it to get to $4 or $5. You should have had the foresight to buy eth dude; don't climb to Ripple levels of retardation because you didn't.

>> No.6233863

bank coins will moon always so 100$ chainlink EOY 2018

>> No.6233873



>Customer needs are driving the most efficient API development programs. Having a strong focus on the customer and being accountable for how the API’s quality turns out is essential.

>> No.6233879

Idiots who didn't read the post

>> No.6233948

This sounds exactly like ripplefags when the don't realize that banks are using (or will use, idc/idk) ripple as a platform, they won't use the ripple coin we buy and trade

>> No.6234060

I love how the FUD has turned into "it'll only go to $5, bro".

>> No.6234071

LINK is not XRP. Read the fucking white paper.

>> No.6234106

It is pretty dumb. In a crypto market where the vast majority of products aren't close to release and still in ICO phase (Zen protocol and mobius network) we're sitting on a completely overlooked token with a main net literally arriving any day now where we'll be able to see dozens of companies' smart contracts flowing through not long after launch. If you're not balls deep in link right now what are you even doing?

>> No.6234160


>Comparing a distributed ledger based SMS service with a real cryptocurrency project with a whitepaper and staking.


>> No.6234163


SWIFT will just make their own token for sending money and not send API tokens you fucking fag.

>> No.6234193

Appreciate the info Anon.
Screen captured.
Thanks a bunch.

>> No.6234241

You have no idea how big smart contracts are. It's almost cute.

>> No.6234243

Stink is about to fall off the top 100 again hahahaha
Protip: link is just a meme to trick newfags and it wasn't supposed to get this far

>> No.6234245

Sergey will give up on this project like he did with the last 3 he worked on.
Check his LinkedIn. All of his projects did nothing.

>> No.6234255

>being this retarded

>> No.6234386

The trick is to buy BEFORE it moons.

>> No.6234445

How many of those did he demo at Sibos?

>> No.6234465

I have been in them all. This discord is the only one that is fair,,

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6234565

Doesn't matter, doesn't inspire much confidence that his previous companies have fallen flat on their faces and he singlehandedly created an army of NXT bagholders.

>> No.6234604

>he singlehandedly created an army of NXT bagholders.
Lol, how did he do that?

>> No.6234621

>1.40 is the floor
>1.30 is the floor
>1.20 is the floor
>1.10 is the floor
You are here
>1 is the floor
>.75 is the floor
>.50 is the floor
>.25 is the floor

>> No.6234721

Bitch please we have survived the .14$ dip stage, we were forged in pink wojaks. This is nothing

>> No.6234740

all the FUD is about Sergey being fat or whatever. big surprise. the future I outlined in the OP cannot be questioned if LINK is successful, so the FUDers want you to think Sergey is just a scammer. I suggest ignoring them.

>> No.6234771
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>> No.6234791

HAHAHAHA. God this tickled me

>> No.6234880
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HODL and the world will change in our favor.
Slow and steady wins the race and all that...

>> No.6234898


Pulled a mount gox with Secure Asset Exchange you dummy.

>> No.6234911

Explain this good sir,
How is chain link a good currency if experience points coin has a market cap three times chain link? XP coin is the litteral definition of a shitcoin so what does that make link?

>> No.6234914


Stop saying mainnet. It will be a testnet.

>> No.6234932
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You sound like one of these idiots

>> No.6235006


>> No.6235021

There have been allegations in recent weeks from Chainlink insiders that Sergey has ballooned up since SIBOS.

According to someone close to Sergey, it has been said that Sergey has been using a lot of the ICO budget on ordering 5 guys and Chinese takeaways.

One can only speculate as to how much this affects the project.

>> No.6235073

Tell me anon, how could anyone have lost any money when SAE was never monetized?

And you sound like a trenchbrain.

>> No.6235136

brainlet here. is this a meme or am i gonna hang myself in a few months for not buying some of this shit?

>> No.6235183

That just explains how dumb the market is. If you want to survive the incoming bubble crash, invest in solid technology or utility tokens.

>> No.6235234

just meme but you should still buy that noose

>> No.6235302
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>> No.6235345
File: 34 KB, 1823x346, Screenshot-2018-1-10 Secure Assets Exchange is Shutting Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SAE didn't end amicably at all; it was a fucking shit show mate, you didn't know this?

>> No.6235399

You're a retard. Nobody lost a cent.

>> No.6235544

It's a pretty solid idea, but its a long way off yet, it's not exactly ready to go any time soon. And a lot of things could still go wrong with the project.
In the best case scenario in a couple of years anyone with more than 1000 LINK will be a millionaire. But that's best case so dont be counting on it.
I'd say buy a couple dosen tokens and stash em away in a wallet on a USB. Set yourself a reminder on your calendar app to check the price of LINK at the end of 2019, call it a self Christmas present.

>> No.6235590

Also, you still need to explain how Sergey created NXT bagholders.

>> No.6235740
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lol tell that to this guy

>> No.6235839

So what you're saying is, that I should buy another 500 link to hodl?

>> No.6235859

Why not post the entire thing?

>> No.6235908


>> No.6235917
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Guess I'll post it lol.

>> No.6235929


>> No.6235994

Congrats on this, seriously?

>> No.6236014

Yea SWIFT will just invest tens of millions of dollars into building an entirely new company with no awareness of what the fuck they're doing when they can just buy a shitload of LINK and have an appreciating asset which also solves their problems.

Makes a lot of business sense, you must be Jeff Bezos. Fucking retard.

>> No.6236196

And actually Sergey has 350m tokens that will be given to companies

>> No.6236300

>Year 2020
>Playing the latest game/app/whateverthefuck
>"Would you like to save your data to the blockchain?" Y
>"Connecting to ChainLink node..."

>> No.6236495
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>And actually Sergey has 350m tokens that will be given to companies

You're just pretending, right? I can't believe anyone would be this retarded.

>> No.6236565

What? Rory has confirmed this

>> No.6236728
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???? he's right, this is common knowledge

>> No.6236780

This is actually true and it is a good thing. If they can get the big boys on board then there will be a lot more money going through link's network which provides incentive for more people to become a node operator themselves.

>> No.6236995
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1509744920635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're not going to slowly distribute them to node operators to incentivize nodes like they originally said?
Are they just going to give them away to random companies in order to shit on the investors or what?

>> No.6237129

They're doing both brainlet

>> No.6237249

not to "random companies". to actual big boy institutional ones. the ones that will add immense value to the network by being a part of it. think Morgan Stanley, SWIFT, etc.

>> No.6237294

ITT nobody knows about the Facebook partnership

Stay poor faggots

>> No.6237373

not happening

>> No.6237407

>t. nervous no linkie

>> No.6237601
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Guess was the retard after all.
If this whole project crashes and burns i'll just kill myself desu. I have $17,000 in this.

>> No.6237921
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hey, same. I have $16k in LINK, but I believe in it. We're going to be rich before the end of year so don't sell your fucking link

>> No.6237987


to be fair the latter sounds pretty unreasonable too lol

>> No.6238065


Rory's bull. We've been over this

>> No.6238371
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As usual, LINK threads are best threads to end a night of browsing /biz/. Good night lads, happy holding.

>> No.6238402

Will link ever drop below 1.00 again?

>> No.6238628
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>thinking that those shitcoins will survive the future
We live in times where shit eater McAffee managed to pump 3 billions into Verge just with a couple of tweets.
And Chainlink does nothing to promote themselves even though they were mentioned alongside some of the biggest financial firms in the world.
I don't care about short term fluctuations, I bought at presale for 9 cents and I couldn't be more comfy even at the current price.

>> No.6238650
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Holy shit, its like the government just subsidized sunflower seeds and Sergey invented a car that runs on sunflower seed oil

>> No.6238662

Hopefully. If it does I'll be dumping the rest of my stack (except the REQ) for it.

>> No.6238833

C o m f y


>> No.6238838
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Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Decentralization is needed for the TRUSTLESS part of smartcontracts.
Without decentralized oracles the smartcontracts become vulnerable to manipulation, rendering smartcontracts absolutely useless.