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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6232654 No.6232654 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6232694

No I'm not a psychopath

>> No.6232726

def not, I like 4channers esp. bizzers
I would be tempted to kill 20 normies though

>> No.6232743

Sure I mean let’s face it from a societal point of you the average person who browses 4chan isn’t great so this is probably a public service.

>> No.6232747

Depends on whether or not I'm included in those 20 people who get killed.

>> No.6232752

I'd sit on the button for 5 hours

>> No.6232771
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>> No.6232774

I know nobody on this board and Monsanto kills more than that per day with their products, so, mind as well press the button twice.

>> No.6232792

Am I excluded or possibly one of the 20?

Makes all the difference.

>> No.6232796

unironically no

>> No.6232811

Meh, probably not
I don't wish death to anyone not even hitler or shit like that

>> No.6232831


>> No.6232844

No one's gonna miss a couple of pajeets. I'd do it

>> No.6232878


/biz/ is generally young white men so no.

>> No.6232880

I would press it even if I didn't get the money

>> No.6232898
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def would build a robot arm for it and let some stranger push the start button.

cant fucking blame me.

>> No.6232928

according to who commie, let people live how they want to live

>> No.6233030

I have been in them all. This discord is the only one that is fair.:

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.6233036


no, it will result in less memes producer round here...

>> No.6233047

if it's all pajeets absolutely, it's a win-win

>> No.6233075
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>> No.6233089

No ill make my millions in time no rush

>> No.6233099


>> No.6233173
File: 28 KB, 680x422, 1515555579158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Killing meme magic for money
There are some things worth more than gold.

>> No.6233231

I wouldn't... imagine live with that thought for the rest of your life...

>> No.6233249
File: 394 KB, 736x552, 1494167550175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek loves Hitler

>> No.6233342
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What's wrong with Hitler?

>> No.6233383


>> No.6233444

no because my son posts here

>> No.6233468


>> No.6233479

I would press the button, I'm assuming that anyone reduced to gambling on Internet money is silently begging for a mercy kill much like myself.

>> No.6233515

Why would you let your son browse this site? It's full of degenerates here

>> No.6233516

Odds are that 15 of the 20 will be pajeets and the rest will be bcash shillers. I would seriously consider pressing it.

>> No.6233526

I would press it multiple times and pray it only kills the newcoiner normies.

>> No.6233596

No, 1 million isnt that much in crypto.

>> No.6233644
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>> No.6233808
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>> No.6234040


>> No.6234426
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Honestly, if you NEET anons haven't listened to the audiobook Ford translation of Mein Kampf, do yourself a fucking favor. It can be pirated easily enough. Listen to that shit then stop buying ripple and bancor.

>> No.6234616
File: 824 KB, 592x865, 1446869414620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironically /biz/ and 4chan in general are still a lot less degenerate than your average normie millenial/gen Xer

i'd let my wifes son browse 4chan before i'd let him watch the electric Jew

>> No.6234778

>close /biz/ tab
>go to town with that button

>> No.6234970
File: 22 KB, 320x224, whatever-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I was getting my GF to 200 power

>> No.6235074

This, it's like none of you have ever watched The Twilight Zone

>> No.6235140
File: 15 KB, 317x275, 1512748495077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chances are high that you die yourself ... might be worth it though

>> No.6235174

i dont see why people think 4chan isnt normal, i think its a little bitter but besides not everyone who posts here is racist

>> No.6235585
File: 312 KB, 640x629, 1515133658072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm normal unlike th-those evil r-racists!

>> No.6235652

can I press more than once?

>> No.6235659

Definitely. Fuck other people. Not to mention at least half the people here are Pajeets who deserve to die anyway.

>> No.6235910

It's mostly pajeets and chinks anyway so sure