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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 676x496, zencash-stacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6212374 No.6212374 [Reply] [Original]

ZEN is gonna pull a VERGE and moon 30X guaranteed. Better in every single way.

>> No.6212394

Also, this is gonna top Monero, Dash and ZEC in marketcap.

>> No.6213184

Zen should be top 20coin. And it will. Zen and monero are two only coins which are really untracable. And did you forget teeka shilling it several times that it will have highest gains? I am talking about thousands of percent ROI. Get the fuck in idiots for once and buy low.

>> No.6213308

Allright bought a few hundred of them, Zclassic isn't going anywhere till the fork announcement, meanwhile; might as well get in on this

>> No.6213519

Last Chance

>> No.6213549

Where buy

>> No.6213620

Spectre is better

>> No.6213646

Whats landing page. You have to shill me real hard to buy on top of a 2x.

>> No.6213655
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cryptopia & bittrex. we're all gonna make it zenbros

>> No.6213791


Teaser: https://twitter.com/zencashofficial/status/950779258678448128

Someone posted a secret link to the landing page somewhere, have to find it.

>> No.6213823

FOUND IT: https://devweb.zensystem.io/

>> No.6213859


>> No.6213887

Nice. How is this not priced in yet?

Also a test of the shillfactor of the thread. I am considering LBC also. Just by looking at the chart it seems that its at the start of a major uptrend. What do you guys think.

>> No.6213924
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They are updating their homepage? And I should care about that?

>> No.6213946

nice....... NICCCCCCCCE.........

>> No.6213992

new long-term goals, more information on r&d partnership w/ iohk

>> No.6214086

Yeah. That sounds great. Real game changer. I, uhh, have to go wash my Ether tokens now. Ill catch you later buddy.

>> No.6214109


becuz u poor fucks love getting cucked and jUST'd

>> No.6214149

150USD soon. buy now if you dont hate money

>> No.6214217

What are you on about. The market is about to explode the next hours. I am just looking for good coins. ZEN could be that coin. But LBC also looks like its gonna have a run like last year. Not gonna buy in the middle of the pump anyways.

>> No.6214227

fuck that marketcap made me FOMO 1 BTC. Better 10x.

>> No.6214276

pump hasn't started, why do u hate money?

>> No.6214320

Too drunk to care. But this. Great coin faggots.

>> No.6214393

Because of you

>> No.6214439

I was about to do it, but I was riding dbc train. Is it not to late to transfer gains from dbc?

>> No.6214572

LOL, Nothing big, just a partnership with IOHK - the guys who made Cardano

>> No.6214591


I wouldn't sell your DBC yet, wait at least for the end of month, has still a lot of potential

>> No.6214615

you heard it. ZEN for president!

>> No.6214653


>> No.6214660

That is why I am not doing it right not, there is still a lot of room

>> No.6214720


>> No.6214772

gonna wait until it drops below 4. Then I am in.

>> No.6215048

Good coin cunts. Ignore at your peril.

>> No.6215086

just gonna leave this here: https://devweb.zensystem.io/mining-pools/

>> No.6215190

why you guys expecting zen to suddenly explode?

>> No.6215300

Rebranding in a few hours, announcement of partnership with IOHK (Cardano creators) and rumored announcement of new exchanges

>> No.6215346

Shut this thread down fuckheads, I am still accumulating and eth transactions take a fuckton of time.

>> No.6215396


Use more gas. Pay an extra $2 to get 50x.

>> No.6215518

LBC has recently finished a major correction. and has good vol again
XEL has a very similar chart if your looking for good mid term gains

>> No.6215811

Free ZEN ever you 20hours here

Feel free to thank me zniLWRMK11hNfULUjisLRsPe4pqdfsPXErd

>> No.6216054
File: 124 KB, 605x190, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 9.45.52 AM copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shitcoin compared to Audiocoin. They even released Bjorks newest album and will do a press release about a partnership with a major music label.

Not to mention that that already have a working product for months, real artists/musicians, small market cap one of the largest music studio and equipment sales companies in the world.

Supported by Resetera >>6202164
They made Xtrabytes, COLX and FLASH possible.

Get in now or you'll miss a legit 50x

Price is 140 satoshi

>> No.6216142

How do i buy this? It's not on Bittrex and Binance, though Blockfolia shows trading pairs there

Zcash is different from Zencash right

>> No.6216156

I saw someone post about the website leak and immediately got deleted. Anybody got a source.

>> No.6216261


ZEN is different from ZEC, it takes all the good research ZEC did and builds upon it. You can buy ZEN on Bittrex.

>> No.6216286

ZEN is on bittrex

>> No.6216298


still works for me: https://devweb.zensystem.io/

>> No.6216316

1m breaks soon
get in here boys

>> No.6216458 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 1000x1000, gnu_slash_communism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 0.03 dash, should I sell it and buy link?

>> No.6216497

fuck me I wanted to start a new thread

>> No.6216616

How do i buy this? It's not on Bittrex and Binance, though Blockfolia shows trading pairs there

Zcash is different from Zencash right

>> No.6216637


ZEN is on Bittrex, stop spreading FUD

>> No.6216649

Phone messed up.
Forgot to set the trading pair to BTC in ProfitTrading app I use for Bittrex. Thx /biz/

>> No.6216707


see u on the moon :)

>> No.6216770

>randomly buy zencash at 300k sats cause it has a nice logo
>all coins in my portfolio are down except ZEN

>> No.6216954

How large is a partnership with IHOK.

>> No.6217232

Aight only bought 21 ZEN, sold my ADA for it.

>> No.6217374
File: 95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-10-14-40-57-356_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock hard boys my first moon mission is starting

>> No.6217482

Bought in, thanks for the post OP.
Reminded me that ZEN is far too low in market valuation as to the shitcoins (mostly) ahead of it.

>> No.6217822
File: 38 KB, 1218x345, lbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black line was my entry on bittrex and the green are my take profits

I entered at 2.2k sats on polo and cashed out at 2x profit

>> No.6217931
File: 63 KB, 1216x529, lbc then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is last year, notice the rising volume that's also happening right now. It's a no brainer, really

>> No.6218193


> How large is a partnership with IHOK.

Oh they're just the guys who did fucking CARDANO.

>> No.6218740


>> No.6218848


guys who are working on cardano are the same guys working on zencash's core product. solid devs

>> No.6218970

thx anon

>> No.6219302

buy this faggots or at least explain WHY you hate money so much

>> No.6219423

Do you fucking brainlets realize that this is just a worse version of ZCL?

>> No.6219603


You must be the type of person that invests in ETC instead of ETH. ZEN came after we realized how shit ZEC and ZCL was.

>> No.6220208

New website is now live!!!

>> No.6220253

fucking shit, we have to shill it to the twitter normies.

>> No.6220707

Shouldn't this be pumping much harder with the IOHK partnership?

>> No.6221406


Yeah they are doing a full media campaign today. Give it a few hours and you'll have missed the boat.

>> No.6221463

That's good to hear, i'm allready in though.

>> No.6222096
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wheres the price stopping ?

>> No.6222411

At hundred, get in before reddit does.

>> No.6222867

i try tooo mann but fucking bitfinex said transaction can take to 12 hours

>> No.6223046

god damnit just fomoed into buying this shit

>> No.6223232

its because of bitcoin u newfag
go back to stockmarkets if u cant handle it like man faggot

>> No.6223914

Biweekly update will happen in two hours and afterwards all the major announcements. Feels good being in ZEN since 5 usd. I shilled it on biz two times probably, noone listened.

>> No.6223998


I got in at $7, and have been hodling ever since. The tech is way more solid than any of the other privacy coins in the top 50.

>> No.6224163


>> No.6224478

Finally, this is getting some attention.A rebrand and some good marketing are just what this coin needs. To the moon bois

>> No.6224480

one of the only coins to not moon yet. i bet big on this. see you guys on the moon.

>> No.6224503

fuck this shitcoin

>> No.6224582

stay poor pajeet

>> No.6224640

It's not even about tech although it is the most secure in terms of privacy. Once DAO is complete every other shitcoin has NO EXCUSE to exist, especially those aimed at privacy. There will never be BCH vs BTC, ETC vs ETH in ZEN. It will be one immutable chain and hardforks decided by all-inclusive voting (not MASTERNODE holders, not DEV team, by anyone who owns 0.0000001 ZEN). Everything else working outside of this system or many others that will quickly follow in ZEN's example will be a fucking scam with no defense. What stops you to come and bring your vision into ZEN if it's truly unique? Certainly people will vote for whatever you're proposing. And if not then maybe you aren't bringing anything new to a table? ZEN will be de facto first of it's kind in privacy field.

>> No.6224714

Should I dump ZCL for this? How much will it go up in what time?

>> No.6224795

This must be the most no brainer moon mission since chainlink.

It will be 1000$ eoy at least , mark my words:

>> No.6225135
File: 114 KB, 600x776, 1510764135727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6225248


How long have you held it for? 30 minutes? why do u like to stay poor

>> No.6225290

Mining it now

>> No.6225556

Not enough volume on cryptopia for me to fomo into this :(

>> No.6225658

who hurt you to make you want to use cryptopia instead of Bittrex?

>> No.6225742

Bittrex wont allow me to make a litecoin address and the btc fee is too high for a poorfag like me FUVK

>> No.6225773

So use DOGE.

>> No.6225839

Can confirm his works, but is pennies every time . Who knows, maybe it will be a few hundred in a few years though.

>> No.6225962

Bittrex still isn't accepting new registrations, same for cryptopia shortly after I signed up.

>> No.6226081
File: 3 KB, 125x113, 1512558903939s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing happens

>> No.6226159

still half an hour left, better strap in bucko

>> No.6226317


thank me later

>> No.6226394
File: 6 KB, 250x169, 1505401035038s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i am wrong time zone, thats why

>> No.6226442
File: 103 KB, 1024x249, liberate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Github slogan lol

>> No.6226881

Price of ZEN is suppressed since Bittrex doesn't accept new signups. Founder of ZEN says more exchanges are coming: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZenSys/comments/7pgzda/zencash_needs_a_new_exchange/

>> No.6227002
File: 1.15 MB, 260x260, 1497627111413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6227655

it's starting https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ0v_lUnZHIKUQUXJzfgqOg

>> No.6227681


>> No.6227766

I expected it to be a rick n roll video, but it isn't. Im amazed.

>> No.6227960


>> No.6228002


>> No.6228151

just dumped they cant even keep their word on a fucking youtube stream. im out

>> No.6228267

bye bye

>> No.6228279

From the discord channel

finpunk - Today at 6:07 PM
ah yeah thought we were starting, but had a little glitch so rebooting system and getting ready to go live shortly
fishstick - Today at 6:07 PM
finpunk - Today at 6:07 PM
will clean up YouTube after

>> No.6228311


>> No.6228441

it's live now

>> No.6228631


I wonder how many shills who get excited over such shit ever once visit a coin's website

>> No.6228923

20 new viewers every minute. WE ARE MOONING

>> No.6229136

>implying the crypto market will even be relevant in a few years

>> No.6229270

when will bittrex and cmc update the logo?

>> No.6229278
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only wanna moon so i can buy more of this

>> No.6229518

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/