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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1080x1920, 1515059777815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6225751 No.6225751 [Reply] [Original]

Hi ive been investing in bitcoin since 2011 and i have made a fortune. i am looking to help people who have just started so...give me a message and we can arrange something. I WANT TO CHANGE SOMEONES LIFE!!

>> No.6225793


>> No.6225803

Haha lol, a single dollar portfolio? You've got to be the poorest of poorfags I have ever seen, and you want to give advice?

>> No.6225826


Yeah, you ain't fooling anyone.

>> No.6225827

send me some ETH senpai

>> No.6225855
File: 300 KB, 512x341, 3ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH... ANON daddy plez

>> No.6225863

i dont want to wagecuck my life away anymore

>> No.6225879

Please take me away from this existence.. PLEASE MAKE ME GIeBS

>> No.6225896


>> No.6225911

What is so wrong with wanting to help people?

>> No.6225920

post wallet or gtfo

>> No.6225939


>> No.6225941

please pick me daddy

>> No.6225943


i promise hot open bob pics of curve women if u send tokken to me

>> No.6225956


you can change my life, if you want. I'll move to beach somewhere with my girl and open a bar.

>> No.6225958
File: 68 KB, 500x625, stop_being_poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to stop being poor

>> No.6225964

i need some please!! 1L5TdtzGQ2ruZBou1KvzNAB4S8QwoyDcg

>> No.6225974
File: 10 KB, 227x287, 289aa8765ee82ea197abe8ddcfdbe57e--calvin-and-hobbes-draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would truly love some XMR, my man. Have wanted to hold some but not able to afford such a high price coin.

>> No.6225975
File: 1.45 MB, 1754x1718, i-take-bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh.. lets arrange something senpai

>> No.6225978


ok man, but what do you mean by "send me a message"?
If you want to help, send me some ETH. I will reinvest it intelligently, no waste.


If I make it, I'll pay you back.

>> No.6226001

I'm going to start my own battery production business, need money to start
gonna hire a hitman to kill an abusive father too maybe
i don't need much

>> No.6226011 [DELETED] 

Papa Anon, pls bless, need help! Change my life!

>> No.6226017


please send so I can stop working my shit 9-5

>> No.6226022

I want to help someone who is losing and needs money i know what its like to have nothing and make bad trades cause i did it.

>> No.6226036

Please pick me. Broke student ! Thanks !
ETH: 0xbe66a0c6b4c723139aca93be7332d382f2368ed1

>> No.6226048

Eth address

>> No.6226058

I believe in ethereummmmmmmm
plz anon

>> No.6226065


Well, I closed my 10k portfolio to pay for my brothers medical bills. Now i'm "trying" to start out again, I'd gladly take any help.


This is not me begging. If you have any questions I can post a protonmail.

>> No.6226066

Do you think a billionaire cares if you pay back what was donated to help? You must speak to the soul if you want Ops coin.

>> No.6226078

Wife and I are expecting our first kid in July.


>> No.6226090


i traded all my icx for tron 5 days ago and my mortgage is overdue

>> No.6226105

Please be real, OP! Congrats on the gains btw!

>> No.6226106

ETH 0xbe66a0c6b4c723139aca93be7332d382f2368ed1

I dont want to be poor! I need investment money!

>> No.6226111
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, 1f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. The normie invasion is real. Literal autists.

>> No.6226115

I want to make a 100 grand by the end of year in crypto. 1k from you would help me a lot brother


>> No.6226123


I care, I dont want charity but it helps to have money to invest. I will pay back the money after I doubled it.

>> No.6226124
File: 491 KB, 750x913, 1515585857870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've really just started and I am barely recovering from my BTC drop, thanks to ETH.
Every /biz/ moon mission I tried exploded halfway so far
How can I post my wallet adress without being banned?

>> No.6226140

Pictures with your portfolio and your eth address.

>> No.6226141

I remember when i installed blockfolio for the first time

>> No.6226158
File: 12 KB, 154x167, imlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i love seeing this fake ass screen shot. and the wallets that ensue every time.
>has billions of dollars
>3g connection

>> No.6226165

Dad and step dad are dead and mom is clinically insane. I take care of my two little sisters working full time and recently hopped into cryptos to get out of this shit hole. Pls help 1GYSmH2hCgqMWb4wNUWFx7h3JdHKhngdMg

>> No.6226167

Papa Anon, pls bless, need help! Change my life! Just started and will pay you back!

BTC - 171awFVpmjCLHFmWRnKwVk27oUeYMfynR8

Also, any advice other than hodling?

>> No.6226185

forgot to add ETH address

Whatever you feel like donating will be much appreciated!

>> No.6226188

Hey, good job if that is true, if it isnt you can fuck off.
Im a cs student, i give classes as part time and spend my time learning how to profit more on crypto in the spare time, i would really enjoy if you could send me some since I dont have $ to invest more then i already did since im trying to pay my tuittons without lending.
If you dont want to give cash, give me some good advice on how to use my money wisely on the crypto market

>> No.6226190

>>6225751 (OP)

Please pay my law school loans. Plz.

>> No.6226206

Post wallet addresses or GTFO LARPing faggot.

>> No.6226209

I bought a shitload of lumens near ATH, pls kill me. I was up 300% in 2 weeks before doing this, such a stupid mistake...

I don't expect you to do anything for me, but you're a good man if you're legit OP.

>> No.6226217

I wish to acquire land so I can build a house for the family I want to start, I love my wife so dearly and want our children to grow up in a beautiful home


>> No.6226225

Btc btw

>> No.6226236

I’ve lost borrowed 50k£.
If you could help me I’ll be the happiest person in the world.
Thank you

>> No.6226240

I'm all in on LINK. HODLing not chasing hype. I would looove for that all in to me more than my $1k usd I started with last week.

Eth wallet

>> No.6226243

i've been working my ass off to pay for and attend a private trade school for $1000 a class. i just want to finish my portfolio strong this year with what i've absorbed and get a dope ass job as an animator and/or character designer. i'm already very good, just need a little more time...

eth: 0x6E0E769ddec505f88BA5a6e20dBCd2546491f80E

>> No.6226244

My ETH address: 0x136DB3CcA72FD1Edb6C90934B8c2705E334E6AD9

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you very much

>> No.6226253

Drowning in student loan debt. Pls help

>> No.6226264
File: 171 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-172818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help out a poor Euro bro, started with €15k


>> No.6226276


I have lost more than 50% on bad timing,

>> No.6226278

Please OP, im a teacher, and a poorfag would love a 3d printer in my classroom!!!!!

Your Ethereum wallet address:


>> No.6226296

Wow! That is some portfolio!

Any chance of helping a poor man out?

>> No.6226297
File: 53 KB, 483x512, 501f301ee7c147a3a7f3a923f8d2cd06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went all in alts ytd. This happens everytime I go all in alts. Need funds for my xlm rocket.

>> No.6226303

please be real please be real please be real. i wanna expand my 500€ crypto portfolio



>> No.6226307

I need to know who really is struggling pictures? then i will make some donations ;-) if i can just change one person life i would be happy!

>> No.6226312

>>6225751 (OP)

Forgot to put in my BTC address:

But seriously... If you could help me even a little I would pass it on. Promise. Student loans were a terrible decision.

>> No.6226313

In my country you can buy nice 1-room apartment with 1 btc, with 1 ETH you can live for few years without going anywhere, with 1 monero you can buy a car. But, w/e, only few can afford. So! Give me and my fiance great wedding present.
BTC - 1Hr3LdAV8tyJrCtNAdEgSdgiLnoEtjwRFb
ETH - 0xb80ef26152c4b9b16e076ddaf0d2c076d9125531

>> No.6226324

omg how all of a sudden every fag is nice here...I would find other place to help people, not this shithole where everyone talks shit and tries to take advantage of others :D Just sayin..

>> No.6226331

1 btc would change my life. in recovery, been sober for 2.8 years.working my ass off.

>> No.6226339

Please pick me I'm poor AF: Bitcoin: 1BaTDU4MPq2WHU3a7avSsvVVx2EE2ePoBP

>> No.6226362

Eth wallet:

Help me anon!! I trust in you, thanks! :)

>> No.6226371

I would greatly appreciate anything OP. Pls

>> No.6226372

i changed your mothers' life. now change mine OP, i'm ready

>> No.6226397

Fucking beggars

>> No.6226412
File: 11 KB, 600x600, D60F2839-C6B3-427D-8B6A-E85D8C41B9A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m in the navy and my wife and I are trying to gather enough for a down payment on a modest home

Never hurts to ask thanks OP

ETH address

>> No.6226413

I live in poor eastern european country. I put my savings of 200 euro in crypto, now i have 500. i want to have more so i can earn more and buy a home



>> No.6226421

Been accumulating crypto gains in the hope of quitting my job and focusing fully on being a composer. Any help appreciated.

BTC: 1KaA4Sn4qjRGnKdC5suQMF9Z5GpnHUzqa3

>> No.6226436

I am 23 and had a stroke in December please help me

>> No.6226452

Eth Address: 0x12Be2266Ae70A37286800d89b5871Cf57cA4aC86

There is literally no way to spend all that money!

>> No.6226454

Send me your coins anon. I promise to only buy the finest cocaine and strippers.


>> No.6226465

ETH: 0x176E539b204129856D7ee6D74E9b6266f416f724

I want to make it OP.

>> No.6226472

OP I only have 40k EUR portfolio and a new baby coming this month. I just want to buy a cozy hone for my family. Decent ones start from 350k..


>> No.6226473

Check you wallet soon ;-) hope it helps pass it forward!

>> No.6226490

Well my school does not want to buy equipment, 1 eth would be enought to buy a 3d printer and some raspberry pi`s!

>> No.6226493
File: 210 KB, 2537x1085, fail1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, just started investing and my first attempts have been admittedly failures (POLL and CAN)

I don't have a blockfolio yet but I can upload a pic from kucoin in case you wanna give me a little boost start, worth a shot I guess

btw congrats on being a fucking billionaire from all this, crazy

>> No.6226494
File: 101 KB, 1658x916, Loanz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic for you. If I get this paid off it would absolutely fucking change my life.

BTC address:

>> No.6226497
File: 311 KB, 692x405, IMG_0831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had to close my portfolio to pay for my little brothers bills. Pic related. Felt shit but at least hes better now. Id happily take any help.


>> No.6226500





Please OP

>> No.6226505

Lost 3k last week lol

>> No.6226511

Forgot my eth address as well - 0xb8e2e7de2d654579f5b475aa2e0aa64ab67ae2aa

Whatever you can spare, I've got kids and more medical bills than money I'll ever have. I'll light a candle in my local church every Sunday and cheers your name at every toast.

>> No.6226513

Help a brother out. Student loans and CC debts man..

>> No.6226534




This year has started out pretty bad for me. I'll skip the details.

>> No.6226550
File: 2.50 MB, 5344x3006, IMG_20180110_183338347-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the struggle is real my friend
eth: 0x5fD630CbDa35D95Fd4Bb6dC7D9b5dA9853a5f7aE

>> No.6226554

Simple trick to become a billionaire yourself! Go to blockfolio app and increase the amount of coins you have. BOOM instant billionaire!

>> No.6226568

OP, you have a voicemail. Check that shit. ~anon out

>> No.6226574

Congrats man, I couldn’t even fathom that.



>> No.6226575

Holy shit OP you are my hero... Thank you for the 5 ETH.......My life just got better......

>> No.6226583

Pls help. I will give you a hug.

>> No.6226590

Eth wallet:
Thanks op!!

>> No.6226615

If this goes well i'll start my own business
i don't need much i just need enough so i can snowball on it ...
ETH 0x21d585b907116ea755985f1cca47b14fcd6795fc

>> No.6226620

Plz plz plz

0xa64324dee4590f6acd455db7c6c21ffe4ba2b097 I fucked up, lied to my parrents that i got my degree, ended up on a school working, they dont know i have no degree, but im doing really well, but i need this to let my project succeed, im fucking desperate desu...

>> No.6226630
File: 94 KB, 789x823, DRGu_s3WsAAM_Zo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC: 15TK6d8v7yKD7ttcG2fTqy2hQ2xksLQHHk

Drowning in student loans and nothing to show for it. Working for a shit boss at a shit retail job. Just want independence for once in my life.

>> No.6226633

ITT: beggers getting banned

>> No.6226636
File: 58 KB, 960x540, 13179406_10153443686451459_5980266130543277108_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'll give you my wife :/

>> No.6226644

My father had I heart attack recently so I moved back home to run his business while he can't & honestly I have just been able to keep us a float for now idk how this will work out. Anything helps. Thank you for your offer.

ETH address

>> No.6226648

My bitcoin address: 1BaTDU4MPq2WHU3a7avSsvVVx2EE2ePoBP

My ETH address: 0xdc0681d7850fb2a7c0daff5eef6515fc2f89fb18

I'll promise to pay you back one day when I manage to double or triple whatever you send me by reinvesting it into alts and icos. Sending even a couple hundred bucks can help me more than you can think.

>> No.6226657

I believe in you, OP.

>> No.6226664

Started Dec 28th with $500 (had to wait on coinbase) moveed it to Kucion and I think I am doing well with DBC (minus this morning RIP in pieces)

Would love some advice on how much to take out of a coin after a 2x or 3x and reinvest and how much to HODL long term

Ethereum wallet address:


>> No.6226670

You have $1,500 in ETH. You're not exactly broke you dumb nigger
You have $12K in tokens not to mention all of the ETH you are sending over to binance you nigger. You don't need the money.

>> No.6226671

I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.

Please send ETH :(

>> No.6226672
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x540, Doge222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've never owned a bitcoin, I've tried to just trade with ethereum a lot. New investor, scared and confused but just treating it like a long term investment.

>> No.6226674



is it even possible for somoene to help others here? lol

>> No.6226678

I'm a hard working very young adult and recently started crypto because of the opportunities and technology. My goal is to finally get an apartment of my own.

BTC: 36647EQKBqMWuXF3Q9d3321grCPrhtRhXv

>> No.6226680
File: 1.07 MB, 320x240, 1275389642_turbo-teen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no sob story. But I sure would like some sweet ETH.

>> No.6226683

Hey man op , i don't wish to beg you like all the others. I just want to thank you for coming on 4chan and wanting to help others out.God has blessed you well. Am orphaned myself with an autisitc brother. Looking to understand your theory behind investing and etc. Do drop me a email if your time permits @polk216@gmail.com , peace out

>> No.6226686
File: 217 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180110-183632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very red porfolio. please help me grow it?



>> No.6226692

there you go brother enjoy and invest smart (Stratis)

>> No.6226703
File: 194 KB, 1080x1920, 1514423799651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sir may i have some eth?

I started in december


>> No.6226709

Op pls I have $48 invested in FUN. Help my family out bro.

>> No.6226714

I live in a shit country that will tax every trade I make, send BTC aid: 1CB2su3ihdPm5UQb4d1xwPcX5kBTrVJpsc

>> No.6226715
File: 230 KB, 750x792, C22C5A4C-4BEB-48C5-BB92-F0F420558213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please OP



>> No.6226735


>> No.6226737



>> No.6226740
File: 906 B, 675x25, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm currently at -50k in debt, because I had to pay for my parents care

eth: 0x71b69352b155B724C30411941a26aFf30fe8b645


>> No.6226746

change my life and i try to change other lives aswell. lets make the world a better place

Monero Adress: 4ALcw9nTAStZSshoWVUJakZ6tLwTDhixhQUQNJkCn4t3fG3MMK19WZM44HnQRvjqmz4LkkA8t565v7iBwQXx2r34HNroSAZ

payment ID:

>> No.6226749

Your Ethereum wallet address:

0xa64324dee4590f6acd455db7c6c21ffe4ba2b097 No but i am and my whole life is fucked up desu, i need something like this in my life it would LITTERLY change everything..

>> No.6226764
File: 137 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor. My ETH:

Thank you very much.

>> No.6226770



only have 200 on blockfolio just started and at 150 already =( help

>> No.6226772

this may be the most obvious LARP I have ever seen

>> No.6226774

Hi, i've just become an indian citizen put eth her pls kind sir!. (for real tho if this isn't a larp i'm a sub 1k prawn and any help would be a game changer)

>> No.6226798
File: 34 KB, 370x699, 1515313822173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DoNaTe Me ThE DoGe

Yiff yiff yiff

>> No.6226813

Please, OP. I live at the ass-end of Africa as a broke-ass student.

BTC address: 1MZTr9jYhga8k5o4MnHBSxQA4QoA9NwRX

>> No.6226814

I’ve worked manual labor construction for 15 years. It’s been tough making it sometimes and work is pretty slow right now because of the weather. It’s really the worst time of year for guys like me.

I’ve been investing what I can into crypto since July, and I’m finally starting to make some returns. All I want is to be able to stop breaking my body to earn a living and have enough to live quietly on smart investments.

Thanks for offering to help someone. That’s a really generous thing to do.


>> No.6226816
File: 1.12 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180110_183933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6226818
File: 113 KB, 1024x706, panther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have you thought OP, all pajeets come out of their holes once they smell the good poo

I don't need anything from you because I have everything in life. All I have is a cat as best friend. A true loyal companion

>> No.6226824

HHAHAHAHAHAHA this fucking thread lmao

>> No.6226825

Change my life and I'll suck your dick


>> No.6226828

I love you OP and even a small donation would help me and my family immensely.

I know I can make a lot in this market, ive already made incredible gains. I just don't have a ton to work with right now. Any money you give me would essentially be giving me many times more :)

Eth: 0x4786ebdbbb9a0af53825b3844e071a1d9c018a67

>> No.6226831
File: 1.19 MB, 1150x818, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 9.41.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope u like my art OP

>> No.6226851

Wow, congrats OP! If you want to throw some ETH at a poorfag, here's my address: 0xb78cd4d9c652930c83cfee2b6c8f599b4d3b53b5

>> No.6226865
File: 45 KB, 1828x310, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 12.41.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much student debt :(

>> No.6226875

Nice LARP faggot

>> No.6226878

Hey OP , i just started in crypto to try and erase my massive debt from school. Feeling like there is no way out right now. Would love anything you could give. Thanks man.

BTC - 1GycmvqKT2d4wAkpy7bVDRH1GnTw1gdsA1

>> No.6226879


You seem genuine. Whatever you send I'll put to good use.


>> No.6226885
File: 312 KB, 750x1334, 6FF6E05B-49F3-44AC-A692-F5DD14EE0DB9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP if this guy can post a date give it to him.

>> No.6226892
File: 498 KB, 1837x1454, BF4ADCE9-D5A5-4A3D-A871-6C6EC15910C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, the last year has been hard as fuck. I’m in shitloads of debt from trying to mitigate personal disaster, not to go into a long sob story..I know crypto is the future but my gains aren’t enough to help me yet. I just started a better paying job but I’m so behind on everything, I’m not sure where it’s going to come from. I just want to pay off my bills and start investing in my future. I’m 25 so there’s still hope...I think. I just want to be able to support myself and get my shit together. Thanks for reading OP Pic related, my cat Rupert.

Btc 12bjZBRYLrgq7qwGWjqrYSdw3wLVJEWdup

Eth 0x0eEff26E13fC354Fb0Ff15ef119CE4045880b564

>> No.6226896
File: 12 KB, 286x286, Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 18.42.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon OP let's see if ur LARPing or if ur rich

>> No.6226903

The technology and the market is just crazy. Would love to have the opportunity to talk to you.


>> No.6226904

How can we talk? I don't want to ask for money like everyone is doing here, just signal me with a low amount so I know you're telling the truth and really would help me with this!

ETH: 0x2289a4b1d5b6734fb507dbc85fac92fe25faeb85

>> No.6226912
File: 64 KB, 640x640, massmachine5000_14547713_1172470726139447_5591682338581905408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feed and grow hyper-testosteroned alpha males and spoil them with a lavish lifestyle. Also I'm a NEET who will likely kms rather than wagecuck for a boring life. I need tens of $millions to set up the life I need.

>> No.6226913

Trying to pay for a wedding so if you'd like to change two lives that'd be a true blessing

>> No.6226915
File: 37 KB, 528x480, 1505334000216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I found out we're expecting our second child. Yesterday I got laid off. Feeling blessed and tested in equal measure today.

Either way, may God bless you anon: 0xdad52ba1f4fdbe19f5a95e2abdf6a36295bfad35

>> No.6226924
File: 836 KB, 1242x2135, 3347DAC4-2374-4438-BFE5-3DCE3C432D8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saving up for a house/family. Anything works! Thanks :)


>> No.6226933

I wouldn't bother posting here with that kind of money...

>> No.6226937

there you go hope it helps.

>> No.6226955
File: 197 KB, 1080x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying my best to earn my way, God bless you OP.


>> No.6226956
File: 290 KB, 1191x670, IMG_20180110_183925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I have student loans and CC debts up to my knees. I'm desperate and trying to get a break in the crypto currency world. This is all I have.

Help would be appreciated so much!



>> No.6226957

Meh, I'll bite:

>> No.6226967

If you send me some eth you will change life of poor student who tryna earn some money to cover his university debt


Thanks in advance anon

>> No.6226969

I lost my retirement trying to make money... this is what's left of 50k:


>> No.6226978

I need to finish my degree but I don't have time because I have to work on the side. Mum refuses to support me because she's a psycho. Thanks to her I got to pay for the shrink, too. Sucks man, there's always hope right: 0xb5b18a95ecd4b5eceda89a1eb2d95d3805045fdf

>> No.6226982

OP you will be my kickstarter for a lambo if you want.


>> No.6226987

If you really wanna change someones life, donate me even some small amount of money for my bionic arm, please...thank you sir

>> No.6227000

Congrats on the gains OP. Good on you for wanting to help. Any eth would be a game changer for me.


>> No.6227003

I'm creating a drug to give worms to ex-girlfriends

>> No.6227008

forgot my address


>> No.6227009

Please gibs a bit D: Trying to pay for uni PLz HALP


>> No.6227010
File: 51 KB, 900x675, happy_pikachu_by_pikatheking025-d521dsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struggling to get through graduate school and cash out enough to fix my car. Anything helps! Thank you!

BTC 1DUwrPRxxYrUqgsUSsnxKvC3zydfowMUfX

ETH 0x71075E0F897a1165557ADd591B036E21D8452DEb

>> No.6227018

>leg fucked up in accident
>no cash for med bills
>poor family no education
>got into crypto with 1k loan early december
>currently sitting at 5k, it's most I ever had or seen in my life
I would appreciate anything really but I guess there are some anons itt who need help even more
also grats on making it whale OP
posting wallets just in case, I believe in miracles
ETH: 0xdc41d219292ac3b82e9694914ef1a0875ea4df54
BTC: 1NjYwPdw1tQM7xpverW8HGgSPhw2xysRWG

>> No.6227037
File: 104 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180110-174105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with €400 and craving for more gains. Care to help out with a boost?

ETH: 12X9VJjQTHcyHXDHsBVqqsx1QoaiFv3EsQ

>> No.6227039

Hi OP, thanks for posting. I'm trying to figure this stuff out, been in since December. My ethereum wallet on binance: 0x3290725274b9fa4ddf5ad951bc08653b0e07ee7a

Take care!

>> No.6227045

My 5 year girlfriend left me year ago, since then i lost my job, become alcohol addict. One month ago my mother helped me, gave me 5k to rent a room and find a job. You're stranger, i would appreciate your help, but i would not be so destroyed, as when my mother gave me money. I want to return to her her money. I can be whatever you want me to call, if only i could return a favor to my mom. Thank you.
0x0dE266fAC4e52144a50e7F0be2f759A4755b4Cd4 - ETH

>> No.6227050

Omg op, I wish I were smart like you in the past.
The feeling of not having invested is worst than losing any money.

BTC: 1ECtwyj2g346XoekDuv4xTwMpZEdeEKjVm

MONERO: 4JUdGzvrMFDWrUUwY3toJATSeNwjn54LkCnKBPRzDuhzi5vSepHfUckJNxRL2gjkNrSqtCoRUrEDAgRwsQvVCjZbRzcdjHf4Sa5JkHJ5GJ

>> No.6227051

PLZ HELP ME SENPEI. I am drowning in debt.

ETH: 0x789166d5a00C20fF3B890Caac2A7B6376f685f93

>> No.6227053

i dont get the OP. how much is one bollar?

>> No.6227058

I'll put a birthday hat on a picture of your choosing! Also you are a stand up guy for doing this. Bless Pepe.


>> No.6227071

Based OP

btc - 3MWAskC5GDEd88Hxq9P5HYUKdan7yk2FHq

>> No.6227074

BTC: 37SdWB5xdXkxzUZFNPU2r8EbArSec4UhuG

Please help me pay off law school loans.

>> No.6227076

>check addresses
>nobody got anything
Why is this thread still up?

>> No.6227078
File: 153 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180110-124557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am poor this all I'm riding with pls help anon. ETH 0xFf1c66dc705d8F34f7834399AEA7A38B5630a448

>> No.6227083
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x3024, 2BE0FD11-CDCC-44D7-99DA-4F0ED56ABABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change my dog’s life, he is starving.

>> No.6227090

Oops That was BTC

ETH: 0x730c08475b83484df9a1c8ee4f29e16d3d5d3792

>> No.6227094

i just want to buy my mom a new stove...



>> No.6227106
File: 131 KB, 500x374, 1408986071911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make enough to be able to quit my shitty job and pursue my dreams in music. Anything is appreciated, thank you.

ETH: 0xB4921aEc5AEbCf0a4C05e7e62BeA1271cCC32be1

>> No.6227110
File: 311 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180110-124530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi OP lost 5k in meme coins pls help

>> No.6227117

Please help me with my student debt and investments. I really need the boost. Ive been down since the beginning :(

>> No.6227129

Holy fuck dude, insane.
Give me some and I will supply you with good Napulitan pizza margherita from Gianni The Squaqquerone

>> No.6227131

Make me cry


>> No.6227141
File: 151 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lost my dog to anemia. He was my only friend :(


>> No.6227144


This was an Ether address btw!

ETH: 0xef54c3651010efb48d939588e6bf85241d3059b6


Thanks :)

>> No.6227148
File: 156 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH address:

you can't sign me up for any spam emails so not really that bad waiving my dick in the wind

Totally will use the money to pay a dominatrix so i can call her mom.

>> No.6227151

Never thought I'd have to shill myself.

I just wanna buy a little bit of land on some island somewhere where I can build house for my parents and future wife and kids to live in.

I like cars. I'd like a little garage where I can have fun and tinker.

I like guns. Wanna design my own and test them out on the local flying critters. Not sure how I'd get bullets but I'll make it work.

I'll turn a lot of the land into farmland giving the local people jobs too. Will help me make sure that my family don't go hungry.

>> No.6227159
File: 54 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-01-10-11-40-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of my ultra poorness

Eth: 0x1af9c120a174ca3541e856e6d49136cd0b53f825

>> No.6227160

BTC: 37SdWB5xdXkxzUZFNPU2r8EbArSec4UhuG

Law school is expensive pls help

>> No.6227167


This thread will be great.

I’m happy for you OP and I hope you’re real.

Help some people today - seems like there are people here that need it a lot more than I do.

>> No.6227169


ex mil got fucked by army when me and wife both got out and now barely making ends meet with a almost 3 year old.

>> No.6227170

Have study loan and my last surgery loan to pay, went in crypto because it could help somehow, I might as well try giving my btc address !


>> No.6227172

Really loving the community, would mean the world to me. Thank you for doing this :)


>> No.6227182

Ukranian poorfag working for 200 euro a month, no job opportunities here. I'm stuck in this limbo OP, crypto is the only way it can change my life
BTC: 19JAPjQ4sdUeyZJUUvNpXSixq5pgFMnGzs

>> No.6227191


>> No.6227193

Wannabuy my gf a macbook pro



>> No.6227198

student loans, poor af, any amount will help
eth: 0x81f72c359D4872929ef4EaD03F31192463Cf9D29

>> No.6227200

BTC address btw OP. Much love

>> No.6227203


trying to earn enough to pay off college debts, I've made a bit of money investing in alts but it's going real slow.

-30k debt left, which isn't that bad I guess, seeing as I came from -60k
any help would be appreciated

eth adress:


>> No.6227212

You must be laughing your ass off right now


ETH 0x61d0eb97a77104a69dd02033d767d5fa52c6b6c7

>> No.6227215
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, 2018-01-10 12.48.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP.


>> No.6227227
File: 137 KB, 640x1136, C14A3ADF-F7C9-4C96-AF25-FCF19C2876E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days I’m getting frustrated

>> No.6227233

Trying to make it to pay off some student loan debt.

ETH Address: 0x30F7b6f9805792b7D8c799f4bE79Aa5a47BB787c

>> No.6227234

Join --> https://discordapp.com/invite/ZU4sHtt


>> No.6227235
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-124510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


op i've been grinding pls I'm still a fish, I WANNA BE A DOLPHIN

eth plsssssssss


>> No.6227240
File: 43 KB, 462x425, IMG_20171222_213948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gimme dat BTC nigga

Or here for ETH



>> No.6227253 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck dude, insane.
Give me some and I will supply you with good Napulitan pizza margherita from Gianni The Squaqquerone


>> No.6227255
File: 28 KB, 1126x187, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just invested my thirteenth salary and this is what Im left now.
And I actually though I could profit.

BTC: 1ECtwyj2g346XoekDuv4xTwMpZEdeEKjVm

>> No.6227267

My father recently died and he left me with a lot of debt. I managed to basically get it to 0, but I had to sell my car and live in a shitty apartment now, with the only hope being my new job that's not even paying much.

I know others have it worse, and I don't have any debt left right now, but I feel stuck in this fucking system. I just want to escape it, so I can spend time with my friends and family and make something of my life. Would really help a lot if you could spare just a little bit. Thank you.


>> No.6227268

Show me the money

>> No.6227276
File: 31 KB, 152x200, cast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow man, mucho respect. I just started last year with small amounts and have made steady gains by investing in the tech I believe in. I hope to one day be able to move into my own house from crypto profit andbe able to live freely by escaping the clutches of daily life and the shitty 9-5. If anyone wants to drop any amount of ETH to help: 0xEACe88Df40B023b7751a7D67ac5EB9E712620225

>> No.6227280

OP, after working through college, my wife and I have been saving up for a house and our first child. We're average folks who both work below-average jobs, but I've been trying to make smart investments in crypto with the little bits of disposable income we have. If you would like to change a life, we are saving up to have our first child now.

BTC: 179Kai9nF8TNaPMREqQcomCpUEGN4E5Yqg

>> No.6227291

Happy for you. Put your money to good. Don't give too much away and diversify.


>> No.6227293

halp pls

BTC: 1NkVXWe6LgydKHR4MjRiAx7gGdLWqyYFca


>> No.6227295

hey man dunno if you saw my fail1 above but here's fail2, I don't have a sad story I'm just a young dude that invested for the first time this week and I've been going down slowly but surely. Right now I have around $1500 on kucoin from the $2000 i started with which is pretty fucking disheartening

I'd be really fucking happy if I could get a boost start in this journey

ETH address: 0x859d5a9ed31a6ad501650e481d11583c733d70bf

>> No.6227303

btc 127GtyJaofxLM6hf124NXDT751mtxuiFiS

eth 0xAC3d630b168ABa25d2B4AeD39cC266417ecA999a

I don't want to say I have shitty days in my life right now but I hope you are real and will help.

>> No.6227307


Oh I can give a BTC address too if that’s what you were using.


Thanks! :)

>> No.6227310
File: 26 KB, 485x332, AR-312119827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuck in sweden until I get enough to start my own business abroad.

ETH: 0x959ccddfc74bfb22883b3d2b14901cec746e29eb


>> No.6227313
File: 144 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations on the success OP. I'm trying to make money to pay off my student loans and parents' debt. Although I've managed to nearly double my investment in the last few weeks my initial investment of a few hundred pounds was all I could afford, so I haven't made huge gains. Any contribution would be so greatly appreciated


>> No.6227322

Op im not going to make up some sob story about how my family is dying or how im in debt. Probably almost everyone in this thread deserves your mercy much more than I do. Truth is im a piece of shit. But this piece of shit has 1 dream. My only friend, the only person I care about in this entire world has been abused by his narcissist mom his entire life, and I promised him if I made it in crypto that I'd buy a place for him and me. Maybe you think thats worthy or maybe not, but Ill let you be the judge of that.


>> No.6227325

Having a kid on the way OP..

You would really make my fucking years complete because I'm still studying and it was totally unexpected.. started in crypto for his future

ether adress: 0x2247b1abBEb82571f89ed7eb3fE80383e3c2a778

>> No.6227330

From a poor family trying to get the funds to get into school so I can make this world a better place and help them out. Med school is the dream. Seriously anything helps.

ETH address:


>> No.6227332


it would literally change me and my family's life and save us from this paycheck to paycheck life post military

>> No.6227346

I just want to make /his/ docs and make films. plz kind sir. 0x97bc1de2f71d5cf691e552a11517ebfedf79e5e4


>> No.6227348
File: 50 KB, 540x960, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In dire need of help OP... would be much appreciated.

>> No.6227350

Oh yeah and I took out a loan since I won't get a scholarship due to her high income. I don't even care about that loan, just want to be able to finish my maths degree and start living

>> No.6227351
File: 954 KB, 2000x1341, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, started with my $1000 investment that I saved away for 2 months, a headstart would be even better, would love to reach 100k.

I will return the favor to another anon if I ever make it, thanks bro.


>> No.6227359
File: 160 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a real hard time... At least, my numbers are green.

Even if I'm not chosen, it's a really nice gesture, OP. I wish you the best.

>> No.6227363

Bless u! I just started and was wondering what it would take to build wealth into the millions and would appreciate your kind advice.

>> No.6227366

Trying to save money to put down a mortgage, from a poor family 11 ( 5 brothers n sisters)

ETH address:

>> No.6227367
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1492573392001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc 1PdgH1KjhACPNNVh7rCqsuqG2UrVZFDLfv
>eth 0xca823302d20c08d52b6f75f9fd4d83df55c5f37b
i live to trade shitcoins 24/7

>> No.6227375

OP I am going to be honest, I will use these funds to lose my virginity. Please help, anything helps. Help me get my d wet.

ETH: 0x8D58f39A6dfed17E01270CFe175De96bc0BA5930

>> No.6227379
File: 189 KB, 739x678, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there. Just a young europoor here.

I started investing with 100 € a year ago. So far I've made good profit % wise but I've still a long way to go.

I don't even ask much from life. Just a normal apartment for myself loan free is my long term goal. Younger people like me have gotten so fucked with the prices of apartments where I live. And getting an loan free home is really life changing.

Ethereum: 0x1d702E26A924fAe462199B6C9305599F99b315aB

>> No.6227384

Just sent everyone ITT 1 million dollars each
t. OP

>> No.6227386

Scan the archives of biz and send one BTC to every address posted. Create a thread about it and post proof. You will become internet famous.

>> No.6227389
File: 36 KB, 397x386, 1421944726175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfaghere, help me out.

>> No.6227390
File: 153 KB, 900x675, 1487828452879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need money to help buy my grandma a new car *van*...some asshole hit and ran her the other day, still pisses me off...

thanks op, or anyone, in advance

BTC 1DNcAsSoG6pt7fdFfqPCFsBFMXMFprjoYv


>> No.6227398

Can't currently confirm if its true, but if it is I will love you forever

>> No.6227400
File: 35 KB, 798x777, 1513688449632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a vechain node. It's only a f


>> No.6227401
File: 734 B, 613x22, idkwhattodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in quite a lot of debt for my heart operation earlier this year, please and thank you


>> No.6227402
File: 162 KB, 540x960, cardano2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post my blockfolio.
Thanks OP.


>> No.6227410


>> No.6227417
File: 25 KB, 1342x235, kms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I responded to posts like this it's a larp but can I just be lucky once lmao

poorfag student who started 6 months ago with DNT and got fucked over hard, started with a 50% loss, hope to get a head start sometime

ETH: 0x13322eac86017173f05e0a4eff11ea6dc93c1238

>> No.6227420
File: 106 KB, 750x1334, image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eth: 0xbc5c874556e8e652fc20e52a5d6251d9b3ebfbf2

OP, it all started so well. But I'm getting absolutely ass blasted on every thing I do.

>> No.6227421

I wish OP would help me, I've never been so lucky.I need help. I feel so fucked.

ETH Wallet

>> No.6227422

pls, I'm balls deep in student loan debt ;_;


>> No.6227431
File: 23 KB, 603x108, 1-10-2018 5-51-09 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I have to my name at the moment, aside from lost gains in BAT for the time being. Just getting into Crypto, hoping someday to leave something for the kid!

BTC: 1GN11e2uHAmvp7SFZhJxVTwCUGn6v5BGzY

ETH: 0x74C7d01641EFe351C9428E811055b915013Fd1d9

This would mean the absolute world to me

>> No.6227432

Lost almost 80k...

Help: ETH 0x27e1746cf36631d11716b3789f86478e686db289

>> No.6227436

Help me out OP, trying to save up money for my daugters 1st bday.

Here is my ETH address:


Here is my bitcoin one:


>> No.6227439
File: 298 KB, 515x525, WAKEYWAKEYPEPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6227440

Stop begging you fucking vulture

>> No.6227443
File: 120 KB, 534x949, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is when I was happy. I've been JUSTed hard. :(


>> No.6227447

Nothing crazy, been doing pretty good so far. Just want to get comfortable enough that I can go tell my shit boss who may be indited in a few weeks to fuck her own face and walk out.

Enjoy your life OP

>> No.6227450

Gratz mate I’m trying to make it too

Would greatly appreciate any assistance.

My btc:

>> No.6227454
File: 91 KB, 750x1334, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I know this is such a shot in the dark but I really do believe there's some good people out there

Just a broke college kid who doesn't want to graduate with a shitty degree and a shit ton of debt in a year. hope you can help my man.

eth: 0xA0aFDA3cD96689EF6D008cCa7f9638bB1BFC7452

>> No.6227456

$44k in student loan debt, have 2 baby girls and an unborn baby to support. I'm passionate about crypto. Anything helps, really. Thank you!

BTC: 15TFejnWweNkaa9JFojc5nAL1X4UjrtTYE

ETH: 0x8b3c096600b33dd0fb5ffff925fb44a603146476

>> No.6227457

I need to purchase $1,500 in fall protection gear so I can further my career in entertainment rigging. Along with that I want more than anything to buy a house for me and my girlfriend (soon to be wife).

This has not been the best of weeks for me because my father just suffered a stroke on Saturday and I'd love to alleviate my parents financial burden from the medical costs.

If this is real my ETH adress is 0x167442d45154a2a9e3bfddbc85cb98795fc08988

Thank you and God bless you.

>> No.6227462

Please help me! I believe in Crypto and I shill it constantly on here as I believe it is the future of currency. I believe we need a currency that is decentralized. I have been telling everyone I know about it for a while now but I am a poor fag and barely have any of my own.

If you could just send me a little bit for all the good I have done for you I would appreciate it!

My ETH address:


>> No.6227464

Trying to crypto my way into a new home but the way things are going it might not be possible.



>> No.6227479
File: 301 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180110-184939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started out with 100$ this december
>mfw It's all red
poorfag from shitty country, no perspectives, story like all the others I guess
ETH: 0xdc41d219292ac3b82e9694914ef1a0875ea4df54
if you are not larping - good job OP

>> No.6227485
File: 296 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7C8B772FA6DB-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with 100$ trying to help pay off my student loans to go to pharm school.

anything helps


>> No.6227490

OP, teach me to fish and I'll never forget who you were. I'd even name my first born after you. I don't need a deposit to a wallet I just want knowledge on how to avoid bad trades. I've been hit pretty hard this last correction and feel like I'm not going to make it anymore.

>> No.6227499
File: 140 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180110-104021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been using my gains to pay for school and medical bills but these bags are quite heavy op and i know we all will make it if we hold through
i plan on holding until im on the green again so having extra ether to play market would be a great help

>> No.6227502
File: 284 KB, 1440x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my wife last year to cancer, she was 29. I hope it gets better, but it doesn't, does it!


>> No.6227504

if this is legit,

I have less than 1000 to my name in general and only have a few dollars in crypto. Trying to help with my mothers medical expenses. If you'd like to send me some eth, that would be cool.


>> No.6227510

please help change my life - God bless


>> No.6227513
File: 22 KB, 1002x214, 3333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what is left from my salary witch is around 300usd month.

>> No.6227520

Absolutely shameless

>> No.6227523

working all day for seven years now, poor as hell, taking care of my mom, brother got ptsd from the army

i really believe in bitcoin and true human kindness
thank you OP

>> No.6227525
File: 672 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_0161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6227527

BTC: 3Nj6HeqgquP6HPcbkC7G235YCz3XQ1StUq

already lost a lot of money

>> No.6227529

Recently sober, working my ass off as a server and putting most of my paycheck into crypto. Everything I do is for money right now. In the past my distractions were unhealthy but this one is the best addiction I've ever had. Any amount of money or valuable knowledge could really change my life for the better

>> No.6227534
File: 522 KB, 500x737, image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get some money through to start a family.

>> No.6227544

Much love to you OP for doing this, and also congrats on your fortune! :) You are making many peoples' day today!

ETH: 0x532a364956a4380dfd6b16ac850687a54b589026

>> No.6227549
File: 122 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-10-18-47-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to repay my apartment, already on a good roll. except for the last few days, help still appreciated :)



>> No.6227554


the thread

>> No.6227555

>not financially well off enough to start family
>conceived two kids with a third on the way
You make poor choices, you deserve nothing scum

>> No.6227565
File: 15 KB, 331x444, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is my Poorfolio

>> No.6227567

Hey Op, /Biz/

Want to really change someone's life? I am a trader and find it my passion, not some random kiddo that trade crypto, but i trade stocks and currency and pretty successfully, the only problem is that i can not grow my capital quick, since i have to take care of a family. Not saying that i do all the job, but saving some money to buy something good is a thing that everyone does from time to time in my family and i find it nearly impossible to save money.

I have a strategy that a lowest 4 digit number of dollars will set me for life. I can provide proofs for that in future.

In case someone is interested


>> No.6227573



>> No.6227574

can't pay my bills HELP

ETH 0x4ceee2a4ec04017620965cc9f7498cbb2551fd15

>> No.6227576

I lost dozens of BTC in 2010.
Show me some love OP ='(
ETH: 0x418F693aBDd8b914303c71d1Cbd344e66dCF2abA

I want to be like youuuu

>> No.6227578
File: 79 KB, 640x1136, 2018-01-10 18.55.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach the pick. That's all my investments.

>> No.6227589

Might as well give this a go. Poor veterinary student with a huge debt and on the brink of being homeless. I would be very thankful for any help, kind anon!


>> No.6227596

Girlfriend left me this week, lost 8 grand (all of which I invested out of my own pocket and Xmas bonus from my shitty restaurant job I've been working since I failed out of college) in crypto this week, portfolio is down 163% overall, rent for February seems like an impossibility at this point.

If you could send me even 1 ETH it could cover my rent and food for the next few weeks (I'll eat white rice and plain chicken), and you could single-handedly prevent me from being homeless next month. Any amount is appreciated though if you do decide to donate, thank you so much anon!!!

BTC address: 1KUAXMRXtbmrnTxdTZwaVXdqHrY17dL5XB

ETH address: 0x34427c99AC40A2577fc5Bf354C8d2e3097B7758D

>> No.6227598

would love any help you could give

ETH 0xb043ae7349f127d3ba23baf63f95075d5d4fd6c7

>> No.6227599

Okay op I'll bite. I don't have any noble cause or a great idea/start-up. I'm an investing in crypto because I want to give back to my family. I've only started 2 weeks ago and I've turned 1k into 4k but I would like to see a bigger return but lack the funds to do so

>> No.6227603

Started in December with $250 because that is what I had. Currently sitting at about $2000 and trying to make it anon. Getting to be up there in age and retirement is right around the corner, I don't want to be a wagecuck forever. I am hopeful, but have never seen anything on this type of thing pan out. I will repost if something happens...

BTC: 1DaCKMCfLT1QcQ5VUhm38orzs6JkNqohEz

>> No.6227605
File: 45 KB, 778x512, 1514784324742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally just broke .1eth after starting with 20$, I feel I can work this but Im just a poorfag student who probably got in to late, if you could help, that'd be greatly appreciated.

>> No.6227606

LARPing faggot

>> No.6227609

Eth: 0x9d2e726b09e1d4e0e71ff86e2a596d1be21c3a4e any bit would make a huge diff to my and my familys life!

>> No.6227611


>> No.6227614

eth address 0x81B80dC085cC108573B8Aa5aBB9770b242485772
Working so I can raise my brother right and out of poverty. Trying to put him through school is a struggle, with no help, got a wallet but as I just started learning about crypto but no money to invest. Although just starting I am excited about this oppurtunity
in crypto space. God bless.

>> No.6227619

im gonna say my little girl when she's older: believe you can and you're half way there. I wanna proof that to her. 1FwATkXxP2ik5HwciakQd2bZXEnA7tQ482

>> No.6227624

My wife and I lost our daughter last year. I got into crypto so I could support my wife without her working again because she has gone through enough. Anything would be amazing my wife really deserves it. God bless you sir

Eth address

>> No.6227627

May kek be with you op on your way to Valhalla


>> No.6227628

how to get banned 101

>> No.6227635
File: 112 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-175313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make good investments but made some amateur moves since I'm new. Want to use those profits to re-invest and eventually buy a house for me and my family. I don't care for lambos.

ETH: 0x8e5e70f73bdd1a2d16b1134a00a4d5e1ac3cd471

>> No.6227639

Congratz man!
I was holding BTC a few years back, sold with a gain of 25USD so sad, bring me on the right way again. THANK YOU

ETH: 0x0cb3e86841525b0fc402c788b439e0ea8e71bdde

>> No.6227642
File: 85 KB, 1125x755, F7665D36-BB01-487B-8177-9F8F2A91B83B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally so poor that I can only afford to go all in on alts.


Thank you, in advance, if you're for real.

>> No.6227647

My dream is to open a winery in Washington state. I have turned 1.5k into 18k this month, working really hard to achieve my dream.



Any contribution is appreciated and I will be sure to send you a case of wine once my dream is realized!

>> No.6227648

honestly 1 btc would enable me to pay for stuff for a year, focus on my degree and I'd not be stuck anymore

>> No.6227651
File: 46 KB, 1904x446, btrx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought NXT at 12k sat and BAT and 6k SAT. Im stressing out so much and dont know what to do.


>> No.6227658


>yfw this was a bait thread to get begging pajeets banned


>> No.6227659

The only thing I have was given to me by another good anon for using his referal. Im also minimal wage cuck so it doesnt take much to change anything in my life desu. Atleast not in debt yet


>> No.6227671

sent brahs, you're gonna make it

>> No.6227672

got hit by a drunk driver on thanksgiving and currently

>11k in medical debt
>totaled car
>unable to work due to injuries

enjoy your blessings every day guys, so happy to be alive but enroute to losing everything :( cant sue cause he has nothing to his name + he killed 4 other people and injured 5 more (totaled 3 cars in total)

been looking at crypto to help with bills


>> No.6227683

ETH: 0x44225a70b902875563561a58c3eba824b8851e3f

Ty OP I love you so much

>> No.6227695

Bro just tell everyone to get Digibyte coins, you will help them more then just donating money to them...
> DGB iOS wallet guys just a hint!

>> No.6227696

welcome to my country
0x6b387f13443A840008E88db8732E5F27C0cE44D6 eth

>> No.6227709
File: 100 KB, 720x1162, 1504124098101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fake but not me
reply to this post with dubs and get 5 btc

>> No.6227710

I am also studying in university right now and feel so ashamed that my parents have to pay for my bus and my eating, when i could work somewhere by myself. But education is the best investment, right?

>> No.6227715
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1494705704739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no address

>> No.6227726
File: 166 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-10-11-52-43[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the definition of stuggling: dad got a DUI, can't work as a truck driver anymore, mom divorced him, barely making enough money to pay to go to school, probably will drop out and go back in a couple years. Worried my dad will commit suicide... IDK man. Even if you aren't telling the truth, just needed to vent.

BTC: 1MVpDqs53Ez59fEXbTuitGcXqZ2QoKPGAU

ETH: 0x752c4e12f0ca71cdb4744da76061bc16781b711b

>> No.6227731

Wubba lubba dub dub!

Send ETH instead 0xef54c3651010efb48d939588e6bf85241d3059b6

>> No.6227736
File: 151 KB, 1080x1920, 26829297_1945412155676600_1205993559_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with 5k€ got down to 2k and now climbing back

I am trying to get to 50k to pay for medical treatment for my grandpa
I am not asking for anything, but if you want even just 1k would help me reach the 50k sooner and hopefully not too late


Even if you choose anyone help, if you are not just trolling you are being better than 99% of people

>> No.6227738
File: 1009 KB, 600x1067, 1515277717191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad someone gets it

>> No.6227739



>> No.6227750



>> No.6227752
File: 23 KB, 1081x230, 334f3f3f3f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge by the image. I even leave my money in exchange because if I pay fees to transfer to another wallet it will vanish.

ETH: 0xE887B4e5DeEc802bC6434A4Fc4F7F4b40CDCd856

>> No.6227754


Check em

>> No.6227756
File: 686 B, 195x195, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me faith in /biz

>> No.6227759


ETH: 0xa5f15980aea422b41e69bf5914b3de1ad0d3178f

I'm a complete beginner and just trying to understand how this shit works, though. Poorfag with a shitty salary.

>> No.6227763

Best Crypto Chat!

News, PUMPs... etc
Join now!

>> No.6227767

testing your fakeass folio

>> No.6227775

5bitcoin would do great but i want to know how to be an astronaut too

>> No.6227777

I've ploughed my life's savings into crypto, ~$2000. I want to free my family of poverty and even the smallest value will be greatly appreciated, thank you - ETH 0xdaFFCcC3Fc37bDF767Fe4c2A23A097882434847d

>> No.6227783

Dubs awayyyyy

Eth 0x1af9c120a174ca3541e856e6d49136cd0b53f825

>> No.6227784

I'm in crippling debt and having no luck in the market. I want to start a business at some point where I grow everything indoors via Aquaponics. That shits the future and I want in.

0x0b73f53885581caf26141b4bb5f8c192af611921 (etherium)

>> No.6227788



>> No.6227789
File: 6 KB, 250x202, sendit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, eth address.

>> No.6227791
File: 3 KB, 132x100, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag student with a kidney condition. Anything helps.

>> No.6227795

still believing in this


>> No.6227802

Dubs get
No need for all that 1 BTC will do me

>> No.6227803


BTC: 1BpwdQScsWhh722ePXoJ49hPyRtH3P79F9

>> No.6227804

I'm working a couple jobs to put myself through school. 2 years left. Anything would help!
Eth: 0xd5a2A51583f7E0A6D5B8d5BE8FBc1ef8B61750f0

>> No.6227817

whoops i mean this dubs

>> No.6227827


>> No.6227830
File: 49 KB, 480x853, 26781424_10209270526000792_1877533413_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls help me fuel my linkie addiction


i will sharpie in pooper if you give me linkies or eth to buy linkies

>> No.6227831
File: 23 KB, 596x596, 1515607065215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably just a LARP but here it goes anyway.

I live in NY and as I'm sure you saw on TV we recently had severe cold weather. It was down to -15F here at certain points.

Anyway my pipes froze and burst overnight. We literally are paycheck to paycheck, barely make the mortgage, etc. Everything I had downstairs got wrecked. We have a small bilevel and the downstairs is where we stay.

Even something as minor as 0.5 ETH would help - please and thank you


>> No.6227833

I'll go all in on whatever shitcoin trips tells me to if I get some eth

>> No.6227838


Please dude, what will change my life i guess

>> No.6227839

This is gonna be my first dubs


>> No.6227840
File: 162 KB, 1080x1860, 1515606930288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my JUSTed portfolio, started a week ago ( also forgot to mention that was an ETH address)

>> No.6227842


>> No.6227857


>> No.6227858

0.1 and even 1 btc is nothing for you but a lot for guys like me.
My wallets if you're kind enough >>6227303

>> No.6227860

0x3e5a06daf4bfc692ce6fff98484eb91c0fccfcee forgot address

>> No.6227863



>> No.6227865



>> No.6227867

Just some kid trying to actually make something with his life, tired of the same old shit living day to day

would love any help at all

ETH 0xb043ae7349f127d3ba23baf63f95075d5d4fd6c7

>> No.6227872


>> No.6227881

ETH: 0xE887B4e5DeEc802bC6434A4Fc4F7F4b40CDCd856

BTC: 1ECtwyj2g346XoekDuv4xTwMpZEdeEKjVm

>> No.6227883

sry BTC address here


>> No.6227886

I just want to pay my mortgage so that I could fuck out of the job I hate and spend time studying for the job I want.



>> No.6227885

Me again, just writing again in case you passed over me. I didn't provide a whole lot of details, so I understand if you over looked me.

In terms of what I am doing with my life, I am trying to get my family into a better place with my crypto investing, I am tired of the way this world works and how it is destroying my family. My once stable family is not anymore because of the decline of the USA, used to be a normal family, but things are falling apart now, and I believe a lot of it is due to the shrinking middle class. My dream is to be able to get enough to get my whole extended family out of this situation... I know its a crazy dream, but I just don't want them to suffer anymore. If you could help me kickstart my investments I would be forever greatful!

ETH address:


>> No.6227887

You're all pathetic holy shit

>> No.6227894

0xc1aD581bC0921DC76C8E5C90187c9387e01Ebda8 (ETH)

please anon, I started with $400 and have gone to $2800, would like for my family not to be poor anymore. Thank you!

>> No.6227899

btc pls

>> No.6227901


I already spent all my crypto money on medical bills and have nothing left.

Help me pay for my father's palliative cancer care and give him a good last year of life, and I will love you for the rest of my life, and tell my children about the anon with the golden heart.

>> No.6227904
File: 653 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_0162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please help. Ive been trying to day trade and now Im a HODLer but I feel like its too late :(.

>> No.6227909
File: 62 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180110-185930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in, I know it's fucking ridiculous

>> No.6227910

It's interesting to see how everyone is fighting to survive out there.

Good luck to all those who aren't lying and everything has gone to shit for them.

I'm a poor so I can't help unfortunately

>> No.6227916

Mods, ban this LARPing faggot.

When will you other pathetic dweebs also realise - a blockfolio screenshot means shit.

>> No.6227917

I'm a wageslave working as a graduate design engineer. Hate the grind but I'll do it until I can provide for my parents and grandmother.


Btc please

>> No.6227919
File: 346 KB, 439x500, 1515136233410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even $10 would help a poorfag like me... You're a cool guy if you're not larping OP.


>> No.6227920

fake and gay

BTC: 1Nhf8R7wDE6RrTJBFigPjnGAx3iqZKoFrT

>> No.6227927


Would suck your dick so fucking hard if you sent me something OP!

BTC: 13eLBcZep4bVaEdWo8nFL5rXuSePfJeCPE

much love :)

>> No.6227940
File: 42 KB, 600x447, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling, what have I got to lose?

>> No.6227954

My address, just in case

BTC: 1B98DpQgBTfbhYj6GWVJiVta5nq6pA7huA

>> No.6227963


I been using crypto to try to get enough money so I can move to a foreign country and marry my long distance gf of 5 years whom I love dearly.

No illness or anything I just want to fulfill a promise

>> No.6227965

Forget Address

>> No.6227971

my man, that is incredible

i'm a student with not much money to allocate to the crypto game, only started a few days ago.

If you help me out I would be over the moon, trying to make some money off this to pay student debts in the future.


ETH: 0x961816d40188e4a2071328add62738e8b763b8f1

>> No.6227984



>> No.6227987

I got really screwed by entering the market in July... could use some money to keep playing. Hopefully buy a car sometime

ETH: 0xd351a93a5f109244a185053cbe9f0af55d118d95

>> No.6227990



BTC: 13eLBcZep4bVaEdWo8nFL5rXuSePfJeCPE

>> No.6227995

if not bait, damn I hate newfags

>> No.6227998

ETH: 0x8bf6a479ade04ea9ff46c847e0a8dbad58e1b323
Any help will be welcome but give us advices so we can achieve that dream ^^

>> No.6228012

Thank you so much!

BTC: 13ZzSpVqtuHTgtFHri1exDw986HyKCbEmj

ETH: 0x06fb44f16E18de4830D8FaA632c84998450Be3BC

>> No.6228019

plus 400 ufr in cryptopia
120 tau in ed
and 550 dollars worth of ico tokens
so total of ~1500 dollars

>> No.6228025

>tfw dubs are disabled


>> No.6228039

ETH: 0xd351a93a5f109244a185053cbe9f0af55d118d95

>> No.6228047


>I already spent all my crypto money on medical bills and have nothing left.

>Help me pay for my father's palliative cancer care and give him a good last year of life, and I will love you for the rest of my life, and tell my children about the anon with the golden heart.


That's a BTC address, I don't have an ETH address at the moment because I wasn't smart enough to make a wallet for it.

Please help if you see this. I'm at the end of my wits and hopes.

>> No.6228059

whoop scoop maloop

BTC: 13eLBcZep4bVaEdWo8nFL5rXuSePfJeCPE

>> No.6228069

Work two jobs. Need help.
Thanks for your generosity.
BTC: 1Ehmzjj7s5Gsr4QJTDsybv1JrGJcAAhmim

>> No.6228071

Damn, congrats man. Glad you wanna help people out. Any extra ETH would help me get my portfolio off the ground


>> No.6228075
File: 106 KB, 574x500, 1513638195107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shiggy diggy




>> No.6228079

>hey op, im in a real crisis
>i only made 10k this week, instead of 1 million
>please help

its sickening

>> No.6228089

I have been trading like a dumbass. Started crypto because of my 30k study loan. I started with 1k which is a part of that loan. Holded a few coins then I had 7k. Now I am back to 2k because of stupid trading.
Please send some BTC to help a broke ass ex-student to pay back his loan.


Or maybe teach some of us /biz/ faggots how to trade succesfully to make it to lamboland asap

>> No.6228099

Dubbin out.

>> No.6228108


I'm italian I DESERVE some, we invented fucking pizza, can you figured it out? FUCKING PIZZA

>> No.6228112
File: 129 KB, 750x1334, Image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I've gone through a lot of shit last year. My grandfathers was sick ever since he had a major leg surgery that the Doctors convinced him would help him walk without pain. He never walked again and was in agonizing pain until he died of a fever from an infection from the surgery. Decided to start investing because the person closest to me wanted to see me successful before he died and I couldn't even give him that. I figured who cares if I lose it all, I only have 800$ to my name so it's not like life can kick me any harder. Could only really afford small investments into ETH because my shit dead end job was barley paying me while going to school. I'm just starting out and have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm trying to learn. I'd actually appreciate knowledge more than a straight ETH deposit, but do whatever you think is right.

>> No.6228124

Never fucking win these things but here goes.
BTC: 1Nnh6AVo4B78gzZfnA2s3gaW82t7Jb6uEa

>> No.6228125
File: 38 KB, 257x260, XMR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to get XMR at 80 and didnt had the funds at the time. I have the wallet but still didnt buy Monero and invest in low cap coins.

XMR: 4A2of6evpK5Us4Bs2JwvQL8mwM13y4Pam77t7LYRWtveSTW7Q11MmsXSpexFv8tjjEdDnb3ujMwjr5vdMMzmUncGF97ngtJ

>> No.6228139


Nothing to lose except my dignity.

>> No.6228179

gimmie gimmie dubbie dubs!


>> No.6228185
File: 61 KB, 957x621, Gtsquashed+pepe+you+mean+to+tell+me+you+_b8b3c240e1ea918170c0a00e5249f795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goldfish needs to see a doctor and my feet hurt pls halp.

BTC: 1GJwV6hywRKnPwWkRexd4BeNUdToRBmKoG

ETH: 0x44225a70b902875563561a58c3eba824b8851e3f

>> No.6228191


>> No.6228201

Single car that we shared with the family, probably going to have to cash out my crypto soon to put towards a beater my brother can use to go to work.



>> No.6228205

Can someone tell me if Op delivered? Lol

>> No.6228211


>> No.6228232
File: 51 KB, 431x267, 3031736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think you fucking moron

>> No.6228238

Dou bi dou dubs?

BTC: 1B98DpQgBTfbhYj6GWVJiVta5nq6pA7huA

>> No.6228247

sent ;)

>> No.6228251

ETH: 0x3a6b4a972af976ecdc0744caa01befb54bf271c8

Any amount would honestly turn my life around... poorfag here :(

>> No.6228257
File: 89 KB, 1200x630, 1510006263_morrissey-fans-angry-the-singer-canceled-concert-because-it-was-cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards do know you can set any number on your blockfolio, right? When you "buy" on blockfolio you don't actually buy the coin off the exchange.

And I'm suppose to believe another hoax blockfolio? I'm suppose to believe you idiots have over 100 million just sitting there AND YOU'RE DOING NOTHING WITH IT?

Fine, I will take your bait. Just so I can insult you and not look back. I'd rather die than beg a million times for nothing, I'd rather die than join you as a fool throwing away his money.

I am tired of your bullshit, tired of your lack of intelligence,
Your worthless wants
Your empty wishes
Your lack of imagination
Your amateur creativity
Your redneck stupidity
You shadow of a farmer who can't even make a good wine.
Living in gold, but without food.
Pretending to be human.

I am tired of you seeing you scared of your own money.
Sick of calling you human, sick of you pretend-atheists.
You pathetic Rothschilds, you even more pathetic Markus Perssons. You people not even worth my spit, you Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who think you're hot shit.

Slap our collective faces right now and BUY 4chan. Make a little history right now you fools, you rage-inducing shmucks. Scared of your own shadow, just off yourselves right now if you know you can't handle that money
and you don't even want to learn how to handle it.
People are suppose to change, but thank you idiots for proving me human consciousness is a lie.

You can't even wrap it up around your cock and hit me with it, cause you're a ball-less faggot. Might as well give my dog a million papers and see him roll in it, it would not be different from you "billionaires" in the least.

Every day a little death under your own weight
Every day you destined losers prove you're too weak to live a real life.
Too stupid to learn, too animal for morality and standards and too scared and lazy to try and reach a dream.
Change or commit suicide, there's nothing left to say.

>> No.6228268

I'm not good at anything, don't really have a budget. So, i'm trying to learn Crypto and hope to gain enough money to go to Law schoolt by trading alt-coins, now i can't since all the exchanges are stopping us from going to the "Moon". TradeSatosih, Nova, Cryptopia are not accepting any registrations anymore. Now i'm stuck cause i can't invest the money i've invested. Anything helps Anon, 1Jvn7F8pqdsvCYKqtcJiZiC49db2J3SqE1

>> No.6228271




Btc addy thank you sir god

>> No.6228281

Thanks just bought 100k ripple

>> No.6228296



>> No.6228297

BTC: 1NgiRr9Z6YA3oVPFu7jJd6XzULsZxJn8ah

gimme some dubs

>> No.6228316



>> No.6228339


btc adress

worth a shot
id just love ma a cool analog synthesizer

might yall be victorious in love all ways

>> No.6228418

Will confirm if i receive it. Thanks in advance!

>> No.6228422

OP please help, this could turn my life around.

>> No.6228432
File: 10 KB, 168x300, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help getting out of wage slave :'(

A few ETH, whatever you're willing to part with, won't ask for much.


>> No.6228466
File: 6 KB, 645x773, 1498660613233-r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think you fucking moron
Op delivered because he's a really nice guy

>> No.6228475

Thanks dude

>> No.6228488

thx you cool

>> No.6228532

>>6225751 (OP)

>> No.6228541

Hey OP, that's so nice of you!
Could you help me a bit by sending some btc here?
That would be soooo helpful :-)

>> No.6228558


Eth wallet
Help me be the first in my family to break 100k savings