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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 339 KB, 2048x1724, rowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6227335 No.6227335 [Reply] [Original]

>Muh internet monopoly money will make me rich!

Nobody ever got rich by being a lazy good for nothing leech.These only things you need to make it in this great country

>> No.6227380

Maybe not rules to live by but none of that is bad advice.

>> No.6227399
File: 692 KB, 1808x1204, 1514995349568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off boomer.

Jose took all our jobs because you gave our country away you old cuck.

>> No.6227437


Mike Rowe is a TV personality from one of the shittiest univerisites Maryland has to offer. Nigger hasn't worked hard ever.

>> No.6227466

Why do American's always have to write cheesy shit to motivate themselves. It's like they're writing transcripts for ads.

>> No.6227481

>tfw lazy and slept in till 12 everyday last week and I probably made this guys yearly salary in 4 days

>> No.6227519

I work full time as a field engineer and trade in my free time. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.6227568
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>> No.6227572

only natural, as it's what they grew up with

>> No.6228145
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1507266147226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr fugging.. americans xD

>> No.6228231

Mike Rowe is worth $35 million.

>> No.6228304

Back to the coal pits, drone

>> No.6228348
File: 2 KB, 125x98, 1501348419406s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work two jobs to support my family and trade at night so someday I'll only have to work one job
>pic related

>> No.6228399

some of it is crypto-fascism

>> No.6228416

>Be a good slave and we'll give you a few cents. Maybe. If we feel like it.

>> No.6228420
File: 65 KB, 673x789, amerimutt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"f-fucking e-e-euro trash!!!"

>> No.6228465

Taking advice from some tv actor or whatever the fuck he is, is stupid. Yeah okay you do one episode of your show and you get a months pay. WORK SMART NOT HARD

>> No.6228500
File: 98 KB, 645x773, 1514226399239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said that. Just think the constant American obsession on 4chan keeps getting worse to the point of shitposting. Every single thread there's some random European/3rd worlder that has to bring up the USA in some fashion.

>> No.6228522

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6228567
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>> No.6228593

I'm just making an observation that you know to be true. American culture is commercialized. It's sad.

>> No.6228595

Thats how literally every Billionaire got rich.

You think any Billionaire got rich because they laid the most bricks personally? How fucking young are you?

>> No.6228606

is that supposed to impress me?

Nigga pls I round numbers in millions

>> No.6228607

>Nobody ever got rich by being a lazy good for nothing leech.These only things you need to make it in this great country

no way tons of people have I just wanna be one of them

>> No.6228626

And what does that have to do with speaking in a motivational fashion or writing goals for yourself? Not making much sense here bud.

>> No.6228764
File: 61 KB, 600x644, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that ultra capitalist culture is so ingrained in day-to-day American life, that its people find themselves having to draft advertisements in order for them to complete a task or achieve a goal. Take this picture as another example, bud. Having to do this to perform a basic human need is pretty sad.

>> No.6228781

Spot the retarded millennial communist who thinks crypto will save him from capitalism.

>> No.6228820

Yeah I told these kids. They ain't gonna gonna make this country GREAT AGAIN unless they get a job. That's what it's about.

>> No.6228884

is that supposed to be for water or something else?

>> No.6228938


>> No.6228978


>> No.6229005

You don't need that much water in a day bra

just stop drinking soda and juice and shit and make sure you drink when you're thirsty or your mouth is dry

>> No.6229023
File: 89 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spot the retarded millennial communist who thinks crypto will save him from capitalism.

lol fuck off cunt

crypto is going to save me from an increasingly socialist western world as capital flight takes money from a dying system into a new one

Hard workers like my parents are rewarded with a life financial slavery. The only way to live an ascended, high quality of life is to break away from the rate race as early as possible. you've got to do whatever it takes but unfortunately life is a zero sum game so there can only be few winners and a whole lot of losers.

>> No.6229055

I don't think so. I think you're just a moron.

>> No.6229140 [DELETED] 


thank me later y'all :)

>> No.6229145


You are a liar.
Every rich kid everrrrr.

You dumb fucktart.

>> No.6229198

"Y-yeah well... You're a moron!!"
Yeah good one man. You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder.
Amerilards do.

>> No.6229323
File: 189 KB, 623x608, 1512946360923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This times a thousand. Fucking Boomer cucks are the most entitled, privileged generation of people to ever live on Earth. They literally inherited the golden age economy and presumed they earned it on hard work. They are slaves to religion, government, media, and have no fucking critical thinking skills whatsoever. They single handedly ruined our economy with their narcissistic, ignorant behaviors that led to every problem this country faces today, and then had the gall to blame their own children. If this is not the sign of spoiled juvenility, or even worse- psychopathy, then fuck me in my ass. So forgive me Mr dirty jobs fuckhead Michael rowe for not believing you when you tell me how to get rich, you fucking manchild brainlet. The facade that is the American dream is wearing thin. Good riddance to the boomers, the world will be a better place when every last spoiled rotten one of them are six feet under.

>> No.6229363

Supposed to drink 1 gallon daily if you doing anything besides sit in chair for 23 hours. You're good

>> No.6229408

Well this guy gets different jobs every day, try doing the same job for 20-30-40 years, where's ya passion now?

>> No.6229433

You are retarded, this sounds like some propaganda a feudal lord would spread at swordpoint to keep the peasants content in their place.

>> No.6229504

Who is Warren buffett?

>> No.6229567

actually he advocates for trades which generally have incredible starting salaries

>> No.6229594

American optimism. Shit has been around since the fucking Mayflower.

>> No.6229730

>be Pedro, working at tomato farm
>Pedro's job: cleaning bird shit off tomatoes with his tongue because a rag is worth more than him as a person
>14 hours a day, 7/7, paid 2 cents a week
>be Pedro, kinda dissatisfied with his position and his lot in life
>suddenly remember about points 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 of the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge (others may apply)
>be Pedro, finally content with his life; all is right with the world

>> No.6229953

I need 1 gallon minimum a day but then again I'm not a fat lazy sack of shit

>> No.6230026 [DELETED] 

I need some help from some fellow /biz/raeli's to get rich with monopoly money.

>be me
>get an amazon affiliate
>need 3 sales to stay in the program
>nobody buys anything
>figure I might be able to pay someone to make 3 purchases
>its an affiliate from the American amazon.com
>you get 10 lumens up front, so you can buy a 5 dollar steam game you don't need
>afterwards I send another 10 lumens so you as a thank you
>you become 5 dollars richer and I keep my affiliate
Anyone interested in helping me out?

>> No.6230090

he's a badass

trades give people jobs robots will take last

my plumber just ass raped me for 60k for a weekend

they don't need crypto

>> No.6230340

Seriously, our parents generation threw our generation into a fuck load of debt and then complains about us.

>> No.6230513

Speaking of trades, I read a post from a plumber on Facebook bragging about how much they get paid and how little their customers can do about it. Some fat, middle-aged woman whose relationship status was "Married" and whose profile picture was of her and her husband replied, "You can come to my house and fix my "pipes" whenever you want".

>> No.6230516

>mfw I haven't had a job in 4 years
>mfw I sleep till noon every day
>mfw I made over 800k over the past 5 months

wagies be mad as fuck

>> No.6230774

>Hurr everyone is jealous of America
>Hurr everyone always talks about America
>Hurr you are not from America
Magnificent discussion

>> No.6230821

>mfw I made over 800k over the past 5 months
Lol try cashing out your pretend money before claiming that you made it

>> No.6230839
File: 362 KB, 1600x1600, frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his defense, I think he's talking about not getting into "feel good" jobs that don't pay like journalists, anything in literature or lol gender studies. But get into "dirty jobs" like plumber or welding... which is nowhere near as profitable as the the investor/entrepreneur/landlord class but is one of the highest rungs of the wageslave class (besides life consuming jobs like doctors and lawyers).

>> No.6230861

Work smarter, not harder. Old man is working himself to death. I only hope that I get enough money to take care of my parents for a few years before they croak.

>> No.6230917

Mike Rowe has been garbage ever since he got all political. But his basic idea that idiots shouldn’t waste their time in school they should just get physical jobs toiling away to support the rest of us, that is solid advice

>> No.6230929

>C O P E

>> No.6230971

Nobody is forcing you to do it retard

>> No.6230991

You literally don't dumbass

>> No.6231003

>B R O K E
>N E E T
Combine the two

>> No.6231065

>never said that
>this is demonstrably true
>i don't give a fuck

What are you trying to say, dumbass? All I'm saying is that you are annoying

>> No.6231299
File: 93 KB, 1024x645, makifes7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time
>I live in America
The moment I left Swiss for this shithole, I realized I was living on a better shithole.

>> No.6231430

>le hard work meme
Stupid people work hard and stay poor.

>> No.6231626

the water meme is so deeply entrenched that you'll never convince people they don't need to force themselves to guzzle gallons of water daily.

>> No.6231674

edgy but true

>> No.6231692


Invested few 100 bucks end of 2016, sitting on 1.7 mil now. Sorry to tell you, but you're wrong.

>> No.6231736

lmao'd irl

>> No.6231780

This. Sent all good jobs overseas and all that remained given to Jose. They also indebted is to chinks, gave kikes absolute power, and imported a vast population of non whites who absolutely hate white America.

Oh and also none of them saved a dime for retirement and they’re going to force us to pay for it.