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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 400x400, WaBi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6226546 No.6226546 [Reply] [Original]

Wabi mooning... no wabi thread

Do you faggots want to be broke or something? It's just past 200m marketcap with a ton of room to grow.

>> No.6226789
File: 315 KB, 800x450, WABIteet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy af.

>> No.6226794


>> No.6226868
File: 146 KB, 1084x920, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 11.54.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck wabi. we have american wabi. for 50x. ARYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.6227013

I love this coin

>> No.6227153

Fucking hell it's really going for it. Can you imagine what the price will be when a new exchange and partnerships are announced? Easily $10.

>> No.6227206
File: 58 KB, 540x960, panjoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I panic sold this shit at a loss last week

If my toilet paper hands could've held I'd be up 2.5x already

>> No.6227318

>panic selling one of the most promising coins on the market
Anon, JUST...

>> No.6227387

Sold last week at $2.58


>> No.6227444

What are target prices? I bought in at 2$ feel like taking earnings...

>> No.6227514

How could you panic sell this lol? Held this shit through the crash and came out the other side with a very green portfolio.

>> No.6227518

ICO holder here. Not selling until we're close to $10. It's a realistic target considering there's so much room for expansion.

>> No.6227583

PUMP 4Hours!!!
Cryptocoins Chat!


>> No.6227654
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>one of the most promising coins on the market

>> No.6227712

I can say with almost complete certainty you're a TRON and Link holder. Wabi is actually bringing blockchain technology into the real world. It's not waiting for everyone else to catch up to it.

>> No.6227737


Thank you Muhaburatosheemarak Pajeetistani, whatever would we do without your cow shit and scams.

I hope China extinguishes you.

>> No.6227748

>waiting for the rest of the world to invent rfid technology
god bless this time traveler

>> No.6227785

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.6227809

Wabi was fun, not much hype for it anymore
The next wabi is devery in 2 days
Different approach to a massive problem.

>> No.6227855

Wabi's bringing RFID technology to millions of average consumers.
>Not thinking this will affect coin price

>> No.6227908
File: 103 KB, 591x620, 1502571951282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he isn't aware Wabi is already used in stores

Also unlike Ripple, this one actually feels morally right to own.

>> No.6227924

Pajeet coin with shit tech, seriously. I was actually going to buy the ICO, but even Crypto Nigger Ian Balina is out. Their "prototype" on their page is like 3 lines of text, and their devs are virtually unknown. Don't risk it anon.

>> No.6228015

Nope. ICX, VEN, ELF, OMG and AION holder, anon. You know, tokens that are a little more than loyalty points to buy baby diapers.

>> No.6228174

>"muh loyalty points"
By this logic you must hate store of value coins, right? And the mining of them too? Since that's effectively what you do every time you scan a Wabi tag? If you can't wrap your brain around the fact that more consumers = higher value, then you shouldn't be trading.

>> No.6228188


Imagine, if you will, a gigantic landmass. This landmass hosts millions upon millions upon millions of people and they have severe issues with poisoned food products, knockoff cosmetics and they even had death cases due to knockoffs. Now imagine if there was a way to solve this issue.

You fucking retard.

I wouldn't be surprised if the central gov gets involved.

>> No.6228408


you'll thank me later

>> No.6228869

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6228993

Tell me, anon: why Walami is using crypto instead of a regular system of loyalty points?
From the whitepaper:

How WaBi (蛙币) can be used:
Spending on Walimai protected products.
Mining WaBi (蛙币) coins by purchasing Walimai
protected products and participating in marketing activities.
Buying and selling WaBi (蛙币) coins.

The price of WaBi is backed by the purchase of items (returning the coins to Walami) and speculation, nothing more.

Yeah, another fucking idiot who can't separate what Walami is trying to do (great project) to the intrinsic value of the token they are using.

>> No.6229084

It uses crypto to verify the route a product has taken on delivery. Blockchain facilitates this as it is unbiased.

>> No.6229562

And that is valuable to the WaBi holder because? That is great for Walami, I would genuinely invest into them, but there is no incentive to stack WaBi, apart from people who read "crypto" and throw money to the screen. That is a feature that WTC and VEN also have, but they added a staking reward to give value to their coin.
Also, the whitepaper doesn't mention that the tracking system will be coupled to WaBi. Check yourself if you want.

>> No.6229650

is this related to WABI?

>> No.6229833
File: 3.95 MB, 320x180, wabigif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just an absolutely retarded argument. You're trying to say that news that isn't directly related to the actual token itself, will not make the token price rise. This is completely false. Answer this; If Walimai announced tomorrow that their products will be sold in 5,000 more stores, would the price of Wabi go up or down? The only way I can see you not understanding these fundamentals is if you're a) A Walton/Ven shill or b) An actual idiot.
The fact you also deny a basic feature shown by the team, because "muh whytpapr" leads me to believe you're A. Now fuck off you stinky FUDding faggot.

>> No.6229911

They didn't believe, anon. We will laugh at $10.

>> No.6230131

Ok, whatever. I genuinely wish you luck with your token. But remember, Kodak announcement of Kodakcoin raised the value of their shares 400%, same thing with Long Island Iced Tea changing its name to Long Blockchain. Not everything related to crypto is valuable, and only the best coins will survive once the bubble burst.
I invite you to do your own research.

>> No.6230626

I'm bailing at 750mil market cap but until then I'm happy with my comfy gainz