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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6216291 No.6216291 [Reply] [Original]

ICX Thread, no weakhandedcucks allowed.

Can't will till mainnet, we're going to moon so hard. Perfect time to buy in now or accumulate more.

>> No.6216392

got buy order at 0.006900 ETH
looks like I'll be joining the cub tomorrow

>> No.6216492


Smart choice, Anon. I expect to reach a new ATH this weekend. Welcome to the gang.

>> No.6216551


I expect at least 15 dollars this weekend.

I also expect about 20 dollars or so by main net desu.

>> No.6216705


I fully agree.

>> No.6216722
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>> No.6216785
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The 4 hour chart makes it look like it needs to cool down again similar to the time it went from $7 to $5 ish.

>> No.6217043

gl with that

>> No.6217442

What's a good buy in target? I'm thinking 7200k?

>> No.6217457
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How low are we going to go?

>> No.6217497

I'm quite certain it's going bellow 7000

>> No.6217525

iron hands since ICO yeah boy

>> No.6217624

What do you use to guesstimate the dip?

>> No.6217964

When China buys all NK's btc's since korea banned btc, this will rise to moon

>> No.6217986

+1 right here

>> No.6218142

Dude what is wrong with that sell wall

>> No.6218147

it's just ETH still looking very bullish based on most ta factors so I predict it going to 1,5k within few days and ICX seems to have a pattern where the price stagnates after each pump

>> No.6218183

It's fucking huge. We're gonna be chilling for a while at below 8000 if the whale doesn't move it

>> No.6218208

When mainnet?

>> No.6218313

14 days

>> No.6218419

Says who

>> No.6218461


>> No.6218522

Holding bags bought from 12.5 since I was an idiot to buy yesterday before ETH pumped. Not concern on anything for that matter, since there is heavy support. The mainnet release should be the catalyst for ICX.

>> No.6218588

not if btc crashes and take the whole market with it. which looks very likely

>> No.6218690

I'm still not planning to sell, I believe it could stagnant around $10 and go back up again before next week. But the crypto market is unpredictable.

>> No.6218692

Even if the Bitcoin Bomb goes off, the projects with solid, real-world use (ICX) will be damaged, but of the few left standing. This would stall the market temporarily, but in the end only make the few standing projects stronger. Think of Google and Amazon after the .com bubble. They became money magnets.

>> No.6218798




>> No.6218843

Atleast wait till their main.net launch it will go higher for sure after 24th

>> No.6218910

just google you soyboy

>> No.6218925

Hey ICX bros, what other coins are you guys betting on?

I'm personally 75% ICX and 25% ENG atm.

>> No.6218968

How is the South Korea ban going to affect ICX? I'm holding regardless I just want to hear opinions.

>> No.6218998

im 60 icx 40 eng, hold tight brother

>> No.6219006


>> No.6219011


ICX is easily the one I am most confident in

>> No.6219059

South Korea is banning crypto. Now what?

This is gonna go to ico prices isn't it?
I thought I was gonna make it.

>> No.6219073

Not a ban, just more regulations on cryptocurrency. It wouldn't change a thing for ICX, since it's good for the Korean cryptocurrency market.

>> No.6219099

What are the chances this gets back to 0.1 ETH soon?

>> No.6219127


technically ICON is a swiss foundation

>> No.6219192

No, they are moving forward with completely banning exchanges.
We are fucked.

>> No.6219221

The "ban" is a ban on anonymous trading. You know how you had to provide an ID to coinbase? That's what Koreans will have to do now. Before that they could link bank accounts without any form of ID.

That's all that's happening.

>> No.6219258

Well fuck.

>> No.6219265

Read the new article.


>> No.6219278
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>> No.6219284


so glad i cashed out this week. any nerds left holding for a month or two are gonna get so fucking wrecked

>> No.6219305




>> No.6219315

bought in at $5 and very comfy

>> No.6219354

It was at .01 ETH yesterday afternoon breh

>> No.6219387

Honestly guys, this dip is all I needed today. It made my day since I was able to buy more... Don't freak out over the korean exchanges so much ffs. In a few days everyone that has bought in will be seeing $$. Im planning to buy my family a car with this coin.

>> No.6219411


Yeah .01 eth

I was just confused because anon said 0.1 eth

>> No.6219439

Just did a quick translation:

The Ministry of Justice will set up its own bill, which sees the virtual money brokerage itself as illegal and completely closes the exchange, and plans to start full-fledged ministry discussions this week.

Uh oh.

>> No.6219544

Is it too late to get into ENG? It seems everyone that has DTOR has extreme faith in it. I saw it being shilled a week or so ago and saw the team attached but I’m still not sure what it’s utility is? It’s based around Secret Contracts right? Care to motivate me to look into it? Anyone? Thanks in advance.

>> No.6219644
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I'm a bit panicking. Any meme lines to calm me down or any good news?

>> No.6219654
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I always laugh at idiots that think "OH THIS IS THE END!"

Niggers, you need to travel more. People in cuba have the latest iphones, venezuelans do crypto, north koreans have the biggest black market, 50% of germans are really named amhed, 98% of mexicans have never seen a severed head, pirated dish network int he US comes from puerto rico.

Get over it, those in korea that want to keep doing crypto will find a way.

>> No.6219656
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>> No.6219725

if we go below 7500 sat. GG its over

>> No.6219758


No, its just bitcoin wrecking shit up. If it goes back to 14k icx will be back up, if it goes under 14k expect icx @ 4000 sats

>> No.6219775

not even tempted to sell on a low, why are you so retarded&weak?

>> No.6219814

It's ETH going on a tear you fucking dipshit

>> No.6219848

BTC is still down $1k from yesterday though

>> No.6219855

If these faggots can't hold onto a sure thing for 2 months, let them be poor.

>> No.6219888

damn asians are just as retarded as niggers

>> No.6219937

Have you guys already forgotten what happened around Christmas?

Switch to the 4 hour chart and look at what happened from Christmas to New Years and then up to now. I expect similar movements. Just relax.

>> No.6219980

oh no, theyre going to ban trade of ICX, which is located in Switzerland

Theyre going to ban the exchanges it trades on like Binance, which is located in China

Theyre going to ban ICX, which is already being used by tons of corporations? Why would they shoot themselves in the foot? ICX, interchangeability is the future, dont fool urselves

shitcoins will die, legends will survive

>> No.6219994

Then why ETH is not growing since BTC went sub 14k?

Deluded cashie, BTC controls the martket, "bubububut tx times bububut market share", listen no one gives a shit about your nerdy shit. Bitcoin is gold and it will be like that for a long time.

>> No.6220067

>tons of corporations
what corporations are using ICX and how?

You know its bullshit, its just another useless coin like BTC or ETH or Bitbean.

>> No.6220079

This desu

>> No.6220084

Be fearful when others are greedy.
Be greedy when others are fearful.

>> No.6220119
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>> No.6220173
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>useless coin

>> No.6220222


what should I go all in now anons?

>> No.6220226
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>> No.6220236

poor anon here. holding 50 of these, going to get another 50 on a dip

I have read that ICX is "Korea's Ethereum". you guys agree or disagree?

realistically anons, can this coin potentially hit $500?

>> No.6220244

GG its over see you at 5$

>> No.6220310


stay poor faggot

>> No.6220318

So I exit this shitcoin now right?

>> No.6220331

ICX is not Icon. It's an exchange token that runs on the Icon network. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.6220401

Send me your ICX, I'll off-load them for ya.

>> No.6220418

You better decide soon because BTC is going back to 14k now.

I was in korea last month and heard nothing about it, however there is a thread on 5ch and they also name it koreas ether, so its probably true.

>> No.6220435

Yes, if you're in for the monry
No, if you believe in it tech and companies behind it

>> No.6220470

fucking nigger if koreans ban exchanges and icon is a south korea based project and tries to ''hyperconnect'' whole south korea how will this NOT damage icon

>> No.6220477

You can make a temporary exit, but I'd come back in a day or two.

>> No.6220481

this desu

>> No.6220498
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>> No.6220506

u trolling right?
Its going to recover, just wait, only idiots are selling now, this shit has been really resistant.

No ones gives a shit about the tech faggot. We in for gains.

>> No.6220523

Oh no....my le magic internet money didn't 10x within a week, time to sell everything....

>> No.6220541

buy walls are bearish sign usually
sorry to break it down for you

>> No.6220578


Who NEO/ETH/ICX master race here? Made so much money just buying all of these really low.

>> No.6220579

So guys, do we sell with this news article or keep holding?

Min needs to say something

>> No.6220584

told you guys.

look at neo when china was going after crypto
you dont want to be stuck in a korean coin when the goverment comes after crypto

>> No.6220620

You will never make it, if only thing you do is ride the hype.

>> No.6220629



>> No.6220659

ICX/BNB is horrifying

>> No.6220676

Been working so far.

They aint banning shit, korea is a corrupt country, they will get a bribe from exchanges and keep going like nothing happened.

>> No.6220698


Tried to sell at $12.40 yesterday and it never filled the fucking order. Just sat there for four hours until I had to cancel it and watch it drop like a rock. Now I am down hundreds when I should have bought back a ton more on this dip. Fucking Binance piece of shit gook fuck trash.

>> No.6220755

Who keeps forcing this "ID" shit on the world? Are there Jews in Korea?

>> No.6220771


Are you guys mentally retarted? It was at 8$ three days ago. Anyone that wasn't a dumb fuck bought before that. We are all at a gain, we're not going to sell a coin that will reach 50$ in one year. This is not a memecoin. This is for hodlers. Get the fuck out of here you weak ass bitches. Thanks

>> No.6220792

This. You cant stop this no matter how hard government tries. Its one of the fucking reasons crypto is here after all...

>> No.6220815

Too bad I only put in $95 into ICX when it was at $2.93

>> No.6220828

unironically and unfortunately this

>> No.6220839


> hundreds


>> No.6220845

I was in since day 1 listing on binance

>> No.6220867

They somehow got tricked into circumcising their boys, so probably.

Zionist Christianity is probably the infection vector.

>> No.6220871

so if i got this right, the minister of justic is about to present a bill about banning crypto entirely?
this fucking sucks, i'm all in on ICX since 2,5$ but i can imagine it dropping like a rock after the news spread
what tf do i do?

>> No.6220878

Hold... The market is just readjusting for ETHs recent run. Use this moment to assess the real strength of coins.

Also mainnet launch is coming up soon, you'd be fucking retarded to drop now.

>> No.6220907

Korea loves crypto too much. Someone will kill that fucker if it even goes into law.

>> No.6220930

It's speculation at this point. Calm your tits.

>> No.6220950


>> No.6220962

This may also happens. Kek.

>> No.6220997

Perfect. Then you know that this is the comfiest shit ever. Everyone stop complaining and keep in mind that this is the classic dip of January. Everything is bleeding right now. It doesn't even have anything to do with ICX at this point.

>> No.6221004

i hope so.
i will just hold through, i hope gooks don't fucking drop their bags on us

>> No.6221007

the minister of justice in korea is a fucking commie.
fuck i hope we have a war with NK and seoul gets glassed

>> No.6221028

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6221049

Oh relax guys, I'm telling you now. Icon won't fall. Trust me.

>> No.6221061

Wait it's a speculative bill only so far? Couldn't tell through the translation exactly.

>> No.6221079

It was all green from Jan 5 to Jan 9. It needs to pull back like it did after Christmas.

>> No.6221133

korea banning crypto
china banning mining

can you smell the blood in the air ?

>> No.6221135

I hate the fact that when ICX goes up two dollars everyone starts saying that it will reach 100$ eoy and when it drops two dollars everyone starts saying that it will crash. Calm your titties white boys. You can't have it rising forever. But if you have patience then you will be rewarded.

>> No.6221157

can't find any reliable source for Korea looking to ban crypto
and believe me this would be HUGE news

not saying it's false, but i'm hugely skeptical

>> No.6221240

At most they're gonna require all traders to submit KYC to exchanges. Something to the degree of 1 in 3 working age people are crypto traders in SK. A full-fledged ban is simply not gonna happen.

>> No.6221251


use google translate
if this is true we're about to get JUST'd by the minister of JUSTice
even if the bill doesn't get approved there will be FUD all over the place

>> No.6221361

They are talking about regulating crypto in order to ban ANONYMOUS trading, nothing related to banning the whole crypto as the country is obviously making money in taxes from it you retard.

>> No.6221369

Meanwhile I sold icx at 8400 and fully in btc guess what?

I can buy morce icx then I had before. Really wonder how you will make it

>> No.6221415

No, they are not! Just google translate it.

>> No.6221443

This is on Naver dude.
Naver, as in the creators of Line.
They are a HUGE fcking company. If they are posting this, it is because it is huge news.
Fuck dude, I may send all my ICX back to binance just in case it plummets. I am 70% in ICX

>> No.6221459
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Welcome to biz faggot, if you dont like it go back to le reddit.

>> No.6221474

Meanwhile you created a taxable event.

>> No.6221484

5h to big pump.
More than 20k people, pump coin

>> No.6221500

Don't worry kid, I've already made it... Caught the train at 3$. Feels so tasty.

>> No.6221569

you didn't even read it cum waste
that was old news faggot

>> No.6221585
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I just read 5ch thread and they dont even posted the naver article, but are praising the coin for being so stable at this moment.

Thats a good sign i guess.

>> No.6221588

Time to buy the dip.

>> No.6221610

Why do jews exist?

>> No.6221623

Careful you might miss the train.

>> No.6221627

I feel you, went all in at $2.12

>> No.6221648

Meanwhile I went all in on red at roulette and I have 2x more ICX to buy.
Have fun with your babby gains kek.

Stop making posts every time you have a good trade. 99% of people who sold ICX since it's listed on binance did it at a lower price than now.

>> No.6221656

To embody the suffering of mankind.

>> No.6221720


read the comments to understand korean sentiment

these guys literally dont give a shit about the government considering closing, its just a joke to them

>> No.6221750

hmmm. are we fucked?

>> No.6221809

yes but isn't the success of this coin riding on partnerships within korea? not korean traders

>> No.6221826

Obviously its not going through just like net neutrality

>> No.6221846

yh, they are just saying that if they ban crypto there will be mass suicide

>> No.6221906

Doesn't matter what they say.
ICX going 2-5x from here is FULLY based on going live on Korean Exchanges, and the main net release.

If crypto exchanges are banned in Korea, this coin is gonna drop to pennies.

>> No.6221939

its not about the korean government, its about the cost savings for corporations. The government was never going to use ICX in the first place

If ICX turns into an enterprise solution, firms will want to use their platform regardless, and the government wont stop their companies from generating more revenue to pay more taxes.. This is all just really overexaggerated

>> No.6221943

I'm so fucking glad I sold this meme for more VEN. Get fucked losers

>> No.6221944

>not going through just like net neutrality


>> No.6221945

If you go out today and walk outside you may get killed by a car.

>> No.6221983


just like NEO dropped to pennies after china ban right?

when did you get into crypto? a week ago?

>> No.6222007

Aint that the chinese coin that is being controlled with huge sell walls?

>> No.6222107

Going all In on ICX. We will make it anons!

>> No.6222109

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6222123

4500 BTC of walls were eaten this morning. There is literally no resistance now. Hence why price is flying. It's not too late for you anon

>> No.6222192


No thanks i dont do scamcoins you filthy chink

>> No.6222230

I FOMOed in yesterday, never taking financial advice from Youtube again,

glad Im 50% in VEN though

>> No.6222240
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The FUD itt is hilarious

I've already learned my lesson. I'm not fucking selling.

>> No.6222279

lel. Just wait for two weeks and you'll be so glad.

>> No.6222322

what the fuck is that?
the ICX gentlemens' club?

>> No.6222324

Big PUMP ! 5h!!!
Come to group!

>> No.6222352

ICX fraternity of lifelong bros

>> No.6222380

honestly it doesn't look that bad, I get the fear if someone didn't get in early though

>> No.6222444

I got in 3 days ago and at the low this morning I was still up 4k sats

>> No.6222482

lol @ this shit fud in this post. Those are the same guys who told me to sell at $4. Get to fuck. Korea is not banning crypto. It's banning the abuse of anonymous trading and will regulate it. Well, just so happens ICX is a legitimate korean project and not a chink scam so shut the fuck up and leave us alone to our gains. Oh no, a dip. Better sell!

>> No.6222780


>> No.6222864

Nice FUD. From the same website:

An official from the financial sector said, "Although the government is regulating all aspects of the business, the demand for virtual money trading is enforced as early as the fourth week of this month, and new investment can be made again.

Koreans are going to be FOMOing so hard, I'd expect the price to go even higher now.

>> No.6222877

i can deal with it
all in on ICX like a true upper class white boy

>> No.6222890

Bought both ETH and NEO at $15, not going to miss this, bought 1000 yesterday, looks comfy.

>> No.6222911

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6222953

oh man i remember there wewas a MiRC that provided porn passwords. Miss those days.

Dont know how they did it, but holy shit i had fun.

The real heroes.

>> No.6223167

icx bros, is binance still closed for new registrations even with referrals?

>> No.6223199


Smart choice my friend. It will reach 15 dollars sooner than you think. Mark my words.

>> No.6223287

We're going back up bitches.

>> No.6223299

they closed

>> No.6223365

Agree. 17$ by EOM is a conservative prediciton. By end of February this could be at 30$ (assuming it has hit Korean exchanges)

>> No.6223390

i know you could register with referrals yesterday, can you confirm that they closed that too?

>> No.6223562

Even with referrals it sends me to the homepage and registration still closed.

>> No.6223602

kek I almost sold half my shit upon hearing the fud

>> No.6223638

alright thanks. another beginner question: if im going to hold icx, does it matter if i hold it in btc or eth pairings? or does that not matter unless im holding btc or eth itself.

>> No.6223642


lol... exercise iron hands

>> No.6223700

because i believe eth will go up more than btc in the coming months, should i hold in ttrx/eth pairing?

>> No.6223748


>> No.6223785
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How is this coin SO comfy?

How is it possible bros?

>> No.6223798

just buy it. it really doesn't matter

>> No.6223827
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I dont think it matters, just check if they are stable, if they dont, buy the one in the dip and wait until it goes up, that will make ICX to dip and you can buy even more ICX.

It doesnt fucking matter what pairing you are bought, you can sell in any of them.

Always check BTC and ETH status before purchase, and wait for an ALT dip before going in.

>> No.6223847

That doesn't matter at all. Although if you're holding something to be trading in then you should probably be holding eth over btc if you believe in it so you would be doing eth trading pairs.

>> No.6223848

wtf are you on about

>> No.6223853

IDX is doing pretty well right now. If it can get back to the highs of last night it will have gained quite significantly

>> No.6223866


>> No.6223884

icx is icx, there is only one way to hold it, no matter what you bought it with.

>> No.6223968

Holy fuck it’s coming back. ICX is unstoppable

>> No.6223974

got in 0.7 bitcoin at 700 sats sold at 1300, left 1000 icx sold at 5000, now its 8000 should i kill myself now

>> No.6223999

profit is profit but yeah

>> No.6224025

Come all to group. 5hours!!!

>> No.6224032


Alright, thanks guys. Just wanted to confirm what i thought.

Gonna take down some sell walls soon ;)

>> No.6224072

>there are people in this thread right now who sold the dip

>> No.6224190
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>tfw bought the dip

This is really giving me NEO vibes all over again, can definitely see it being at $20 easily by EOM.

>> No.6224241

Why would you do that?!

You should probably consider killing yourself.

>> No.6224314


They open unannounced for a few random hours a day, spent the past 2 days refreshing and finally registered last night at 1:30am

>> No.6224372

looks like there will be another dip soon, failed to break resistance for 2nd time in a row

>> No.6224380

You fucking morons, we went through this 2 weeks ago."virtual exchanges" to them means shitty exchanges with no real office that require no kyc.Those will get shut if they dont comply aka the crap ones with no volume that nobody goes to anyway.Also the current exchanges will just have to know their customer and they are fine.

>> No.6224509

ICX has very dedicated FUDders. They've made countless people dump their bags.

>> No.6224569

every fucking announcement and every "big" play for a crypto always ends up in a dump. Don't you know this

>> No.6224618
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Just bought some. Lets see how this works out EOM

>> No.6224664


Justing in progress. Check ETH/BTC.

ICX will be back.

>> No.6224722

Not anymore.plus after mainnet we have summit and korean listings, absolute WORST time to sell.Stop using the old rules before the normies came, they dont apply anymore.

>> No.6224770

You should have bought the bottom. You're not getting another chance like that unless ETH dies.