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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6221343 No.6221343 [Reply] [Original]

£2.3k down to £1.6k in the last 4 days

the majority of /biz/ is getting JUSTed right now too right?

>> No.6221404

I was at 3500€ yesterday. today I woke up to 2600€. slowly, very slowly recovering now

>> No.6221423

down 30% :(

>> No.6221448

None, because I'm a man and didn't sell like a scared bitch.

>> No.6221515

Wtf were you holding?

>> No.6221518

I didn't sell either my coins just aren't recovering

>> No.6221565

After the first x100, being justed is not the same anymore.

>> No.6221577

5.2k to 4.7k, went as low as 4.5k

I re-entered with 4.3k about a week ago, so it's okay I guess. Just that I saw >5k within a day of getting in because LINK pumped and after that it's been going unsteadily sideways. If LINK hadn't pumped I'd be making a loss of a few hundred.

I don't feel very smart but this time I'll just ride this until the bear eats all my money or I make enough to do something with.

>> No.6221593

Getting totally justed. Fell from 104k to 94k.

>Oh wait I'm up around 30k since the beginning of the year.
>Oh wait I cashed out 200k$ worth of BTC before christmas, dumping this shitcoin on the fomoing normies for 18k per piece.
>Oh wait I'm in crypto for years and don't expect my shit to moon the second I buy it
>Oh wait I'm balls deep in the coin that will x25 this year and is never mentioned on /biz/

People with portfolios below 10k should be banned on /biz/ because they're all fucking normies that panic if they dont get instant gains

>> No.6221595

$3.9k to $6.4k freedom bucks in the last 3 days. Ven, ecc, eltcoin, canya, xcxt. I was shilling this shit a week ago but most didn’t listen I can only assume. Stay poor I guess

>> No.6221613

i saw this happening last night (posted in the BAT threads) sold bat at 95c and put everything in tether.

>> No.6221628

XRB and REQ took me down to £1.8k

wanted to escape the binance bear so moved all my money to cryptopia to buy into promising super low cap coins and i'm down to £1.6k now

>> No.6221692


>> No.6221704

Lost about 25k in two days. I'm happy it's correcting.

>> No.6221722

Was at $6600 went down to $5500, wanted to buy more in this dip, but my funds haven't cleared yet. Knowing my luck the market will skyrocket in the next few days

>> No.6221727

down $600 ATH for me (started recently) is 4600, at 3900-4000 now, but feeling good. Its kind of nice knowing this will all bounce back and make me money anyways.

>> No.6221744

+0.96% the last 3 days, +0.22% today. It helps with ETH 30% of portfolio, XRB 10%.

>> No.6221757

Down to 3k from 4k. Not that bad though because I cashed out a grand when everything was up a couple of weeks ago. I'm just gonna HODL my alts and how for the best. I learned my lesson about panic selling.

>> No.6221835

>bounce back
Precog? Nobody knows for sure.

>> No.6221841

Same, Ive panic sold before, biggest kick in the nuts when the market go bull again and you could have doubled or tripled your money on some of these coins

>> No.6221845
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I'm now where I was four days ago. Currently alternating between ever so slight frustration and coolness cuz of context.

>> No.6221863

Down 15%, stay diversified to dodge the wojacks

>> No.6221875

same but dollar signs instead of E

>> No.6221878

Up by 5-20% every day so far. Guess I'm doing fine

>> No.6221905

As always, I keep 5% ready in fiat to buy the bags you're too weak to hold.

>> No.6221912

I'm down 3k bucks in the past 3 day.

>> No.6221915

Theres no reason for it not too. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are constantly being adopted, its apparent in our Total Market Cap growth. Shit will bounce backm sure I guess i dont know for certain, but its odds im willing to bet on.

>> No.6221955


>> No.6221991
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Got justed heavily. 40% in drawdown

>> No.6221996

I'm down $10K/~30%

Fucking sucks.

>> No.6222031

>willing to bet on
Then buy the dip. Are you buying the dip, aren't you?

>> No.6222061

Agreed. No one cares about babbys first blockfolio.

My daily swings are bigger than OPs entire portfolio.

>> No.6222078

$4000 down to $3400, because I sold my ETH to catch falling alts. A bit depressing, but hopefully they'll rebound at some point.

>> No.6222155

How long do these things usually last? I'm new to this and just put all of my savings into crypto last week.

>> No.6222202

I hold BNT, STX and REX so I've only been making money.

>> No.6222247

23k to 16k
But coming from 1k 1,5 month ago i'm not too woried. Went from 7k to 4k before.

>> No.6222256
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No one knows for sure

>> No.6222260

Who knows. It could be fine tomorrow, or it could take months, or even years to get back to where it was. It's also possible that it's simply the end, but I'd doubt it personally. Welcome to the world of cryptocurrencies.

>> No.6222285

>all-in on a longterm hold
>it's up 25% during this shitstorm
Just like, only put your money in good projects.

>> No.6222288

Which coin broski? I'm currently scalping with 18k, but I think I know which one you mean. Still curious

>> No.6222294

Between one hour and three years

>> No.6222325


>> No.6222341

from ~100k to ~90k.

>> No.6222396


>> No.6222543

i've lost about $3000 due to both this crashes in the last 3 days.

HAHAHAAHHH! it's fucking hilarious!!!

i knew how dodgy the market was when i dropped money into it.

i just exchanged my alts for xrp as a last ditch effort.

at least ripple has some actual backing and plans. not like everything else that bullshits about dreams.

>> No.6222711

Good luck.

>> No.6222724

This is why you enter the market over time with Dollar Cost Averaging

>> No.6222749


reckon i should just sell completely?

>> No.6222764

140€ I'm going to ask for refund

>> No.6222786

Not going to shill it here. But it's always a good sign if the team consists of people that are actually interested in their code and technology instead of being a bunch of buzzword throwing marketing faggots.

>> No.6222835

Just join this discord TA chat and never see the red days


>> No.6222845

£70,000 since ATH

Not done a damn thing, just hodlin' away

>> No.6222897

That's what you get for telling the normies. The elites know and are pulling out before everything hits rocks bottom. You have less than a week to save what you can of the pathetic amounts you have left.

>> No.6222943
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i've lost €200,000 of daddys money....

ohhh dadddyyy i had made a booboo.

>> No.6223045


>> No.6223197

I sometimes wonder if they are hired pajeets or pajeets that actually hold those shitcoins themselves

>> No.6223234

12 trillion dollars

>> No.6223246

must be the former
can't imagine anybody investing in a blockchain for writing jokes lol

>> No.6223259

Close to portfolio ath

>holding eth, €330k atm

>> No.6223313
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not too bad

>> No.6223601

A fellow eoser I see
That would definitely be the best strategy - the trick is to buy high, panic, and then sell low. Good job on ripple btw but you might wanna check tron and verge too aka the gains triumvirate

>> No.6223946
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Considering I took out $450 two days ago to buy and forget 3 shitcoins on HitBTC, I guess i survived pretty well this shit.

>> No.6224084

how do i make first 100x?
im starting with an initial invest of $150
do I just throw it all into shitcoins that will 100x???

>> No.6224088

Was up to 20k from 6 beginning of the year, only down to 18.5 because Eth is my reserve to buy dips icos and moon missions.

>> No.6224138

10%, my non-eth portfolio can stand ez shit like this. Big part of it is eth also, so have made some sweet gains.

>> No.6224140

1,5$ to 450$
pretty good for me i have to be honest.

>> No.6224155

Only you, brainlet.

>> No.6224169
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>> No.6224208

80% in NEO. Feels good man

>> No.6224262
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Was down 20% and threw 2/3 of my portfolio on EOS

>> No.6224294

Im not a normie im just poor been checking out biz for months

>> No.6224418

$40k down to $30k.

>> No.6224499
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Chad portfolio here. I'm actually in the green. Thank you based gaincube.

>> No.6224583

rplied to wrong thread lmao.

I´m down just 1.2%.

Im ok with that :)

>> No.6224789

Just tell me anon, I’m currently mostly going into icos.
Tell me somewhere else than this thread

>> No.6224963
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Down only a bit mostly cause 30% is in ENG.
Should've gone all in ngl

>> No.6225069

Made the same mistake man. Sometimes not doing anything is actually the superior solution instead of worrying and trying to catch moon missions.

>> No.6225079
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Around -7% in fiat and the same in btc.

>> No.6225268

Your img related should be printed out and posted on the wall by every true /bizraeli

>> No.6225334

I didn't even recognized a bear my portfolio still grows.

>> No.6225621

Of course, one day it won't come back, you know.

>> No.6225673

>can't imagine anybody investing in a blockchain for writing jokes lol

>> No.6225690

>for months

>> No.6225746

nah I've managed to make a profit still, but it's not much to write home about. I was expecting to at least have gained 30-40% by now, but I think I'm up by only right under 10. I was going to withdraw some shekels for muh bills, but now I have to wait

>> No.6225784


None. I pulled out of alts last week as I had a bad feel that the bull was about to lose steam. In ETH now and feeling pretty comfy.

>> No.6225837

Had 13k euros, fallen to 7.8k, now managed to restructure and climb back to 9k (thank you based ENG)

>> No.6226304

None, because I invest only with trade signals. Today VRM signal got me 30%. Join groups if you want to know more

discord gg / UaJ5nHF
discord gg / uTP9S4S
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discord gg / wVhwNFk
discord gg / hcywjuT

>> No.6226341

Had 1100$ last night. Woke up to 900? Had icx 95% and almost fully recovered at 1040 now. Bless icx, also around 500$ in eth but thats been doing good. Started 5 days ago, totall increase 400$ since start. Im reading biz and checking binance all the time while driving car for lousy fiat money. Im going to make it one way or another and im determined to make it through crypto

>> No.6226392

Don't let them SEC u :-)