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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 447 KB, 658x609, buffett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6220369 No.6220369 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6220439


fuck off with this old irrelevant bastard

he can hold these nuts

>> No.6220440

he said the same thing in 2013

>> No.6220463
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or was it 2014 March

>> No.6220471


>> No.6220476
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i can say for certainty buffet will cum to a bad ending too.

>> No.6220496


>Jews want to JUST us so badly they will spend millions just to prove a point

These fucking kikes...

>> No.6220516

He's a FUDding faggot jew
It's just jew trickery to maintain control

>> No.6220519

so the fucking jew wants to throw down? Hitler lost, but we WILL WIN!

>> No.6220524


+ for u

>> No.6220527

You mean his clients will get JUST'd.

>Bubble pumps 10x more
>Clients of hedge funds get pissed they arent in on crypto
>Majority of hedge funds forced to diversify to crypto
>Bubble pops
>Hedge funds become the bagholders for jumping in too late

These are people and people will get FOMO the longer the bubble goes on.

>> No.6220528

Old people have no fucking business in crypto. They had their own chances and should just fuck off. This is a market created by and for millenials.

>> No.6220529

He just wants to buy the crash and profit

>> No.6220551

He may have been successful in the past but man ho knows shit about anything that’s relevant today. Not saying he’s wrong though.

>> No.6220574

I don't know why everyone's so defensive, most people are going to get fucked, that normiewave that entered in December and was asking for loans are playing with fire.

>> No.6220585
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How can i get JUSTd if i already cashed out my initial investment? This salty cuck should neck himself for missing out.

>> No.6220592

retarded tendie neets think they know better than literally a 180 IQ greatest investor of all time

>> No.6220600

See >>6220302

>> No.6220608

he doesnt even understand it. hes a old shit who still uses a flip phone

>> No.6220611
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>Jamie Dimon says he regrets calling bitcoin a fraud
>expose the scam

>> No.6220631

>trusting an aging kike

>> No.6220669

>normiewave that entered in December and was asking for loans are playing with fire
They without a doubt 2xed already unless they only bought Bitcoin. The people who get JUSTd the hardest in a bubble are the skeptics who FOMO in near the end.

Aka the conservative hedge fund clients who's clients are constantly getting FOMOed.

>> No.6220679


>> No.6220683

>Admits he knows little to nothing about crypto
>Makes prediction on this knowledge

Let's ask the Magic 8 ball.
Magic 8 ball should I go all in crypto buying every shit coin with impunity and hope to reach lamboland?
Magic 8 ball says: signs point to yes

>> No.6220695

he is basically saying that water is wet

>> No.6220719

water is wet

t. Warren Buffet

>> No.6220732

░░░▐░░░░░░░░░▌░░░▄▀▀▀▀▄▐ HEIL!

>> No.6220764

Even Jamie Dimon has come around on Crypto. He learned that there are more cryptos than Bitcoin.

>> No.6220804
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Buffet isnt a jew you fucking pajeets

>> No.6220831

in /pol/s mind everyone who is rich = jew

>> No.6220835

Buffet is right. Its basically this: http://www.unassumingbanker.com/2017/12/28/bitcoin-actually-worth/

but they'll never be able to liquidate at those prices, so their only hope is that the coins become transactable.

>> No.6220854


you two should kiss

>> No.6220870


>> No.6220874

Even if he's right.

He may collapse before they do.


>> No.6220879


>> No.6220943

He's right. Just like saying the market is due for a correction every year for 10 years straight will prove you right eventually.
Get in while the goings good. Cash profits all the way up

>> No.6220958


In order to be as rich as him you have to either be a Jew or an honorary Jew.

>> No.6220983


>> No.6221053

>but they'll never be able to liquidate at those prices
What? You can liquidate right now faggot. I dont get this I cant cash out meme.

>Alts -> BTC/ETH -> fiat

>> No.6221116

Literally everything has a bad ending given enough time, but this is not the end of cryptos.

>> No.6221117
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This will be a bad week for our gaiz but HOLD i. Not selling

>> No.6221137

Ohhh that explains it.

I'd short any investment brought up by Katy Perry too.

>> No.6221146
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Considering BTC is now controlled by the banks he knows what he's saying.

>> No.6221201

the headline is enough to make me want to shoot myself. i'll stop there thanks

>> No.6221211

Obviously a lot of the crypto coins are gonna reach zero at some point. There may be some crypto coins which become an integrated part of the digital infrastructure.. But yeah, most will crash and burn, because they have no value a side from a potential future value.

>> No.6221274

Some very small percentage of people can cash out at the current price before the price changes to reflect the selling. So yeah you can sell at the current price, until you can't. If everyone sells the price will crash and people will liquidate significantly below the current price. There is not enough money interested in BTC to buy out the entire market cap of BTC, not even close.

>> No.6221300

You mean Chinese and Pajeets. The only thing millenials are good for is holding the bags of meme coins like Tron and Jew coins like Ripple. They're a bunch of brainwashed morons that think in nothing but memes and hatred for the rich while being blind and suckered to who their 1% boogeyman, overlords really are. The perfect combination to get JUST'd in this market.

>> No.6221327

Decentralization it's the future, everything that isn't ruled by the state or the government will succeed.

>> No.6221411

We have people here doing no research putting money into vague promises, pump and dumps, and sometimes even into borderline ponzi schemes. They will all lose money when those ventures vaporize. Check how many ventures from the dotcom bubble survived.

>> No.6221471

The last people to buy before the final crash will end badly, that's for sure.

>> No.6221552

Fascinating, the deluded whites think they're smarter than the most successful white Man there is. Is there no end to your arrogance? Worst thing Is, when it crashes some years from now, you'll insist you knew it all along before buffett

>> No.6221559

I think you are missing something thats a key difference.

The token sales made the token issuers rich. If you are still working on your project after getting several million dollars in your crowd funding event, then you must have a dream. I buy my tokens based on this idea.

Thats apart from scams like Tron.

>> No.6221591

Nigger.... Fuck outta here.

>> No.6221652

If there's one thing life has taught me, it's never take financial advice from a boomer.

>> No.6221669

WB will never stand in front of Berkshire Hathaway‘s board and tell them that they are going into crypto because their clients demand it. Warren Buffett bought Dairy Queen because he was bored and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Do not fuck with this man.

>> No.6221745
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>> No.6221748

I know you simpletons only literally see black and white, since yellow is superior to you. But whatever, your delusional arrogance will be your fall. Enjoy being a slave to jews, your superiors.
Also, it's "get the fuck out of here", caveman

>> No.6221754

You know why hes so confident, right?

All memes about him being a boomer or w.e. the fuck aside for a minute, you know why he says this shit don't you?

Because he knows what regulations are going to come in before others do. Because that is how it works when you're worth what he's worth. All of those guys get insider info years in advance.

His (((friends))) have already decided what regulations they're bringing in, and when, he gets to look good when it comes true later on.

>> No.6221829
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Buhvetti FOMO'd

>> No.6221848

And he was right. Almost everybody who bought in that bubble was either depleted or had to hold 2-3 years to break even.

>> No.6221851

And if you think I'm bullshitting about that, then you simply don't know things work.

Imagine if they didn't tell multi-billionaires who create millions of jobs what was going to happen a few years down the line... There would be riots every couple of years due to mass unemployment from new regulations, changes, whatever.

All of these guys like Gates, Bezos, etc, all get to know what is happening before the average person. Maybe even before the President.

>> No.6221917


>> No.6221926

It’s pretty funny that you all think you know better than Warren Buffett/Wall Street. He and they understand how markets function on a way higher level, and you say ‘hurrrf derrr they don’t get crypto.” Yes, they do get it and some will make a quick buck and some neets will get a free ride but you don’t need to be on Wall Street to see this is a bubble that will inevitably pop.

T. Tron/Fun holder who also plans to buy puts on BTC when available

>> No.6221997

Hahahahahaha look at all you fucking retarded ass underage kids thinking he's wrong. You are all going to get burned so fucking badly and I will be here to post screenshots from this thread and laugh at you little fucking faggots as you commit suicide. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.6222010

Some will make smart decisions and continue moltiplying and they'll be fine, some are buying Confido. Making stupid trades it doesn't take long to get halved. A lot of coins are really overinflated because new people saw a cheap unit price and owning thousands of a shitcoin sounds better than owning a fraction of a real coin. I've tried to explain the concept of marketcap to them and it just doesn't go through, They bought at 1 dollar and they expect 100x returns. Also there's a lot of Facebook FOMO going on and someone has to end buying the ATH.

>> No.6222018

This faggot is still buying railroad companies.

>> No.6222028
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>But I know this: If I could buy a five year put on every one of the cryptocurrencies, I’d be glad to do it but I would never short a dime’s worth.

>While explaining why he wouldn't take a short position, he said he "gets into enough trouble with things I know something about...

>I get into enough trouble with things I think I know something about," Buffett said. "Why in the world should I take a long or short position in something I don't know anything about.

>> No.6222083
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How about Jamie Dimon?

>> No.6222097
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I am a software engineer. It doesn't matter how passionate the developer is. Software projects can be delayed for years. Have you heard of "Star Citizen"? We have inexperienced young developer working on ambitious projects. Recipe for disaster.

>> No.6222118

Always believe in the Buffett. He probably knows something we don't.

>> No.6222157
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Like he did with FB and AAPL? :)

>> No.6222174

Old people are so dumb and ugly lmao
>some guy in the mass media is lying to us
No shit. Who cares. /thread

>> No.6222176

At this point, Ponzi schemes should be renamed Satoshi schemes. Still gonna ride this flaming zeppelin all the way to the ground.

>> No.6222235

Fuck buffet and his old world money.


>> No.6222309

talk is cheap i'm running dry for a real happening

>> No.6222331


This is a market by and for internet autists; 4chan is now driving global financial markets and political movements.

>> No.6222334

If he knew in advance it would make no sense for him to tell everyone, he would just stay shut and short everyone

>> No.6222351

Buffet's a fucking dinosaur. There are multiple already rich hedge fund managers who bought up yuge stakes in BTC before 2017. Those guys are all eating Buffet's lunch in terms of percentage gains. Basement dwelling neats are eating Buffet's lunch in terms of percentage gains. His opinion is worthless now, however much of a guru he used to be.

>> No.6222400

Indeed but that was not my point. My point was these guys got rich quick and kept working. Many people that ran those failed websites got rich quick and as soon the market crashed they quit. How many crashes has this market seen so far? They keep pushing on because they have ideals. I invest my money because I have faith and my own ideals.

>> No.6222419
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Also worth noting that he said to buy puts on every single coin, which is absolutely correct. 95% of coins will go to zero, like during dotcom 95% of companies went to zero.

>> No.6222426

The guy bought Heinz Ketchup shares with a pen and paper for Christ's sake.

>> No.6222484

that's really the only way to do it when you're buying the whole thing.

>> No.6222515
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I'm so sick of Buffett and his buttfucking ilk who naysay and spread fud on everything that isn't centralized and controlled. Never has anything good to say. I swear this guy is dead IRL and the media keeps making up quotes

>> No.6222574

>The guy bought Heinz Ketchup shares with a pen and paper for Christ's sake.
and it made him billions with a b.

>> No.6222607

You people are aware that many projects are in competition with one another, and likely only a few will survive for each niche? I imagine more than 90% of the coins will die in the next 10 years.
Will you be holding the winners?

>> No.6222613

Crypto is coming to an end you slimy fucks. Get out while you can. Doesn't help when Buffet says it's not going to end well. You fuckers have your heads up your asses all because of the bLoCkChAiNnN. Morons

>> No.6222614


idk what that means. Puts? Where do you even buy puts, i signed up to several exchanges and there are no such advanced options

>> No.6222659

dry old fuck trying to apply traditional TA to a fucking bonkers market

>> No.6222808

It's not possible. He's saying he would buy them if he could. The whole CBOE thing should eventually make it possible though, if BTC ever becomes less volatile.

>> No.6222861

He probably knows even less about cryptocurrency than I do and I don't even know what a blockchain is

>> No.6222891

No shit sherlock

>> No.6222991

> what that means

a put buys the right to sell at a certain price no matter what the market price is, until a particular expiration date.

He's saying shorting it is too risky because its too volatile, but he believes he'd make a ton of money paying today for the right to sell later. (aka: its a zero, but not without major ups and downs first.)

>> No.6222998

Nah, he obviously can't do that though, can he? He might not have even been told so to speak. More like a nudge and a wink kind of thing.

If you don't believe that these things happen, then you're retarded. He probably has these regulators at his prostitute parties every weekend

>> No.6223065

the future is now old man.

>> No.6223072

A typical Warren Buffett investment is one that goes up for at least 5 years without the need to cash out.

Find me a coin that you'll bet your life on that will steadily keep climbing for another 5 years.

Why 5 years? Because you avoid taxes on annual gains (which is a LOT in the investment world).

So, crypto and Buffett simply don't mix. He's saying: if you have a crypto portfolio that you won't change in 5 years, you'll be screwed. If you change more often than 5 years, the taxes will be huge (along with the risk).

>> No.6223137

>Some very small percentage of people can cash out at the current price before the price changes to reflect the selling.
This is true always and everywhere for literally every type of actively traded asset: stocks, real estate, commodities, everything. Welcome to supply and demand, skippy. Feel free to lurk more or, better yet, learn the basics of investing.

>> No.6223150


yeah, that may apply for your policestate burgerland, in my country in europe, every cryptoinvestment is completely taxfree after holding for 1 year.

>> No.6223156

Crypto is dead. It has no real uses. Nobody is going to buy shit with it you stupid nigger. It's fucking dead.

>> No.6223182

fuck him who the fuck does he think he is????

>> No.6223200
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>> No.6223215

Most of the crypto investors are going to be JUST'D because most of these alts and maybe even BTC are going to fail.

But the ones who held the right ones will be as rich as Buffet

>> No.6223250


>> No.6223275

which is what I was explaining to the anon I was replying to. The more important part is this:

>There is not enough money interested in BTC to buy out the entire market cap of BTC, not even close.

>> No.6223347

This. The first investing firm he applied to actually turned him down for being a goy.

>> No.6223349

This is how this works for any asset like this you fucking idiot. You'll always be able to cash out, and as more and more people become weary of shit like btc and start mass selling to people buying at a lower price, the price fucking drops. Wow who would have thought.

>> No.6223405

He's the best investor of all time

>> No.6223416

He's right tho. It's going to end horribly

Horribly for his kind

>> No.6223420

> This is how this works for any asset

Except not, because people are willing to pay the market cap (or close to it) for the asset. In BTC's case that isn't true.

>> No.6223426

You retards/FUDers are going to take advice about technology from a guy who still uses a flip phone and claims missing out on AMZN and GOOGL stock was one of his greatest mistakes? He even admitted that "stupidity" was the reason he never invested in Amazon. If you actually give a fuck what this dinosaur thinks about a technology he doesn't even understand then you deserve to be FUDed out of all your money.

>> No.6223450

anon you can sell all of those and literally be assured that youll get fiat, in crypto not so much

>> No.6223455

>some years from now
Thats almost more vague than buffets statement lmfao

>> No.6223467

Whom? Is this the guy that didn't buy AAPL, NFLX, and AMZN?

Yeah I think I'll skip on his advice TYVM

>> No.6223496

Every market goes through boom/bust cycles. If you pick a market and say over and over again that it's going to crash, one of those times you'll be right. That doesn't make you a good investor. A good investor makes gains on the booms and avoids getting crushed by the busts. A great investor whose opinion is worth listenting to would have to be someone who spots trends early and gets in before the booms and gets out near the top. If all you do is sit on the sidelines and throw shit, your opinion is worthless. In fairness, though. Buffett is old as hell. He made a name for himself decades ago and now he just trades on that name and people will listen to him even when he admits to not knowing what he's talking about. I think if any of us were in his place, we'd like to just sit around and bullshit, too. So I don't have anything against the guy, but I wouldn't trust his advice on current markets at all.

>> No.6223547

buffett ADMITS himself he doesn't touch things he doesn't understand and people shouldn't take advice him about such things

>> No.6223607


>> No.6223610

He owns 134 million shares of Apple.

>> No.6223630

No coiners in this thread salty as fuck hahahaha

>> No.6223633

>everything I dont want to hear is fud
we already know the tech, now put your self in the judens shoes and tell yourself why would I use your product
>sell me this pen

>> No.6223679

Can he describe/understand how Bitcoin was created, how it works, and what its applications are? I doubt it.

>> No.6223689

lets all laugh at this retard and his shitty bait

>> No.6223695

so because he was around when heinz ketchup was worth nothing makes him a genius? lmao him buying heinz ketchup is like someone buying neo right now

>> No.6223747

b-b-b-b-but Buffet said it's gonna end bad

It's over, OVER I tell you. I don't care that you now have more than 100x your initial investment. I don't care that you already cashed out your initial investment and profit Anon, you will be on the losing end of this Anon!

>> No.6223773

He and 3G paid $23 billion for it in 2013. Hardly nothing.

>> No.6223830
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Grandpa please, you are embarrassing me. Just go invest in some more banks and insurance companies and keep quiet.

>> No.6223907

This faggot is known for going in when there's a market downturn, he's just a salty boomer that didn't go in on the cheap and now he wants a piece of the pie so he's spreading FUD under his name to cause that market downturn so he could get in himself, fuck him.

>> No.6223909

"Can't cash out" is the most tired meme on the internet right now.

>> No.6223963

ever tried cashing out 5 digits or more digits?

>> No.6223975

He's obviously a smart guy but doesn't invest in anything he doesn't "get". He's an old man from Nebraska and allowed the entire tech boom fly right past him. But his enormous wealth come from 4 things:

1. He invested heavily in the idea that the American economy was going to keep roaring since the 50s... hard to imagine now but most people then thought quality of life was going to keep going up but the economy would become sluggish as the US became less competitive.

2. He mastered the basic rrule of investing and was able to apply them without emotion. Buy low, sell high... ignore panics and euphoria.

3. He mastered HODL... he believes in not selling until he turns a profit even if that takes several decades.

4. He doesn't FOMO... ever. Ever. He had no issue holding only one stock. During the 80s his entire portfolio was just Coca-cola.

He isn't a fortune teller or a magician... he just is really good at the fundamentals of investing. He just has nerves of steel more than brains.

>> No.6224019


I'm just explaining Buffett's quote in context of his principles (I read a few books).

As for tax-free crypto in Europe, you surely don't expect Buffett to run around telling people to leave the US and move to Europe to invest in crypto, right?

Buffett obviously isn't giving advice for poorfags with $100 or living on other continents (with unique tax conditions he obviously can't apply to himself or any investors following him).

He's talking about people who are hodling with their life savings for 5 years.

>> No.6224034


Buffet will be getting 15% to 20% year by year

Crypto must level out, they do not inherently generate earnings

>> No.6224060

>Buffett creating rumors just like JP morgan did on bitcoin
>Buffett is gonna invest in crypto when it's at an all time low and invest a million into crypto just like JP morgan did.

Fuck you Buffett. Stirring shit again.

>> No.6224061


>> No.6224095

Wow what a fucking genius

I can say that my life will come to a bad ending, but it will be another 40 years from now i hope

>> No.6224109

>Buffett is gonna invest in crypto when it's at an all time low and invest a million into crypto just like JP morgan did.
Source? Or are you creating rumors?

>> No.6224113

I understand why Buffet wouldn't care about Cryptos, he doesn't NEED these kind of gains

>> No.6224167
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>> No.6224225

being this conspiratorial and low iq

>> No.6224231

>But he says he would not take a short position on bitcoin futures.

Not putting his money where his mouth is, what a fag.

>> No.6224254


>> No.6224256

>He's the best investor of all time
Nah, the initial investors of VoC had larger returns. VoC was the largest corporation in the world at the time.

>> No.6224306

It's pretty funny you think anyone holds maximum knowledge of anything.

Let the old cunts die while their grandkids blow their fortunes on coke and I go to the bank.

>> No.6224333

> Source?

He talk mad shit about Bitcoin and it went down knowing it will go down and he hypocritically enough (smart move btw) bought a lot of BTC when it was low and BTC went up due to him investing a lot.


>> No.6224341

Fake and gay. If he knew in advance, then he would've bought in early, made his 10,000% gains, then got out while the getting was good, since he would know when that was.

>> No.6224365


The moment those regulations come in, Monero and other privacy coins go up massively and I become a multi-millionaire. Fuck the kikes.

>> No.6224419

Of course it's not going to end well for all the retards who put their life savings into shit coins.

95% out there is a scam. If you're smart enough to put your money into (((real))) projects, you'll get your returns.

Of course he's not shorting anything. There's so much money pouring into crypto right now, you'd have to be insane to short it. In 6-9 months, things might look different.

I'm holding BTC forever and ETH until casper. If things turn out well, I'm not selling shit and will use PoS as passive income.

>> No.6224425

>has no real uses
>can buy a subscription to ArtOfBlowjob.com

>> No.6224473

>could keel over at any minute

hmm i wonder why this guy might be pessimistic about the future

>> No.6224479

Yeah like all the smart boomers like him that were so sure Hillary Clinton would be our President.

>> No.6224486
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>implying Monero won't be banned as part of the regulations

>> No.6224512
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You cant ban crypto

>> No.6224552

I'm sure the guy worth eighty four BILLION fucking dollars is really concerned on getting a piece of this pie. Lmfao

>> No.6224556

just like banning drugs eh anon

>> No.6224566

if its a non-anonymous variant, you can certainly punish people for using it.

>> No.6224670

You can ban it. Enforcement is the problem.

My guess is they'll just slap draconic laws on anonymous crypto and be done with it.

>> No.6224673
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Interviews that ask him about this stuff are pointless, so many people treat investing like gambling. People here reading and say "but it is!", aren't going to make it. People are always looking for that "hot stock tip", just like people here asking for "the next 1000x coin"... but then buy the coin and panic sell during the dip BEFORE a huge moon.

Investing is like chess, simple rules in theory but insanely difficult to master.

>> No.6224677
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I'm not cashing out yet. There's just too much new money coming in right now.

Also included image is 4 stocks, 2 of which Buffet had in '98 and 2 he probably didn't understand.

Nah, I'll agree with him on this one. The market is way too irrational and volatile to call a top just yet

>> No.6224682
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>> No.6224685


This is proof everyone over 35 needs to die. They just dont get it.

>> No.6224708

Fuck that Boomer.

>> No.6224731
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>> No.6224744

No he woudn't, you fucking moron, because that wouldn't fly now would it?

I like Monero too. Seems like a good coin to hold long term

Nah, not like that at all`

>> No.6224766

or perhaps, they've seen more shit than you have.

>> No.6224778

wow and bears shit in the woods this guy is a genius

>> No.6224781

Making money is a game for these people, doesn't matter how high their networth is. A poorfag like you wouldn't understand, I get it.

>> No.6224797

lol nobody needs to convince you of shit. Is this a forum for carpet salesmen at some old timey souk or is it about making real money? You can shill and bullshit and cope and fud and whatever else you want but, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. ROI is ROI.

>> No.6224870

Don't worry, IRS. I'll be paying my taxes. Already have the forms filled out. Thanks for playing, though.

>> No.6224875

gen x created bitcoin and started crypto investing, my dude.

>> No.6224894

No, he hasn't.

>> No.6224903

5 Hours to Big Pump!
Come all to PUMP!

Register on https://discordapp.com/invite/ZU4sHtt
Best Group!

>> No.6225197

case in point that Buffet is correct.

>> No.6225254

Do you think many of the people here actually 'invest' - at least anything more than a few dollars? I don't. I think that, like most of 4chan, it's all just BS for the lulz.

>> No.6225279


Even boomers that are wealthy give very poor financial advice. And thats because the financial world has drastically changed since they made their wealth and they still think their old ways are applicable.

Crypto will see a huge collapse of shitcoins someday in the future but the good coins aren't going away anytime soon. And as much as I hate bitcoin because of its fees and slow speed, it's also not going away.

Besides, do we expect an old faggot fart to understand the immense benefit in energy coins, privacy coins, zero-regulation, and a new world of decentralization created and led by a bunch of psychotic ancap libertarians? These boomers are the same people who made their wealth because of centralization and regulations which fucked the low-middle class. Their wealth is reliant on the middle class having no rights and continually being fucked over.

>> No.6225315


"fuck off with this old irrelevant bastard
he can hold these nuts"
got some pretty solid point here i guess

>> No.6225461
File: 57 KB, 1300x870, Good at Science and Math Steals Bikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mister buffet, well known chinese food mogul who recommends long term hodling, advocates against decentralized currency trading

>> No.6225587

>And as much as I hate bitcoin because of its fees and slow speed, it's also not going away.
Why not? How much is a payment network with horrible fees worth? Why stay in a network with horrible fees when you can hop to a network with lower fees and better technology? BTC has no moat as Buffet would say. People say its a currency, but its a shittier currency than most of the alts because the tech is so far behind. Further, what stops a new alt with better tech from replacing any of the popular alts? Seems like nothing. Why would anyone keep their purchasing power in a "currency" that could be obsoleted overnight?

>> No.6225597

>serious investor that invests only in legit companies that actually produce something doesn't want to invest in digital memecoins created by random poor neets on the internet that someday might be able to do something useful

hmm I wonder why

>> No.6225639
File: 13 KB, 369x406, oy vey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he by any chance say we're in a.........

>> No.6225692

So since he's fearful, that means I'm supposed to be greedy, right?

>> No.6225713

>rephrasing a shitpost because you took it seriously

>> No.6225883
File: 323 KB, 685x725, buffett amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also didn't buy Amazon and feels dumb now.


>> No.6225918

Because Bitcoin has a HUGE community behind it. Nearly a decade of devs working on it and a worldwide network.

Also if BTC manages to scale it will take down 90%+ of altcoins

>> No.6225931

Buffett doesn't know tech. He doesn't even use a computer

"I was impressed with Jeff early. I never expected he could pull off what he did ... on the scale that it happened," Buffett said Monday. "At the same time he's shaking up the whole retail world, he's also shaking up the IT world simultaneously."

"These are powerful, powerful ideas with big potential, and he's executed," Buffett said.

On Saturday at Berkshire's meeting, the "Oracle of Omaha" said he missed an opportunity on Amazon and made a mistake by not buying Google shares, now traded under parent company Alphabet (GOOGL).

>> No.6226021

> something i know nothing about
but i know enough to say it'll crash fucking nocoiners

>> No.6226122

This guy gets it.
Buffer is getting JUSTed hard by people like Novogratz, Buffet wasn't even the brains behind Berkshire, it was another old dude who might not even be here anymore. The guy is trying to apply techiniques he learned in his youth to todays crypto market. He needs to retire.

>> No.6226129

People owning crypto may get fucked, but that's not anything new. What you should be watching out for is the shit like Kodak jumping because they announced a fucking coin like it means anything. I mean we're either flipping shitcoins or holding good projects. It's the dumbasses buying anything that says "crypto" that are going to get burned on this.

>> No.6226156
File: 70 KB, 700x393, every-time-you-hear-an-oldschool-talk-about-bitcoin-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffett: Of our $49 billion, we haven’t moved anything into Bitcoin.




>> No.6226195

Those fools are still holding Buts while ETH leads the way lol

>> No.6226205

definitely not butthurt

>> No.6226208

He isn't a currency manager. I would be worried if this is Soros' words

>> No.6226250

But the same bitcoin tech is in many/most of the altcoins, its unpatented. If bitcoin fails that community can easily migrate. In what way is their worldwide network wider than say, Ethereum?
It seems like this "first therefor always" argument is shallow.

>> No.6226285


>The company disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing this week that the holder of a warrant had exercised its right to buy $100 million worth of shares. Although the filing did not identify this investor, Byrne told CoinDesk it was the Quantum Fund, managed by billionaire George Soros.

>> No.6226286

Bullshit. Vitalik was already worth 2M before he dropped out and started ETH Foundation. Go to plebbit's /r/financialindependence normies would sit back and spit in the ceiling for the rest of their lives with this kind of money. The guy is worth 300 MILLION today and spends his nights coding. Maybe you're just a shit dev

>> No.6226300

We probably are in a bubble but who gives a fuck, I'm playing with house money now and I'm never cashing out unless it hits life changing numbers. If it pops before then whatever, it was monopoly money anyway.

>> No.6226348

Buffett is a value investor, he understands that crypto is not in his circle of competence, so he doesn't touch it.
And he is right, people are getting JUST'd everyday with all these pump and dumps.

>> No.6226374

What are you fucking 12? Don't they teach about economics in fucking high school? Fucking retard.

>> No.6226383

yes keep sucking his wrinkly old ballsack you bootlicking piece of shit

>> No.6226479

Nice non argument.

>> No.6226509
File: 159 KB, 935x952, itsafraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6227273


These. More or less. The kinds of investments Buffett handles have almost NOTHING in common with crypto.

So anyone saying: "lel, Buffett is retard, doesn't get crypto" probably thinks Buffett is criticising their 2-week $100 TRON/LINK/XRP portfolio hodling.


No, if Buffett believed the value was zero, he'd short it. (Which he said he wouldn't).

btw, "intrinsic value" is actually an oxymoron.


I'd bet on most cryptocoins collapsing on their current values before Buffett collapses. Not because crypto is crap, but because it changes so damn fast and often. Along with regulation uncertainty.

I still think crypto is the best damn current short-term investment a young person can make.


Buffett's advice isn't really directed at crypto daytraders, but to boomers who watch TV.


You mean Charlie Munger?

> The guy is trying to apply techiniques he learned in his youth to todays crypto market.

No, it's the reverse: he's saying that most crypto doesn't fit into a 5-year HODL mentality - and that's enough of a reason for him to suggest not investing life savings for his clients/followers.

Posting about Buffett on /crypto/ doesn't make any sense. (Except to point that out).


Computers are for cheapskates - Buffett has an army of experts on speed dial. A computer would only make him less productive.

>> No.6227282
File: 34 KB, 591x730, 1515425667097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like they banned encription, torrenting, p2p etc...

>> No.6227312

The future store of value will be everything with intrinsic value. I think Buffet and others are either ignorant or make a difference between crypto currencies and blockchain + utility tokens. We should all understand the difference and that's what's happening in the market right now. Erh pairs gaining more volume making tokens less tied to btc value. BTC dominance bleeding. There's a marginal use case for btc while the main thing is digital agreements and dapps.

>> No.6227316

>buy when people are fearful
K buffet

>> No.6227844


they're afraid. The status quo is about to be broken. We make our own money now faggot.

>> No.6227970

This Image is absolute gold

>> No.6228184

>>almost say with certainty

best fucking goyim in the world top fucking kek

>> No.6228222

You don't think there's a reason he uses one?
I fucking hate this board.
All kids. All fuckkkking kids

>> No.6228236

Just bought one hundred thousand thanks warranon.

>> No.6228274



>> No.6228469


> store of value
meme that means nothing

> intrinsic value
oxymoron (look up how intrinsic value is calculated for forex/etc.)

Bitcoin/crypto doesn't generate assets, so any discussion about value is pointless or incoherent by definition.

>> No.6228545

>I know nothing about it.
>I'm not gonna even bother learning shit about it.
>it's not gonna end well guys trust me.

Fuck off old boomer fag. Go have a circle jerk session with that chase CEO cunt

>> No.6228577

>bubble won't continue on in exactly this manner forever
>at some point it will go down some
>when? no idea
>how much? no idea
great insight wow

>> No.6228771

If someone believes BTC is the new gold, you can think of it as another store-of-value asset class and value it that way. I think the real question is does it have the magic to become that in people's minds the way gold has. Personally I think that's really dubious in light of the rise of the alt-coins. Nothing about BTC smells permanent, and if BTC isn't permanent none of the alts are either.

>> No.6228794



Not all kids. But way too many shit-posting Dunning-Kruger kids. This thread is proof. Good discussion interrupted by shitbrains who completely miss the point.

There are a few gems every now and then (without which the whole board would be complete trash).

Ignorant humor is fine. Retarded shit-posting isn't.

I wish there was a captcha that could ban retards.

>> No.6228883
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1514067641055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just bitter he didn't get in on Bitcoin in time

>> No.6228981

Bitcoin only seems ridiculously overvalued when you consider the value of "1 Bitcoin". Wow, 1 Bitcoin is worth 14000!

But when you look at the market cap it's really not that crazy. For instance it's still only one 3rd of Microsoft's market cap. Sure, Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world, but it's still just one company. Bitcoin on the other hand is setting out to replace all traditional forms of currency. Personally I think it will fail, but it's market cap isn't insane when you consider what it's setting out to accomplish.

On the same note, the market cap of Apple is larger than the market cap of crypto in it's entirety. Personally, I still think we have while to go before the bubble pops.

>> No.6229120

He sold his soul to the devil, so he’s a kike. The only difference is that most Jews do this before they are born.

>> No.6229183

Do you think btc will fail or crypto as a whole?

>> No.6229277

Fuck this old jew cunt. Someone should curb stomp this self entitled cunt bag

>> No.6229388

So there's about 4.6 trillion dollars in cash in circulation. For fun, say cryptocurrency has a 2% chance of replacing it. 4.6T * 2% = 92B valuation, not discounting for time. The problem comes when you have to pick which cryptocoin becomes the new world currency. 96B valuation across an infinite number of possible alt-coins is 0. For reference today BTC alone has a market cap of about 250B.

>> No.6229453

that old sack of shit himself said he doesent invest in crypto because he doesent understand it
how the fuck would he even predict the end when he doesent even know how this whole crap works lmao

>> No.6229457

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6229470

I think BTC will ultimately be superseded by younger rivals that aren't as bogged down by legacy issues.

As for crypto as a whole, I think the vast majority will eventually fade to obscurity, but a few will emerge as titans by the end of all this, similar to what happened with the dotcom bubble.

>> No.6229626

If people watch BTC die, how will they ever feel safe leaving their purchasing power denominated in something just like it? I think if BTC falls, the crypto-as-a-world-currency dream dies with it.

>> No.6229708


There are more practical analogies.

E.g. Bitcoin is a freeway for trading goods. Freeways are not for bikes (Bitcoin is not for people expecting low fees). But you can put a bike into a bus (Lightning Network or other altcoins). Or, you can use a motorbike (RaiBlocks/whatever).

Fees are like a tollbooth on such a freeway. Mining is about building freeways with your own tollbooths. Owning Bitcoin is like owning a share of all the freeways in the world.

Is a highway with a tolllbooth a store of value? Does a highway have intrinsic value? (Concrete?). How much is 0.00001% ownership of all freeways worldwide worth in dollars? Those questions don't make sense.

>> No.6229716


Old man is butthurt that his investors are starting to leave.

>> No.6229745

BTC wont die immediately, it will be surpassed by something else and then slowly fade into obscurity. It will probably just remain just for meme reasons like doge

>> No.6229787

Oy vey

>> No.6229821

Hey faggot. No one cares.

>> No.6229957

He's probably a salty Ripple bag holder

>> No.6229982

he is wrong

>> No.6229985


1. Obviously, just a question of how long that takes. The bitcoin name still has a lot of hype, but it's starting to happen right now with Ethereum.

2. Agree completely.

>> No.6230002

This is a guy who literally doesn't know how to use a computer.

>> No.6230082


For Warren Buffett, "understanding" means knowing what the price will be and knowing exactly where the money will come from - a few years from now.

Shitposters think "he doesn't understand" means he doesn't understand the tech.

Truth is: he doesn't have to. Because the tech is not what is driving the price. How many TRON "investors" do you think read the whitepaper? Almost none. How many of them understand the code? Almost none. So that's not driving the price.

What's driving the price? Hype and FOMO.

So maybe what Buffett doesn't understand is: how the hype and FOMO will play out over the next 5 years.

Probably no one else here on 4chan does, either.

>> No.6230127

It's just hyper inflated numbers on a screen at this point. Nothing here matters.

>> No.6230147


I take your point, and it's a good one. I personally don't think bitcoin or any crypto has a realistic chance of becoming the primary exchange of value worldwide, and I also believe it's in a bubble. I was really just illustrating that the bubble isn't as comically massive as some people seem to believe.

In the long run I believe the tokens that will survive are the ones that act sort of a like a share in a company (in that their value should scale with the company's success), BAT could be one example.

>> No.6230169

He always said he don't invest in things he doesn't know / understand. Meening that he don't know cryptos

>> No.6230270


>> No.6230356

Do you even know what "boomer" means?

>> No.6230466

I kek'd

>> No.6230483

Of course it's gonna fail just like the dot com bubble but the ones that survive will be golden ... just buy the google/apple/microsoft after the crash. Right now we have billions in shit coins of course it's gonna crash.

>> No.6230519

Are you retarded? You really think most of these developers shitting out ERC20 coins and forks with "TOR INCLUDED" are Vitalik level?

Holy shit you are the one who is the bad programmer. I outperform most developers I know and yet most of them are the guys running the next hottest ICO.

This bubble will fucking crumble you idiot. Can't wait to watch it. I say that as a guy who has seen his investment explode in value.

>> No.6230568


I'm involved in crypto regulation talks in one of the richest countries in the world. You are retard and you are wrong.

>> No.6230636
File: 37 KB, 374x421, 1511808460725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is the CEO of Nintendo

>> No.6230640

>can't site with out being a normie

>> No.6230680

how dare you write LINK next to XRP and TRON you faggot

>> No.6230701

Buffett has admitted that he does not understand or care about technology.

He is a holdover from a previous century and is good at what he knows. Cryptos are not something he knows, and if he or anyone thinks investing in crypto is anywhere close to the same vein as investing in stocks, he is demonstrating a severe misunderstanding.

>> No.6230746

Don't reply to tripfags

>> No.6230760

He truly believes what he is saying. Doesn't mean he is right

>> No.6230855

Hey I WISH BTC would die without making too much noise, it's my smallest bag but I don't see it happening

>> No.6230900

Can't wait for him to admit he's wrong.

>> No.6230980

Justify the 800 billion marketcap on a bunch of shitcoins with no purpose. Try to justify a btc over 1k. No speculation isn't an excuse for fomo retardation.

>> No.6230986

If Buffet wasn't a dinosaur he'd be balls deep in crypto right now.

How do you think he made his 50 billion, you think he had 1 billion to start and put it in an index fund like he preaches to all of us? Fuck off grandpa

Fuck no. Buffet took huge risks when he was starting out.

>> No.6231011

But you can take on the exchanges, making your coins basically worthless.

>> No.6231044


He doesn't particularly need to. He literally said he doesn't understand it.

>> No.6231146

Yeah, just like Jaime Dimon did? These people will never admit that.

>> No.6231286

You forget about one huge use case : a censorship resistant coin will always have some demand.

>> No.6231422

BTC is a store of value like Facebook is a store of friendship.

>> No.6231499

literally says he doesn't understand crypto at all but his gut feeling is that it will all come crashing down. he refuses to own or short any crypto.

>> No.6231513


> mfw not sure if I should apologize or kek

>> No.6231600



>> No.6231884
File: 82 KB, 900x900, makifes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a point, you know. Cryptocurrencies aren't really meant for anything, has no real world use-case, and it is just a bunch of calculations which means that the coins you hold is just imaginary.

>> No.6232114

smart contracts have real-world use cases and currencies have real-world use cases as soon as stores start accepting them for payment.

>> No.6232123


His reaction is totally the same as the old Boomer fags I interact with.

They live in a world indifferent to crypto. If you have a lifetime of investment and you are in your declining years there is literally no reason to engage in speculation or risk capital.

Your wealth is in savings, stock investments, real estate, even gold and silver. You had a fucking great ROI on all that your whole life. And you will be investing and reinvesting in that the rest of your life. You aren't buying Bitcoin let alone altcoins.

And you consume Mass media, which is selling FUD right and left. You as a boomer are just riding the economy straight into the ground and hoping nothing disturbs your nap.

There boomers quite honestly are the stupidest generation to ever exist and by accident also the richest. The entire economy is set up to serve them.

Meanwhile the Earth lost 10% of it's Forests over the entire lifetime of someone who turns 18 this year. Carbon dioxide pollution is about to wreck the atmosphere. And all these boomers will be spending capital on their cancers and ambulance rides.

>> No.6232238
File: 79 KB, 1080x380, 63456373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.6232332

>Meanwhile the Earth lost 10% of it's Forests over the entire lifetime of someone who turns 18 this year. Carbon dioxide pollution is about to wreck the atmosphere. And all these boomers will be spending capital on their cancers and ambulance rides.
Do you support PoW coins?

>> No.6232366
File: 150 KB, 423x702, makifes8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as soon as stores start accepting them for payment
No major businesses nor banks would ever accept crypto as a mode of payment. You need to leave crypto before delusion sets in you.

>> No.6232380

fed cuck

>> No.6232430


>> No.6232451


>the Earth lost 10% of its Forests over the entire lifetime of someone who turns 18 this year. Carbon dioxide pollution is about to wreck the atmosphere.

Don't say that. The millionaire Nazis on this board think global warming isn't real.

>> No.6232480

Literally who

>> No.6232611
File: 494 KB, 387x305, 1504647716277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old world powers thinking they're still relevant

>> No.6232683
File: 93 KB, 639x636, acceptedhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No major businesses nor banks would ever accept crypto as a mode of payment.


I guess i'm delusional about smart contracts too.

>> No.6232690

Boomers all think crypto is a scam, nothing new

>> No.6232755

My business accepts cryptos as well. Granted it's only a fraction of paypal/card payments (it's about 1/1000 orders are cryptos) but they're there. And unfortunately 4/5 of the people who pay with bitcoin do NOT understand why the fee is high or why it takes hours to confirm (we get support tickets like "hey why isn't it sent yet?" then I check and their payment is fucking bitcoin)

>> No.6232840


>here are your sausages sir! that will be $5.50, and the $30 transaction fee :)

>> No.6232955

who gives a fuck about Boomer scum. he'll be dead soon

>> No.6232969


Published 10:29 AM ET Fri, 14 March 2014 Updated 3:48 PM ET Fri, 14 March 2014

he says this every month until he dies or so

>> No.6233006
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“Proportionally, if you look at the number of Jews in this country and in the world, I’m associated with a hugely disproportionate number,” said Buffett, the second-richest man in the world. His life, he added, “has been blessed by friendship with many Jews.”

sorry i dont trust kikes or their sympathizers

>> No.6233025

Bitcoin is a dinosaur No doubt about it. It has no use in its current form. The optimal digital currency with have low to non existant fees and fast transaction times. Ex: raiblocks. What ends up winning I do not know but don't tell me crypto has no use as a currency.

>> No.6233053
File: 987 KB, 1668x1063, 4B03DE25-AF72-4E4E-8D90-2DFB517A6A2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffet hates tech stocks.

He never invested in any tech stocks until he bought IBM in 2015.

>> No.6233078

Buffett should just put 10% of his net worth into Chainlink. He is the only missing piece in order to solve the Oracle problem.

>> No.6233226

>Bought IBM stock
>In 2015

>> No.6233271


When that rookie explains why the BTC whitepaper is wrong or why ethereum network won't become the new Internet I'll start to care

Move along grumps, neets wins

>> No.6233324

Based anon

>> No.6233462

This. Dude doesn't even know how to use excel, he sticks to pen and paper. His returns have decreased YoY as everyone adopts new technology and he stays in the stone age.

>> No.6233531

Yeah but you can still make money investing in Stone Age stocks.

People buy furniture, use railroads, buy soda every day.

>> No.6233988

B-But when anonkun

>> No.6233992

it's all part of the NWO plan boyos
and buffet knows it so he can be confident and even die knowing his legacy will never be tarnished as the best investor of all time

when crypto market cap hits 6 trillion, tptb will crash Crypto, everyone will try to cash out, and it will crash fiat in the process as there isn't enough fiat in total circulation to meet the demands of the banks/exchanges to cash out the crypto. This will cause confidence to leave fiat AND crypto, this is when the NWO comes in with their solution - regulated government crypto to replace fiat

check mate

you been warned

>> No.6234084

Nocoiner detected

>> No.6234099

this guy still makes 37 million dollars A DAY.

>> No.6234380

/biz/ is like 0.001% of the market

>> No.6234389

Old and poor nocoiner jelly bcs missed gains

>> No.6234422

Can't this tightwad (who is leaving the majority of his fortune to niggers, not his own blood) eat some more 365Black fast food and drop dead already?

>> No.6234581

Meh, I don't agree with him, but I get that he doesn't believe in crypto because it isn't compatible with his investment strategy. He's a 100% FA guy, and in a speculative frenzy like the current crypto market, where vaporware can rise to the top through twitter shilling, only TA is useful. Even if FA mattered, he is kind of a dumbass with tech from being old as shit, so he wouldn't be able to make any informed decisions.

>> No.6234638

replying to more than 5 posts should trigger an automatic ban

>> No.6235198

neck yourself tripfaggot, noone cares

>> No.6235340

crypto-summerfags are this new

>> No.6235361
File: 998 KB, 410x258, 1512092803386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>░░░▐░░░░░░░░░▌░░░▄▀▀▀▀▄▐ HEIL!

Can someone make a Buffet Pink Wojak pls

>> No.6236027

>guy that revolved his entire life around wealth accumulation
>no longer cares about it now for some reason
The state of brainlets on biz.