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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6213993 No.6213993 [Reply] [Original]

>the most BTC your portfolio was ever worth ATH

>how much btc you have now

>> No.6214041

1.2 ATH
0.75 now

>> No.6214057

4 for a second last night, 3.86 now

>> No.6214084


>> No.6214101

Highest was 22 BTC in June, currently 18. Was down to 9 in early December though.

>> No.6214110


>> No.6214137



>> No.6214139


I don't give a shit about sats because they are a useless form of measurement.

Right now I have 3 and half BTC or someshit according to Binance, not that it matters since I trade with ETH pairs like all non-brainlets.

I just know my all time low was 0.10 back when I actually cared about sats.

>> No.6214143

6. Now almost 6.

>> No.6214153

fuck i hope ill be fucking rich as like you one day anon

>> No.6214169

They're useful when BTC is going up.

How much of an idiot would you feel after feeling extatic about your USD shitcoin gains only to realize you have less BTC than you started with?

>> No.6214171

1,2 now
Started with 0,08 = atl

>> No.6214177

what the shit. id kill myself before going through this pain

>> No.6214194

now 6

>> No.6214195

I hope i'll be rich one day too.

>> No.6214199

>10 btc
>tripped ballz

>> No.6214214

2.51, which was three days ago. 2.25 now. Was 0.8 last week and only broke 1btc for the first time ever 5 days ago so can't really complain about this current dip.

>> No.6214219


It was all the way down at 8 BTC just last month for reference

>> No.6214221

29 now. ath.

>> No.6214238
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>measure in BTC
>claim that measuring in Sats is stupid

>> No.6214246

Fucking newfag btc was only 800$ December last year
Lunch money

>> No.6214260

42 ath
went down to 6-7
now at 17

>> No.6214261

There is as much reason to compare profits to btc as there is to eth or any other coin. The only coin that matters is your countries fiat since its the only useable one

>> No.6214265

Why measure in BTC when BTC is going to be worth 1k eventually?

>> No.6214272

this shit sucks but I hardly care anymore
18.9 ATH
11ish today i think. less maybe. will be back up again in a month

>> No.6214277

14.5 ATH
14 now

>> No.6214315

4,9 ATH 1 day ago
4,77 now

>> No.6214327

When BTC is on a long term downtrend, measure in USD.

When BTC is going up, measure in Sats.

>> No.6214359

5.81 around June. Now worth 5.23.
Only have 0.005 in BTC.

>> No.6214418

how did you get it back up?

>> No.6214425


>> No.6214522



>> No.6214538

Started with 1.5btc in march. Highest was 13, now 2.3. Military duty and no internet for 2-3 weeks sucks.

>> No.6214549

hmmm yeah 22k last year for that much really is lunch money huh

drink too much stupid retart idiot potion today?

>> No.6214552



Silk Road was good times

>> No.6214559

13 BTC when NEO mooned.
Down to 3.5 just 2 months back...
Now at 11

>> No.6214565


>> No.6214705

went all in ETH a couple of days ago

>> No.6214709

TIL whales don't visit /biz/

>> No.6214783

When I only had like $20k, most blockfolios in the threads were 200k+.
Do you think they cashed out way too early, or they became millionaires and are now too busy banging jap girls to post?

>> No.6214808


>> No.6214814


35 ATH in June
18.5 now
2.5 ATL

About 3-4 cashed out I believe

>> No.6214819


33.6 current

>> No.6214844

kys pajeet

>> No.6214871



>> No.6214891
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They did, they just dropped their bags and left.
90% fiat.

>> No.6214979

2btc back in the Dogecoin days, from an investment of 0.2btc. Remained with 0.5 because I drank too much kool-aid, mostly because the community was genuinely fun and built lots of things together, dogedriver and bobsled team especially. Learned not to get emotionally invested in financial matters.
Started reinvesting it on December, now up to 2 again. Thanks Vechain.

>> No.6214985

I always hold 12 no matter what.

If I sold all my eth and shitcoins right now I'd have 36.

>> No.6215063
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0.93 ATH yesterday
0.92 Right now

>mfw too diversified for volatility

>> No.6215092
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>started with 7 BTC
>ATH before BTC bullshit run: 15 BTC
>currently: 17 BTC

what a ride

>> No.6215096
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>> No.6215122

3.13 and falling

>> No.6215134

Ath baby

>> No.6215136

how could you have fucked up so much?

>> No.6215143

2.3 ath
0.6 last month
1.9 now

>> No.6215178

Just holding eth would give you this result. Look what happened after august 2017.

There are thousands of people who are 100% eth since more than a year and I'm quite sure most of them did better than you.

>> No.6215197
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Now 17.5

>> No.6215220

Heavily exposed to a couple microcaps which I bought at their bottoms. Got quite lucky in the end but I can't recommend trying that strategy at this point of the 'alt-season'

>> No.6215311

Cashed out about 6 btc

>> No.6215332

Wowee, that rise

>> No.6215334
File: 670 KB, 1280x720, we_wait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4.54 ath (yesterday)
4.43 now

>> No.6215442

I had 80 BTC back in the day
Bought a few grams of MXE with it lmao

>> No.6215562
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I put a couple of hundred through the silk road for a gram of mescaline and half a gram of md.

>> No.6215698 [DELETED] 

I know, no begging. Also, I know you won't trust people from the internet, but...
could someone lend me 0.07 ETH, please?
I want to move my altcoins off my MEW wallet, and I can't , becase I don't have enough ETH for that. I need 0.07 ETH to do that, I'll pay you once I sell the altcoins.


>> No.6215883

Why research chems when real molly was like 15 a gram?

>> No.6216151
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you need like 20 cents for an ethereum transaction, get a fucking job m8.

>> No.6216190
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Bought a bunch of BTC for LSD and shrooms a couple years ago. I know that feel, anon. We could have made it accidentally.

Those psychs I bought ended up stopping me from killing myself so honestly I'm not even that upset. Got back in a few months ago before shit got retarded so it's all good

>> No.6216205

i cashed out early btc 5.5-13k (bought in 224-424)
jumped 50% back in for swing trades, bch and sky and eth long term. have 3xed what i put back in

overall my pattern is not holding long enough, but never moving into something that loses overall. sold 400 ltc at 102 right before pump (had only bought in for swing trading because i saw it was rangebound). traded 30 eth right before its pump as well (same deal)

Obsidian i fucked up. held 4 masternodes for 6 weeks for 10% gain. fomo'd 10k back in at 7.5k and flipped it at 15.

didn't sell sky peak but i'm aiming for long term capital gains on at least half that stack so that was a premeditated decision

>> No.6216390

I noticed this too, during these alt bullruns you see loads of big blockfolios and then they dissapear and you see the same numbers during the next alt bullrun.

I think the inexperienced ones just hold while the alts crash, lose their money and go quiet. Maybe some cash out.

Being a good trader is about making money then not losing it, or even making more money when things get bearish.

>> No.6216406

>We could have made it accidentally.
Doubtful really. Most of us had our funds on Gox or Silk Road's internal wallet

>> No.6217172

4.09 BTC
About 4 BTC

>> No.6217510
File: 92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-154506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 btc in june
like 55 atl after june
115 btc now, pic related

>> No.6217791

Highest was 40 BTC, now its about 28

>> No.6217802

Teach me your lessons pls

>> No.6217998


I'm at the ATH because of ARK and SUB

>> No.6218165


>> No.6218512


Thanks to BTC and NEO.

>> No.6218625

started with 0.05 BTC I just breached 1 BTC (1.2BTC exact)

>> No.6218707

How many druggies are on sewside watch?

>> No.6218730

>1.25 ATH
>1.17 now

good thing BTC has tanked with my altcoins, kek

>> No.6218779

now 1 ...

>> No.6218832

1 Around july
4 around june
0.7 around september
5.4 now

>> No.6218849

Do you regret it, or was it worth the ~1 million dollars ?

>> No.6218903

Please give me some tips!

>> No.6218937

15 at my peak

4.6 now ( and sold 2 btc at 8600 each)

>> No.6218976

Share your wisdom

>> No.6219351

1.6 ATH
1.36 now

>> No.6219373

2 satoshis
1 satoshi

>> No.6219448

Now 1.5

>> No.6219573

0.57 BTC

Now worth 0.53

Thanks a lot, XLM

>> No.6219607


Now 3

>> No.6219752

bearish is when im best
i can't handle the near infinite bullruns

>> No.6219767
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>7.45 ath
>7.28 now

>> No.6219796

3.1 last night.
2.5 now

>> No.6219816

Now 113 :)

>> No.6219893

I don't feel bad. The BTC was stored in the Silk Road internal wallet and there is no way in hell I would've ever even thought about moving my funds out.
There was no way of knowing and even if they were in a cold wallet, I would've cashed out at $100 anyway probably.

But I'm back with 10BTC now. Target is 21 and then I'm finally "free"

>> No.6219930

It will not. You will keep lossing it to shitcoin gambling.

>> No.6220071

ATH 1000s... But drugs, shitty trading, scams, and loss has cut that down some...

Now: 40... Most is in BCH/ETH.

>> No.6220105
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When you have 21, you will sell them for 1 million bucks -taxes, then 5 years later you will kill yourself when it's worth 10million+.

>> No.6220171
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>> No.6220192

I will never sell my 21.

>> No.6220297

Yeah, I still am a bitcoin core believer, but you gotta follow the tides sometimes. BCH and ETH are due for significant runs. Once Feb rolls around, or if LN makes progress, BTC will shoot back up.

>> No.6220518


>> No.6220642

>There are thousands of people who are 100% eth since more than a year and I'm quite sure most of them did better than you.

this is 100% true.

I traded a bunch of eth, all the stuff I traded for is up, but not up as much as eth.

>> No.6221383

BTC is pretty stagnant right now so it doesn't matter if you measure in sats or USD

>> No.6221445
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>> No.6221533
