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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6203553 No.6203553 [Reply] [Original]

Prices are WTF LOL

>> No.6203592

the binance kiss of death

>> No.6203617

people are going to get REKT'd

>> No.6203709

Why would anyone buy in the first hours of new listings? The people who want to sell isn't even near to the peak...wait for the Floor, lol

That's a teaser for wanchain listing :)

>> No.6203858

Buy UFR. To the moon :)

>> No.6203929

Was there any indication that this gonna gonna list on Binance today? Or was this literally out of the blue?

>> No.6203980

I can't find anything about it being announced. I was sorting through prices and saw VIBE listed as 0.00. Next thing you now, the market was open for it on binance. Weird.

>> No.6204258
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1514704852261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virtual reality token
And here am I, thinking I've seen it all...

>> No.6204370

+500% nice

>> No.6204694
File: 180 KB, 827x807, Vibe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6204704

some idiot just bought my stack for $2 over market price LMAO

>> No.6204785

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.6204920

Damn, just had the perfect opportunity to buy too during that ETH run... GG to all who reap on this one tonight.

>> No.6205028

Watch out, pajeets are going to start fudding/shilling soon out of anger. They always buy the second a coin drops and get fucked somehow

>> No.6205100
File: 68 KB, 787x623, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 11.20.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt you faggots learn anything when APPC dropped? BUY THAT SHIT NOW. It literally mooned. Normies are so hungry for the next 10x.

>> No.6205152

Pls buy my bags, after 30min of trading, pls sirs, buy cheap and nice coin

>> No.6205181

Someone want to give me 1 VIBE itd be grateful

>> No.6205205

get rekt

>> No.6205237

Already tanking fast AF. Down to 3 from 6/7

>> No.6205244

give me 1 reason to

>> No.6205259

That's literally, you fucking pajeet

>Get rekt, loo

>> No.6205280

I would suck you dick and give you a BTC for one.

>> No.6205578

Hahaha the bagholders from this will be nunerous

>> No.6206292

if you knew how to play the market you would be up 20% like me

>> No.6206787

Bought at 3.50, sold at 6.50, thought it would go to 10, so I bought back in at 7.
30 seconds later it dropped to 3.
Stayed there.Sold at a loss. 400$ lesson.

Never gonna try timing the market again. Buy and hold from now on.

>> No.6206933

Bought at 25000, sold at 68000.


>> No.6207132

Is there any chance this coin will go above 4000 again? Just bought some heavy bags =(

>> No.6207410

Why did i buy this stupid fucking coin at 460

>> No.6207462
File: 5 KB, 203x249, 35763567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha so many pajeets around here getting BTFO. Hilarious. You guys should start a self-help group and have regular threads and stuff.

>> No.6207487
File: 28 KB, 600x422, 1513968078153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bought at 0.20 on Etherdelta weeks ago. These newfags and newbies on /biz pretending they know something about market getting me mad. Can you just fuck off from this board already? Before you brainlets there were nice discussion and real indepth research into undervalued coins. No it's just these retards with 5k portfolio.

>> No.6207596

460 where the hell did you find that ?

>> No.6207788

I hope this dips, I want another 10k.

>> No.6207954


I think we found a floor at 2$. All the weak hand are off already.

>> No.6208387

theme for those still hodling


>> No.6208547
File: 124 KB, 605x190, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 9.45.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shitcoin compared to Audiocoin. They even released Bjorks newest album and will do a press release about a partnership with a major music label.

Not to mention that that already have a working product for months, real artists/musicians, small market cap one of the largest music studio and equipment sales companies in the world.

Supported by Resetera >>6202164

Get in now or you'll miss a legit 50x

Price is 140 satoshi


>> No.6208858

What is this coin even doing?

>> No.6209366

who gives a fuck about bjork. I know of a project thqat has grammy award winning artist and top music managers of the industry involved. Not going to say it because your a faggot but ill shill it after im done buying the ICO.

>> No.6209369


WTF you are mixing completely nonrelated projects. OMG when you don't know anything just posting here pls.

>> No.6209403

* stop

>> No.6209476

Why does it cost 16$ in processing from coinbase to binance what the hell? I'm just trying to send 10$ in BTC through, how do people live with the transfer fees?

>> No.6209572

Didn’t set my stop loss right. Looks like I got a bit of a bag

>> No.6209610
File: 263 KB, 1600x1212, IMG_4347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOUGHT AT 79570!!!!!

>> No.6209645

By not sending btc
Ethereum is cheaper and faster

>> No.6209804

Ok, guys. Will it pump once more after the normies are hearing from that coin? Binance listing is still under the radar and not even on CMC yet.? Normies usually take a bit longer to comprehend stuff.

I fomo'd in at around 3k sats. First time asking /biz/ for an advice, let's see.

>> No.6209834


>> No.6210239

h e l p

>> No.6210315

haha rekt

>> No.6210574
