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File: 22 KB, 1050x800, 535435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6196596 No.6196596 [Reply] [Original]

>don't hold any XRP, but,

Unironically, shouldn't this become more valuable as it is burned for transactions over the Ripple network? What am I missing anons?

>> No.6196659

You could be running the max TPS possible for ripple for decades and it wouldn't be noticeable. It's like .0001 per tx or something

>> No.6196835

Hmm, I see, so this is a worthless token?

>> No.6196898

its a centralized utility token.
Its worth is actually about 100 dollars every decade. and to put the icing on top it has unlimited supply and ripple can be created out of thin air so yea. actually worthless

>> No.6196925

I don't know. If banks actually start using it, it could be worth a lot. In my opinion XRP accomplishes nothing more than a regular centralized database would. But I could be wrong of course.

>> No.6196960


>> No.6196974

>Ripple Countersues in $12 Billion Fight Over XRP Options
>In the latest twist in the legal battle, Ripple filed a counterclaim in New York state court that accuses R3 of signing the deal in bad faith, and using the partnership to steal its expertise in order to develop a competing product.
>The option contract represents nearly 10% of the approximately 55 billion XRP (out of a total supply of 100 billion) currently controlled by Ripple. This puts the stakes of the dispute on par with other epic early-days battles such as the one between Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and the Winkelvoss twins.

unironically, shouldn't it become less valuable over time as legal battles over who gets to play god of the economy are fought?

>> No.6197000

I would say it's worth a solid 5 cents

>> No.6197034

>What am I missing anons?
that the price of it has literally tanked 30% in about 2/3 days.

>> No.6197049

For the last goddamn time banks are not going to use Ripple. They're going to work with Ripple and then implement block chain into their own system.


>> No.6197110
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im loving this

ripple is going below 2.0usd as we speak

im loving the fact that donks bought in to the fomo at 3,5 usd and beyond

this is fucking beautiful

>> No.6197149

>For the last goddamn time banks are not going to use Ripple.
nostro accounts bro. no other tech comes close. int. banks and payment providers are adopting it..

that's just how it is.

>> No.6197342

But how does this give XRP value? Shouldn't it actually benefit the banks if the price stays low, or else transactions will cost more? Thoroughly confused anon

>> No.6197363
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>> No.6197431

Hey literal who

>> No.6197469


To oversimplify: If bank A wants to send bank B $100 billion using XRP then the price and liquidity of XRP needs to match it.

The cost still remains low, as a standard transaction is .00001 XRP.

Even if XRP was a hundred bucks, it would still only cost a tenth of a cent to move billions.

>> No.6197571

>Shouldn't it actually benefit the banks if the price stays low, or else transactions will cost more?

Exactly right.

The cheaper the XRP token is, the less cost of transfer.

That was one of the reasons i stopped buying XRP after it reached 0.80 cents.

>> No.6197580

>Harvard dropout shills to make ends meet

Yah okay

>> No.6197618

Ripple will hit $4 end of feb

>> No.6197663
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actually retarded.

stick to your bitcoin cash faggot

>> No.6197667

I see. The first replier said that the burned tokens will have a negligible impact on total supply (not sure if true). If this is the case and the increasing "scarcity" doesn't generate a price increase, what will?

>> No.6197674


you dun goofed.

>> No.6197707

Its not a commodity like crypto currencies that are mined. Its a made up chuck e cheese token used to scam retards out of there money to finance a banking project to improve their bottom line. Anyone who hasn't realized this is beyond saving at this point.

>> No.6197737

there is still plenty of time to get in, it won't hit for a month, play the game and dump into xrp with gains in two weeks

>> No.6197788

Banks are going to use Ripple. Dont you get it? They want all the money into ripple from the de centralized cyptro currencies. If you use Ripple you are against the whole idea of de centralization.

>> No.6197864


>the burned tokens will have a negligible impact on total supply

This is true.

> and the increasing "scarcity" doesn't generate a price increase, what will?

Utility, as I explained >>6197469

Remember, Ripple is targeting a market that moves over $5 trillion/day. I'm not saying they will capture it all, but if they even capture 10% of it that would **imply** a market cap of ~$500 billion. (** there are other criteria that could make this less, such as how long a particular bank will hold XRP after a transaction)

That is also assuming the entire supply is available and not squirreled away by private speculators (such as me and you) or other institutional uses like hedge funds (see Michael Arrington).

>> No.6197904

you're right. but a centralized database can't be trusted.
ripple is decentralized and thus all the jews who control it and can't be trusted, don't have to be.

>> No.6197918
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Gladly, its mooning right now. Can't wait to gas you kikes.

>> No.6197999

>be ripple
>continue to split tokens till the end of time
>no gains
>all your money is back in the banks
Good goy.

>> No.6198015

>Its not a commodity like crypto currencies that are mined.
What are you talking about? There are dozens of coins and tokens out there that have real world use and cannot be mined. Read the white papers for the top 30 coins and tokens.

>Its a made up chuck e cheese token used to scam retards out of there money to finance a banking project to improve their bottom line.

The chucky cheese - XRP for another word - token is an asset, with a real world use in the financial and global payments system. And it also costs money.

>> No.6198054

>What am I missing anons?
OMNI is better and runs on bitcoin blockchain. There are only 600 thousand omni, while there are 100 billion XRP. OMNI is decentralized.

>> No.6198273

If its not secured by mining, its not decentralized, its not a crypto currency. Ripplets don't even understand the purpose of mining so they think XRP is = to crypto, because they're chasing pumps and think they're on the ground floor. When really they got duped and when ICOs take profits the money will go into XMR, ETH, BCH. Because they are actual crypto.

>> No.6198462


>hurr durr it's not actually crypto

Nobody gives a shit anymore. Have you not looked at cmc lately? ~75% of the coins aren't mineable.

People are in this shit now to make money, not be fucking ideologues.

>> No.6198513

Yeah, I have to agree.

>> No.6198588

kill yourself you braindead loser

>> No.6198687

So basically Ripple will have to buy XRP from private speculators on exchanges to fuel their network if they run out? What if everyone decides to hoard their XRP?

>> No.6198700


great rebuttal, dumbass.

>> No.6198741
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You're about to learn a hard lesson this year about how this space works and where profits will move.

>> No.6198860


Not for at least 5 years, assuming the escrow sells the full billion each month - which isn't likely to happen as current sales have been around 300 million/month.

And institutional investors do not buy XRP on the open market, they buy directly from Ripple at a discount - with strings attached. IE - they can't buy a whole bunch and then dump it on the open market.

>> No.6198910
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Sure thing, bucko.

>> No.6198918

Listen kid. Ripple has been and always will be the laughing stock among cryptocurrencies.

The only reason its gaining traction is dumbfucks like you.

>> No.6199013

>he thinks I'm talking about Blockstream coin


You've been warned. Nobody wants your shit token.

>> No.6199054

Going to be a rough year for you

>> No.6199102

Do you fucking hear yourself? Basically a bunch of nepotism and you dominate the market because you get all the insider deals. Meanwhile peons like yourself get the scraps. Unfucking believable.

>> No.6199117

All the shitcoins are tanking while Ether is exploding. ;)

>> No.6199135


Wrong. Crypto-purists such as yourself are the laughingstock... desperately trying to hold onto obsolete technology and REEEEEEing at everyone who builds something better.

People like myself, on the other hand, realize that inefficient technology doesn't stand the test of time. Never has, never will.

>> No.6199152

Transactions are fast, I wished binance used this coin to buy alt coins instead of BTC and the slow as shit ETH

>> No.6199202

With the problems that ETH has, where do you think that will go?

>> No.6199224

OMNI is not obsolete technology. Lightning Network and OMNI protocol make Bitcoin much better than Ripple. USDt token is created using OMNI layer. what is created using Ripple? NOTHING.

>> No.6199246


It's how the world works, jackass. By your logic no consumer should have made any money holding Amazon or Google stock - unless of course you think there were never any backroom deals in those industries?

>> No.6199269

Ok, thanks for answering my questions.

>> No.6199324

Oh yeah I forgot years only last one day now>>6199117

>> No.6199348


I don't really follow ETH. I think smart contracts are a good concept but nobody has really figured out exactly what the fuck to do with them yet.

>> No.6199382

fuck you anon

>> No.6199459

Ripple isn't an advancement in technology. Its just a centralized database piggy backing on blockchain. Its just coming around now because finance has literally never had competition.

Shareholders have a stake in the company you fucking retard! Ripple has no obligation to XRP holders literally at fucking all!

>> No.6199503

You're an idiot.

>> No.6199541

This is some next level shilling. Take note pajeets.

>> No.6199572


>finance has literally never had competition

Now it does. And I'm profiting from it. Fuck do you care anyways?

>Shareholders have a stake in the company you fucking retard!

Do you understand what an analogy is, retard?

>> No.6199592

Stocks are a ponzi
Precious metals are a ponzi
Shitcoins are a ponzi

You think your schemes are going to last? Real crypto are backed by technology that helps humanity as a whole instead of supporting criminal enterprises.

>> No.6199622


I am? Tell me what smart contracts you've used in your life. Go on.

>> No.6199684


>Real crypto are backed by technology that helps humanity as a whole

Fuck off with your fantasy world bullshit. bitcoin mining already consumes more power than the country of Denmark. "helps humanity" my fucking ass.

>> No.6199820
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>Ripple is the financial systems competition because its providing services for the financial system
>an analogy is an argument

>> No.6199840
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>shill targets btc in argument about all cryptos

Every time.

>> No.6199948


Again, why do you care? Are you my wife? Why in the actual fuck would you give a flying rats ass what I do with MY money?

>> No.6199952
File: 3.61 MB, 2192x1024, XRP VICTORIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


XRP is valuable because it meets the needs of the banking system, corporate world, government, and military. The top 10% wealthiest in the world control more than $500 Trillion in wealth. That is why XRP is valuable and will go to a $50 Trillion market cap.

>> No.6199965
File: 167 KB, 1465x996, yes buy ripple good goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone got jewed.

>> No.6199968
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Yes. It was a massive pump and dump scam to steal people's ETH/BTC.

If you hold any XRP right now you are literally disabled.

>> No.6200083


Nobody uses the fuckin token, they just give it to banks who want to experiment with the tech, and the banks just sit on it or sell it. Whats there to burn besides just some coins moving around in exchanges.

>> No.6200224

Mining gives coins value and security. Sure Bitcoin is sloppy but it is the pioneer coin that started it all. The mining will stop as well so there goes your argument and people holding 1 coin could be a millionaire someday. ;)

Also do people suddenly forget the bank bailouts? Do they forget the housing bubble? People lost their livelihoods to these bastards and then you support Ripple.

Give me a break.
Yeah the only reason it was developed was to steal your time away from other good honest coins. If you are greedy and invest in the corporate coin you are going to get burned.

>> No.6200303
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>> No.6200429
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>AH-1 Cobra Attack Helicopters strike your convoy with TOW missiles and 20mm high-explosive cannon fire.

>Total mission cost: 90 XRP

>> No.6200487
File: 813 KB, 2402x1201, MILITARY WANTS TO BUY F-35 WITH XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Corporate world pumps $50 Trillion into XRP
>Holders of XRP get burned


>> No.6200543


>Also do people suddenly forget the bank bailouts? Do they forget the housing bubble?

I haven't forgotten at all, and that's one of the reasons why I'm betting on the house.

This is the thing you purists don't understand: Your premise behind taking power from the banks was never going to work.

You don't attack an enemy's strengths, you attack their weaknesses. With cryptos you tried to weaponize money against the institutions THAT HAVE ALL THE FUCKING MONEY,

Do you not understand how retarded that is? It's like trying to fight a battleship with a fucking canoe.

You were beaten before you even started.

>> No.6200650
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>money is what banks and government tell me it is

>> No.6200671


Sometimes I wonder if I will feel sorry for all the XRP FUDders who will be holding bags of zero-bid shitcoins when the worldwide panic into XRP begins.

>> No.6200756


Unless you have the power to overthrow them, that is EXACTLY what it is. You're clearly too stupid to realize it.

>> No.6200801

you don't attack the enemy at all. you replace him. and just as the car replaced the horse, it takes time. cars were not better then horses overnight.

thats what you subs don't understand. desperate and eager for any excuse to continue to submit to your old masters.

we're going to decentralize the economy, government, everything. unless they kill us first, and they very well may. until then strap in

>> No.6200807

is the incentivisation of XRP being cheaper than their own developed coins enough to make banks use it?

>> No.6200841


I won't.

I also won't even claim that XRP is going to be "the" crypto that's allowed to reign. It's simply the odds-on favorite right now.

>> No.6200875

This guy gets it.

>> No.6200884

Thats where the de centralization comes in which makes crypto impervious to top down attacks . So unless the government is ready to decimate the world populous by cutting the power supply they cannot stop the peer to peer movement.

>> No.6200905

and by us i just mean a general mass depopulation effort. kill off most of the population, pretend its an accident. and then its the old dinosaur systems to the "rescue" to regain control in crisis. as planned

>> No.6200946
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All US banks used to issue their own currencies in the 1800's. These were ultimately replaced by the Federal Reserve Notes that we use today. One currency is far more efficient than a bunch of currencies.

>> No.6200961

but if we replace them fast enough they wont even be able to. nobody is all powerful. we take our chance to replace the evil dinosaur systems now. or we wont get another chance.

>> No.6201024

Rest In Piss cripple.

>> No.6201032


>we're going to decentralize the economy, government, everything

No you're not. Every fucking year the government gets bigger. Every fucking year the economy becomes more centralized.

amazon reigns supreme in online commerce
google reigns supreme in information
facebook reigns supreme in socialization

and they get bigger year after year. you're only salvation will be when the whole shit collapses under it's own weight. unless you've got a china sized army hiding in your backyard you're along for the ride like everyone else.

>> No.6201112

Haha governments are freaking out too. USA enacting a capital gains tax and Russia/China are looking to outright ban them while parading their bullshit petrol/yuan/gold currency.

>> No.6201170

and it makes you hard as fuck doesn't it? you just can't wait to bend over and take it. fuck off, you are disgusting worm man. should humanity die on it's knees or on its feet? its death either way frankly, but if we stand up maybe, just maybe, we have a future. pussy

>> No.6201185


>> No.6201196

you think you will take this world from the bankers you gotta be joking, but nevertheless try "hero". I'm sure many of you think you're actually great human beings and the bankers are evil, but will you guys honestly be different than the bankers are now?

>> No.6201255
File: 38 KB, 640x427, Putin-with-Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how /pol/ fell to the deep state. don't let these guys get to you anons

>> No.6201260

this ones gonna finna moon lambo

>> No.6201272

Not the person you're replying to, but you sound like an insufferable moralfag. I'm invested in cryptocurrency for money, not a make believe fairy fantasy that you imagined from a video game.

>> No.6201286

Power changes a man, and money is power, these bankers have been doing it since forever, you retards think you can beat them, but i will tell you this, there's a reason they rule the world and not you, you arent going to win.

>> No.6201322


yeah, get mad because I just blew your literal utopia fantasy land all to shit with realism.

Present to me a viable way to change the status quo I'm more than willing to entertain the idea. Magic internet money isn't going to do it.

>> No.6201327

There is no money for you long term with centralized systems. Have you learned nothing of banking history?

>> No.6201358
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the delusion of a Sherpa

>> No.6201375


Name me a successful nation that has 1400 different goddamn currencies.


>> No.6201389

bankers? lol if only it was that easy. if only it went no deeper then that. oh no, our true enemy is far worse. evil, just evil, pure distilled evil. and if we let it win we wont exist anymore. so no matter how hopeless it looks, we really don't have a choice but to fight it. and i'm hardly a hero when the only "fight" i'm talking about is gradual replacement of dinosaur systems with decentralized alternatives. i'm not exactly calling for an actual fight here. they can probably just flip a switch and fry everyones brains with microwaves overnight or something. it's really quite hopeless and we're all going to die.

still, gotta give it a go eh? no other choice

>> No.6201459

How many times do i have to remind people crypto is decentralized. Theres no banking cabal in this revolution.




>> No.6201475
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I'm eating specially branded cookies while I wait for my moon missions on XRP

>> No.6201503
File: 355 KB, 2048x1420, MILITARY WANTS TO PAY TROOPS WITH XRP 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You are sniped.

Total mission cost: 0.3 XRP

>> No.6201508

buy in today or wait?

>> No.6201518

>Theres no banking cabal in this revolution.
there certainly is a mining cabal...

>> No.6201529

You can literally peg national currencies to blockchains with futures markets i.e colored coins if you for some reason you want to. Besides metals have never had a home country and they work just fine. I don't think you understand the fundamentals of money.

>> No.6201535

you dont understand. i know its hopeless. and i know we're all going to die. you haven't taught me anything.

and you want the plan from me? lol, yeah ok buddy, some random anon on the internet has it all figured out. all i know is what i told you, what we have to do is replace our oppressor systems with decentralized alternatives. or die trying.

or we can take your appraoch which is what exactly? roll over and display your soft underbelly? is that your plan? submission?

>> No.6201536

I don't care about long term money, I care about making some gains with the fiat I have invested, and then getting out.

>> No.6201581



Tell me, retard, in "bitcoinland" who secures finances for the elderly or infirmed? Who issues home loans? Who gives lines of credit for business development and expansion?

>> No.6201587

im not even trying to be a hero i just know we're dead no matter what we do so we might as well try something. how hard is that to understand

>> No.6201597

Because i won't indulge in your stupid, insensible, video game fantasy?

>> No.6201628


My plan is to wait for the correct opportunity. This isn't it. This is just a way to make money.

>> No.6201685

you have no understanding of economics, does crypto change everyone into retards that thinks everything can just be created out of thin air? apparantly this is what /biz/ actually believes what you think happens when there is a big solar flare like in the 1800's? or a pole shift, or a world war. enjoy your electronic grid, nevermind crypto, crypto is not the economy, it's just a bunch of autists and opportunist people nothing else. I'm telling you to wake up. Take your profits now, be happy with what you got, you arent going to beat the balrog, get out of the mines now, and with your life.

>> No.6201689

if i was pointing a gun at your head, and you knew i was going to pull the trigger, would you just lay down and cry or would you make a quick dash for the gun?

>> No.6201751

I would never have gotten myself into that position in the first place. The game can't beat you if you don't partake in it.

>> No.6201761

you'd probably shit your pants, you LARP-loving deluded, pasty, hapless nerd.

>> No.6201798
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>why are you evven in crypto, fags
>WHY are you even in 4chan for chrissake

Banks took away the power from the feudal lords circa 1400s, it gave the world progress for over 500 years. It was a great system, but then we're in a point in history where decentralization is THE next gen solution to growing complexity going on in the world. In 10 years time maybe all these debates about XRP vs. BTC vs. ETH won't even matter because they'll all be wiped out but the tech's already there. You can't UNINVENT shit, you blackpill retards don't understand is the ideas and techs produced today are important and we're trading ideas not simply "magic meme money"

>> No.6201824
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ripple my nipples anon

>> No.6201825

there is no one opportunity. no magic attack plan. it's just a gradual replacement. cars did not replace the horse overnight and we cannot replace the exiting centralized corrupt systems quickly either. the fight has already begun years ago, awareness is spreading like an unstoppable wildfire. the media is crumbling, suspicion of government is rising, an understanding that existing systems can be replaced one day is slowling dawning on humanity. there are 7 billion of us, we're not completely helpless

>> No.6201827

Dont invest in Ripple! Unless you want to be drone sniped like done today with federal reserve dollars.
Alt coins can access the de centralized bank which governments will be using. Government isnt going anywhere but their control of the banking systems will.

Which is why i suggest to every person here to buy 1 bitcoin and simply hold it. Alt coins are mined by everyday people.

>> No.6201901

the tech wont change anything, the basic realities of life remain, basic realities YOU fail to see, and im sure that is genetic. White boy.

>> No.6201918


>Alt coins can access the de centralized bank which governments will be using. Government isnt going anywhere but their control of the banking systems will.

what the fuck does this even mean...

>> No.6201982

you're already in that position
the gun is already pointed atall our heads. our quick dash to grab the gun is going to take too long and we're going to die. probably. but still.

of course i would. i;'d cry and shit and piss and scream and all of that. i'm alive, and like any animal i'll panic in a scary enough situation. but this isnt about me, it's about the entire species. and i think general humanity is better then i am, at least in the balls department

>> No.6202024

when a bear run happens and everyone runs to cash out and exchanges give preference to insiders while they give you only excuses, while you just watch your imaginary money literally whisk away in your computer screen, then and only THEN you'll think that having someone looking out for social well-being maybe wasn't a bad idea after all.

>> No.6202052

Crypto currencies are like decentralized banks. Governments will be using them instead of the private central banks today.

>> No.6202116
File: 2.19 MB, 1500x977, WELCOME XRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't think of a single successful peasant or slave rebellion in world history that did not rely on the support of a foreign government. That's why I'm only holding XRP. History shows that the government and the wealthy who are supporting the government will win the crypto war. I am also happy about this because XRP and Interledger Protocol puts a stop to naked short-selling, back office paperwork fraud, delayed settlement, and other scams used by the banking system. It solves almost all of the problems that resulted in people creating cryptocurrencies int he first place.

>> No.6202118


Let me ask you again since you clearly didn't get it the first time:


>> No.6202134

i would take the bankers over any of you fucks, any day, the world issnt that bad atm, but im sure if some of you fucking 4 channers would get that absolute power you would fuck the world up in less then a week.

>> No.6202182

what? lol. dude, you're sleepwalking. they're not our friends, they are not here for our well being. they are here to make us submit to power, and not in a friendly caring father sort of way. evil people who do evil things for the sake of evil, own the world. and its about time you grew up. santa clause isn't real, and power isn't innocent. i'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but the world you think you live in is a deception designed to destroy you and everyone you love.

>> No.6202213


>> No.6202239
File: 433 KB, 3030x1777, MILITARY WANTS TO BUY F-22 WITH XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The US government went to war against Iraq and Lybia over currency disputes. They would slaughter hundreds of thousands before using something they cannot control. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH YOUR FANTASIES. Simply look at the historical record of the war you live in.

>> No.6202249

>decentralized systems
>absolute power
just be quiet, you're embarassing yourself cuck

>> No.6202284


Dare I assume you mean rich individuals?

So tell me, what incentive is there for said individual to issue a loan? And how does he collateralize it?

>> No.6202303
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(((Basic realities)))
You sound like my mother, are you a fucking boomer
Didn't you see just what happened the past 20 years, the internet happened
Sure there will always be sheeple, cattle, 'normies' people who revere their fear based systems because they don't want to bite the hand that gives. or at least, that's what they want to believe
But a lot of people are waking up, and we've always been progressing to more freedom, not less
All I'm saying is assess your life anon, if that's what you want to believe you're free to do so, but this movement won't reverse itself anymore

>> No.6202404

I’m not some crypto libertarian I don’t give a fuck about banks or governments. I literally voted for Hillary Clinton.

>> No.6202430

you think you're alone lol. have fun hurting yourself.

>> No.6202440


Then why the fuck did you answer?

>> No.6202443

well with salt coin you can soon borrow usd using crypto as collateral and if you don't pay your loan, the lender, which can be anyone, keeps the crypto.

i'm sure there will be more lending blockchain products in the future. eth lend is a thing i'm not sure how it works though.

anyways, even if todays systems aren't good enough, you remind me of people who used to say cars will never take over the horse because horses can be refuled anywhere and the cars at the time drank a lot of fuel and didnt go very far and there were few gas stations.

things change over time, systems expand and evolve. anything crypto needs to do, it will do, if it can do, when it needs to, eventually. including loans

>> No.6202511

you dont know what freedom means. and you will never truly, know. We are a big human family and no one is on a island alone.

>> No.6202529

what does that even mean?

we live in a surveillance state. watched at all times. that's part of the fucking problem. is that what you're tlakign about? do you think they're appeased by your submission? they will destroy you even harder just for trying to submit to them. they dont give a fuck, we are nothing to them

>> No.6202568


>well with salt coin you can soon borrow usd using crypto as collateral

What kind of retarded ass sense does this make? if you have the capital, you have no need for the loan to begin with.

What the FUCK are they teaching you kids these days?

>> No.6202592

i don't care about the current rulers ok, i honestly dont, they may be bad at times but good is allowed to exists. In your decentralized world there will be total chaos, that will be pure evil, i will forever combat it. Atleast democracy has some merit to it.

>> No.6202593

because he gets off on letting everyone know what a cuck he is and how he submits instantly to anyone wielding any power over him whatsoever. what he doesn't realize is that the system will destroy the people that submit to it first, because submission is disgusting even the enemy thinks so

>> No.6202596


>> No.6202633

i cannot stress enough that you as a citizen (well, at least when you stop being twelve) still retain a modicum of power to hold the powers that be accountable and actually change things for the better

on your magic cryptoland you can't even entertain the idea that you can held any power accountable at all. you'll get fucked sideways and there will be nothing you can do at all.

i mean, on this little ecosystem of cryptos, the vacuum of power left by banks is already concentrating on exchanges and miners, keep in mind that exchanges can simply refuse giving you service at any given point and you have literally no course of action at all. Nobody is going to give a shit about your microbags that you can't cash out.

on your imaginary cryptoland, everyone will fuck you sideways and also demand that you smile while you take it.

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.6202640


Once again: >>6202568

>> No.6202661

You're missing the fact that you and other retards just a pumped the Ripple company to the 10th largest market cap in the world off of marketing and bullshit buzzwords

Ripple runs the currency

It is no different from a shared database

They can print XRP whenever they want-- you can be inflated into oblivion

This currency is fucking useless; you can use the ripple software without XRP

No bank wants XRP or will ever use it

All of their "partnerships" are with pajeet banks / mexican banks who are just "testing the software" and have no plans to use it at any point now or in the future

Anyone who bought this shit is going to lose all their money XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAAXAXA


>> No.6202664
File: 525 KB, 1920x1200, XRP IS LAWFUL GOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy gets it. Decentralization = chaos. Centralization = order. Order is generally more good and less evil than chaos.

XRP = Lawful Good

>> No.6202665

Aw fuck

>> No.6202689

Because you asked a question bitchboy

>> No.6202756

I went 100% into XRP purely because it triggers biz so badly. I hope the banks personally rape each of you into a lifelong debt slavery.

>> No.6202774
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yeah you inauthentic zog-ians are really hard to turn, im just here for the guys watching anyhow
hope you find what you're looking for

>> No.6202800

XRP might take over cash yes. Who knows. There will always be demand for an anonymous crypto though.

>> No.6202844

what democracy? no such thing. they decide who to parade in front of you for a vote. none of its real. it's about as real as the world wrestling federation.

a decentralized world doesn't have to be total chaos, it all depends on how far you decentralize. there are practical limits to the process. but clearly as the world stands today a select few, mostly evil people, run everything and they have plans for us.

why is the sperm rate in the west down 50%
why do studies on transgenic corn reveal that small animals lose the ability to reproduce within 3 generations. why is there an increase in transexual frogs due to chemicals that exist in our tap water. coincidence? maybe, do your research and you'll find a million more examples and you start to see that its no coincidence. we're being destroyed right now, it's already begun, it began decades ago.

some people will risk everything to save a life, any life.
what you dont understand is that some people will risk everything to take a life, any life.

good and evil exists in this world. and you have no choice, you have to join the good guys because the bad guys are going to kill everyone even themselves they are that evil. pure evil.

where did all those missing children go?

>> No.6202869

debt slavery is basically a punishment for greed, you will never be rly able to pay it off anyway it's just there to give you a little less, kinda like reverse wellfare. carry that load, you wanted this in your greed. Greed hurts other people, the bankers now lay their god hand on your noob ass and give you a taste of your own medicine. Do not fuck with them.

Satan doesnt share power. Fucking behave.

>> No.6202923

yes crime happens everywhere in this world, but who are you to judge, are you without sin? nope.

>> No.6202926
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>there will always be demand for an anonymous crypto

This is why I believe XRP and XMR will be the last 2 cryptos standing. One for the legal economy, and one for the crime economy.

>> No.6202949
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Newbs stay poor. It's on the radar.

>> No.6202958

Try millions and maybe today even billions! Remember the world wars? Countries who threatened the status quo were decimated. Now the questions is whether the world governments have the balls to exterminate us all for their money schemes. .
You are type of guy who thinks the government is benevolent. Once you become a liability to them they will turn on you and you never know when that day will come.

>> No.6202973

I think you mean centralized. and you're right its a crappy coin. Not a crypto. It was hyper inflated and the owner had to get rid of some. Obviously they can print up as many as they want. Its not worth anything after the owners of the coin disappear from this planet. The inflation and the long term value of other cryptos should make XRP drop hard. Short this and become rich.

>> No.6203014

we have no power. they don't even see us as human. we are property to them. you have no idea what i'm talking about but you will eventually figure it out i can tell. good luck

as for crypto, maybe it's not the answer. but it's a try, it's an attempt. and over time it will cha nge and perhaps those problems will be addressed.

but i think you're going out of your way to look for excuses to stay in your fantasy world where the mainstream media isn't propaganda and democracies are real and government is just regular people. that is a fantasy, you'll see

>> No.6203024

Hmm. Interesting.

>> No.6203028

and it should come , they should slaughter atleast 80 % of the world pop, we are a scourge, a cancer, a disease, and we all have become way too indulgent and prideful, i say it's long overdue.

>> No.6203059
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>> No.6203085

i agree. i hate ripple so much

>> No.6203099


Jew detected

>> No.6203100

Maybe you should stop worshipping the banks absolutely and think critically.

>> No.6203112
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>> No.6203114
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We? Can you be more specific about which humans are a disease and should be exterminated?

>> No.6203159

Decentralized banks which gradually become mainstream will be orderly. Again governments are not going anyplace if the private central bank is removed.

>> No.6203210
File: 288 KB, 685x385, MILITARY WANTS TO BUY CARRIERS WITH XRP 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So... XRP is awesome and we should buy more.

>> No.6203218

i really really don't want to argue platitudes with you, kiddo. much less if you are just going to lump me together on some imaginary crowd of idiocracy side characters.

idling sitting around trading virtual alf pogs ain't doing shit though, and wishing to dismantle what's left of democracy is fucking retarded.

>> No.6203221

are you being sarcastic or retarded i can't tell

>> No.6203252

I DO NOT WHORESHIP THEM, but i respect their power, and they have great power, only a fool would not recognize their true force, and only a blind fool would not see it, many here are fools, you dont have any friends in this game. You think you have allies, but your "friend" will dump his bags on you for sweet $$$$$$$$$$
you lose.
You wither, burn and die. Stop trying to defeat what has never been defeated, someone will always be stronger than you, you puny human.


>> No.6203321
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all of us.

>> No.6203346

Read closer. XRP has potential.

>> No.6203414
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I do believe that XRP is lawful good because it complies with existing financial laws, while simultaneously putting a stop to corrupt practices like naked short-selling, back office paperwork fraud, and delayed settlement. Once Interledger Protocol is implemented throughout the banking system, and all stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities are tokenized, it will be impossible to do alot of the corrupt things that the financial system is currently able to get away with.

>> No.6203444


I only hold XRP. I just like to embrace the FUD that it's a government coin.

>> No.6203476

wow, what are you even talking about?
of course i'm not without sin. but i've also never raped a child before nor have i attempted to conquer humanity on behalf of an evil cabal, unliek our dear leaders. so yeah, i'm gonna judge. there is evil in power right now, and i want it out out out. i'm not perfect, but like 99% of humanity i'm basically a good person. and it's us good people vs the purely evil, that's the world, thats the contest. sick fucks that have obtained power over us using the ignorance good people have regarding the existance of pure evil, wont be able to hide forever. they know this as well. which as why they've beem developing plans and technologies in secret to ensure our submission. but hey, clearly they're scared of us since they have to hide, not that they do a very good job of hiding, at least their top minions are well known anyways

>> No.6203514

Same is true for Stellar. Bank coins are scam coins. When you can move NEO for free why use any coin at all that is required to move fiat?

Stellar and Ripple only serve to prop up the fiat con game. The serve as a bridge into crypto without actually being in crypto. They are normie trash.

>> No.6203529

Societies and come and societies go. Nobody lives forever. I see merit in both system.

However RIPPLE might not make it since countries will want to have control of their own money supply not give it to Ripple and if it gets out of hand they can force them to hamd it over BECAUSE it is not decentralized.

I just do not see this working large scale. I only see it working as backend for banks. You will still be stuck with fiat and nobody will accept Ripple because what's the point?

>> No.6203572

virtual alf pogs are just the beginning. pic related, one of the first cars

if you don't want to be taken for an idiot then don't try to tell me democracy is real

>> No.6203607

how embarrassing you are.

>> No.6203630


Banks pump billions in, then freeze all ripple transactions for "security" purposes. Y'all get fucked for buying the Jew coin.

Smart anons got in at pennies and sold at 2.50 - 3 and that's it.

>> No.6203652

well let me ask you this, someone that can rape a child, what else would he be able to do? now realize this person may have a lot of power, what makes you think you can beat such a person, now think of a whole pack of them, you have sin, and many people fold to sin, for some it's greed for some lust. No one is safe. You can complain all you want but you arent good, you just know how to hide, and how to lie, and you need people like the bankers to point your finger and say, thats the bad guy. Basically The more you complain the more evil you yourself probably are.

>> No.6203664

we resist we die, we don't resist we die
might as well resist is what a normal person thinks
might as well give in is what a submissive cuck thinks

at the end of the day you want to be dominated. maybe if you beg nicely they'll let you live. but i don't think you understand, these people don't need or want you as an ally. they will destroy you either way. so get in on the good side or keep being a faggot, you seem pretty useless either way so i dont really care what you decide

>> No.6203731

stop resisting, make something positive of your life instead of being like you are, but im sure you are one of those submitters, so it's like talk to a wall, good luck with your endless quest, you will die bitter.

>> No.6203825

you arent good, you are sinful too, just like them, maybe you arent so awesome to fuck a kid, but damn you"re trying. You probably pound away at any legal teen if you could right? that lambo, the water is in your mouth. right?

>> No.6203932
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>> No.6203951


pound away at a legal teen? sure. whats wrong with that? as for sins yeah, i'm not perfect. never side i was. there's a difference between everyone has small little sins and some people rape millions of children a year.

if you cant tell the difference between consensual sex with an 18 year old and raping a million babies. then you're retarded, literally, i'm sorry. its not the same

>> No.6203971

Have a look at Bisq

>> No.6203981

Absolute power corrupts absolutely which is why humanity needs to chop down these private central banks.

>> No.6204009

you don't have to be perfect to be a good person. thinking everyone is evil because nobody is perfect, and that consensual sex with a legal teen is the same thing as drinking the blood of a child sacrifice... i mean... what

the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.6204113


No. Trying to acquire absolute power when you don't already have it is what corrupts. Once you have absolute power your incentive is to establish justice so you can keep and enjoy your position. When Europe had monarchies, taxes and government regulation were much lower, and wars were smaller and more conained. Democracies are far more oppressive and corrupt and fight bloodier wars than monarchies.

>> No.6204116

Humanity is a cursed race which is why its important for us to try our best to separate powers.

>> No.6204126

Sin is sin, stop trying to justify your mistakes. Just cause someone fucked a baby doesnt mean you can fuck a teen. But you did, so you sinned. We all sin. We all are sinners. That's just us, and the world is a shitty place at times, but there's good too.

>> No.6204173

you cant chop down power, power is eternal.

>> No.6204185

Wars were only contained due to technology keeping man isolated. LOL who you trying to fool here? The crusades were barbaric.

>> No.6204215

lads, buy in now or wait? what's the future for ripple?

>> No.6204245

Heh its been dropping a penny every few minutes all day .

>> No.6204261

Wait until it bottoms out, it won't spike up - it'll stay steady. It'll just stay ded for a few months.

>> No.6204283

what democracy?
all i see is the same centralized systems we've always had with a shiny new coat of paint to decieve us into thinking its something new. monarchies of the past also didn't have trench warfare or the sub machinegun so yeah, of course todays wars are deadlier.

but at least with a monarchy you'd know who was in power and who to hate. right? nope. your kings probably a figurehead ruled by someone else you'll never see. replace him (you can't) and some other puppet would take the throne.

we need something entirely different. and i don;t knwo what exactly that looks like. but i'm sure its decentralized because any centralized power structure is going to be taken over by evil; period

>> No.6204289

so basically what you are saying my man is, buy XRP?

>> No.6204292

you're missing the point

>> No.6204414
File: 1.97 MB, 2560x1600, YOUR IN MY WORLD NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody cares about the crusades except leftists.

>> No.6204455

the fuck are you even talking about?
i'm admitting to being a sinful imperfect being. i'm not justifying anything.
>just cause someone fucked a baby doesnt mean you can fuck a teen
what? we're talking about a legal teen, so probably 18, at least 16 right? yeah, i'll fuck her. if she wants it. 18 is old enough. 16 i dunno, maybe, legal in canada anyways.

whether or not someone else fucked a child has nothing to do with anything. children havent had puberty yet, their minds and bodies aren;t ready for that part of life. they get damaged. it's not good, it;s the opposite.

>but theres good too
of course. i would say the vast majority of people despite their imperfections and sins are basically good people.

but some people eat babies and torture children for fun, and thats evil. that is evil. you cannot justify them torturing children with the logic "oh well nobodies perfect" they are evil. and i for one, would like to see them replaced. it seems you would rather they stay where they are stealing humanities children and putting posions in our food and dominating us forever. thats evil. and i'm not ok with it. so what the fuck is your problem?

>> No.6204465

Humanity tried separation of power using republics and small government but nothing seems to work. China is getting more fascist by the day and imperial USA is going on a rampage.

The solution like ive been saying is cut off the government access to the central bank and money supply. No more will countries print money for massive militarys and foot the bill on its citizens.
My point still stands.

>> No.6204467


>> No.6204520


You guys make valid points about technology.

>but at least with a monarchy you'd know who was in power and who to hate. right?

This is one of the reasons I support monarchy. If the king is bad, then kill and replace him. I don't believe that kings are effectively controlled by shady puppet masters. Republics/democracies are. Kings and the wealthy/nobility are traditionally enemies. Kings usually ally with the people and the military.

>> No.6204522

stop trying to fix this, it will never be fixed. and if you bring computers and AI into it, it will just wipe humans out. But if that's what you want. The beauty of life is that we are all unique.

>> No.6204605

what point? that we need to submit to the evil people that eat babies? all because we want lambos and legal teens to fuck which apparantly makes everyone just as evil as anyone else? thats fucking retarded. your point is fucking stupid. there are degrees of sin. my sins, a bit of degeneracy, some innaproproate things ive said that i regret, i dumped a glass of pop on someones head once from the top of a ferris wheel. those are like level 1-2 sins. petty shit that lots of people do. it's not acceptable, but it's also not that big a deal.

and then there are the people in power. who rape babies and seek to enslave humanity in darkness for eternity in pain and torment. those people have a sin level of... oh... i dunno. lets say sin level 1000

theres a difference in severity and it's a notable and important distinction

>> No.6204617

Evil is in all of us.

>> No.6204621


Wars are often barbaric. From the left, I hear the crusades criticized in order to discredit Christianity. From the right, I hear the crusadERS criticized for sacking Constantinople. I have not done enough of my own research on the crusades to comment further.

>> No.6204707

>Humanity tried separation of power using republics and small government but nothing seems to work.
it worked for a century dude. it took a lot to break the united states from the vision fo the founding fathers. they bought us so much time. if we can revive the old republic we will gain more time again. and this time we can plug the holes where the evil slipped in last time and maybe we can have a proper republic last more then a hundred years.

>The solution like ive been saying is cut off the government access to the central bank and money supply.
oh well why would i disagreee with that. smaller the government the better, they don't need access to central banks. we dont even need central banks.

>> No.6204734

you can't defeat them, you're too good hearted to even scar them, you can try but you will be wiped away. Most arent so brave as you.

It takes a very special soul to even make a change, and these are rare.

Not many alive today will even grasp it, you cannot wield this force, evil begets evil.

>> No.6204752


>revive the old republic

No. The people who are destroying the West need to be slaughtered. A republic will never do that. Only a king will.

>> No.6204794


>> No.6204805

should I cut my losses or hold until it reaches what it was a few days ago?

>> No.6204860

lol, good hearted people aren't scary?

oh fuck you have no idea. nothing is scarier

>> No.6204861
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hodl. obvious manipulation is obvious.

see pic related.

>> No.6204884

you cant defeat them. Do something productive instead of crying about them. Do something useful.

>> No.6204915

you arent good, you just think you are.

>> No.6204933

you dont understand, a king is only a man
no one man is strong enough for that position
man was never equipped to rule over man, we can't do it. just decentralize the systems and get along as best we can, thats all we can do. but not one of us can handle that kind of power alone, we're only human. and power corrupts, or did you not know that?

>> No.6204951

Not to mention the ledger can be tampered with by the controller of the nodes.

>> No.6204975

i'm also not evil

but hey, maybe those evil people are forced to do evil? i dunno. is that your point? because ive wondered about that. but i dont want to know

>> No.6204980

Kings/puppets still exist they are simply chosen by the puppet masters. In the US 2016 elections every republican nominee was funded and chosen not by the people but the ruling class. Democracy does not exist.
The temple priests leading the crusaders were not Christians but Zionists looking to drive the Muslims out of Israel for the Jews. Many good kings got swept up in the fever to fight a war for (((them))) under false pretenses of liberating the land from Muslim rule. Christianity isnt about killing its about forgiveness.

>> No.6205001


>> No.6205046


Monarchy is the most common form of government throughout history.

This guy argues that the only 2 forms of government are monarchy and oligarchy. Oligarchies disguise themselves as republics, but it's always a few oligarchs pulling the strings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzAtszsW7WU

>> No.6205095
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Why sell for 2.50 when you can sell it for $10?

Not everyone works at Tacobell, you know

>> No.6205096

Hahaha I can't believe that so many people here don't know how to estimate a coin's true value. It should have been instantly recognizable as a shitcoin with corporate tier pump behind it. Definitely good for a quick flip, but otherwise it doesn't even qualify as a legit cryptopcoin.

>> No.6205110

and actually everyone basically is a good person. even assholes.you dont have to perfect and without sin to be good. very very very few people are evil, outliars, it's a sickness, a disorder of human function. the vast majority of humans are not that broken... yet. but maybe thats the goal, to make as many people as possible into truly evil beings, to ruin us all and to prove man unworthy. but i'm just guessing, who knows why anything happens. but so far i'd say that plan is somewhat working, we have all been roped into an evil system that only exists because we haven't replaced it yet.

>> No.6205114


No one in the American political party system is a king. Kings are not puppets. That's why the rich hate kings and want to trick the people into supporting republics, so the rich can buy and sell the politicians, and secretly write all the laws and decieve the people into thinking that the people voted for the laws.

>> No.6205140

sorry all people are evil. but have also good in them.

>> No.6205162

With big bull runs, comes big crashes
Just says the next bull run will be even bigger.

>> No.6205228

no, most people are good but all have some evil.

and some people are evil, but might have some good.

some people have more evil then others, clearly.

>> No.6205307

i think most people are nearly pure evil and have a tiny tad bit good in them. a divine spark.

>> No.6205308


This isn't organic selling. I've been watching the charts all night. They're throwing up huge buy walls on XRP/BTC and simultaneously throwing an even bigger sell on XRP/USDT. As the price falls, they pull the BTC wall back ~1000 sats or so and keep pushing the USDT sell down farther.

It's blatantly obvious.

>> No.6205329

and thats because we're imperfect obviously. how could anyone be 100% good lol. as long as you're basically good then good enough. i classify that as good.

i have a glass of water here, it'a not pure. there are some natural salts in the water. its not perfect h20. but i still call it water. alright. words. words are not always 100% precise, sorry if that triggers anyones autism. but quite honestly fuck your semantics

>> No.6205444

I'm evil, im sure, pure filth, a deceiver, a killer a thief. But i rly try not to be. i rly try to be good and watch myself. But i have no delusions that im gonna beat the bankers with their system by implementing another horrible system, based on the same shit. Evil is evil and you cant fight fire with fire.

>> No.6205464

well thats stupid

most people have no interest whatsoever in rape and murder or any serious transgressions against another. we have empathy, we literally feel a little bit of each others pain. and we don't want to make anyone feel bad, why would we? we;re not evil

evil people want to make others hurt. they will hurt themselves to hurt others
(fuck off with your semantics, when i say evil people, i mean EVIL not everyday people who may have sinned once or twice)

most people are not evil, they're just imperfect

>> No.6205483

Kings do not exist anymore in the way you wish they would. Humanity is no longer segregated into race and lands thus willing to become lorded over by a king which is bonded to their best interests.

We get a monarch these days he will sell his country out for the ruling class and or international economy.

>> No.6205607

actually fires are fought with fires all the time. it a controlled burn is really is the most effective way to prevent forest fires. but thats off topic

look, it sounds like you're... ill
that's fine, you are in some ways a victim of whatever sickness you clearly have. and you are trying, so i think you're good. having the capacity for deceipt can be used for good, we need people who have enough evil in them that they can predict what the enemy will do next. intentions count, actions count. you do not have to be evil, and it sounds to me like you're not. but i dont know you. but i hope you figure it out and maybe take it easier on yourself, nobodys perfect.

>> No.6205620

empathy will get you killed. It gets you rekt. Have lots of empathy you will be obliterated by the evil. You soak it.

>> No.6205656

Does anyone know why ripple crashed recently???

>> No.6205695

all people are ... ill

I may be more than others, but all are. a lot.

>> No.6205742

People are selling so the value has diminished. Far as i know the actual coin hasnt lost its function.

>> No.6205784

well its not something i have any control over so whatever. i'm of the opinion that without empathy civilization would not even be possible. if the psychopaths in power had their way (not that every psychopath is evil) then the world would fall apart, which seems to be their goal. people helping each other is natural, happens all the time. everybody out for themselves and nobody else would just be pure chaos, in a bad way. there is some order, in a good way, to empathy, it helps mold people into not hurting each other. a person doesn't need empathy to figure things out, but it helps especially for dumber people that need feelings to guide them.

>> No.6205862

i can agree with that completely
we are a shadow of our former selves in these imperfect forms and in this strange realm we find ourselves in. we are decaying, like photocopies of a photocopy. but we're still human, and part of what we're supposed to be is still there and i think it will come back with a vengeance

>> No.6205906


>> No.6205944


Same reason it pumped: manipulation.

The coinmarket thing was planned. Those in the know want more. Easiest way to aquire more, cheaply, it to drive the price down with wash trading and start hunting stop losses. This produces a cascade affect where the pissweak retail investors (/biz/, plebbit etc) shit the bed and sell as well.

XRP is the best and most brutal of all the coins when it happens. The market makers that hold this coin are huge and unrelenting. You could see their buy orders setup clearly around 12k sats. The only question is, how low can they force it before they take the brakes off?

I think close to 10k sats or $1.50. But make no mistake, this is manipulation and it's preparing for something. Anyone who has ever traded equities, small-caps in particular know that the big boys do NOT market buy at the top. They short and short and short and short until they hit the bottom and then they buy their fill.

Buy more all the way down. Don't fight it

>> No.6206111


how you hodling mate?

>> No.6206166


pretty much what i said here >>6205308

>> No.6206202

i had fun chatting with you
we may not see eye to eye on everything but i think we have a common understanding somewhat that is a bit deeper then most of the conversations i've had lately. godspeed friend

>> No.6206247

it's ok man, just being myself, tip: just get a chinese relax massage, these ladies know what they are doing.

>> No.6206312

that is good advice. i think i shall

>> No.6206320
File: 42 KB, 510x287, b7b245c3a0fc477adb5a4ad120a7feaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm holding, fuck the whales

>> No.6206366

I'm a proud underwater ripplemarine now

>> No.6206625

Went from 10k to 3k in a matter of hours

Not to mention that this is literally the last money I got

at least anon will give me 1 Bitcoin

>> No.6206699

And youll go from 3k to 15k in a matter of weeks.

Stop buying the stop.

>> No.6206708

Do you have faith that it will go back up and hold ur bags?

>> No.6206713
File: 150 KB, 1584x910, xrpstops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it could be over. They were def stoploss hunting.

>> No.6206793


Do you think it will hit the 3.4 again? I will definitely cash out then.
I'm not made for this. This situation kills me

>> No.6206852


Yes, and more. Stop being a bitch. I've been in XRP since 4 cents and seen this 3 dozen times. it always rebounds higher. This wasn't organic selling, it was whale accumulation.

>> No.6206854

Dude seriously chill the fuck out. I do have some empathy; I remember how I first felt when all my coins were crashing. And then I lost out on thousands of dollars if I kept them (I had like 3.55 ETH and around 2.55 LTC which was a lot to me)....Either way, calm down, take a deep breath.

>> No.6206900
File: 197 KB, 1200x1500, Rick_Falkvinge_(publicity_photo_2013-1_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW the bankster scam coin gets JUST'd
back to 20 cents in a week screenshot dis

>> No.6206979

Yes and more. Cost average down. Turn your $3.4 bag into $2.5 or $2 bag and feel better.

Also you wont sell when you see green.

>> No.6207008

No. They want 10k. They'll push into 11k and snap up the 10k dumps.

Set buys at 11 to 10.5k

>> No.6207049

I sold my holdings during last pump at 17k for ICX, i was planning to buy XRP again tommorrow before it hits DMM exchange.
But how the heck it keeps going down while maintaning high volume, this bleeding is worse than LTC and BCH.
Hope you guys can recover to at least 14000 today, all my alts are in red too after ETH bullrun

>> No.6207053

These retards didn't ACTUALLY give away their real, scarce , hard to mine crypto for a jew bank coin right?

>> No.6207103
File: 66 KB, 720x438, IMG_20180110_190930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head and Shoulders formation consists of a left shoulder, a head, and a right shoulder and a line drawn as the neckline. The left shoulder is formed at the end of an extensive move during which volume is noticeably high. After the peak of the left shoulder is formed, there is a subsequent reaction and prices slide down to a certain extent which generally occurs on low volume. The prices rally up to form the head with normal or heavy volume and subsequent reaction downward is accompanied with lesser volume. The right shoulder is formed when prices move up again but remain below the central peak called the Head and fall down nearly equal to the first valley between the left shoulder and the head or at least below the peak of the left shoulder. Volume is lesser in the right shoulder formation compared to the left shoulder and the head formation. A neckline is drawn across the bottoms of the left shoulder, the head and the right shoulder. When prices break through this neckline and keep on falling after forming the right shoulder, it is the ultimate confirmation of the completion of the Head and Shoulders Top formation. It is quite possible that prices pull back to touch the neckline before continuing their declining trend.

>> No.6207108


>They want 10k

how do you know this?

>> No.6207186


If it hits my 10k again I'm out. I can't do this. If someone legitimately would add this to his portfolio I'd send it to him but I think I'd get screwed.

>> No.6207188

get in now while you can, $4 in feb

>> No.6207243

In any case, XRP isn't taking it in the ass as hard as Verge and Tron. they're really getting fucked.

>> No.6207302


>I'd send it to him but I think I'd get screwed.

you're giving it away? i'll take it in a heartbeat

>> No.6207368

for sure. be patient anon.

>> No.6207416

Years of experience i guess. I can see the buy orders there, it's a psychological level. It was a tough resistance that once popped caused the price to explode. It'll turn into a tough support as well.

I'm not saying 10k will be a price that last longer than 20 seconds. But what generally happens is, market psychology says a significant number of traders have set stop losses near that area. If these guys can get near it and trigger those stops, it'll cause a simultaneous dump where everyone's stops are trying to sell at the same time AND peoples longs will get insta-liquidated compounding the dump.

You don't need to sell down to 10k to see it get hit. It'll just be a big fuck off wick left behind to indicate what happened.


It's too tough to get there. I personally think we will see 10k touched briefly and violently.

>> No.6207723


Are you a daytrader?

>> No.6207742
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>> No.6207804


No, I'd say short-mid term. I hold long-term and margin trade short-term. Days to weeks kind of stuff.

>> No.6208464


What do you think about XLM? Similar situation?

Thanks for all the knowledge btw.

>> No.6208544
