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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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619867 No.619867 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, quick question for you guys: would it be cavalier to bring in an employee to work when she isn't scheduled (but she doesn't know this) and to fire her?

She has worked here for about 2 months, and probably only 10 shifts, and she was given warnings about her performance and productivity in the business. However, I was told from my boss to take her off the schedule for this week. Now I don't know if it's right to fire her over text/phone call, but I feel like she deserves to be brought in to talk to me face to face when she gets fired.

How should I fire this girl? Should I get it over with and phone her, or arrange a meeting and then lay it down to her?

>> No.619872

If you fire someone over the phone you are just as much of a scumbag as the people who break up over text.

Grow a pair and call her into your office and lay the hammer down.

>> No.619873

Just phone her and fire her ass - bringing her in, solely to fire her face to face, aint improving the situation for anyone, tbh. It sounds casual anyway, shes probably used to it..

But not fucking text, thats overdoing it.

>> No.619875


Fuck this, you don't owe them anything. Write them an email, letter, text whatever. usually a company has a firing policy, ask your boss if it's your first time.

firing people is one of the most important things in biz, almost more important than hiring. you have to be ruthless, and you have to be discriminating. dead weight kills.

>> No.619883

Implying she wants to drive all the way to work to be told to drive home and not come back. Have some respect for her time.

>> No.619891

Exactly - if someone pulled this number on me?, I'd be claiming for working that shift, 100-pro. Probably, legally correctly, as well. Phone, done.

>> No.619892

This was my main concern, having her to come here only to get fired and go back home. But it would seem to be the best decision.

Any other suggestions? Thank you.
I had the same insight as well.

>> No.619896

Fire her over hte phone. I've been fired over the phone once and i've seen others be fired over the phone - i'd rather get fired over the phone than make a trip into work (which could be an hour for some people) get told your fired and then have to go back.

Do it over the phone, to save them time, save yourself time, and so that if things get emotional you dont have to deal with it. I would be fucking furious if I were called into a job that I needed to travel a long distance to, only for them to tell me I was fired, and it would probably make me go out of my way to claim for unfair dismissal etc.

If she lives 5 minutes away then maybe it's fair enough to have her in.

>> No.619962


I would follow your company or organization's typical policy for terminating someone's employment. If you do it wrong, you could get sued. Find out what they typically do and then follow suit. HR should be leading this charge after you tell them that Employee X is not to be employed beyond a certain date. I mean it may be best for her to be on site so she can learn what her post-employment benefits (if any) are. Stuff like that.

Some want you to come on site and then let you pack your stuff. Others would rather fire you and then ship your belongings to you in a box. It just depends.

>> No.619972 [DELETED] 

>then ship your belongings to you in a box

>10 shifts
>2 months

- while it would be helpful if OP explained what sector this was, exactly, I severly doubt we are discussing the wealth and wellbeing of her personal office plant, or the possibilities of source code and the conglomerate payroll/hidden Swiss accounts being smuggled out on a USB stick here.

Its 100-pro casual McDs-tier shit - even in such case, OP strikes me personally already as being no-one who should be placed in a decsion-making capacity, with all due.

If indeed casual McDs tier?

- calling her in to get sacked is just annoying for everyone involved.
- Texting is too impersonal - for anything.
- All of which leaves phone option, do it already, sheesh.

>> No.619984


Okay that made me laugh anon. Thanks.

No just being cautious with my advice.

If this is more than a job at McD's and is at your typical medium-sized company (although it may not be) then there might be a specific protocol to follow. In this case, he should have called this into HR and HR would be arranging all of this stuff in the background... termination, last pay check, COBRA, unemployment, 401k, turning in all company property, etc. It would just be his job to get her to HR (who would be waiting with the ax) and collect any company belongings before then.

>> No.620038

Talking to yourself, anon? ;)

Apologies, deleted underneath (>>619972) as being a bit overboard on OP (still wouldn't get Decision Maker of the Month Award, tho) - never realised, you'd already replied, I'll repost this for clarity. tldr, McDs-tier? - Phone is fine, srs bizz, then, you be right enuff, call em in - but, as said, I doubt it is, in this case.


>then ship your belongings to you in a box

>10 shifts
>2 months

- while it would be helpful if OP explained what sector this was, exactly, I severly doubt we are discussing the wealth and wellbeing of her personal office plant, or the possibilities of source code and the conglomerate payroll/hidden Swiss accounts being smuggled out on a USB stick here.

Its 100-pro casual McDs-tier shit - even in such case, OP strikes me personally already as being no-one who should be placed in a decision-making capacity, with all due.

If indeed casual McDs tier?

- calling her in to get sacked is just annoying for everyone involved.
- Texting is too impersonal - for anything.
- All of which leaves phone option, do it already, sheesh.

>> No.620081
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>> No.620100


Hey I knew I wasn't hallucinating.

It's okay you didn't need to put that back in on my account. It actually allowed me to clarify my own position better... albeit in a schizophrenic way. This is 4chan so it fits in well with everything else around here.

>> No.620539

I've been fired over the phone. I preferred it to the real thing actually, there's no need to put on a brave face.

>> No.620595
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if she couldn't do what's necessary to keep her job, why avoid wasting "her" time? seems like she's wasted 2 months

>> No.620726

>2 months
>10 shifts

Holy fuck, five shifts a month? She isn't even full time. Its obvious she isn't pulling in enough to pay for the gas. Fire her over the phone, it will be best for her And quite honestly if you are only offering 5 shifts a month I don't know how much loyalty you expect.