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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6195315 No.6195315 [Reply] [Original]

Theres a reason you see so few WTC threads and so many VEN threads
VEN needs constant shilling just to stay afloat
Meanwhile the Chad WTC just continues to outperform VEN
There's nothing to argue about, even though the VEN niggers will of course respond to this
Dont take my word for it, just go check the exchanges
WTC holder staying /comfy/ as always

>> No.6195389

Bought in at $3, sold WTC at $15. Seen its practically at $20 now. It'll go far.

>> No.6195394

WTC holders are a superior race

>> No.6195457

GMN 1 checking in

>> No.6195464

Getting this emotional over fucking tokens

>> No.6195499
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VEN nigger detected
keep squirming, shitstain
you did this to yourself

>> No.6195640

comfy AF in VEN watching market bleed, knowing we're averaging 20% a day

i do feel pity for WTC because WTC is so cute even if WTC shills are about the worst

>> No.6195724

Literally every VEN thread is an ironic FUD thread.

>> No.6195731

Been holding WTC since September - it has definitely proven itself in my portfolio. Its marketcap is so low right now. The mainnet launch is going to blow this fucker past $100 easily.

>> No.6195898

>Every single WTC thread is a bunch of retards whining about VEN.
>Every single VEN thread has WTC fanboys trying to FUD
>Pretending to be a SALTY WALTY and posting poorly worded FUD about VEN is now a pasta/meme

The WTC posters are literally so dumb they have become controlled opposition for their direct competition who is currently announcing MASSIVE REAL WORD ADULT PARTNERSHIP WITH ACTUAL BIG BOY COMPANIES. Truly insane times we are living in.

>> No.6195932

Enj. Get on my lvl bitch

>> No.6196152

Have you even been to the WTC website? They literally already have like 30 corporate sponsors
This is why WTC doesnt need constant shilling like VEN
You VEN kiddies need to learn to be quiet when the adults are talking

>> No.6196479

His name was...