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6193039 No.6193039 [Reply] [Original]

I just turned 21, and inherited $83,000 in Vanguard index funds.

My grandpa died a few years back, and left the money for me so that I could use it for grad school. He spent almost 2 decades slowly dollar-cost averaging and indexing, building this money up, before leaving it to me to take possession of when I turn 21.

I've been watching the crypto market since June, and have agonizingly missed out on some easy 10X gains since I couldn't get access to the money until my 21st.

Shill me on some good long-term coins that I can buy and forget about for a year

>> No.6193175


>> No.6193192


If that was my situation I would only pick eth, neo, ICX and maybe hedge a bit with btc. If you wanna actively manage it I would pick other shitcoins

>> No.6193238

listen to this fag. Don't meme into shitcoins, all in on ETH

>> No.6193246

1 > 3 > 2

>> No.6193318

lol. i just have this visual image of your poor granpda slaving away for decades saving this money for you, and then you go and lose it all in a matter of months gambling on shitcoins. im not saying i want that to happen, but it would be hilarious if it did

>> No.6193516

Literally get 10K+ LINK

>> No.6193603

Yeah, that's probably what I'll do. Managed to get a some ETH at around 190 back during the dip in June/July. Maybe leave 1/4 of my total holdings for some meme/low marketcap coins and put the rest in ETH, XLM, XMR

>> No.6194340

Buying at ATH.

>> No.6194377

grab 20k of HBT. HODL and forget, see 2000-5000% returns

>> No.6194430

Take it all out and put it into CanYa Coin.

>> No.6194440

leave it in vanguard, those funds are doing 20% a year right now thats good enough.

dont piss all over his grave by being a dumbass OP

>> No.6194468


>> No.6194491

honestly dude, all in on ETH; its going to be the incomparable winner of 2018, its the least risk of all the coins

>> No.6194493

Use my binance ref code: 13930830
Make an account, I give you 23 free BNB as welcome to the crypto gainz

>> No.6194530

Sincerely best 2018 coins
>Low risk : BTC LTC XMR
>Higher risk (high reward) : CHAINLINK
Also the market is still in the december's bubble
Don't buy now you will buy near ATH.
Don't go with your 80k. 20k should be enough to make nice gains if you picks the right coins.
Don't feel the FOMO, it will be a rough bloodbath until the next bull run.
>Buy low sell high

>> No.6194533


I'm half/half on BAT/ETH because I view them both as steady, long term growers.

>> No.6194584 [DELETED] 

Seriously, ETH. Set it and forget it. You'll be a millionaire before you turn 21.

>> No.6194751

Shit, I already sold most of it.

Hope I don't regret this. If I lose it all, I'll be pretty pissed at myself, but I'll be more pissed at myself if the market goes up another 10x and I missed out. Missing gains is worse for me than losing money

>> No.6194795

That's my psychological issue with ETH right now. I feel like I should wait for it to correct before buying any more

>> No.6194920
File: 10 KB, 480x360, tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the one on the right for 0.0001 LINK please

>> No.6194988

never gonna make it

>> No.6194992

wait wrong image pls ignore

>> No.6194993


Do not put it all into Crypto. Unless you know 100% what you are doing, and I know you dont.


>> No.6195055

im so sorry for your future loss

>> No.6195151

Why don't you have a play with $1000. If you can turn that into a 2x then play with $10k.

>> No.6195285

all in in xvg, 1000x returns garanteed.

>> No.6195773

I already have another $70,000 in crypto, mostly from buying Iota and Antshares with $15,000 I had back in June. So I do still have some money if I lose everything now

>> No.6196250

Solid, litlle VEN, OMG perhaps

>> No.6197070

good taste

>> No.6197244


Look at the 1 month chart. Specifically, look at the chart between $500 - $800. If we were at $600 you would be saying the EXACT same thing. Ethereum is a coin that only STEADILY GOES UP.

>> No.6197337

Yeah, but if you forget it for a year you won't be bothered by a small correction, and you'll come back to at LEAST 3-5x gains

>> No.6197369

>Gambling away your grandfathers hard worked life savings

>> No.6197534

Vechain is about to blow its lid

>> No.6197622

I bid 0.0002 for the one on the right.