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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6190480 No.6190480 [Reply] [Original]

I have lost 40% of my money holding everything in XLM for 6 days. I don't know how much longer I can hold for. I keep telling myself it'll go up but it's only going down.

Should I cut my losses and get out? Everything else is going except for this coin.

>> No.6190647

>6 days
>I don't know how much longer I can hold for
absolutely pathetic

>> No.6190670
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It will only get better now on, r-right?

>> No.6190704


Yeah def, sell when it's lower than when you bought it, good strategy op

>> No.6190716

You bought high now all that's left is to sell low

>> No.6190717

sometimes you just got to hold.

never accept a loss. no matter how long it takes.

>> No.6190762

You make me sick OP. This will be $2.5 next month. Don’t be a faggot.

>> No.6190779

Lol are you all in on XLM or something?

BTW you never had that money.

>> No.6190809


get out of crypto

>> No.6190813


Did you need that money or why do you keep checking it? Xlm was always a long term hold - it just had a little moon trip getting there.

Stick it out - I gaurentee you’ll feel like an idiot in a year if you sell.

>> No.6190831

you think shit is tough when I'm holding trx when I bought $0.20 and didn't expect panic sell to fuck me over even dropping to 700 satoshi today and this is what you have to say?

>> No.6190841

Go see a movie, have a beer, get a blowjob. Walk away for awhile and don't look at it man. Setup a sell of 10% at 30% profit and don't look at the motherfucker again.

Hold that shit.

>> No.6190843

Learn your lesson. Don't ever fucking buy shit that's already mooned 10-20x. Don't fucking do it no matter how hard it's being shilled. Buy shit that's been downtrending for a long time.

>> No.6190858

I bought at 1835 sats, put 3 bitcoins in at that moment. Have been holding since then, and have been thinking of dumping my bags since 5000 sats but the thought that it may soon rise has kept me from doing it.

But this shit is just bleeding every single day, every single day i have less money in my portfolio... I am still up 2x but damm, i should have switched to ICX at 39000 sats like i thought of doing, would have 13k ICX, if i bought ICX now i would barely afford like 4k...

>> No.6190878

selling is rational when it will decline in perpetuity

>> No.6190920


>6 days

So you bought XLM even though they told you it was going to be a long term hodl?

>Should I cut my losses and get out?

Depends how urgent you need that money. Btw you should never sell at a loss but then again you're probably new so you should just kill yourself

>> No.6190941

>Lol are you all in on XLM or something?
my stack is low so I'm going all in on coins to try to make quick gains

even if stellar does an 8x months from now that isn't enough for me

>downtrending for a long time.
literally everything else is an ATH or close to it

>> No.6190951

Why didn't you buy when it was 15c?
You wouldn't be so sad now

>> No.6190964

sell everything you weak handed faggot

>> No.6190970

fairx rumors are everywhere retard, XLM will moon when the next announcement trickles out

>> No.6190978

can’t feel sorry for you. TRX is literally a scamcoin. Have fun getting bent over by JUSTin.

>> No.6191061

i can't wait till crypto dies and a bunch of you impatient retards enter the stock market. it'll be like playing online poker in 2006

>> No.6191069

seconded, you're literally treating this as a get rich quick scheme shit, instead of being satisfied with like quick 20% gains, you want 200% in like 3 days, that's just cringey greed and you don't deserve shit in which case

>> No.6191102


>implying these retards dont kill themselves before crypto ends

hehe wew lad

>> No.6191104

>coin that already peaked
>team is a bunch of russians from an irrelevant university
>already has a market cap of $10mm
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

>> No.6191167

+1 to this as well

>> No.6191174

>6 days

>> No.6191190

i actually hope you take that hit ans sell like the limp wrist cunt you are

>> No.6191199

>5 whole days

Ohh you poor little dear. Sell your XLM then you can afford a rope to hang your self with.

>> No.6191226

This FUD is just as bad as OP's retarded sperging

>> No.6191256

shitcoin run is over, money flowing into btc now

>> No.6191278

This isn't hard.

If you expect it to go down more, sell.

If you expect it to go up, hold.

If you can't tell which, learn some technical analysis, and then research the fundamentals of XLM better, and then factor in overall market health.

>> No.6191344

Wait for it to dip a little more and then sell. Try to round it out to a cool -50%

>> No.6191431

>green ID AND dubs

Fuck I'm the man

>> No.6191481

>buying meme coins with no longevity or original technology or reputable team
>the only reason they have any value whatsoever is because a bunch of /biz/tards are crossing their fingers that it's worth money
>definitely not worth $10mm lolz
>phoenix wright
>hold it until it hits 0
>your problem was investing in bs in the first place
>you can keep beanie babies in your attic all year but they aren't ever selling
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

>> No.6191554

>implying I have literally more than a 5% stake in this in my portfolio

Sperg harder, cringey anon faggot

>> No.6191564


Or just wait a year and see how far your investment, that you should be willing to lose, got you

>> No.6191606
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Let the losers run and cut the winners short, isnt that the famous buffet quote, ha? =)

>> No.6191678


what in the fuck are you talking about

You're the reason why idiots come to community forums talking sporadically about conspiracy theories inside of Stellar


imagination of retards is endless

>> No.6191679

>the ABSOLUTE state of /biz/ posters

>> No.6191836


>> No.6191890

looool I didn't even realise you invested in this meme, I was talking about OP, I wondered why you got so defensive in his place.

If you want sharp moderate gains like 20%, you should be trading CFCs.

If you want to make sensible investments, you should be investing in the S&P500 and commodities.

Crypto is a meme bull market for people to invest in good looking coins that are valued at jack shit, wait for a bunch of sperglords to drive the valuation up to a cent because they don't recognise what a bubble is and that the market cap of all crypto is 80% of all the dollars in circulation right now, and this speculation is definitely going to destroy the entire market and all these shitty memecoins are going to 0. Then sell at 0.01 while everyone's like "LOL $1 TO THE MOOOON" and cash out 10,000 times. Then repeat until Q3 once it becomes clear that no one is actually matching their whitepages because all these crypto currencies only founded in the first place to print themselves 20% of the currency and aim to become millionaires off of it and then cash out ASAP and kill off the company. BTC/ETH will reach a reasonable value and become stable eventually, XRP will die but ripplenet and ILP will survive and banks will use a currency that probably doesn't even exist yet and the freedom of crypto will be gone, regulation will come in and fuck all the "pump and dump"ers.

If you keep your non meme crypto for like a decade then it'll make a large appreciation but your meme coins are literally only good for buying when they're chump change and cashing out when other morons speculate worthless things have value because they can't read a whitepaper.

>> No.6191909


he said he went all-in on XLM. WAiting a year would be shitty strategy. Gotta free up capital unless you're done with crypto.

>> No.6191929

>buying at ATH
>holding only 6 days
Lmao thanks for the cash, bye

>> No.6191968
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>> No.6192726


On a related note though, all-inning in the first place is a really shitty strategy, unless you have a clear exit plan or expect immediate payoff.

>> No.6193490

You bought high.
Now sell low.

>> No.6193506
