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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6189651 No.6189651 [Reply] [Original]

Every day I am only using 2$ for food, the rest of my little meager salary is used to buy chainlink every single month. I have been doing it since sibos now and with that I have been eating only oatmeal and 100 gram chicken for almost 4 months now.

I wake up I eat oatmeal, in the afternoon I eat oatmeal, and in the night I eat oatmeal + 100 gram chicken.

I am so fucking hungry

>> No.6189692

How much chainlink have you accumulated ?

>> No.6189706

it will be worth the suffering bro

>> No.6189718

BUT how much have you accumulated

>> No.6189724

you're doing gods work son

>> No.6189774

Are you at least shredded brah? If so then don't worry

>> No.6189837

Around 47k linkies... I have been putting 1200 eur in it every month and I only earn 1650...

I bought it when it was 40 cents, 30 cents, 20 cents, 13 cents, and now all the way up again every single month I get paid.


I sure hope so ...

>> No.6189843
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>> No.6189855

oatmeal is a good choice, i would suggest brown rice if you have an hour to kill cooking it on the stove.

>> No.6189870

Give up chicken and go for potatoes. It's probably cheaper.

>> No.6189906

47k, you’re going to make it lad

>> No.6189968


you realise he gonn die without any protein you brainlet?

>> No.6189976

No joke, I feel my stomach digesting what muscles I have left lol

>> No.6190017
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I know that feel OP. I haven't had a coffee since SIBOS cause I have to keep buying fucking chainlink.
I wish it mooned already so I could quit my job and get a coffee.

>> No.6190046

how expensive are eggs for you? they're cheap where I am from and they're good protein/fat, it'll keep you full much longer. also with 47k stinky linkies youll make it

>> No.6190070

Because you need vitamins and vegetable shit fag your body is hungry for nutrition stuff

>> No.6190115

Brown rice is too expensive here ... Oatmeal is the cheapest option..

It is, but I really need some meat in there I think

>> No.6190119

buy some pbr

12 pack is like $8

1 fills u up

>> No.6190127

you're gonna make it

>> No.6190147


What? You can buy a 3 months worth instant coffee bag for like $10 or less

>> No.6190172

Dude I'm so sorry, stay strong my man.

>> No.6190173

Do you know, sir, that there is protein in potatoes and oatmeals, and in many other vegetarian sources?
I subsisted on oatmeal, cheese, potatoes, tofu, white rice, and nothing else (very few exceptions) every single day for 10 months, to reduce symptoms of my Crohn's Disease. So can you, OP.

>> No.6190201

hey guys instead of sending coins to this nigger, can you send it to me so I can blow it on some moon missions and let this big lipped nig starve

>> No.6190277

you mean 10 links?

>> No.6190296


Heath is wealth. You’ll realize this after you “make it” and get diagnosed with cancer from stress/malnutrition and die rich as fuck.

>> No.6190341

plus the electricity/gas to heat the water costs money too man

>> No.6190439

What are pbr's? I googled it and I could only find professional bull riders haha

>> No.6190444

I know this feel. I am living in my car to increase gains. We will only get one shot at this come 2019 the bones will be picked clean unless you can hold til 2024

>> No.6190469


>> No.6190483

Eat some veggies, you larping faggot.

>> No.6190523

you can't buy some online in bulk and have it shipped?

>> No.6190579

My suggestion was in jest, but read >>6190173.
I've been told months into this diet that oatmeal with potatoes have a complete nutrient profile, and it's how the poor Irish survived in the past.
Seriously, you should vary your diet and eat more Calories.

>> No.6190585
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Fucking rich fags, rolled oats and water reporting in.

>> No.6190600

the ABSOLUTE state of linkies. but seriously linkie is worth 1.2$ u made some cash on it i suppose. anyway if it will ever moon 47k linkies is probably enough.

>> No.6190658

Cheap beer

>> No.6190669
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lmao linkies are so fucking pathetic its funny because you just know this isn't a larp

>> No.6190690

God's work is to eat oatmeal?

>> No.6190752

i eat nothing but 3 lentils a day

>> No.6190755
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But atleast he has some linkies bro...

>> No.6190789

you are going to look back on this moment

>> No.6190798


I really hope it just blows up this year. The lulz generated would echo for eternity.

>> No.6190829

Saving this thread for when chainlink crashes to smitherens

>> No.6190945
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>guys every other coin is manipulated by whales and FUDded against
>look at this coin! chainlink! the developers do no work, take tons of vacations, and no one buys it
>wow! all the whales must be holding because of how valuable it is

>> No.6191014

4chan fags too insecure to live off soylent for maximal health and savings cause they bought the soyboy meme kek

>> No.6191020
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>mfw 88k Linkies
>I eat everyday out or order
>had today Sushi in the evening

Stay stronk OP.

>> No.6191120

i dont know where you live but where i am something like yellow peas would be the cheapest calory per dollar, it also has all the macros

you can live on literally nothing but potatoes

i'd get some cheap multivitamin tho

>> No.6191168
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yes oatmeal is good but brown rice edges it out. oatmeal is more convenient to prepare and more readily available in some parts of the world, apparently

>> No.6191221



Get eggs and white rice and a used rice cooker if you dont have one.

>> No.6191340

If this is true you are my personal hero. I screencapped this and pray to god you are not larping (even though of course you are). I'll be posting this once we are past 10€. Godspeed anon.

>> No.6191442

Thanks for all the suggestions anons!

I will try eggs again. I used to eat eggs instead of oatmeal in the morning, but after 2-3 weeks there's this incredible stink egg smell that makes me want to throw up everytime I see or smell eggs.

If potatoes can replace chicken, I will start eating potatoes instead, it is MUCH cheaper . Will also check out yellow peas.

So hungry haha

>> No.6191517

remember to check the price per calory, thats what you what saves you money

potatoes have more protein than people think and it also has tons of keto-acids which are basically almost-protein that the body can turn into protein. some people are allergic to the potato alkaloids though

>> No.6191531

Holy shit you are going to make it.

>> No.6191580


Rice and eggs together with some added olive oil bro, doesn't go wrong .

>> No.6191669
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Holy shit—you have 47k LINK?! You're gonna make it just fine, dude—and then some.

meanwhile, RICE AND BEANS
plus the chicken is probably good for you

10kg of (any given kind of) rice will last you ages, dude
beans are also pretty cheap
don't fucking starve, you idiot
keep accumulating! though, i'd say that it'd be wise to diversity a bit at this point (if you haven't done so), but the "don't do it at the drastic expense of your health and well-being" meme
lol jk time to die, faggot

>> No.6191756

eggs, peanut butter and white rice should be staples and youll be alright. seriously make sure you're getting enough fat, 9 calories per gram instead of 4 for protein and carbs, also keeps your blood sugar stable. youre gonna make it, just don't die before then anon.

>> No.6191796

pabst blue ribbon

>> No.6191855
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Why were you not putting some of that dough towards ETH - LINK is an ERC20 token... God are you people this retarded?

>> No.6191865


Also consider taking a multivitamin if you're not eating any fruits and shit, and make sure it has iodine in it.

>> No.6191877

There we go boys. Stinky Linkies will literally never be rich because even if the neet prophecy comes true, all stinky linkies will be dead from starvation or malnutrition and thus, unable to enjoy their riches. Forever stinky. Never Linkie

>> No.6191911

You can't get food stamps/welfare?

>> No.6191930

potatoes and butter

at this point you could start eating well dude, you already have 44 fucking thousand link

>> No.6191997

Sell drugs

>> No.6192184

potatoes and milk will get you just about everything you need. salt for iodine. throw in some brocoli and you are pretty much set. Eggs are another cheap and good source - dat sulfur.

>> No.6192357


this man is going to make it

>> No.6192386
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Ok for real though do whatever the fuck you have to do to make enough for food. even become a drug dealer if you have to because you sound like you're literally starving to death.

>> No.6192440

do you legit need me to buy you groceries and have them delivered to you? like wtf

>> No.6192499

I feel bad for laughing when I saw this

>> No.6192522

are you sure about white rice? My mom always said white rice is harmful and brown rice is what's good

>> No.6192582

OP, do you own literally ANYTHING else?

>> No.6192653

are you this dumb or just pretending? if you bought eth 2 months ago you'd have made less money than if you bought link

>> No.6192694
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This man will make it

>> No.6192861

op straight up needs more calories without eating shitty food. brown rice has a lot of fiber, so he's getting less calories when he eats since he will fill up faster. he's probably also paying more for brown. also brown rice contains phytonutrients which may or may not be negatively impacting vitamin/mineral absorption. hard to say, but in op's situation I think white is a much better option simply because he will probably pay less and get more calories.

>> No.6193775

Ffs take a break and buy yourself some more food