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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6188097 No.6188097 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /biz/ oldfag here. I was on this board in 2016 back when every thread here was shilling the latest pharma meme stock and bitcoin was a few hundred dollars. Back then there were only a handful of crypto threads at any one time and crypto traders were made fun of by the nocoiner majority. Well, you can see how that turned out.

I’m telling you, the way chainlink investors are viewed now is EXACTLY how bitcoiners were perceived circa mid 2016. This board is going to feel VERY disappointed when chainlink passes the $100 mark. Just like crypto took this board and the rest of the world by surprise last year, chainlink will do the same this year.

GET IN NOW or you will be regretting it for the rest of your life. Crypto is becoming saturated and there aren’t many 100x opportunities these days. This is one of the few left.

>> No.6188320


Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.6188446

ive been bagholding 15k link for 5 months when do I get to fucking profit

>> No.6188481

I assume you got in to etherium when it was under a dollar

>> No.6188814

Just keep larping, you’ll get there

>> No.6188829



>> No.6188911


Wow you really gotta suck at crypto to have LINk bags at this point, its pretty much all profits for me.

>> No.6189003
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What the fuck? How am I larping you stupid fuck.

>> No.6189087

larping with my wallet photo i see. that's a bad pajeet, bad.

>> No.6189209

>only 18k

>> No.6189385

did you buy the sibos ATH or what, retard

>> No.6189391

10/10 shill just dumped 5 paychecks worth into this

>> No.6189592

Not FUDing here, just interested.

Chainlink's value is based on anticipated profit from future transaction fees using their oracle network... market cap is 450M and only 35% of LINK are currently circulating. Let's round the numbers up and put total market cap when all are released at $1.1bn. How can LINK go 10, 50, or 100x its value based purely off future profits from transactions on other networks?

What percentage of transaction fees is LINK predicted to get? 5%? 10%? Let's say it's 10%, which is very generous, for the sake of convenience... If it goes 10x current market cap based off 10% fees from transactions that use its oracle network it would need to handle $110bn of transactions.

Not FUDing and I think it's great in theory, but is it really worth that much?

>> No.6189944

you're right. market sell all LINKs

>> No.6190066

Look at how much the total crypto market cap has increased in the past year alone. We are at the ground floor right now of crypto. The years before were at the basement. It is very possible a $100 billion market cap could be achieved.

>> No.6190105

Seriously though..... how long will it take for LINK to process hundreds of billions in profits off smart contracts? Are there no alternatives that could replace it? Seems cool but unsustainable longterm imo.

Would like to hear why I'm wrong though

>> No.6190452

>BTC/ETH value is determined by tx fees

Also, if SC.com sell their tokens we all have bigger problems fundamentally so looking at the fully diluted number is incorrect IMO. Lastly, do not ignore the tokens will be subtracted from the goat by nodes and SC creators. SC creators will horde tokens as a hedge against appreciation.

>> No.6190554
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>> No.6190575

Not 100bn marketcap, 100bn in transactions fees. How long will it take for LINK to generate a billion in transaction fees? Especially considering they will take a small cut. How many smart contracts are needed?

No FUD. Just can't see why this is priced so highly.

>> No.6190580

you're not wrong. market sell all LINKs. wasn't being sarcastic.

>> No.6190709

If you're just trying to understand the volume of electronic transactions generally to an order of magnitude, it's in the quadrillions of dollars per year. According to this document from the US Treasury, SWIFT handles about $5 trillion per day, or given about 250 business days per year, about $1.25 quadrillion dollars a year.

document link >https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/shared/Appendix_D.pdf

there you have your cash volume :D

>> No.6190781

Look at page 63. "SWIFT messages
direct the transfer of nearly $5 trillion worldwide each day."

Now that is not to say that we're going to see LINK even be relevant in even 5% of these transaction, but imagine that it found an important niche within SWIFT's system. Now imagine it finds its way into the insurance industry, where Capgemini is already forecasting smart contracts savings will be worth tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Imagine how SC can be used in global shipping, bonds and stocks, derivatives, currency exchange etc. Not to mention how many crpyto projects are already looking at it as a necessary part of building their own infrastructure. There is no notable competitor in this space that has the same level of experience, progress, foresight or support as CL. It's a one horse race.


>how long will it take for LINK to process hundreds of billions in profits off smart contracts

If LINK is responsible for even 1 billion dollars of smart contracts in 2018, it will be one of the top 5 most successful crypto projects in existence if not the top. Almost nothing in crypto actually does anything right now. The currencies and not transacted for anything besides other cryptos, nearly ever utility token is not implemented in any way. The most 'productive' projects are development platforms where all they provide the base to produce more unproductive projects.

>> No.6190825

How large is the bond market?
How many bonds are in existence?
How many bond coupon payments are made per year?
What was the SWIFT PoC about?
What do SWIFT value above all else?
Would they pay a premium in oracle fees to achieve this goal?

>> No.6190909
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i bought at a dollar thirty

a dollar





>> No.6191019
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See you next month fomoing in

>> No.6191082


Buy high sell low

>> No.6191245
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>> No.6191356

Chill it looks to be a perfect cup handle

>> No.6191468

I'll cup ur moms handles

>> No.6191530

>old fag
>I was here in 2016
Youre not an old fag, you're just a dumb fuck trying to shill your bags
Kys op

>> No.6191587

Node operators receive 1/312th of the tx fee
Not even joking. One part of three hundred and twelve parts

>> No.6191685


Daily volume will be at a minimum a trillion dollars kek

>> No.6191754

Yeah whatever you tell yourself bruh

>> No.6191830

>citation needed

>> No.6191902

Sergey himself

>> No.6191995

>hurr durrr oldfag
>hur durrr early adopter
>muh Chainlink is the next Ethereum.

We don't need another Assblaster

>> No.6192001

Just did some math, @ 1 trillion dollars a day, 1/312th of that would be 32,051,280 dollars in fees a day. Split between 20,000 nodes evenly would be $1602.5 a node a day. Say we only ever get 250 billion a day way down the road. Still $400 a day split between 20k nodes... Getting hard.

>> No.6192033

Yeah, blockchain can benefit that field. But why Chainlink, rather than another oracle?

Even if they implement it, it all fundamentally comes down to:
-number of transactions
-cost of fees
-LINK's cut
-node operator's cut

Do you think the usage of smart contracts will outpace the rest of the blockchain tech in terms of growth?

>> No.6192077

>citation needed

>> No.6192126

https://delphi.systems/ solved the oracle problem

>> No.6192166

You can do it using this referral ID and become a linky
you can do it
>you can do it

>> No.6192173


The idea is that more dapps like REQ and ZepplinOS will be using link for their contracts as well.

>> No.6192181

Do some math at a realistic number... like $50 a day.. that's sergeys normal allowance for mcdonalds right

>> No.6192222

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.6192274
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nice larp faggot, 2016 doesn't make you an old fag. and by 2016 etherum was being shilled here and crypto was already common. go suck a dick you lying pajeet

>> No.6192276


You’re off by 2 orders of magnitude friendo

>> No.6192292
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>> No.6192333

at least post a timeframe for your >$100 target
how about $5 mark?

>> No.6192402

>2k Linkies

Will I make it?

>> No.6192426

Noob here. How do I do that?

>> No.6192518


Anyone with >1k will make it

>> No.6192537

What does that even mean
Why you post this?

>> No.6192570


Binance man

>> No.6192614

>Do you think the usage of smart contracts will outpace the rest of the blockchain tech in terms of growth?

Considering that right now blockchain does fuck all useful right now, and that oracles can allow them to actually be useful in ways that are currently impossible. The answer in the next few years is obviously yes.

Lol $1T/312/20000 = $160256 per node per day

You can't even fud correctly

>> No.6192641

Thank you.

>> No.6192649


Great movie BTW!

>> No.6192660

ayyy lmao

>> No.6192678


It’s 3.2 billion a day in fees not 32 million nigga what are you doing

>> No.6192720

whats name of the movie?

>> No.6192729

how many stinky links do i need to operate a node?

>> No.6192742

Ok, fair enough.

I just think the volume required for LINK to warrant a significant price increase, outside of speculation, is insane... even if that can be said for a lot of crypto projects. Too reliant on external factors for me.

>> No.6192754

Where is 312 coming from

>> No.6192810

LINK will need to be put into escrow to receive oracle contracts but the amount to be escrowed with be subject to the free market

>> No.6192812
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Korean WWII film. Not really historically accurate but a great watch.

>> No.6192871

By the way, the tx fee isn't 1/312th of the total transaction like you seem to think it is
Its 1/312th of the tx fee goes to the node operator

>> No.6192879

fuck. i hope 1.2k is enough. thats all i could get when it was at 15 cents

>> No.6192907


External factors? Do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds when the use case you are dealing with is fucking chainlink?

>> No.6193026

I wanna buy some more but it seems so weird. 500 USD used to get me like 3k Link now I can only get like 400 :(

>> No.6193028

100% of the oracle fee goes to the node you mong

>> No.6193029
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>Do you think the usage of smart contracts will outpace the rest of the blockchain tech in terms of growth?
what rest of the blockchain tech? smart contracts are literally the only way for blockchain to be useful in the future

>> No.6193900
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>15k Link

lol. bought at the recent ATH.

>> No.6194138

guise what should i buy for a few days gain to get more linkies in a few days?

>> No.6194259

full vid here

>> No.6194422

http://www.linkpool.io/ If need be pooling will be an option.

>> No.6194443

the community around this coin was exactly the same as before ETH ascended into the heavens.
I didnt listen then, but i sure as fuck listened now.

>> No.6194558

deus vult!

>> No.6194608

>doesnt know how wallets work

>> No.6194664


nolinkers are truly a sad bunch

>> No.6194708

nice, just sold 200k

>> No.6194736

What's going on with it right now? Are we tanking boys? Still holding with iron hands but what the fuck senpai

>> No.6194752
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Get to $85 a coin already FUCK

>> No.6194814

ETH is soaring, people pulling out to catch to gain train. This is how you accumulate, my friend. These are the periods to be buying in. Dumbfucks chasing a 15%, you buy and gold for a 15,000%. No big deal.

>> No.6194916

I bought 672 more LINK at $1.19, I accumulated. I am now 100% in at 8672 LINK.

>> No.6194954

what are y'alls thoughts on Stratis? looking to put my XRP gains somewhere to gain some more before buying more link.

>> No.6194970

FUCK FUCK FUCK i only have 120 linkies cuz im a poorfag, fuck i hate being poor

>> No.6195283

Same.You guys r fucked up but usually right.How long do we hold LINK? Forever?

>> No.6195591

Until you're in your coffin, and you hold it even after that.

>> No.6195690

I have mostly ETH and Chainlink and I can't fucking decide when to stock up on Chainlink... ETH will not stop going up fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.6195691

Poorfag here. Managed to get 2k linkies after a shitcoin moon.

Will I make it?

>> No.6195850

Realistically ETH will not moon at the rate that ChainLink will. I'd go 60/40 LINK/ETH

>> No.6195886

I've got 140...

Are we going to be worth anything at all? What will we miss out on with this volume? Can anyone tell me?

>> No.6196134

So buy LINK now while it's dipping... I'm gonna do it. Thanks

>> No.6196384

That's what I'm doing -- may not find cheaper LINK ever again.

>> No.6196426

FUD in 2016, look at the date

>> No.6196467

ITT: People who have created a narrative based on a man with no track record of success save a video from one conference and who has maintained total radio silence for two months.
>Prepare for hurt feels.

>> No.6196687

if it goes to 100 dollars EOY you will be worth 14000. Use it to build your stack and buy more LINK

>> No.6196743

>Is barely in the top 100
>Priced highly

>> No.6196777
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retard here. what do i have going on?

>> No.6196973

An open order. Playing the waiting game until your the price you asked is filled. It may go unfilled

>> No.6197040

damnit, how the fuck do i just buy it
and can i cancel without incurring a fee?

>> No.6197170

Google how to use etherdelta.

>> No.6197203

Yeah cancel for no fee. If youre super worried about not getting your order filled, bid at the lowest ask price. Just look at the order book

Nice 7 trips btw

>> No.6197210

fees depend on the exchange
most charge 5% for every hour it's open

>> No.6197250

that's a fucking lie.

>> No.6197266

>5% for every hour it's open

Holy shit, seriously? There's no way, but I've neved left an open order over 10 minutes...

>> No.6197303

i panicked and canceled

>> No.6197354

Just bought the LINK dip, but I used ETH. Am I a cuck for selling ETH during the flippening? :(

>> No.6197384


>> No.6197462

I respect the hustle senpai, nobody shill harder than Linkies. Hope Sergey comes through for you.

>> No.6197583
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holy shit, top fukn kek m8

>> No.6197683
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What effect do we think the spectre vulnerablity will have on LINK? At the moment Chainlink relies heavily on Intel's magical black box SGX to protect information in decentralized oracles - without it there's no benefit to using link.

SGX has been compromised: htt ps://github.com/lsds/spectre-attack-sgx#code-layout

From the link whitepaper:

"It is also important to recognize that of course today, whether or not we like it,
trust in Intel is inescapable. The CPU in the machine on which you are reading this
paper bears witness to this fact—or, if not, the CPU in the server from which you
downloaded this paper.
Of course, it would be preferable to make use of trusted hardware from multiple
vendors, and it is to be hoped that others will create equivalent capabilities. New,
open architectures for trusted hardware, and ways to weaken the trust assumptions
required of such hardware, are active areas of research, e.g., [19], [34]. The ability to
diversify across vendors or architectures per se would not ensure data confidentiality,

Does this mean that the question is irrelevant as there's no existing alternatives to relying on Intel's compromised SGX?

>> No.6197818

In a rational market, people would give a fuck.
Right now, people have valued a white paper and a Youtube video at $404,000,000.

>> No.6198126

I'm trying to learn more about this
any word from intel about this?

"Very interesting findings by the LSDS, thanks for bringing them to the attention of the forum. The last couple of weeks have caused us to be very thankful that we depend on enclaves for integrity rather then confidentiality guarantees.

One of the outstanding questions with respect to SGX confidentiality guarantees will be the level of microcode modifications that Intel can make to the SGX technology. SGX was designed around the model of a microcode implementation so that security modifications could be made. If PMH behavior could be modified it would be theoretically possible for Intel to apply security protections against these types of attacks to enclave based data."
from an intel forum

>> No.6198243

Fuck man I'm invested heavily, is this a problem

>> No.6198436


>> No.6198455

I don't believe SGX is a necessary requirement for LINK to work. They may choose to use it, but it's not a critical component.

Further, I don't believe SGX can't be used at all with the proper OS fixes in place.

>> No.6198628

when will link unironically be $100 a piece

>> No.6198964

arguements? im getting nervous
SGX is an important part of the chainlink network...

can't find much info on the vulnerability though


and the github posted yesterday

>> No.6199084
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facking eh!!! actually LOL'd

>> No.6199211

i just sold, you should too. you'll sleep better tonight.

>> No.6199314

dunno man, I'd like to get to the end of this

>> No.6199664


Arnold Rimmer and Cryptotakeoff. Holy fuck bruh.