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File: 144 KB, 8000x8000, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6171574 No.6171574 [Reply] [Original]

How likely is it that this will reach at least $5000 this year?

Excluding the x3 increase in a day from the bubble bursting. I mean i know people are saying the bubble might burst but if the bubble bursts wont it make the price of trading pair coins like BTC and ETH skyrocket 3x in a day since you cant cash out other alts but you can cashout BTC and ETH.

>> No.6171623


>> No.6171646
File: 133 KB, 833x629, biznesscycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk the ETH threads here. This will be Ethereum's year
>platform for most of the altcoin market
>increase transaction volume all the time
>Casper will open up POS which might make the price skyrocket
Bullish as fuck on ETH this year

>> No.6171717

what the fuck is this post
as for your question though
>How likely is it that this will reach at least $5000 this year?
very high, I think it's conservative prediction considering ETH is going PoS soon and how it keeps gaining market dominance over BTC
this could mirror buttcoin's run last year

>> No.6171757

Interesting digits.

>> No.6171783

>what the fuck is this post

What weirded you out anon? The x3 in a day because of the bubble burst in the future? Think about it. Everyone will be selling their alts for BTC and ETH. Then selling BTC and ETH to fiat. Skyrocketing them temporarily.

>> No.6171857

God damnit I've been using ETH these past few weeks buying other coins and shit but it's steadily climbing...

Thinking of dropping in some cash for 1 ETH and just holding it.

>> No.6171930

Good heaven, $5000? It will reach $5000 end February at this rate.

>> No.6172017
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I-it w-will dip again, r-right guys?

>> No.6172056

I couldn't believe it when it reached $800...

>> No.6172080


>> No.6172084


>> No.6172127

at least 5000, maybe even 10000

>> No.6172198

Honestly, I think at this point, Ether has a greater chance of going 10x than BTC.

>> No.6172249

We're going to see a 2x within 48 hours. Japan opening a JPY/ETH pair today.

>> No.6172282

For certain. I would not be the least bit surprised to see $10,000-20,000 ETH in 12 months

>> No.6172346
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>> No.6172384

Yeah. I do see pump potential for BTC if LN ever gets implemented, but overall, it's a dinosaur shitcoin. I'm just using it as an instrument to increase my fiat holdings. Ether on the other hand could have valuable, real world use. I feel bad about trading it for BTC and being a BTC maximalist for the past several months. Oh well, Iron hands.

>> No.6172495

All the estimates in this thread are too conservative. ETH will be 5k by summer, and it will be 20k in December.

Go ahead and cap it.

>> No.6172551

Is it too late to jump in tho I mean it cost a fuckload already

>> No.6172612


You still gain the same percentages...

>> No.6172654

My thoughts currently :
> Eth will surpass Bitcoin
> This will happen sooner than we think
> The fomo will be extreme and eth will go to 500b
> Should I invest in Eth and OMG right now?
Am I deluded?

>> No.6172665
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You're making me horny anon. This shit is gonna moon so hard

>> No.6172672
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i have exactly 1 ETH
am i gonna make it bros?

>> No.6172689

>Am I deluded?
Not at all

>> No.6172696

Yes. Hodl steady for 10x return by end year

>> No.6172721

You're not. Normies don't want to fomo again like with bitcoin.

>> No.6172737

When ETH will change to PoS anyone with more than 5 ETH will make it.

>> No.6172767
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>not dumping all your ether and investing in doge

>> No.6172777

>network crushed to death by some retarded kitten game

gg no re

>> No.6172778

How do you figure?

>> No.6172784

No. I was thinking this as well. Although I don't tell anyone because I sound crazy.

>> No.6172824


Very high if the current trend relative to BTC holds long term. The decoupling was a huge game changer. ETH will continue to soak up BTC's market share.

>> No.6172838
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Fuck, trips tell no lies...

>> No.6172948

I mean, most alts on ETH will see a jump as well. they already have.

>> No.6173007

By the end of this year the concept of market cap will cease to apply to Ethereum, it will have completely transcended it. What is the market cap of the internet? You can't calculate that. It's completely priceless.

>> No.6173038
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I really wish I was holding more than 0.2 ETH right now.

>> No.6173058

What's the cost to move money on the ETH network?

>> No.6173101

Should we invest in :
Right now guys?

>> No.6173176

Current safe gas cost is $1.03 for a 27 minute confirmation

>> No.6173177


LTC used to be the cheaper and faster currency for that purpose. I haven't moved between exchanges in a while so not sure if that's still the case.

>> No.6173200

The most it will go is 1250

BCH best coin

>> No.6173207

$0.00000000021 When the network is empty and if you know how to set custom fees
$1 atm because blocks are full

>> No.6173214


0x, OMG, ETH

are your winners for this year. GET IN NOW

>> No.6173247

Fuck it I can only afford about 0.5eth is it still worth

>> No.6173259

Just OMG and ETH

>> No.6173298
File: 24 KB, 400x468, neckbeard-thinking-emoji-58df0940240fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, what could go wrong with this coin? It seems like a clear winner, but I don't want to overexpose myself to it...

>> No.6173331


0x is also going to +$10, it's the backbone of decentralized currency backed by coinbase.

>> No.6173436


>> No.6173582

Will it dip again? Or buy now

>> No.6173622

I'd say now, won't be dipping for a while by the looks of it

>> No.6173633

buy now. it broke $1000 two days ago and it would've dipped by now

>> No.6173698


It had a brief dip down to 960 or so yesterday. Recovered and get going within about 6 hours.

>> No.6173715
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p-pls no bulê

>> No.6173748

*kept going

>> No.6173757

im 100 percent in ETH and nothing else so lets pump this shit to 10k so I can get out of the crypto game

>> No.6173780

my nigga

probably riding it a bit longer than 10k though

>> No.6173809

Ugh, don't remind me. I sold almost my entire stake at $1000. Surely it was going to correct itself at that point and I could buy more during the dip, right? Fml

>> No.6173834

75% in here. i'm fucking ready

>> No.6174026

>only 25%
I didn't sell stuff back for ETH before the pumping. The other stuff is doing well, but doesn't feel as safe as ETH.

>> No.6174027

Only got 40, thinking of selling alts for more ether....

>> No.6174033

Made more HODLing ETH than finding PnD's in the last week.

>Based ETH

>> No.6174078

Vitalik getting killed would be a major blow. People downplay his importance by arguing less educated people oversell his importance, but he is essentially in the (ideal) CEO chair: a large picture researcher while others implement his vision.

Other than that, it'd take a competitor coming out of nowhere with a better product on EVERY aspect. Every current competitor fails at that, level of decentralization is the most common sacrifice because it's the easier to argue away as irrelevant to non-technical people.

>> No.6174178

ETH, NEO and OMG are all going to be easy moons in 2018. Notice how they're not all shitcoin pnd scams?

>> No.6174244

that's shit and 27min is way too slow, other options ones can do almost 2.7 seconds and fractions of a penny

>> No.6174271 [DELETED] 

The discord pump group that is unstoppable.,

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.6174289


anon, what is 0x? is that dnt?

>> No.6174357
File: 27 KB, 419x419, bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the skeleton out.

>> No.6174361

Ok fuck you guys Amma buy what's the best mobile eth wallet

>> No.6174365


I mentally flipped to Eth over BTC this week.

Kept waiting for the king to wake up angry, then realized the market cap + catalysts are all stacked towards Eth. Only LN and scarcity could trigger a bitcoin rally, but the market cap is so high that it’s hard to imagine even 2x’ing your stack. A climb back to 20k would be a 33% gain, my ZRX stack farts that out twice a week.

Not saying Eth will never be dethroned (and it’s complexity adds one major risk: Eth getting hacked), but I think Eth will be in the driver’s seat for 2018.

The Flippening will anticlimactically happen later in the year, by the time it does nobody will be surprised.

>> No.6174368

0x = ZRX

>> No.6174460

>The Flippening will anticlimactically happen later in the year, by the time it does nobody will be surprised.


>> No.6174520


I literally hold all of these. But be aware you’re going all in in Eth with leverage. I’d by cheap bags of any potential Eth-killers too just as insurance. 10% of your stack in Monero is super comfy as well.

>> No.6174525
File: 84 KB, 1280x696, pumpedskelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6174888

when the fucking shit is staking coming i want that juicy passive cryptoincome

otherwise i figure i'll go more into NEO, aka Chinese etherum which will likely beat ETH's ROI *and* already has staking.

>> No.6174953

>no XLM
be well aware that stellar is by far the fastest and cheapest transaction platform and that fairx could literally completely turn the market upside down by allowing normies direct access to alts

it could easily kill coinbase (coinbase is fucking SHIT) and eliminate pairing to BTC/ETH since you can directly buy them

also consider that basically all exchanges are shut down so normos can't even get in currently

>> No.6174958

The chinese dont even fucking care about NEO its all westerners hyping the fuck out of it. If anything will kill ETH its EOS.

>> No.6174994


Oh fuck and I just realized:

The first wave of bandwagon-jumping normies will get JUST’d by BTC and swear off crypto, delaying the bubble pop.

The second wave will FOMO pump ETH like crazy making us all rich.

Fuck, my hype levels just went way up

>> No.6175038

chinese will always pick a chink alternative to a western coin

normies will flood into PoS coins too since they give passive income. just like they flooded into dividend stocks

>> No.6175195


>> No.6175246

If you have more than 50 ETH- seriously congratulations on this

You will be a millionaire within 12 months.

>> No.6175495

Should I drop my chain linkies for ETH?
I'm a poorfag who needs fast money btw

>> No.6175523

ETH at $20,000 EOY 2018?

How sure are you? I have 1 ETH but willing to invest more fiat. If I do invest fiat, put it all into ETH or trade alts?

>> No.6175541

Did it a week ago at $950 and pleasantly surprised.

>> No.6175585

>chinese will always pick a chink alternative to a western coin
Based on metrics the chinks care more about QTUM than NEO. This has been proven so many times lmao.

>> No.6175623

you should never have invested in the stinky linkies desu

>> No.6175649

$1000 yes, $5000 not sure

remember it has 4 times as many coins as bitcoin

>> No.6175673

metrics like what

>> No.6175674

I literally came to the same conclusion, based anon kun.

>> No.6175679

It's going to fly to 2000+ before end of month. Look at the chart, there are NO REAL SELLERS. These minflash dips are concerted attempts to force weak hands to dump. Why did Ethereum not sell off like BC/Ripple? Because institutional investors are accumulating for Proof of Stake. They want to corner the market and control it going forward.

>> No.6175783

20.000 seems unlikely, but I don't think that is far fetched at all post-sharding (next scaling step after PoS)

mid-late 2019 would be my guess, but I've always been too pessimistic so far in my guesses, so who knows

>> No.6175895

c a s p e r + s h a r d i n g

>> No.6175922

98% certain. Plus once your ETH hits $1mil and you Stake it you can just kick back collect $80k a year. People have no idea how brilliant the Proof of Stake concept is.

Money skelly is an ok programmer but he is a goddamn super genius when it comes to cryptoeconomics and game theory.

>> No.6175958

when tho

>> No.6176000

For my own peace of mind, can I just invest heavily into ETH and stop trading shitcoins and alts?

>> No.6176045
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>> No.6176110


If your other coins trade at roughly the same amount of ETH or greater, it doesn't really matter. If they're tanking then I guess that is another issue, but if I'm not just hodling ETH I'm daytrading altcoins so I don't usually lose any value.

>> No.6176115

Yes, thats what is going to happen anyway when the market smartens up. Everyone is going to dump their vaporware shitcoins for eth when Casper is released.

>> No.6176126

that's not soon enough

>> No.6176234

My dick can only get so hard.

Basically, people trade these shitcoins to funnel profits into BTC/ETH right? If I have fiat to invest, I'll just throw it all into ETH.

>> No.6176263

What matters in today's performance. "Something in the future" is as worthless as Bitcoin Core group saying "but Lightning!"

> Though I'm still holding 50% of profile in eth right now

>> No.6176312

i sold all mine at $50 so it's definitely going to like 20,000

>> No.6176313

I disagree. The consortium buying Ethereum does not want it to moon, and it will not moon, it will keep increasing in value because there are fewer sellers all the time. It will not become Bitcoin because banks aren't stupid. Part of the Proof of Stake concept isn't just control over ethereum, it's control over the machine that makes it i.e. control the price which is more valuable than running it up the moon where jap retirees are afraid to buy or sell. Volatility makes money, scarcity makes money, but only if you can control it. Once it hits 5K or thereabout it will slow down and stabilize, maybe even 10K if there are more players than I think there are but they won't bankrupt each other trying to oubid. There are not antitrust laws in Crypto.

>> No.6176326

5k? are you a fucking faggot? ETH is going to 100,000 USD MINIMUM by this time next year. 5k is chump change

>> No.6176332

caster is priced in dude

>> No.6176403

>consortium buying ethereum

>> No.6176430


>> No.6176476

When masses sell, the price goes down bud.

>> No.6176530
File: 116 KB, 921x1056, 1506136546790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hold all three, can't go wrong.

I bought ETH at $11 and NEO at $3. EOS gives me good vibes, they have a solid dev team, buy that shit or stay poor, faggots.

>> No.6176607

Hodler since ico and bullish as fuck for eth but estimates thrown around here are pretty wild. 5000-10000 eoy? So much depends on Casper and general crypto dip that i have healthy amount skepticism. Though, possible nonetheless and will be comfy af if we see those numbers!

>> No.6176610


It's really not.

>> No.6176624

Kinda unrelated but are all the normies getting out of LTC and change their stakes into ETH ?

>> No.6176644
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1503079176875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-3x this year very possible

>> No.6176678

These peeps are just promoting ethereum for free, is that what you think?


Do you know what a private bank is? Do you know that a publicly traded bank can own a private one, a hedge fund or an investment house that never reports public info?

>> No.6176704

It really is. It's the #2 crypto.

>> No.6176716

This shit is going to spike suddenly.

>> No.6176758

ETH and other shitcoins always dip when BTC moons, and BTC will moon again, that is a guarantee.

>> No.6176760

$5,000? I think the influx of normies will push it to $15,000. the BATTLE HAS BEGUN! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!

>> No.6176776

Feel proud having the same name as Mr. BUTERIN

>> No.6176798

Dude, it dipped hard yesterday AM

>> No.6176802
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currently market cap 120b, half of bitcoins. when we reach 150-170b bitcoin likely starts to run ahead. ripple possibly will relinquish all its market cap to btc and eth later on

>> No.6176855

>recovered within 1 hour

>> No.6176901


>> No.6177055
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>moon again
it's the fucking myspace of crypto

>> No.6177198

>recovered within 1 hour
My point exactly. It's bait, pure and simple. It's worked so far but there will be no more <1000 ethereum. It's starting to become news, they will not sell into a dip just to buy back later at a higher price.

>> No.6177204

Should I shill ETH to my dad?

I could only put in maybe 1k next month but he could easily do 20k or more..

>> No.6177270


>> No.6177275

Lol that's what I just did and now I got the funds to buy more

>> No.6177285

If he wants quick and easy money sure

>> No.6177335

you know 20k is 2 Trillion market cap right?

>> No.6177447

How did you go about it?

I recently explained crypto to him and he went from 'news say it's a useless scam' to finding it very interesting and even supporting to buy one or two ASIC miners. Also, a friend of his bought a ton of BTC in 2013 and made millions of it.

But straight up asking him for investment money feels really strange.

>> No.6177513

It did it again, but to a lesser degree this morning. I think we are being conditioned to buy someones bags the next dip before a crash. Then the gobble up cheaper as eth moons later this year.

>> No.6177577

I have 88 that I bought when it was $12.

>> No.6177731

take a breather, rofl

your mind is clearly somewhere else than reality

>> No.6177738

What exchange?

>> No.6178055

Strong argument. I can't say more because SEC, i can only ask idiots leading questions and post facts like RBS and Santander have huge private banking arms. That is all.

>> No.6178093

I am getting some serious FOMO from ETH right now. The worst I've ever got. I am usually Iron Hands as fuck, but I am genuinely questioning whether my current alt coin positions are going to pay off in the end.

>> No.6178170

>ETH 17k EOY confirmed

>> No.6178177
File: 35 KB, 640x400, laugncow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some post by a TA fag with a lot of respect and followers. I cannot believe this shieet. I only have 43 ETH but this will make me rich as fuck.

>> No.6178197

Buy in anon. Normies are gonna jump in very soon. Keep some alt coins though.

>> No.6178239

I just assume whales and pumpers are smarter than me (probably true) and can play me like a fiddle. I ignore my emotions, because I'm dumb, so they are too probably.

>> No.6178253

>What matters in today's performance. "Something in the future" is as worthless as Bitcoin Core group saying "but Lightning!"

false equivalency

ETH is waaaaaaaaaaaay better poised to solve scaling than BTC - LN is likely to see shit tier adoption anyway, just like SegWit, which means it's basically a pipe dream

>> No.6178289

to the fucking moon

>> No.6178352

ETH will not crash no matter what BTC does. I'm not saying it will moon either, I'm just saying they are in control, whoever they are, and are accumulating for long term. BTC is useless, SWIFT is fine, it's a rounding error for big banks, the problem is administrative costs, regulation, compliance. etc. BTC/Ripple, banks could care less - too much legal trouble in waiting. ETH is what they want to own and that means control. The only other Crypto worth a damn is Monero IMO because it's crypto cash, anonymous as normies "think" BTC is but we all know is not. Everything else it trash.

>> No.6178381
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Am i being retarded?

>> No.6178436

>he is still in BTC

>> No.6178469

>not even 1 full ETH

>> No.6178494


>> No.6178528


2 trillion is easily achievable anon. marketcap is a somewhat meaningless measure anyways, volume is always more important.

I see eth unironically hitting 10k this year. if you were smart enough to hold and accumulate when grandpa bitcoin was fucking eth in the ass during its tulip bull run, congrats.

also for those concerned with sharding implementation, boyo your gonna like this. vitalik posted this few days ago

In my opinion, the current sharding spec as described here https://github.com/ethereum/sharding/blob/develop/docs/doc.md370 is basically already good enough to get us to thousands of transactions per second with reasonable security properties, as well as the ability to add cross-shard transactions as a not-that-difficult second step [do people agree?]. The demand for scaling is urgent, so it seems reasonable to just build this possibly with minor changes, launch it as fast as safely possible and go from there.

>> No.6178540

I just bought in, i realized is not going to deep and was just bleeding money from holding BTC

Was going to do this 2 days ago but some idiot said it was goign back to 900, just buy in

>> No.6178567

I'm 33/33/33 BTC/ETH/LTC

Do I just 100% ETH?

>> No.6178575

depends on your goal, most biztards will tell you you're over diversified for the amount of fiat you have invested, looks like you just got in the game, expect steady returns on most of these, but most likely you will get max 10x out of any of these, keep in mind, these are still returns unheard of in any other market.

>> No.6178649

R-re-ddit... im sorry bros. The guy's name is laughncow.

>> No.6178673

trips, abandon ship gentlemen

>> No.6178701

I'd move any and all BTC into ETH, I'm rather questionable with LTC but I'd be almost tempted to say to put that into ETH as well

Risky yes but probably more than likely will achieve the BEST results by the end of the year

>> No.6178729

I am trying hard to find things worth getting with the remaining BTC

>> No.6178756

>not trading alts purely to increase your ETH stack
Never gonna make it

>> No.6178770
File: 355 KB, 1750x2500, my very own father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad put 2000 in ETH maybe half a month ago, and just pulled out 16000 from his RRSP to dump into ETH as soon as he can.
Will he be working in retail until he's 90 after he's forced to retire from firefighting?

>> No.6178809



>> No.6178873
File: 7 KB, 180x217, 15589614_1211007668964605_7307806788793419055_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if ETH crashes BTC and then BTC starts going crazy up?

>> No.6178908

Smart post

>> No.6178945

>This time last year btc was worth as much as Etheruem is now
Too real. We're all gonna fucking make it.

>> No.6178983

will literally never happen because of the tx fees

>> No.6179169

tfw 3 eth

I'm ok with 3ETH when it hits approx 17K. For me that's enough to invest in more shit and get more money, I need to start somewhere

>> No.6179184

unless he is rich in which case whatever but if you are lower middle class then don't

>> No.6179279

88 here bought at 14

>> No.6179320
File: 5 KB, 225x224, 1490582034076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the next step in vitalik's master plan?

>> No.6179418

Link to doc is dead

>> No.6179476

ethical cp on the blockchain

>> No.6179590

tell ur dad to start getting ready for 160k anon

>> No.6179600

I have 2 eth am I gonna make it?

>> No.6179617



>> No.6179728

I have 4. We will be fine anon when it his 10k eoy

>> No.6179746

mein burder

>> No.6179800


Fun facts 24% of the BTC trade is in JPY second only to USD (27%). Japans DMM Group will launch a trading ETH/JPY pair with leverage on January 10. The current ETH/JPY volume is 0.4%. If the ETH/JPY trade gets to equal 24% then MARS. Please welcome Mrs. Watanabe to Ethland.

>> No.6179890


sorry here I'll post the research blog where Vitalik posted it first. Huh maybe he deleted it quickly afterwards? maybe it wasn't supposed to be leaked

>> No.6179943


Link is not dead. I went through the new site i gave you though. Not dead though

>> No.6180027

90% chance of $5k.

50% chance of $20k.

>> No.6180057


Largest shitcoin pump group in the world (150k+ members) I got a couple invites left to give. Message me for link: johnnya8933@gmail.com

>> No.6180134

Thank you.Really great insight from that doc, appreciate it.

(for reference original link is https://github.com/ethereum/sharding/blob/develop/docs/doc.md not sure what happened)

>> No.6180362

Devs fucked it up desu
They couldnt put in work
Look at skeleton, kitties rekt ether, problem solved in a week. Plus he thinks years ahead.

>> No.6180563

Drop eth to 1000, wanna buy now ffs

>> No.6180606

Too late anon. It will never drop again to $1000

>captcha: 6800 coins
what is that supposed to mean

>> No.6180692


we secret club now

>> No.6180714

I made the switch last night too. I should have done it 2 weeks ago.

>> No.6181395

>btc still havent recovered since almost a month now..
>>the fappening
I always been telling you that the great btc crash wont happen.