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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 502 KB, 2480x3508, suits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
616956 No.616956 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ approvied tv series/movies?

I'd like to nominate Suits. It's not as financially heavy as I'd like it to be but damn it gives perspective.

>> No.616959

/biz/ doesn't watch tv series/movies. That's for the plebs

>> No.616987

>I don't like it therefore everyone else doesn't either

>> No.616991
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1334383839224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The notion of biz-approved series/movies is absurd, anon. Think about it. The topics discussed here aren't really related to those things, so most posters have tastes as diverse as the general population, which is why it doesn't make sense to talk about it. You might as well approach strangers on the street and try to initiate a conversation about their taste in films.

>> No.616999
File: 978 KB, 269x160, don.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

House of Lies

>> No.617004

24 yo biz investor here, 800k USD net worth, trading everything from non directional futures options to stocks, I've been doing it since 2010, current CAGR: 38.6%. Yes, I've started with money from my parents.

As for your question about tv series/movies.

I DON'T WATCH TV SERIES OR MOVIES. I read books. I don't even have a TV. So you will find no approval from my part.

>> No.617552


>> No.617575


I watch Shark Tank some times.

Cool show

>> No.617578



I have yet to see any timestamped proof from a single poster on /biz/ who claims to have any wealth.

>> No.617593


Go to

There was another one awhile back.

>> No.617608

/biz is about to get LITT UP

>> No.617617

There is nothing /biz/ approved. TV is for lazy people. You should spend every minute of your spare time trying to better yourself. The only time I ever watch TV is during football season when I have dinner at my Brother's.

>> No.617621

200k/month, yet only 1 check posted. Could easily be inheritance...

rich successful people don't go on 4 chan.


>> No.617645

Hell yeah, House of Lies! While I somehow feel like they leave out a lot of business stuff, the main idea of consulting bullshit just comes across perfectly.

>> No.617656


Yeah, as a banker, that check looks like he sold a house. You don't get a steady income through those checks.

>> No.617658

Shark Tank is about the only thing out there that I would consider directly /biz/ related.

>> No.617661


>> No.617662


IDK, the more I read that thread, the more fake he seemed.

I suppose there are some wealthy people on here, but there are a LOT of people on here claiming to be under 25 years and have a shit ton of money.

>> No.617663


The Profit too, is a good one.

>> No.617666

Look through the rest of the thread! Jesus!

>> No.619129


>> No.619155


nobrb getting off 4chan.

>> No.619377

>spend every minute of your spare time trying to better yourself
What is that even supposed to mean? I dont watch TV either, didnt even have a TV for a decade now, but I dont get what youre implying here.

People watch stuff to entertain themselves. You cant fucking tell me that you dont do anything that entertains you. And as soon as you do, be that reading a book or jerking off to animal porn, youre not being any more productive than other people. If you seriously think that reading a book is above watching film, then I have bad news for you.

>> No.619383

>The Profit
Oleary is pretty much /biz/ in human form

>> No.619388
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>wasting your time on tv shows and movies when you could be learning, doing, and making money instead
>inb4 "b-but it's for muh motivation"

>> No.619410

>implying you can't learn from watching The Profit/Shark Tank/Bar Rescue/Mystery Diners.

I have no face for this

>> No.619417

>Posting on 4chan telling people watching t.v. is a waste of time
>while wasting time on a board for autists
/biz/ logic

>> No.619542

Yes, you can't learn. You won't learn. Stop with this bullshit

>> No.619544

Not a single person has recommended Nathan For You. It's the definition of /biz/

>> No.619552

No one mentioned a single documentary or actual educational television show. Just reality and fiction shows.

What can you possibly learn from a program that takes half of the time to show reaction faces and personal issues of the owners?

>> No.619567

The truly ideal person also wouldn't spend time here. But so what

Go watch Glengarry Glenn Ross

>> No.619576

yea das a good one mane

>> No.619593

>only spend time bettering yourself
>is on 4chan

>> No.619594



>> No.619595


This is literally the opposite of that

>> No.619709

Well if we're talking film now then The Amazing Howard Hughes is another one worth watching. Assuming you're the entrepreneur type, and not some overnight-billionaire-trader-wannabe like most cunts on /biz/

>> No.619759
File: 25 KB, 480x329, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highest /biz/ approval held by this glorious work of fact.

>> No.619811

Margin Call (2011)

>> No.619823

I'm confused why you bothered posting...

>> No.619854


yep. absolutely skewers sales.

the pressure cookers are mostly dead, but all the principles are still the same.

>> No.619893

are you rich yet?
>under 25 years
>shit ton of money.
everyone's an internet millionaire - literally a few clicks away from being billionaires....