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File: 314 KB, 1265x763, bitcoin-perfecthue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6159514 No.6159514 [Reply] [Original]

>By now you've probably heard of Bitcoin's meteoric rise in 2017. Maybe it got you thinking that you might want to be a Bitcoin millionaire yourself? Easy, right? Just head over to the local 7Eleven and buy a few Bitcoins and sock them away so you might have something to bequeath to your pets, right? Well not so fast, because the creators of Bitcoin have devised a process to obtain Bitcoins that is so convoluted and obtuse that the only explanation for implementing such a process is that it was meant to be exclusionary. Take two seconds to see who owns Bitcoins and who does not and it becomes painfully obvious what groups of people were meant to be excluded. Women and People of Color.

>> No.6159547

>Here is just a smattering of terms a hopeful Bitcoin owner is required to understand before venturing out to purchase their very own handy-dandy Bitcoin: Blockchain, Nodes, Forking, and Wallets. Is your head spinning? Mine was too. So how is it that Bitcoins are so disproportionately owned by CIS white males? Why is it that they are the only ones that get to participate in the greatest wealth generator of this century?

>Historically, CIS white males have been afraid of competition. To rid themselves of competition they exclude certain groups of people from participating. It’s simple economics. If fewer people own Bitcoins the Bitcoins become more valuable. Now if everyone was able to have a Bitcoin and be rich then the CIS white males wouldn’t have all that money that they don’t even need. See why they don’t want you to have a Bitcoin? This is fundamentally how oppression works.

>Now I want you to do a simple thought experiment. Take a look at your skin and ask yourself if you are a POC. Then take a look between your legs and ask yourself if you have a vagina that bleeds once a month. Then ask yourself if you own any Bitcoins. If you answered ‘YES’ to either of the first two questions and ‘NO’ to the third then CONGRATULATIONS you are being systematically oppressed! Good job society. Real. Good. Job there.

>The creators of Bitcoin didn’t think of me though when they were making their stupid computer money. I’m a crafty little minx (:

>> No.6159550

>being excluded
>daddy white male won't let me in!

>> No.6159567
File: 56 KB, 431x288, laughing facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?

>> No.6159593

>I employed the help of an ally. A CIS (just go with me here) Asian male who is well-versed in cryptocurrency. His name is Peter. I sat down with Peter so he could help me get a Bitcoin. After Peter was done subjecting me to the Top 5 worst mansplaining episodes of my life and after I explained to him that what he was doing to me was patriarchic bullshit and after I was convinced that his apology was genuine, we were able to proceed, gingerly.

>I told him that I wanted to hand him my credit card and I wanted him to get me $100 in Bitcoin. He said it was simple. He took my credit card. Then he said he needed my driver’s license to create my very own personal coinbase account where I would store my Bitcoin. A few hours later and I *winks seductively* was the proud owner of a Bitcoin!

>Please, sit down. You can stop clapping now (:

>In the midst of my visions of caviar and Instagrams of my legs sprawled out on the beach a horrific thought wiggled its way into my brain. To get access to my Bitcoins I had to use the privilege of my driver’s license. If you need a driver’s license to get Bitcoins then what HELL are POC supposed to do? I felt sick. I knew all the hoops I had to jump through to get a Bitcoin. I couldn’t imagine how impossible it must be for POC to get access to Bitcoins even if they had an ally like Peter.

>> No.6159612

No. No search results except on 4chan.

>> No.6159631

>I eventually came to the conclusion that my ownership of my Bitcoin made me an active participant in the oppression of POC. So I instructed Peter to sell my Bitcoin. I made a handsome profit of $200, which I promptly donated to a charity that serves POC.

>So what are we supposed to do? How do we deal with this inequality?

>The only solution is to protest and boycott any person or business that deals in cryptocurrencies that are not fully inclusive. We also need to lobby to outlaw any use of cryptocurrencies. We do this until we can find allies that can make a cryptocurrency that truly gives access to all.

>> No.6159662

You know guys this is actually a real issue. You see. Exchanges don't operate in countries that have people of colour in them. Coinbase only operates in the EU and US. Just like a bunch of other exchanges. Bittrex and other exchanges
also randomly shut down accounts belonging to people with an IP address from a country with people of colour.

>> No.6159720

>doesn't invest in it
>cries racism when they don't have any

for fucks sake, BUY SOME THEM. what will people call racist or sexist next?

>> No.6159727

>Excludes PoC
>Invented by PoC

Really boggles the jimmies.

>> No.6159767

Huh? I feel like asian men are better at btc than us

>> No.6159792

>be Mexican American
>read this
>not excluded, not bitching, just trying to git good like everyone else

Liberalism was a mistake.

>> No.6159842

You have to go back

>> No.6159847

>the creators of Bitcoin have devised a process to obtain Bitcoins that is so convoluted and obtuse that the only explanation for implementing such a process is that it was meant to be exclusionary.
Translation: "Women and niggers are too stupid to buy bitcoin"

>> No.6159855

In all seriousness, it would be great for women and low iq minorities to get involved in btc. So many bag holders... could easily 5x whatever you are going to make this year if they get involved.

>> No.6159861

>Mexican American
you call yourself that? i thought the nomenclature was "people almost blessed with colour".

>> No.6159901

>Exchanges don't operate in countries that have people of colour in them
I guess you haven't been to europe in a while. Literally half of middle east moved in.

>> No.6160079

You have to go back

>> No.6160105

Gr8 b8 m8.

>> No.6160149
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This article isn t real is it

>> No.6160152

Sorry but I am in Germany and coinbase works here, so your argument is shit

>> No.6160165

Link to article??

>> No.6160188

Oh nvm OP fabricated the article

>> No.6160193

Its not real anon....

>> No.6160204
File: 26 KB, 600x405, blackrace21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is just a smattering of terms a hopeful Bitcoin owner is required to understand before venturing out to purchase their very own handy-dandy Bitcoin: Blockchain, Nodes, Forking, and Wallets. Is your head spinning? Mine was too
is this nigger serious? understanding what 4 words means makes his head spin??

niggers are retarded

>> No.6160275

OP try to publish this article, please. It would really help the poor poc and women

>> No.6160289

asian woman here

>> No.6160322

but im a black woman.
its not that effing hard.

>> No.6160323

Tits with time stamp and shoe on the head or gtfo

>> No.6160326
File: 1.25 MB, 768x432, imawoman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman here

>> No.6160448
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I hope that this thread won't get deletet by faggot mods.

TL;DR: White guys are smarter than nogs and roasties.

>> No.6160469

>Then take a look between your legs and ask yourself if you have a vagina that bleeds once a month.

WOW, are xem implying that only a woman can have a bleeding vagina? That is utter thought crime and should be punished.

>> No.6160479

So they're literally admitting that niggers and women are too fucking stupid to click a fucking button on a website. Reminds me of the whole Voter ID thing.

>> No.6160646

Not really, I just call myself American, but I had to identify as something for the sake of this thread.
Sorry, no.

>> No.6160695
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>> No.6160927

It's good, very good. Just look at all the (You) gains!
But here
>Then take a look between your legs and ask yourself if you have a vagina that bleeds once a month.
You dun goofed. Larping as a third wave inclusionary raddfemme tumblerina and tying gender to genitals is a really amateur mistake.

>> No.6161143


Having a feminine dick doesn't make you a woman.

Also how obsessed do you have to be with sjws to write a fake article as long as this, dude chill sjws are retarded they don't need you to discredit them..

>> No.6161208

Ah the classic POL game of making sources up to prove a fake point. Good job OP 0/10.

>> No.6161212 [DELETED] 

>Also how obsessed do you have to be with sjws to write a fake article as long as this, dude chill sjws are retarded they don't need you to discredit them..
I have to remember you that we're still at war.

>> No.6161226


>> No.6161246 [DELETED] 

>Also how obsessed do you have to be with sjws to write a fake article as long as this, dude chill sjws are retarded they don't need you to discredit them..
I have to remind you that we're still at war.

>> No.6161428

The OP is probably bullshit, but the opinion isn't


>> No.6161510

Ann shouldn't have bought confido

>> No.6161608

>be black
>type coinbase.com into browser
>try to buy btc
>remember i'm poor and black

i guess they've got a point.

>> No.6161675

Actual black person here. There are tons of people of color and women in crypto. This article is silly.

>> No.6161725

Is this real life? What the fuck.

>> No.6161784
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>> No.6161811

> black
> person
pick one

>> No.6161860


Being Asian I love how Asians don't count as PoC just because they are not retarded.

>> No.6161947

Ah, sorry. I guess I should be thinking ahead about what I strive to be.

I meant black transhumanist post human god. ETH and REQ will facilitate my grand apotheosis, child. I'll stand above the rest of you "person(s)" and watch as our Artificial General Intelligence brings ruin to your precious pre post scarcity economies.

>> No.6162006

Menopausal grils don’t bleed once a month

Still, 10/10 so far

>> No.6162184

I guess everybody is getting raped in the future.

>> No.6162273

yes, even more discriminated than whites in some sectors of work & education in North america as we are too over saturated if left with a free market... kinda funny how liberals are deliberately and openly racist against asians by their own definition yet nobody calls them out lol.

>> No.6162350

Negro here i got in with 11k sitting at 42k now.

The roasties and niggers don’t deserve this money

>> No.6162533 [DELETED] 

The discord pump group that is unstoppable..

https://discord dot gg/JWWn6Qr

>> No.6162561

kek, but they're probably going to enter the market very soon this year when theres a one stop solution app or something created so they can buy bitcoin, exchange into shit coin and cash out from just 1 place. but i think its a good thing they enter and boost up the price of our holdings, we know when to get out and hold alot better just from being burnt a few times, and witnessing than normies have.

>> No.6162645 [DELETED] 

>coinbase account where I would store my Bitcoin

>Storing your coin in coinbase
>Storing your coin in an account associated with your ID
It's like you guys don't even care about the true purpose of bitcoin. To protect your identity and trade anonymously. It's almost like you guys are just in it for the money.

>> No.6162674

>women and black people are just as smart as white people

>wah it's too complex for women and black people to get into crypto

>> No.6162682

Original response.
.t stable genius like very smart

>> No.6162688

plenty of black men in crypto.
i've know street dudes investing in normie-base.

>> No.6162717
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 1377569588341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine how much easier it will be to make millions when these people, who are to fucking stupid to buy bitcoin can buy my shitbags at an ATH?

Ohh Lord Jesus, thank you for these times.

>> No.6162778 [DELETED] 

>boggles the jimmies
What does this feel like?

>> No.6162914

>answered yes to all 3
That being said, anyone want to my bitcoin daddy?

>> No.6163020

>anonymous and private


>> No.6163133

still fun tho

>> No.6163160 [DELETED] 

>Identifying as negro

>> No.6163262

Women and nonwhites confirmed retarded

>> No.6163267

post blurry pusi

>> No.6163586

>Blockchain, Nodes, Forking, and Wallets. Is your head spinning?

Yes, my feeble black woman brain could not possibly begin to comprehend those 4 words. And its not like there's anyway to learn what they mean. Its da voodoo.

>> No.6163728
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>> No.6164223

>The fewer people who own (and therefore must buy) Bitcoin the more valuable they are

>> No.6164981
File: 184 KB, 586x577, 1502083010702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be colored as fuck

Why are people so retarded? Literally as easy as signing up for facebook, and assuming you're not a mong and have a bank account this shit is easy money

>> No.6165056
File: 86 KB, 1086x651, 39ffd5bc-5453-4cff-b8ad-7392df112332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poc excluded from the cryptocurrency boom

people in singapore are profiting like crazy due to 0% capital gains tax

>> No.6165092

>ayyo cracka ass white male, how you gettin dem bitC's?
>AHAHHAA, like I'd ever tell you, oppressed PoC and/or female!
>Damn dey jez keepin us down forever.

>> No.6165138


>> No.6165297

Black... Negro

>> No.6165548
File: 516 KB, 808x805, 1515171464088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computers are racist

That is the argument that is being peddled here. These people are too lazy and/or stupid to learn computers and IT so they just cry "racism" instead of actually trying to learn something new

>> No.6165574 [DELETED] 

>No capital gains tax
Does this apply to anyone? (e.g. visitors)

>> No.6165621



Women are inferior to men.

Non-whites are inferior to whites.


White Males are the ideal human beings. We've evolved to be the best version of mankind. This is just more proof.

>> No.6165656

Im so jealous, i wish I could live in a 3rd world country too!

>> No.6165671

Because they are genetically inferior sub-humans who have a much lower IQ than us.

>> No.6165749

Eh, I don't agree with this. Maybe in some cases.

Most of the time its just laziness and unwillingness to learn something new.

In either case its that persons fault, they should own up to it.

>> No.6165782

Bullshit. There were plenty of niggers buying drugs with Bitcoin. The clerk at the liquor store next to my house had to get rid of his bitcoin machine for this exact reason. FBI kepr asking him questions about the people that used it.

>> No.6165803

And you only paid $40?

Damn dude you got your moneys worth

>> No.6165865
File: 19 KB, 341x328, 1514508539350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a) women and b) people of colour
>"excluded" from crypto

Based on their a) unwillingness to take risks and b) inability to comprehend complex topics

>> No.6165906


Singapore is way better than the U.S. desu.

>> No.6166015
File: 2 KB, 301x59, aaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confido has outperformed Bitcoin over the last 40 days

>> No.6166020

>people of color being excluded

m8 pajeets are EVERYWHERE

>> No.6166069 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 650x650, f402ac888fb9a9a4df39a124ad96d7e0--fit-older-men-handsome-older-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Non-whites are inferior to whites
Unfortunately... It's true.

All girls... black, white, asian... they were all made for the White Cock.
I'm sorry, it's just fact.
They love thinking about it. They love being around it. They want it 24 / 7. They can barely control themselves.

>> No.6166077

We have mountains of data showing the difference in IQ based on genetics in general areas of the world.

Eastern Asia? IQ = 105 to 110
Europe? = 95 to 105
Africa? = 60 to 85

This is a fact.

>> No.6166078

Yeah im sure people are breaking down the boarders to move there.

>> No.6166114

Malaysia (the country that cucked itself by being racist against the Chinese) != Singapore

>> No.6166277

Except Ann FOMOed in at ATH back in november

>> No.6166611
File: 179 KB, 429x520, Hilogod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democrat and *gasp* SJW here. Not even kidding.

You know what?

Fuck fucking white people. And fuck cryptocurrency, too.

I know, I know, I know. You're all laughing and mocking this shit, but let me tell how it's going down.

The Big Blue Wave is coming, and it will hit like a motherfucking tsunami in November. The Big Blue Congress WILL impeach Asshole, Pence, and make Nancy Pelosi President.

Then as our country slowly returns to sanity over the next two years, President Oprah Winfrey will be sworn in on January 20th, 2021.

That's the date every form of crypto gets banned, and little white fuckboys who refused to pay their taxes get to go to prison.

See, in your world, it's marginalized people like Muslims, women, and black kids losing their lives and their freedoms for nothing.

In ours, it's white fuckboys who've never lifted a finger in their lives rolling snake eyes. It's white middle class boomers and their snot nosed little boys who WILL have every opportunity they snatched away from brown people and girls ripped away.

That means your magic internet money, babydicks.

That means you'd better cash the fuck out tomorrow and leave the US forever.

Because your world is dying. And when it ours comes, it won't be Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. It will be so hard on you it'll make Mao and Stalin blush from the other side.

Any display of crude wealth, toxic masculinity, or whiteness by 2030 will literally be a Federal fucking felony.

>> No.6166733

came here to post this

>> No.6166782

This was here turn !

>> No.6166808

Trying way too hard /pol/tard

>> No.6166887
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>> No.6167079 [DELETED] 

We all know where this post is coming from.
See >>6166069 . You are defeated. You lost by default.

>> No.6167124
File: 36 KB, 634x314, 4173917D00000578-4608744-image-a-32_1497557549509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell 'em Hilldog, these White supremist will harrass innocent PoC anywhere WILL WE EVER BE SAFE FROM THESE DISGUSTING WH*TE MALES? OH MY GOD

>> No.6167131
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>> No.6167172
File: 32 KB, 550x581, C8HIw_PX0AEuzAR.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167287

10/10 triggered

>> No.6167297

tfw you're so colored you can't even use google to look up what something means

>> No.6167609

>black people and women don’t buy crypto
>racist and sexist!

>black people and women do buy crypto
>racist and sexist!

>> No.6167826

OP isn't wrong, I remember when I was setting up my coinbase account i was asked what nationality and socioeconomic status I am.

I put in black just for laughs and coinbase deleted my application and DDOSed my computer.

Well I learned my lesson after that

>> No.6167967

I am lmao'ing at this timeline. The reason Trump got elected was because white males and their values were being oppressed and attacked. The same white males who are getting cucked in the job market by diversity and hiring quotas, so they turn to crypto as their only hope of a decent life. One of the only reasons white males were introduced to crypto was because they were thrown out by society and forced to become a member of the internet/4chan(etc.) tribe. The reasons blacks and women weren't early adopters of crypto were because they weren't part of these outcast groups, because they're venerated by society and have a place. Also something about this being a natural intelligence experiment proving more that women and minorities have bad technical IQ.

>> No.6168074
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>> No.6168111

>evrythangs raycist!...

>> No.6168121


This made me fucking piss my pants

>> No.6168288

Just so you know, if Democrats impeach our democratically elected and rightful President, then a Civil War will start.

A hot civil war.

Every liberal in America will be hiding for safety as the true patriots of this land begin The Great Purge.

We're coming for everyone who stands against America and American ideals.

We will start with the race traitors first. The Day of the Rope.

Then, we'll oust all non-Americans from our borders by killing and/or physically removing them from our country.

Then we're coming for all the liberals, kikes, niggers, and any other anti-Americans out there.

We have the numbers. We have the firearms. We have the tenacity. We have the anger. We have the intelligence.

You're fucked.

>> No.6168474

xiaomi masterrace
>unless you're a pajeet

>> No.6168636


>> No.6169126

Wasn't planning on buying these, but if its racist i'm gonna get me some.

>> No.6169427

This. People don't realize it but it's the white conservatives you need to be afraid of because these people will stand up for their values simply because they believe in them.

Whereas sjws only stand up for "their values" to show other sjws how good and wholesome people they are protecting all of the helpless minorities.

At the first sign of any real trouble, lefties will run because there is no solidarity

>> No.6169773

>tfw woman
>need my father or another male guardian to explain this dazzling world of "blockchain, nodes and forking"
>he shows me how to use Google (under his supervision)
Thanks dad. It just gets SO confusing for my little woman brain. If I were black as well I'd probably be completely lost.

Seriously though how is "women and niggers are too dumb for crypto" not hilariously sexist/racist?

>> No.6169818

I'm a man of color. White color.

>> No.6169916
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>don't operate in countries that have people of colour in them

>> No.6170032

Amerimongrel meme is best meme.

>> No.6170093

>La Luz Extinguido
Fucking lel

>> No.6170193
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>> No.6170651

Then bitch after 5 years of investing in crypto and still have not made 20% of Anon did his first 2 years of crypto before he retired.

>> No.6170731

holy crap.
modern day "liberalism" is nothing but political vaporware, if you consider ideals as a working product propping up the ideology

>> No.6170994
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>hurr what's a wallet

>> No.6171000
File: 92 KB, 436x600, 90747690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just love how crypto shows the clear distinction of biological genders by proving, that biological men, in fact, as per "stereotype", the risk-taking, gender, despite this fact being protrayed by sjws as the biggest, most sexist lie, ever to have been created...

i believe we'll have a few more wake-up calls like this one in 2018 concerning politics, gender, PC culture, overall...

no blood baths, no violent revolutions
just a bunch of people screaming like little babies and finally accepting they're, in fact, wrong.

>> No.6171063

Sorry, I'm too dumb to understand what you're implying. Do you agree or not? I'm saying that the only reason liberals "care" about blacks is so they can get a pat on the back from other liberals. There is no deeper set of moral guidelines they live by and would in turn fight for

>> No.6171154
File: 218 KB, 926x692, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 15.05.07 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fucking retarded. The "article" is copypasta and the image is fake.

It's a wonder that /pol/ screams about fake news so much, yet falls for it daily

>> No.6171264

I bet you feel entitled because "whites made everything"
What have you done?

>> No.6171279
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>> No.6171351

What? I'm not proud of being white, I just enjoy making fun of amerimutts.

>> No.6171431
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>> No.6171495

Poe's law at work

>> No.6171523

As a Marxist Leninist Tankie I would personally put the author of this trash on the wall

>> No.6171531

I'm a flip and I have 164 btc. Whoever made this article could just been trolling or wanted attention for money.

>> No.6171551
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>implying I knew what the fuck nodes and forks were when I bought into BTC

>> No.6171828

>164 BTC

>> No.6172173

Enjoying making fun of others is what retards do
Are you a retard?

>> No.6172227

Literally everyone enjoys making fun of others.

>> No.6172256



>> No.6172288

So you're that one faggot that starts whining about feefees every time someone gets roasted near you?

>> No.6172376

this is what happens when you remove racism and sexism from being relevant and only code matters. is it a surprise that the people getting rich are those most capable?

>> No.6172653

>those most capable
>a bunch of autists on a Bhutanese yak butter enthusiasts forum that bought BTC in 2012 to pay for weed and snuff

>> No.6172874

So this article is actually admitting that black people and women are indeed to dimwitted to obtain crypto?! Hahaha stupid left-wing bullshit

>> No.6172925

It's literally fake news.

>> No.6173279

Most people are retards, you should know that

Its now about feelings. I genuinly believe that someone making fun of someone else (specially over something they cant change. E.g: etnicity) is probably a worthless human being

>> No.6173282

it unfortunatly works, too many brainlets believing everything they read. thats why 50% of crypto traders have lost money in the last two months. yes you read that correctly. blockfolio dev posted statistics. people are fucking retarded.

>> No.6173421
File: 149 KB, 800x820, you have to go back - reddit trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a pussy r*dditor soyboy beta cuck

>> No.6173443

ROFL! Nigger please! Fucking cucks being cucks or fake.

>> No.6173503

That can't be true
How do you lose money in this market

>> No.6173571

Sure man, whatever makes you feel less shitty about yourself

>> No.6173626

WTF is then anbalina.com

Just stupid niggers and "whamin" who are too used to just yapping their mouths for free handouts.