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File: 48 KB, 600x338, vitalik-buterin-eth-inventor-cat-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6153401 No.6153401 [Reply] [Original]

is vitalik gay? :3

>> No.6153457
File: 22 KB, 194x259, 8C05B170-4B4D-4D2E-9270-BA1BE8DF9E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6153459

he definitely isn't str8.
i'd say 50% chance of gay/bi and 50% for asexual.

>> No.6153465

He’s not gay, you idiot. He’s just so smart that what you think of him doesn’t matter in the slightest. He has transcended the opinions of brainlets.

>> No.6153497

Not gay, but definitely soyboy.

>> No.6153519

gay for money.

>> No.6153532
File: 29 KB, 546x546, vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's adorable.

>> No.6153538

He's Russian

>> No.6153541

He supports pedophilia so probably yes

>> No.6153564

I’d like to add, that picture is hilarious. He looks so silly for someone with an infinite amount of money. I’d hang out with him.

>> No.6153638


He sold at 10

>> No.6153656

>He’s just so smart that what you think of him doesn’t matter in the slightest
Why do you think he wear that goofy bag and those gloves?
Pro tip : it is not because of their comfort..

>> No.6153661

Unstable sjw Trump hating faggot, people say he's smart guess not smart enough to not fall for Marxist ideals.

>> No.6153737


>Interested in currency

pick one.

or just, you know, keep talking about shit you don't know anything about.

>> No.6153738

The bag is because he likes cats and the gloves are so there’s no evidence when he kills someone for laughing at his bag.

>> No.6154055

There is an interesting phenomena, the super-rich (billionaires<) are much more inclined to support government enforced wealth distribution. -And the rich (millionaires) are much more inclined to support libertarian or conservative ideas i.e. low taxes, limited government intervention.
This could be seen in the US election, where the millionaires voted for Trump - with a significant margin; but billionaires voted for Clinton with a significant margin.

I have two explanations for this, one money loses the value if you have enough. If you earn 100K a day, from almost doing nothing, and then you see that most people have a hard time and would probably kill or sell themselves for 100K - your view of money becomes warped.
The other explanation is that if you become super rich, you learn that money in fact rule the world - in a manner, which cannot be expressed in a sentence or two, unless you see and experience it.

>> No.6154064

gee i dont know, would a straight dude dress like that?

>> No.6154124

Post more autistic Vitaliks I need to add some to my collection

>> No.6154144

I have a lot of friends who take LSD and who dresses like that. After you take it you can dress anyway you want

>> No.6154148

Interdimensional deity. He only fucks 4d and up

>> No.6154172

what is all this normie talk. Billonaires have an agenda to push communism, its that simple. They want to control a totalitarian state from the shadows, though they would prefer to do it openly

>> No.6154211

I'd let the moneyskele bone me. I'll powerbottom him like no powerbottom ever powerbottomed.

>> No.6154212

your friends are fags

>> No.6154263

I don't think that is the case, a lot of the billionaires are self made men. Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet etc. all started from virtually nothing and worked there way up. I don't think they would strive for world domination, what is more likely is that they are genuine people whom want to make the world a better place, and think socialism is the answer.

>> No.6154318

Pablo Escobar was also a self made man, just saying.

>> No.6154325

Or you can not be a wook and come back to real life.

>> No.6154367


>> No.6154382

lmao are you serious

>> No.6154434
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>> No.6154459
File: 24 KB, 259x232, 1475924679001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik the assassin. Murdering Bitcoin, one gwei at the time

>> No.6154905

>that rich and can't afford benzyolperoxide

>> No.6154979
File: 70 KB, 1024x554, DKVYj5IVAAAQ2BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155039

Why did he have to strike this pose? Why. It’s like his mother was taking the photo and told him to do it.

>> No.6155052

If only OP... His quirks make him the cutest

>> No.6155097

>thinking all it takes to cure acne is benzyolperoxide

>> No.6155118

He smoke Meth while getting finger in th butthole

>> No.6155174

cure? no
remove it entirely during the time you apply it daily? yes

>> No.6155176

virgin detected

>> No.6155212

> Billonaires have an agenda to push communism


You fucking liberals are the most retarded people on the planet. Pick up a book for once in your goddamned life.

>> No.6155231

more importantly: why does ETH price dip when BTC shits pants? where do the money go if not into ethereum?

>> No.6155232

You never read past the memes apparently. Bill gates had family funding and exclusive connections to start with. His first big income was just playing middle man cause he knew the original dos devs and had enough money to buy their product to resell it to ibm.

Most of them don't excell, there are many smarter people arround. They just got lucky and where in the right place at the right time.

>> No.6155267

normie detected

Don’t you have better shit to do than browse 4chan? or are you a hypocrite and a brainlet. It’s a rhetorical question because I know the latter to be true.

>> No.6155331

Plenty of billionaires depend on such government "distributions of wealth" to survive. Government interventions counter-intuitively give them more money, by crushing competition and creating more taxes that are easy for such a rich person to evade.

>> No.6155430

Vitalik trip on

>> No.6155433
File: 2.89 MB, 280x280, 1512196996440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum? More like methereum. Not even once

>> No.6155473

bro im only on here because ur sister (who's on my dick rn) told me that u look at little anime girls here. we both laughing at you right now

>> No.6155542

lol read a book you say? Liberal? You are fucking deluded my man. Do you think all this leftie talk in the last years comes from middle class suddenly feeling guilty?
How do you think communism even took root in Russia? Workers revolution? lmao get the fuck out of here

>> No.6155573


>> No.6155627


>> No.6155666


He is so gay that overflow the spectrum and become the straightest chad.

>> No.6155712

Russia have no gay.

>> No.6156021

Are you seriously this dumb? What people say they believe and what people actually believe are two completely different things. trump and hillary work for the same people btw, their only difference is their rhetoric.

Govt enforced wealth distribution distributes wealth from the middle classes to the lower classes not from the billionaires so of course they would be in support of it. Most libertarians and self made millionaires belong in the upper middle classes so of course they would be against it. In conclusion you need to learn how things actually work.