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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 1906x624, csco_bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6150260 No.6150260 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a chart of CSCO systems during the dotcom bubble

Look familiar?

Same meme: new paradigm tech, a bunch of retail investors with no idea wtf they were doing; irrational exuberance. If you bought CSCO in 1995 you had 80x'd your money by 2000.

Sound familiar?

I give this market 1-2 weeks tops before BTC collapses and drags every other coin down with it.

>> No.6150314


>> No.6150315

>I give this market 1-2 weeks tops before BTC collapses and drags every other coin down with it.
youre a nobody, people say this every single week

>> No.6150319


>A company that needs to report profit earnings and pay employees and develop new products can be compared to a deflationary independent asset

Protip: the only market you can compare cryptocurrency to is the art market. Picasso painted 5000 paintings yet they still sell for tens of millions even though they are literally just paint on canvas.

>> No.6150327

I am 100% usd for next month

This bubble is 100% happening

Fucking all shitcoins are worth billions

>> No.6150353

watever fag. go back to trading stocks or doing other dumb shit. no one is forcing you to buy crypto.

>> No.6150379

how will it affect alt coins?

>> No.6150429

You are wrong

>> No.6150434

What earnings do your shitcoins have anon?

Pro tip: info not needed

>> No.6150482
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>Picasso painted 5000 paintings yet they still sell for tens of millions even though they are literally just paint on canvas.

>> No.6150508


>> No.6150518

you think the big guys will let their diamond fall ? bitch pls
after 15. jan btc gonna hit new ATH quote me niggas

>> No.6150555
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Oh shit it looks familiar
Does it mean bitcoin will die and rise again to new ath?

>> No.6150557

Its impossible for it to crash that hard because it can't easily be traded for fiat. This isn't the stock market, fuck off nocoiner.

>> No.6150559

run back to the paper monopoly money

>> No.6150573

no coiners retards alert

>> No.6150582
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What would happen to alt coins in the event of a btc collapse?

>> No.6150583
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>I give this market 1-2 weeks tops before BTC collapses
It will collapse but definitely not in the next 2 weeks.
>and drags every other coin down with it.
Wrong. Bitcoin will collapse when public consensus understands cryptocurrency and they find a new cryptocurrency to dethrone the king.

>> No.6150614

>Its impossible for it to crash that hard because it can't easily be traded for fiat.
Are you really that dumb? It will crash even faster if people start to realize how hard it is to cash out. They'll sell it to you for anything to get out as quickly as possible.

>> No.6150678
File: 62 KB, 734x510, 03B129EA-CD4D-420E-B566-B1784F2624AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you bought CSCO in 1995 you had 80x'd your money by 2000.
meanwhile, there are coins that more than 100x-ed within months

>> No.6150697

It holds value, might even invest to divient paying stocks for the spring

Crypto is way too risky right now, bear trend and almost 100% follow of bubble crash method

>> No.6150712

>It will crash even faster if people start to realize how hard it is to cash out
If you purchased 1 btc for $20k, would you sell for a $1k just to cash out as fast as you could?

>> No.6150728


>When people invented high quality printing and photo reproduction everyone was like ART IS DEAD. Yet the rich still buy art because it's a status symbol and the easiest way to transport money (roll up a canvas and you can smuggle 50MM USD anywhere you want). Bitcoin fills both of these roles, one day bitcoin will become a status symbol and the price will go up forever, just like art. Consider lost bitcoins etc, deflationary asset, etc.
>A single Leonard painting sold for 1/500th of the value of all the bitcoins in the world (it sold for over 400MM USD)
>No one knows/can estimate the entire size of the art market because it is colossal, traded secretly in many cases, and the rich won't disclose their collections
>'B-but Art has historic value!' is said by only useful idiots, no way is a single piece of paint on canvas worth 100MM+ USD.

Literally do some digging into what I've said. The art market is the secret the elites don't let others know about, it occasionally makes headlines, but there is more dirty money there then in panama papers. Rothschilds keep most of their money in art.

>> No.6150739
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>Wrong. Bitcoin will collapse when public consensus understands cryptocurrency and they find a new cryptocurrency to dethrone the king.
Already happening. Pic related

>> No.6150772

The only people that should be worried are the ones who started two months ago ago. If that's you get fucked. There's still way more than enough interest to keep most of /biz/ in the green even if the bubble popped tomorrow.

>> No.6150779


That's exactly how things crash fast. Cause they become hard to sell so people panic sell them for a low price.

>> No.6150805

So BTC dies and ETH survives. Good ridden

>> No.6150827

>I give this market 1-2 weeks tops before BTC collapses and drags every other coin down with it.

People post this exact same shit every day since early 2017.

If course it will crash, but no one can tell when. Exchanges are still not open for registration because they can't handle all the newcomers.

That means we are far from the top. It's very likely you're looking at a 10 trillion market cap at the end of 2018 before the influx of new people decreases and the bubble bursts.

>> No.6150844
File: 85 KB, 1078x188, Screenshot-2018-1-9 Cisco's Boom and Bust a History Lesson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this pic then tell me this bubble is anywhere near getting started.

>> No.6150850

literally don't care, fiat needs to fuck off already.

>> No.6150876

Fucking ripple is 100b

>> No.6150933

Bitbean shitposters are the most determined on this board

>> No.6150948

>total mkt. cap 700B
>CSCO peaks 555B

gee anon I really have a hard time telling you that

>> No.6150963



>> No.6151009
File: 213 KB, 1049x1076, 1513740743406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all you idiots thinking we aren't in a bubble, how does it feel that normies are earning more money in coins than you are just by holding? Right.
They don't give a fuck about Bitcoin, they care about more money.
How do you think they're going to get more money?
By fucking cashing out. Don't be fucking deluded, this thing is going to crash hard once we hit $13,000 (below the MA).
People like to compare crypto to the stock market but bitcoin billionares literally cannot cash out. They're forced to hold and buy assets with Bitcoin until they can...
In the stock exchange you can sell to real money without having to worry about anything.
We have Tether at best, sorry to say but this shit will be valuated at $0 once normies realize this.
Bitcoin doesn't offer anything more than a part in the speculative bubble
It'll be a game of hot potato when the bloodbath begins

>> No.6151052

90% of the normies have held their coins for less than a month. Even the dumbest mongs in the world understand an "investment" takes longer than that.

>> No.6151070
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>implying most of /biz/ hasn't banked big time since 2013
Newfags everybody

>> No.6151091

Normies pull out when they read their twitter feed that crypto is collapsing and everyone should pull back

>> No.6151106

Let me rephrase we aren't going to $0 but we will see the beginning of a bear market due to normies wanting to cash out.
I agree however an investment certainly takes a fuckload longer than more than a month.
But you can't deny shit right now needs a heavy correction in USD value

>> No.6151110

the crypto market is definately wayyy too frothy.
Coins like iota worth billions yet have no working prototype.
Many coins have no function and are merely vaporware, meaning you developers will get bored and leave,sending prices crashing down.
The crypto market will crash, alot of people who buy shitcoins like dogecoins will get hammered
but people whose coins have a function and purpose will survive(if they dont sell) that means the REQs/LINK ,exchange coins,privacy coins etc.
Realising this a part of ones strategy is to hold usd for the inevitable crash.
Just like in the dotcom crash, alot of people will lose, but from the ashes many will pick out quality projects and a new set of millionaires/billlionaires will be born
my gut feeling is that crypto is simply 10 to 15 years too early to the party, like a twitter or facebook would not have worked in the beginning of internet as we all know it.

>> No.6151138


then short it if you've got any actual conviction in your beliefs (you don't)

>> No.6151148

Ah finally someone who gets it. And he posts the cute Eleni Barista girl too, great taste.

BTC has never seen a correction of >50% this year

The minute this happens, people are going to be in full on panic mode.

The last dip fucked the market for a week and we dipped to 10k from 20k and only stayed there for less than an hour.

If BTC goes sub 10k it's fucking game over, especially with all the morons throwing their life savings into crypto over the past month.

So far everyone who has invested in crypto has made insane returns.

If the flagship crypto, BTC, despite not being the "best tech." collapses, it will kill the market.

>> No.6151190
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The pace of alts exploding in the past month is probably unsustainable true. Idk if it will just stall out or drop though. I have a hard time they're all of a sudden going to decide to pull out after being in it for such a short period of time. The exchanges still have so much interest they've had to halt new sign ups. Every day on biz we have hundreds of obviously new and obvlivious people. The allure of getting rich quick is extraordinarily tempting and will last for some time.

I've resigned myself to holding through the crash like the gambler at the casino I know I can't stop. I went all in on link around 20c with 2 btc I bought in 2013 so I feel relatively safe but the people buying premooned alts right now are probably going to be fucked.

>> No.6151226
File: 1.66 MB, 220x190, 1504359686825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a dumb cunt....
crypto currently surpassed 800billion total market cap

Dot com bubble reached 8 trillion before it popped
Japan asset bubble of the 1990s reached 26 trillion before it popped

>> No.6151244

Nothing. If anything they go up now. BTC has done nothing but fall for the past few weeks and no one cares anymore. Everyone has realized its a shitcoin. No one wants anything to do with it.

>> No.6151302

People are already starting to buy ETH. It seems to be gaining favor over BTC the shitcoin quite quickly on exchanges everyone.

Fuck saying Satoshi. You sound like a loser weeb from reddit. I hope they stop all BTC trading pairs in the next year. It's a worthless coin and it slows down the whole system of trading.

>> No.6151318

>BTC has never seen a correction of >50% this year

It dropped from ~4k to under 2k over the summer IIRC and ETH dropped from $400 to under $150. How new are you?

>> No.6151341
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>> No.6151351

Don't forget most of us were neets in the July bear market.
This one that's coming is going to be the worst one yet with normies who borrowed money to sell bitcoin at 100k
Either way I have cashed out many bitcoins to fiat, I am holding a few BTC worth just incase a new paradigm happens or I don't miss out big (always opportunities for new profit)

You'll be fine since you entered pretty early, you won't be hurt much. It's mostly normies who will be fucked

>> No.6151375

Only when the assets they have can’t be readily used as currency. Again, this isn’t the stock market you retarded faggot.

>> No.6151377

Lmao... If its hard to cash out how are they going to selll it to you for "nothing".

This is the secret of,crypto.

The bubble will pop when close to 50% of people have a 500k-1M portfolio that they try to go into fiat because they've "made" it.

Until that point it takes 3 days to go to fiat from btc.. And the market crashes and recovers in 10 minutes.

It makes no sense to go to fiat during a crash.

>> No.6151393

Check the charts
It corrected 3K to 2K


>> No.6151433

I'm a leaf and I can cash out half a million dollars in 1 day

>> No.6151480

90% of people here wont try to cash out until they've 'made' it.

This basically means crypto,wont crash until a very significant amount of people have 'made it'.

But this is one casino that NO one runs.. So the house's profits are all over the floor.

>> No.6151485

How could it crash if you literally can't cash out?
Even on GDAX you can't cash out more than 5k a day.

>> No.6151499

Interesting stuff, anywhere I can learn more about this?

>> No.6151526

you think the big guys will let their money machine fall ? bitch pls
after 15. jan btc gonna hit new ATH quote me niggas

>> No.6151537

You’re projecting
Not everyone is going to cash out once they’re rich.

Sure they might take out a bit here and there, but most will hold their crypto. Why would we want to go running right back to the jew bankers? No thanks. This is a revolution, retard.

>> No.6151543

Faggot boomer detected, did you hear someone on CNN say that it was a bubble? Of course it will burst at some point but not until the autists make enough shekels to make the Jew nervous. We have about a year to keep playing the game boys get it now before the hoard of normies invade.

>> No.6151568

When are we going to be able to buy actual things from retailers using crypto?

>> No.6151599

>Of course it will burst at some point

It will probably never burst.

People are going to use it as currency.

>> No.6151614

thanks just bought 100k

stay poor faggot!

>> No.6151624

We already can in most eshops here in Europe

>> No.6151635
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>> No.6151650

KYS faggot, we get posts like this atleast 2 times per week for as far as i can remember. #MUHBUBBLE

>> No.6151652

bubble talk aside, BTC isn't deflationary, they fork once a month and create free coins

>> No.6151662

Exactly, now adjust the 8 trillion from 1999 and the 26 trillion from 1989 for inflation and cryptos are absolutely nothing compared to those two bubbles.

>> No.6151670

Nah actually all I heard was CNBC and Bloomberg shilling it every fucking day telling their viewers to buy up this shit like crack cocain

You know, the sign we memed about on here 6 months ago about it being time to get out, when every fucking normie and every fucking cable station was shilling this crap like

>muh new paradigm

>> No.6151683

Can we all take a moment to say thank-you to OP?

People like him are the reason we are STILL making money. He buys us precious time and keeps normies away whilst we accumulate.

Thank-you OP!

>> No.6151704

Its use as a currency has nothing to do with its face value.

Nobody will say "This costs 10 BTC" when it's so unstable. Prices will still be listed in USD, you'll just convert it through crypto as an intermediary. That's the same whether a BTC is one dollar or a million dollars.

>> No.6151721

delt this

>> No.6151724


Still I don't know why anyone would want that. Those bubbles caused minor recessions I really hope crypto doesn't get so big it's bubble popping could cause that.

>> No.6151725

We'll listen to this in 5 years


>> No.6151726

Also consider that the dot com bubble was largely US only and crypto is global. If this is a bubble, which I’m not convinced in the slightest that it is, we have a long ass way to go.

>> No.6151747

Us housing market collapse also reached well over 30 trillion in 2008. No need to get worried until we're well over 10 trillion which means the market 10x which means most of us will 100x and we'll be able to easily pull out millions in fiat to invest elsewhere anyway.

>> No.6151749

>2 weeks
more like 2 years senpai
95% of people haven't bought btc

>> No.6151763

that was just 1 company and it was in 1999 you dense fucks

>> No.6151777

You're a retarded brainlet if you think recessions are a bad thing.

>> No.6151821

Nigger the normalfags are going to flood the market in the next few months making shit skyrocket till at least mid summer until most of them fizzle out because they’re retarded.

>> No.6151835

Yep this is a market that everyone on Earth has easy access to.

Large investors, small investors, Professional traders, basement-dwelling NEETS, even countries (Ghana will be putting 1% of their currency reserves into BTC) can play the game.

$800b? That's peanuts.

>> No.6151836

This is here to stay buddy sorry u didn't make any money :)

>> No.6151844

>it's 2029 the fed has to resort to buying doge coin off of 40+ completely bald redditors to stabilize the crypto market because it's simply too big to fail.

There's a global asset bubble and rich Chinese people wanting to stuff money down every nook and cranny they possibly can. We are not done for a long while. Investment banks are supposed to be coming in with money this summer. You've got silicon valley, and boutique hedge funds in already. Bitcoin is a legitimate financial instrument already.

There might be a correction in alts but I'm more thinking rich people want a piece of our meme dollary-doos. So hold on, and hold it till the system is too big to fail. Imagine if in ten years we had quantitative easing for crypto.

>> No.6151858

If you were a Bitcoin billionaire you wouldn't need/want to cash out, you'd just get a bitcoin debit card and load it up with what you need every month

>> No.6151867

Don't you have a street to be pooing in?

>> No.6151914

yeah i agree with that
but realistically no one spends 100k+ over credit cards
theyre buying assets with bitcoin instead

>> No.6151936
File: 3.00 MB, 640x800, clegs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHHHHH dont tell them. I want to see /biz/ newfags suffer when this shit happens, which is soon

>> No.6151944

By those standards nothing is deflationary.

Bitcoin forks are not bitcoin and the free coins you get is just a distribution scheme of the new coin. If I painted something and gave it to every Picasso holder would that make Picassos not deflationary?

>> No.6151949
File: 29 KB, 900x450, too-big-to-fail-is-making-a-comeback[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also keep an eye for coins like Jibrel - any coin or token which tries to bring in legitimate money and assets to crypto.

when pension funds finally get in this too, you know we've made it. two another sign is smart contract ETFs being able to stabilize the market. normies will buy into that. imagine if everyone started keeping half their savings as crypto (in addition to stocks and bonds of crouse). we're not even close to that point yet.
there's a lot of risk with scams out there but a lot chances to make it still

>> No.6151972

this should tell you the pop is even closer than brainlets think

>> No.6151982

disgusting, she has cow legs.

>> No.6152021

i have bad news for you

>> No.6152067

I agree but for the time...3 to 5 years in my humble estimation. Just my opinion man.

>> No.6152072


also crypto is worldwide those bubbles were limited in scope

>> No.6152085

This. Fuck you OP and your opinion

>> No.6152101

how does one short crypto? my coinbase doesn't allow it?

>> No.6152114

And that is...?

>> No.6152139
File: 768 KB, 1280x720, 1515434068066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound like a loser weeb from reddit.

where do you fucking think you are kid

>> No.6152147

but the public is getting in before institutional investors

>> No.6152174

Zoom out, the market recovered by 2003

>> No.6152204


I don't know, I literally only know this because my parents work at Sotheby's.

>> No.6152227

you have to get away from the alt exchanges and try


>> No.6152229

>only x80 in 5 years

lmao amateurs

>> No.6152247

do the same chart with amazon op

>> No.6152326

>Imagine if in ten years we had quantitative easing for crypto.
No need, crypto will go up on it's own WITHOUT central banks pumping their toxic bullshit into it

>> No.6152330

And it’s even larger now.

Tech boom 2.0 (socials/mobiles) already occurred and smoothly transitioned into tech boom 3.0, where we are now......(valuation of data and prioritization)

>> No.6152370
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>at 1/2 of ath
>17 years later

desu senpai I'm actually not a nocoiner but I'm seriously losing my nerves here

feel like I should sell tbqh, but missing out on further gains would be frustrating

really feels like we are in an irrational bubble, but it's difficult to tell because as other anons have pointed out since these are "currencies" you would sort of expect exponential growth + less risk as they get larger because of network effects

I would feel a lot better if ether could actually be used to buy things... or serve any purpose other than creating more ponzi-like coins

>> No.6152403


The central banks will NEVER stop printing money.

This is completely different from any other point in history.

>> No.6152430

>I would feel a lot better if ether could actually be used to buy things... or serve any purpose other than creating more ponzi-like coins
me too

I don't know why they can't be used in this way

>> No.6152453

it looks like Tron's situation right now lmao

>> No.6152460
File: 41 KB, 850x682, Why_are_you_like_this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you lie, pajeet?

Why do you believe his lies? Literally 20 seconds of google searching.

>> No.6152471

only 80x what a shitcoin

>> No.6152479

>1300+ shitcoins in existence
>1 company

>> No.6152499



>> No.6152520
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>> No.6152538

You're a literal faggot

>> No.6152559

I still don't understand how they "fixed" it with a 5 trillion dollars bailout

>> No.6152625

>loses 2-4% of value every year (actually 5-8%, but I wont bore you with explaining (((their))) accounting tricks)
>loses additional ~20-50% of value every decade or so
>holds value
thats poor bait, i feel bad I fell for it.

>> No.6152736

Why would you keep cash that long? Buy fucking real estate

>> No.6152871

>comparing 1 company to the whole market
>thinking that 1b in 90's is the same as 1b now

>> No.6153057

>I still don't understand how they "fixed" it with a 5 trillion dollars bailout

>> No.6153084

if anything OP you've likely proven that CISCO stock is undervalued

>> No.6153129

Doesnt that mean the market's perfect to make money in for the next few months?

>> No.6153165

Tards here think they'll be able to make it big before the bubble pops

>> No.6153237

Yeah it does look familiar, I remember seeing this exact shape on Bitcoin when it dropped $5000...uncanny.

>> No.6153268


>> No.6153312

They go down because their main trading pair is BTC.

>> No.6153339

IOTA has working prototype thought.

>> No.6153391
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>> No.6153439


>> No.6153477


the shitty recession economy we are currently in is a consequence of the bailouts and QE

>> No.6153616

>>crashed 45%
>>not enough for me
>>still in a bubble

>> No.6153617

That's a blast from the past

>> No.6153648

you can buy anything for btc now, so you can cash out

>> No.6153649

Heh. All my shit crashed 30% over the weekend and now its back up 10%. These experts should stick with investing in nursing homes, because thats where they need to be.

>> No.6153711
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thanks, sold 100k

>> No.6153805
File: 24 KB, 543x443, brainletsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We arent in recession right now. Market are bubbling actually lol

>> No.6154115

This honestly houses are basically pre 2008 prices again and stocks like Tesla go up everyday.

>> No.6154163

bubble is correct for a lot of coins with no fucking use. overall market cap for this technology which could be adapted by the masses is still a fart in the woods.

>> No.6154229


Stocks and houses go up but wages don't go up all that much and the cost of living increases.

The american economy is a pile of shit that is propped up with the petrodollar

good thing crypto is going to kill that though

>> No.6154292
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>> No.6154321

insiders sure can

>> No.6154361

>comparing cisco to blockchain as a whole
oh my

>> No.6154471

Well of course low and middle class mericans are fucked. Economy still stronk though.

>> No.6154524
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>Well of course low and middle class mericans are fucked. Economy still stronk though.
the entire point of a capitalist economy is to increase living standards for lower and middle classes though

>> No.6154628

What do you expect after almost 3 decades of socialist and communist presidents.

>> No.6154688

Thread done, close it and ban OP.

>> No.6154730

if you paid that much for btc then yes. you probably would.

>> No.6154734
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and after fed reserve dumping the gold standard and printing unlimited money

>> No.6154814

The human mind is built to seek and compare patterns. Crypto is a new asset class - interchangeable protocol tokens. Your brains hardware hadn't been updated in thousands of years and is expecting a natural fall after a rise. Be very wary of playing yourself.

>> No.6154888

>this time its different

>> No.6155027

Please tell me how the internet went away after the .com crash because people decided it was no longer a worthwhile investment.

>> No.6155124

sure, idiot, in hindsight after the dotcom crash clear winners were drawn but, just like there's an endless supply of shitcoins without clear winner, there were shitton of crappy e-businesses that went down the drain never to recover.

>> No.6155140

Shill me on this anon. I've been thinking about buying in for some time now.

>> No.6155209


And the legit businesses suffered back then as well when it popped.

>> No.6155227

This is an opportunity of a lifetime.

Of course it is difficult to cash out, of course it is a bubble and we are in great danger of loosing it all.

But if we ride this and cash out at the top we are gonna be kings.

Do you want to tell your grandkids how you lost your chance of being rich because you were afraid to lose some shit money?

This is all or nothing motherfuckers.

>> No.6155233

at least 3 trillion market cap before bubble bursts and thats very CONSERVATIVE

>> No.6155238

The whole reason alt coins are skyrocketing is thanks to Bitcoin dropping. A complete collapse in BTC just means everyone invested in it tries to find the next 20k coin.

>> No.6155243

Then dont put your money in to bad projects, such as collectable cats, roach tokens and the 300th payment system.

>> No.6155330


Jibrel ICO is finished but it's not listed on an exchange yet.

>> No.6155341

>But if we ride this and cash out at the top we are gonna be kings.
You should start cashing out then. The top is in

>> No.6155401

The top was 20k though

>> No.6155406

sure, just put all your money on a search engine, that's going to revolutionize the internet i placed all my money on LYCOS!
it has a professor from carnetgie mellon leading the team, great project great team put all your money in it.

what's a fucking google lol

>> No.6155427

>the top is in

says who?

>> No.6155439

its coming in t minus 30

>> No.6155467

Me. screencap this. 19k was the top.
We may see 19k on bitcoin again once BCH has become the official bitcoin.

>> No.6155497

Lycos was garbage and clearly had no future. Man, when i look at people like you, average people, makes me sure that I am going to make it.

>mah professors
>mah engineers
>mah scientists

You should go all in on Cardano, its right up your ally.

>> No.6155514

if you really think the ride is over you are delusional

>> No.6155553

You're a bubble

>> No.6155569

>Lycos was garbage and clearly had no future
It's super easy to say when hindsight was 20/20. Even easier to fool yourself into thinking that you can get ahead and pick the winner.

>> No.6155574


kek 11 posts and one single word ruined your entire campaign and revealed your intentions


>> No.6155575

Ride is far from over. Crypto will take over and be trillions in marketcap.
But first there will be bearmarket and shitcoins will be culled.

>> No.6155605

What pisses me off is that one of these days they're gonna be right (even if it crashes from $100k btc to current levels) and they're gonna say
>told you so

>> No.6155624

No, i was saying it when it was the fucking homepage in the library at school.

>> No.6155661

>smart contracts coming in 2018
>tokenization coming in Q1 2018
>Bitpay will make BCH the default coin
>Coinbase will launch BCH globally instead of US-only
>Bitmain launching new massive exchange trading BCH/alt pairs

BCH will reign supreme before EOY.

>> No.6155720

I set you up, actually Lycos was pretty profittable way up until 2009, comfortably past the dotcom crash. The search engine was crap, but everyone and their moms had their personal page hosted either on tripod, angelfire or netfirms

See? I fooled you so easy.

>> No.6155731

The house's profits would be the transaction fees.

>> No.6155791

Then it was their webhosting that was successful, not their search engine. Thats like saying Walmart is the best supermarket if people only go there to get their oil changed. You are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.6155846
File: 155 KB, 2521x716, earlyadopterslol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he could have picket the winners of the dot com bubble during the bubble.

Bet you also think youre a bitcoin early adopter?

>> No.6155871

Nice goalpost moving. If you can't even quickly skim a three paragraph wikipedia article to find out what assets a old failing company still retains to win an internet argument, what makes you think you'll have the accute judgement to not lose everything on the crypto crash.

>> No.6156007

Hell no. Thought bitcoin had no future until I learned it had a supply cap.

Certainly could have picked Amazon, Ebay and Google. Yahoos decline was certain when they stopped using their own search engine and picked up google. Amazon was an oddity, they were wildly successful at selling books. Didnt guess they would be as big at they are now but man they could push books. And Ebay was obvious.

Your the one moving goal posts you dumb cunt.

>> No.6156039

wich are laying on the floor because everyone can get them

>> No.6156112
File: 298 KB, 400x400, jo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to bad that hasn't existed since 1913.

>> No.6156293

>roll up a 50MM canvas

stopped reading there.

>> No.6156500

Hopefully stopped to go get informed

>> No.6156509

ofc it is a bubble. Now tell me how does this change anything?

>> No.6156776
File: 76 KB, 642x285, 1515263572313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The crypto bubble is similar to the dotcom. There are too many shitcoins in this market. It will certainly crash, the question is when?



>> No.6156840

Also remember that only the shitty companies died during the dotcom bust.

This would mean to move to ETH or other solid projects that have legitimate product and development support (or at least have a larger proportion of your portfolio here).

>> No.6156843

CS:GO was released in 2012 you giant faggot

>> No.6156882

Serious question: let's say bitcoin crashes hard one day for some reason and stays down for good

>that's not gonna happen, anon

Okay, whatever, but let's just SAY hypothetically that some huge failure happens and bitcoin never even comes close to recovering.

Anyone have any idea of what will happen with all the other cryptos then? I assume there would be a push for ETH to take over the #1 spot, but what else would happen exactly? Would the rest of the cryptos still survive strong, just without bitcoin?

>> No.6156891

>being this fucking retarded and still managing to type on my norwegian cake decorating bulletin

>> No.6156899

Dont know, dont care. How many bubbles have we popped already? Its like 7 bubbles a week. Yet miraculously ti recovers. What dobt low expectation having motherfuckers understand about that?

This is not the stockmarket.

>> No.6157006
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>> No.6157097

Does that mean that Verge is going to kill Modern and Post-modern art?

>> No.6157165
File: 3 KB, 125x94, 1483026414226s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys soygoy

>> No.6157207

ETH has already shown resistance to BTC's drops. We've got a new anchor

>> No.6157214
File: 11 KB, 625x234, amazon bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the dotcom bubble, but these are currencies OP.
also pic related

>> No.6157270

There's too much wall-street money for the whole market to crash and go away for a long time.
A lot of wall-street backed coins haven't even launched yet (like Tezos). The industry isn't over yet. ICOs are barely a year old and products are just now being released.
Bitcoin crashed a hundred times. The real crash will be when trillions are pumped in and pensions start investing in crypto ETFs.

>> No.6157274


>> No.6157301


>> No.6157337

Onlycoins with fundamentals would survive. Market will move to BCH and ETH pairs.
Later on everything will have a fiat pair.
And even later 90% of the entire market will be in one coin that has tokenization. These tokens will be the new stock market

>> No.6157359

Nothing is valued at 0$ dumb fuck.

>> No.6157555

>Later on everything will have a fiat pair.

Going to have to disagree with you there. Decentralization is going to be the remedy of government regulation. You may see more fiat pairs than there are now but it wont be the majority, or even a large minority. And I think you are getting to far in to hypotheticals for the last one.

Id say you will see a few super large cap coins that get regulated out the shitter and more less get incorporated in to the stockmarket but the deregulated scene will be where the real money is made on a global market.

>> No.6157601

BCH doesn't even have fundamentals you mongoloid

>> No.6157614

>$821,736,464,585 when adjusted for inflation
Fucking retard.

>> No.6157712

>he didnt do his research
toppest kek.

accumulate NOW faggot and DYOR.
protip 1: they will bring a ton of updates in 2 months with the hardfork

protip 2: they wont just kill BTC, they will also kill ETH

>> No.6157798

The powers that be wont allow a large unregulated market.
Crypto will be exactly as boring as stocks 10 years from now

>> No.6157806

I 80x since the start of December fag. This shit has a year left.

>> No.6157941

What a day. If the bubble pops and causes a recession that means cheap property and stocks.

>> No.6158150

They wont really have a say in the matter. As long as you have a base coin to trade in, you dont need banks.

>> No.6158193
File: 7 KB, 250x240, 1510497111086s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes sirs, market sell everything now sirs.

>> No.6158394


Only a handful of cryptos will remain and they will become mega corporations just like Google, Amazon, Ebay, Apple and Microsoft which all survived the dot com crash.


>> No.6158462

which cryprto is amazon?

>> No.6158509

if it loses 75% of its value i'll still be at profit and in 4 years i'll be driving lambos, what's your problem OP?

>> No.6158511


>> No.6158750

They have a say in every matter.

>oh look the plebs invested crypto
>looks like we wont be ruling the entire world anymore lmao. Neets won gg. I ain't doing shit about it roflmao

>> No.6158814

Best they have come up with so far was infesting Bitcoin. Their trouble is, they are slow and crypto moves fast.

>> No.6158824


This is unironically true, my parents work in the post modern art department as sothebys and they literally say this. Not the pedo part, but modern art is a psyop/money laundering 100%. The point is that btc is the same, it's a consensus asset and consensus assets have tremendous power. Just look at any example where a work of art was bought for 3000 USD and discovered to be IMPORTANT_ARTIST.jpg and sold for millions.

>> No.6158892


>> No.6158896

we're not looking for revenue you dumb moron we're looking for usage. If something is not being used we're dropping it

>> No.6158915

>implying they dont control Blockstream as well as Bitmain, Ver and the BCH crowd
>implying LN and gigablocks wont both be centralized as fuck when it gets mainstream adoption
Doesn't matter who wins THEY will control it. What matters is that very few plebs like me will get rich from it and I thank our overlords for that.

>> No.6159033

I would have to disagree. The things they create are garbage and crypto gives people the option to pick things that are not garbage. Where as before you had no options but to trade in your countries currency, now you have options to pick your own winners and losers. They tried to stop Trump, and failed. They tried to take over crypto with Bitcoin but thats failing. They are failing on a global scale now. You give them way to much credit.

>> No.6159110

>implying they didn't create the entire concept of crypto
Do you even tinfoil? They've been calling for a one world currency for decades.
This is their move towards that.

Oh you think trump is anto establishment. Whew lad. Trump gets standing ovations from AIPAC

>> No.6159150

anti establishment

>> No.6159386

It wont happen by their hand. The free and open world market will decide it. They are not as strong as you think they are. They cast all their chips with losers and when Europe falls apart, by which I mean, nationalism is reborn, they will have to start over from the ground floor and will all be dead by the time they peak again.