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File: 100 KB, 1440x1065, will-stock-market-crash-on-13th-september-2015-elul-29---last-day-of-shemitah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6148490 No.6148490 [Reply] [Original]

this seems really important. is the bubble going to slowly and gradually pop, with clear warning signs giving us all plenty of time to safely get out? or is it going to pop quickly and violently, leaving everyone scrambling in a mad dash to quickly move their coins to the exchanges and cash out? because if it's the latter, then it seems like we are basically all fucked and just hoping to be lucky enough to take profits before the music stops

>> No.6148590

at this point I believe everybody will be happy buying on dips by then

>> No.6148706

but what happens when the dips don't recover. or do people seriously think this is going to keep going up forever?

>> No.6148770
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1514144791570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what a fucking bubble is?
Do you know how little money is actually in this shit?
>ah bloo bloo 800 billion
That's fucking chump change grow up and put together the net worth of every company that started off internet protocol.

>> No.6148780

enough of this bubble talk. Haven't you faggots ever heard of a self fulfilling property?
Just shut your hole and buy the meme money

>> No.6148902

Even if it pops there will be several that survive, just keep your money in those and your fine. A lot will die off, but the market won't vanish. Dot com crash left plenty in the green, and then some. Don't panic, do research.

>> No.6148910

please tell me how dogecoin is worth 2 billion. i'm as happy with the bull market as the next guy but how can you possibly think this isn't a bubble

>> No.6148991
File: 76 KB, 500x385, download__1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>self fulfilling property
Is that anything like free real estate?

>> No.6149022

Its basically how much the US spends on the military in one year

>> No.6149099

nice selfie

>> No.6149136

there isnt 2 billion of money in doge you fucking mongoloid

market cap is not as important in crypto as you think

brainlet baka

>> No.6149172

Dogecoin isn't worth 2bln. This isn't a stock exchange. You aren't buying equity.

How are people still not getting this.

>> No.6149200

ok, so then what does matter? why should the prices go up in the first place if market cap doesn't matter? why does price matter to begin with?

>> No.6149210

dogecoin is undervalued at 2billion you fucking brainlet

>> No.6149215

Atleast few more years

>> No.6149284

>muh bubble says the man who missed 100 opportunities to become rich quick

>> No.6149300

Dude, every exchange is closing their registration because of the gargantuan boom of applications. We are just beginning.

>> No.6149333

It's not 'valued' at 2bln right now the way you think it is. Spastic.

>> No.6149347


You honestly don't get it. Market cap is a bad guide because I could mint 10 million tokens and sell one to you for $10 and I would instantly have a $100 million market cap.

What is much more important is depth and volume because it tells you how many people are willing to pay for the asset at what price.

>> No.6149352



There are crashes in crypto all the time that would send shivers up the spine of any normal stock market trader. We're all desensitized to it.

If there is a big crash, there will be people waiting to buy the dips. Lots of people. Crypto is still in its infancy and will impact the lives of x10,000 more people than it does now in just a few years. Most of the real-world projects have yet to be even released yet.

Imo we're only just getting started.

>> No.6149381


All I can think of seeing this faggot's face is "FREE REAL ESTATE ON ADULT SWIMS ROSTER AFTER WE GOT NAZI HYDE OFF"

>> No.6149388

Pretty sure it will crash hard before 2020
But people will see that an investment opportunity and the cycle will just be repeated

The only way to end this is through regulations

>> No.6149389

It can't pop quickly by design. Try getting liquid quickly. Go ahead. I dare you.

>> No.6149393

Market cap is current value x supply. Can you really not understand the simple fact that there is not $2bn sitting in doge?

Market cap in crypto is only good for ranking and comparing crypto's against eachother.

>> No.6149445
File: 36 KB, 600x885, 1514944379110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its popping ATM

steady decline 17k ~14k ~10k ~ 5k

Alts will plummet 89%down one of these days

>> No.6149455

And current value is what people are willing to pay for it right now

>> No.6149459

How will the bubble in people calling everything a bubble pop ? Will retards a shift to some other stupid meme right away or will they stop posting gay-ass shit and just lurk for a while ?

>> No.6149475

If Bitcoin Cash fully re-implements the old OpCodes and then utilizes extension blocks Cash can then provide every application offered by all the other alt-coins on the market. Because Cash has big blocks it has the space on its blockchain to do this. It has already implemented Cash Shuffle so it now is one of the leading privacy coins. Once the OpCodes come back it will compete with Ethereum for smart contracts.

>> No.6149481

So what you're saying is that unlike an actual asset, crypto is actually totally and fundamentally worthless. Gotcha.

>> No.6149493

haha beautiful

>> No.6149546

Go check out early adopter wallets. Molymeme has over 600 Bitcoin and he's probably never received more than $100k in donations he just got in on Bitcoin way early so the price increased massively. So imagine if a couple early adopters try and offload their stacks? What if Wikileaks offloads their stack? There are many whales who can crash this overnight.

>> No.6149654

19k ~ 14k ~ 17k ~ 12k ~ 25k ~ 40k

The chad curve

>> No.6149791

They try it and all the exchanges suddenly have technical difficulties until they pull their shit off the table.

>> No.6149828

It's not a bubble it's a revolution

>> No.6149904
File: 56 KB, 720x1080, 6312623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a bubble you fuck just like USD is a bubble.
Everything is contingent upon a multitude of interconnected abstractions that are held together by peoples belief in them. if they people stop believing then the bubble pops. Usually an external factor is what wakes everybody up to the reality but as it stands people are more than happy to exchange paper for Doge or any other fotm. What I'm saying is the more we talk about bubbles the more it will leak out into the collective conscience of the common norman. Just shhhhh be quiet and get stacks

>> No.6150060

>We're all desensitized to it.
I never really gave too much thought into that until I saw all the faggot normalfags felating themselves over being proven right when BTC """"crashes""""" 10%

>> No.6150064

Also believing that marketcap represents total vale of market. So much pajeet inflation of the 800 billion marketcap probably just worth a fraction of that.

>> No.6150125

Smartest post in the thread

>> No.6150219

No no no, it is like money, that you can't use anywhere to buy services or goods.

>> No.6150259

Everything will crash into BCH.

>> No.6150362

Yeah, when BTC fell from last ATH 18k$ to 10k$ normies were ecstatic. "~50% drop in a few days! We told you so, stupid ponzi schemers!" etc

>> No.6150571

>more important is depth and volume
That's all market cap is in aggregate. Unless you're talking about something that has only had like 5 transactions on it.

>> No.6150708


kys faggot, it either is or it isn't.

>> No.6150727

if the market cap isn't real, then the gains aren't real either. which is it.

>> No.6151412

probably another 3 years before u should be worried, were in the infancy stages

>> No.6151560

Honestly don't think it will pop in the way of a cataclysm. I think it's very likely that BTC will continue to decline but when it reaches a certain point ETH will be chosen as the new King and people will rally round him while BTC plummets and temporarily takes the market with him. Given a few days we'd see massive growth again across all areas affected (so everything) and then ETH will rule for however long it takes till the next crisis.

>> No.6151616

ETH isn't going to be the king, there's other better coins out there right now that have better fundimentals, this includes, faster transactions, lower fee's, lower block times, privacy, better development teams. The only reason why Ethereum is 2nd place is because first mover advantage just like bitcoin, but in smart contracts.

>> No.6151840

Nice XRB shill. #2 when?