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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1201x631, MEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6148755 No.6148755 [Reply] [Original]

my wallet has been CLEARED OUT


>> No.6148774

Did you actually click the link I sent you? LOL

>> No.6148776

post address

>> No.6148782

that's why we have ledgers fag

>> No.6148787

Damn :(
Did you use your facebook password?

>> No.6148791

nice, you fell for a phishing website. good riddance, you were bound to lose it at some point anyway.

>> No.6148803 [DELETED] 

big pump group with 30k members big pump happening in 8hrs join in !!

discord link --> qXpkdeZ

>> No.6148806

Hacked. Check Twitter my friend!

>> No.6148814

Does this alleged mew hack affect ledger user who access their funds through mew?

>> No.6148830
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>> No.6148833

Double down dude. I lost everything I had 2 years ago in crypto do to some bullshit. Today I am fucking rich as fuck because I stayed in the game.

>> No.6148835

Why would anyone use a web based wallet instead of a hardware one?

>> No.6148837

Unironically this is likely FUD by the hackers baiting everyone to check their account.

Dont log onto MEW.

>> No.6148858

Trezor my niggers trezor

>> No.6148865

That sucks dick, that's gonna be millions one year from now. Buy link to make it back

>> No.6148869
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MEW is a crock of shit anyway.

>> No.6148871


>> No.6148881


I have a Nano Ledger S as well that I use to connect to my mew

I think we're fine


>> No.6148903

Why, what would that do?

>> No.6148922


Sit on my hands until the issue is resolved.

>> No.6148923
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>> No.6148929

great, all my ethereums are gone now because they managed to hack an interface. fuck off, this will only scare newfags.

>> No.6148936

Hopefully yes or it's hero time

>> No.6148940

Just check your address ffs. I still got everything. I'd literally shoot up the Ledger S office if they tricked me into buying unsafe trash.

>> No.6148939

If they changed the dns and you put your private key guess what happens next

>> No.6148943

100k$ and you couldn't buy a fucking 50$ ledger

>> No.6148945

How come this shit always happens with ETH wallets but never BTC?

>> No.6148953



>> No.6148965

What about Mist? Been wanting to set up an ETH wallet.

>> No.6148967

You believe that Twitter account?

>> No.6148979

Because eth is a hacking honeypot

>> No.6149001

Fake news. That being said, I do intend to get a Ledger asap.

>> No.6149026

This, or it didn't happen.

>> No.6149032


Actually FUD created by Ledger/Trezor companies to make us buy their products.

We can never be safe from the shills.

>> No.6149051

I hear they got cheap ones on eBay :^)

>> No.6149074
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>> No.6149075

How did I just know

Seems like anything that uses a fucking website gets hacked

Even the most secure shit like MEW. This is bullshit but I saw it coming a mile away.

>> No.6149081

Seems like complete FUD

>> No.6149101

newfag detected.
There were several hacks of blockchain.info wallets. The worst was when idiots there used a random.org site as a seed for private keys. At some point the api changed and every request was returning 404. The wallets used that static site as a seed. Afaik more than 10k btc were stolen.

Then literally a few days ago there was a critical bug in electrum.

>> No.6149107

You guys are fucking retarded.

If your wallet actually got cleaned out, show proof, motherfucker.


>> No.6149127

I've got a Ledger Nano S that I keep 90% of my shit on, but it can be a pain in the ass since I hold multiple alts. I heard Trezor is better for alts.... true or BS??

>> No.6149160

I would literally kill myself. Pls god make this a lie.

>> No.6149167

Lmao how would that work anyway. Why would someone give the site they're probate key if their funds weren't stolen and if they were then there's nothing they could do anyway.

>> No.6149178

Why don't you just keep coins on exchanges?

>> No.6149182

I use the offline version from their github, nice try though.

>> No.6149191

>The worst was when idiots there used a random.org site as a seed for private keys

what did you mean by this

>> No.6149246

Op if this is real feel so sorry for you, my MEW was once hacked when I first started a couple of months ago, no where near that much as you but was still was shattered. Best advice I can give you is get back into it man, I almost wasn't going too but came around a few days later, so happy I did now. Also get a nano s for fuck sakes people

>> No.6149320

If you're dumb enough to use MEW you deserve to get hacked.

>> No.6149382

$100k today would honestly probably be $1M in 4-6 months at the rate things are going

I turned $10k into $220k in about 60 days and I barely know what I'm doing.

>> No.6149415

FUCK is that why my token transfer hasn't gone through?

>> No.6149420

I don't understand why they even allow people to use it to be honest, fuckers get hacked everyday on mew and Ed people's, this is not a fucking first time thing, fuck I watched a hackers wallets for two days steal over 2millions dollars and would not be surprised if they are still going, that was like a month ago, the cunt did not have a care in the world and I am sure not far off fucking the whole blockchain in the ass if you don't use a nano s

>> No.6149454

You can't store alts in trezor.

>> No.6149456

Literally what else can you use for the various EC20 tokens?

>> No.6149473

How do they even steal it though?

>> No.6149496

Same. Turned 1.5kaud into 14kaud, don't know shit and made so many mistakes for fuck sakes, I feel like I have obtained some kind of cheat code to life

>> No.6149514


you can download MEW and just use it "offline" i guess

>> No.6149558

Nigga if you put your key into MEW it's fucking simple for them to get it, why the fuck have they not made it so it atleast does not show when typing it in, like what the fuck, get a nano s for fuck sakes. And I'm going to go check that hackers wallet and see if he has finally stopped fucking every stupid pejeet

>> No.6149639


Of course you can pajeet.

>> No.6149645

I use a nano s to log into my mew, Can they get me? I dont dare to check

>> No.6149656

Yep he is still going, but slowed down a bit, when I use to watch the fuckers transfer where going in every few seconds and minutes, then he would dump it out to heaps of different wallets


>> No.6149683

who the fuck pastes in their private key instead of using the json file?

>> No.6149689

Honestly, the exchanges.

>> No.6149695

Check your address on etherscan for fuck sakes, also think we are safe but don't go on that shit yet just to be safe

>> No.6149716

I transfered money from Bittrex to MyEtherWallet and while it has gone through according to etherscan, but nothing on MyEhterWallet. Is my dosh gone?

>> No.6149736


HOW the fuck were you able to x10 your assets so fast? Daytrading shitcoins?

>> No.6149770


Check your public address in Etherscan. You should be able to see the tokens and see what has went in and out from the address.

There's a good chance that the custom token hasn't been added so it won't display in MEW, but will be there.

>> No.6149782

Heaps of normies anon, they have no fucking idiot about this shit and don't really how easy it is to be hacked, they have used their jew bank sites forever on there porn infection virus computers and felt safe, they do the same with this.
Anon they don't even understand mew is just a host of the blockchain, they would think mew holds their money

>> No.6149830

seems like the ETH went in, but it doesn't display in MEW. Does that mean I can't use it or have to wait?

>> No.6149847

Probably being a normie and going all in on scam hype stuff like TRON and XRP

>> No.6149871

"They also seed the generator using SecureRandom#setSeed with data pulled from random.org.[..]
If the above happens, there's a problem because the default implementation of SecureRandom#setSeed doesn't mix. If you set the seed, it replaces the entropy entirely. So now the entropy is coming solely from random.org. [..]

They were using HTTP instead of HTTPS to make the webservice call to random.org. On Jan 4, random.org started enforcing HTTPS and returning a 301 Permanently Moved error for HTTP - see https://www.random.org/news/.. So since that date, the entropy has actually been the error message (turned into bytes) instead of the expected 256-bit number. Using that seed, SecureRandom will generate the private key for address 1Bn9ReEocMG1WEW1qYjuDrdFzEFFDCq43F 100% of the time. Ouch."


>> No.6149899

Desktop or cold wallet for me

>> No.6149922

Hold faggot, fuck day trading kills me, only started that about two weeks ago and once I'm back to profit on some shitcoin I was swing trading and fucked up, going back to holding.
Don't get me wrong swigging trading has got me extra ether but it's really not worth it if you fuck it up and all it takes it once, find the right coin, buy a shit load of it and hold, also it would have been $100 to 14k no bullshit but got hacked when I was at 1k and was like I am not missing out on what I have accumulated so fucking brought back in with 1.5k

>> No.6149923

>At some point the api changed and every request was returning 404. The wallets used that static site as a seed. Afaik more than 10k btc were stolen.
My god I got a kek out of that

In order to generate private keys that can't be easily guessed you need random numbers as your seed. Computers themselves can only generate pseudo-random numbers with a predictable pattern. random.org is a service that generates "true" random numbers by using measurements of things like electrical signals and weather patterns (things that generate naturally unpredictable patterns).

So your key generation system would get some random numbers from https://www.random.org/integers/?num=100&min=1&max=100&col=5&base=10&format=html&rnd=new and use that as the seed to generate keys. What the other anon was saying is the URL for getting these numbers changed. The old URL that blockchain.info used returned a static "404 -- this page cannot be found" and blockchain.info literally used that as its seed. Meaning suddenly all its private keys were extremely predictable and someone was able to recreate them all.

Sorry if that's not clear. Not great at giving a non-technical description

>> No.6149995


Where my ledger nano s niggas at. Are your accounts safe? I sent stuff using MEW yesterday but I have no transactions since then so I'm good I think. I'm pretty sure they can't do shit so long as you verify the transaction on the nano screen before you confirm it.

>> No.6150007

Nope, almost brought ripple at 20c but went link instead faggot, yep linkie at 15c - 23c, feels good. Also got a bit on icon cheap just wish I got more, oh also have lamden but have not added to portfolio yet, again should have went in more on it

>> No.6150031

it's all about managing to generate the private key anon, it's been done many times already. Usually the reason in some shitty autogeneration of the keys on the backend which hackers are able to recreate. It's a lot of money in this, so there are lit tons of people trying to do this as we speak

>> No.6150043

So is this shit real or not? There has not been a single etherscan link to a wallet being emptied and no word from MEW.

Why even start FUD campaign on ETH? That shit has been rock solid for ages

>> No.6150067

I checked on etherscan, we are good. But have not been in mew since lamden ico, fucking almost had to go on last night but didn't thank fuck I didn't orit would be hard to sleep tonight

>> No.6150128

What did you buy? Did you hodl? Pls explain.

>> No.6150133

This would not fuck eth if its true anyways, have a look on etherscan, people are hacked everyday, nothing new

>> No.6150165

It's fake as fuck. Just a marketing campaign by some nobody.

>> No.6150172
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>> No.6150182

Most likely fake, nothing on their twitter

>> No.6150275

MEW is client side you fucking mongolid

>> No.6150294

Fuck, right when I was about to set up a wallet too.

Any other options? I want to get in on crypto.

>> No.6150325

kys normie

>> No.6150334

Have you tried setting up a Blockfolio wallet? It's super secure - it's the crypto gold standard.

>> No.6150377

Faggot gtfo

>> No.6150382


Oh wait I sent them to bitfinex yesterday -

>> No.6150392

this thread is extremely fake and gay

>> No.6150440

Honestly I've been here since forever but what the fuck is the difference between myetherwallet and metamask??

>> No.6150449

Can't you store erc20 tokens on the ledger nano s?

>> No.6150459

thanks bro just send 100k bcash to that blockfolio wallet, i was called from this indian windows support guy.

>> No.6150465
File: 324 KB, 634x857, 1504776880721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your private key never leaves your ledger, if MEW really was hacked at dns level and people were redirected to a fake site, only people that put in their private key to unlock their wallets are fucked.

>> No.6150474

My roll of quarters is gone!
I left it on the kitchen table and it rolled off and rolled somewhere.

>> No.6150499

You can and you should.

>> No.6150503

But can't hackers generate the ledger private keys?

>> No.6150506

yes, u can store them on any eth address. but you can only view/send them using ur ledger with MEW

>> No.6150519

You can only store those in the toilet

>> No.6150533

Glad it worked out, may the gains bless you.

>> No.6150541

No because your private key never leaves your ledger.

Shit like this is the exact reason we're using it in the first place.

>> No.6150549

are you >>6150449

>> No.6150551

No lol

>> No.6150565


True but a malicious site could change the address your sending to after you press enter.

>> No.6150589 [DELETED] 

dear sirs
I ordered bitcoin package off of etherum vitalik store and have recieved yet who i can contact for tech suport about my bitcoin package arrival is it come by usps or delivery by ups thank u sirs

>> No.6150637

The only possible attack would be the site trying to get you to sign a transaction to the attackers wallet, instead of the transaction you actually wanted to make. But they can't get into your wallet.

>> No.6150646


I'm not into daytrading myself, so i hold too. But you need to have even bigger balls to hold everything in just one coin. I bought small quantities of 5 different alts. One of them performed REALLY BAD (verge) and If i had jumped into it all-in i'd be royally fucked right now, because verge was heavily shilled on /biz and looked really promising. Not sure if it will ever recover, but i don't want to sell low, so i'd hold it anyway. If nothing else, it will serve as a reminder of my fuckup.
I cannot force myself to stop diversifying into multiple shitcoins, just in case my judgement on one coin is flawed + also have small qty of BTC and ETH.

>> No.6150668

Alright then it's actually worth getting one

>> No.6150698

So we're stuck having to use MEW for this. Sad.

>> No.6150714

How can ebay afford to sell them for cheaper than the manufacturer?

>> No.6150792

Obvious paid shills every time you read "Ledger Nano S" instead of "ledger" or a general "hardware wallet"

>> No.6150818
File: 170 KB, 1419x842, muhrapeculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one saw this coming lmao

>> No.6150826

2nd hand which is basically asking to get scammed

>> No.6150863

Wait so is it safe to send ether using myetherwallet at the moment? Using my private key?

>> No.6150928

Don't do shit for the time being

>> No.6151006

There was a post on reddit where some guy bought what he thought was a new Ledger on eBay but it came with a scratchcard of 24 words... which he used... 25,000 GBP gone...poof!

>> No.6151016

but what if your ledger gets stolen?

>> No.6151030


think again

>> No.6151145

>reddit spacing
yeah faggot myetherwallet is run by a dumb roastie who thinks "there's not enough females in crypto" "muh crypto wagegap!" she's a fucking dumb bitch and I hope this hack ruins her badly configured web app. there's no excuse for DNS hacks if you follow proper DNS sec.
here's her github account:

>> No.6151413

Does metamask use MEW wallets?

>> No.6151437

>what is a seed

>> No.6151496 [DELETED] 

biz -
After accessing MEW from your Ledger Nano, there is an option to view private key. Would you ever back up the private key as well in addition to the 24-word phrase that you wrote down during the device set up (As an added redundant measure of protection), or is this retarded?

>> No.6151572

Far far more money has been lost in crypto by people, forgetting/throwing away their key vs. Being hacked.

>> No.6151611 [DELETED] 

True and it seems would be a redundant measure to save this key in addition, of course, to the 24-word phrase.

>> No.6151619

if you have the client downloaded before now and use it offline to sign transactions should be safe. It sounds like this was just a DNS hack, if it's even real; there doesn't seem to be evidence this is even real.


nothing unless they know your pin.

>> No.6151656

Why doesn't ETH have an SPV client like BCH? That's the best thing for noobs - both secure and fast.

>> No.6151716

Don't fucking don't that anon, I would never go on that piece of shit and have my key visible, NEVER, it's blanked out for a reason

>> No.6151736

Should've used enji wallet.

>> No.6151779

Being stupid enough to use dedicated crypto hw.

>> No.6151791

not downloading MEW and running the file

>> No.6151793
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 4709663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice FUD - global DNS propagation checks all point to Amazon, which MEW has been using since forever
Pretty sure BLUE has pulled this shit before w/ MetaMask before

>> No.6151795

Also if you want to be one of the wallets on the IN transfer list on this wallet maybe, go ahead


>> No.6151833

kek. id checks out. utr/oL

>> No.6151839 [DELETED] 

To clarify: Let's say it was an air-gapped MEW.

I guess the dumb question I am asking is: You are as confident in the 24-word phrase as you are with a private key to restore a wallet?

>> No.6151861

I just send tokens from my mew to my ledger literally nothing happened. Checked the balance and everything it was fine. Fuckin nerds.

>> No.6151954


this posts indicates a lack of understanding that will only result in you actually getting hacked. It's good you have a ledger nano s so you'll probably be fine but seriously learn more then you'll see why this statement is really dumb.

>> No.6152035 [DELETED] 

Do you feel as confident with a BIP39 12-word mnemonic phrase as you would holding the actual private key?

>> No.6152209

I don't get why tards like you don't use a wallet on your computer.
You generate an address on https://www.bitaddress.org/
Then you only use your wallet on your PC.

>> No.6152319

>tfw you realize most of /biz/ knows less about this shit than you when your sorry ass just started with this shit a few weeks ago

YOU DON'T STORE ANYTHING ON MEW OR HARDWARE WALLET, RETARDS. Your address is on the fucking ETH network, all you store are the private keys to access that address, your "coins" aren't actually on your hardware wallet or stored on MEW's servers or some shit.

>locate sub-10m mcap coin
>if green signal, buy
>3x in 2 days
>probably 10x in a week

Literally that easy. Did that exact thing with HBT, HAT, LUX, and IOP.

>> No.6152344

pajeets can't afford them

>> No.6152472

maybe we should just post our private keys to make sure no one has them?

>> No.6152654


>> No.6152918

good idea! here's mine:

>> No.6153003


Why are the first 7 letters asterisks

>> No.6153206

how do i cash out my blockfolio?

>> No.6153256


>> No.6153516

I'd still tap that

>> No.6154160


MEW don't know what the fuck Blue is talking about

>> No.6154221

Morning/Afternoon all... please read the following:

With the recent hacking of MyEtherWallet (MEW), our investigation team has confirmed that it was a DNS-based-level attack. This includes your I.P. address and computer side. Nevertheless, we have promptly acquired a unique method to reclaim any lost coins for the time being. The process is simple: if you require help securing your private keys or are solely looking for an efficient way to recover your coins, send 0.25-.05 ETH to 0x8E2d009E61e6d238e4874267bDbF1A8DC65e4631 wallet address. It will reflect the confirmation of the compromised wallet and revert the transaction back to yours. Note: this also works for ether transactions that have been stuck/lost in the past few days. Please help spread this and ensure everyone is kept safe until there is a proper patch!

>> No.6154290

I love this meme

>> No.6154320

At least you didn't waste any money on a hardware wallet though.

>> No.6154380

I'm fucked, I made a transaction last night.
Someone explain how they can hack dns AND have the certificate of MyEtherWallet?

>> No.6154406

It's almost as if, Ethereum Blue, a shameless Ethereum copycat is spewing out bullshit.

>> No.6154443

You fucks never listen to me, intel spectre and meltdown are to blame.

Literally cia niggers have been in your computer watching the whole time now regular haxxors can do the same shit.
Should have listened to g faggots.

>> No.6154528

I'll be sorry when I actually lose my money, thanks.

>> No.6154593

This. It's so much harder to get into someone's exchange account than to get into his mew account.
All they need is your private key vs your passport, logging from the same ip range (and if you moved, prove that you moved). Idk why people use mew desu. When I get into an ico I movemeverything to an exchange asap.

>> No.6154762

Time to kill yourself? I would, no way they are gonna give you back your money after

>> No.6154860

Even with hardware u store everything on the blockchain.

>> No.6154973

I’ve always just used my JSON file. Haven’t ever used my private key or logged in since this whole thing took off Does that mean I’m safe basically for now ? Need to transfer to a ledger ASAP.

>> No.6155155

Do you have a link? Scratchcard of 24 words?

From what I understood, they use hardware encryption.

>> No.6155172

>thx for helping man

>> No.6155207

Check your public adress on etherscan.io if your funds are still there, it's just server lagging or maintenance. It happens from time to time. I use MetaMask since 5 months ago

>> No.6155244

Nobody listened to me.


>> No.6155409
File: 46 KB, 300x350, 300px-Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been so comfy with my Ledger Nano S hardware wallet.

>> No.6155558

Same dude, I'm so glad I purchased a Ledger Nano S hardware wallet, I really don't know what I'd do worrying about all this bullshit without my Ledger Nano S hardware wallet.

>> No.6155639

"reddit spacing" is the stupidest fucking bullshit newfag test. people on 4chan have been using double spacing on posts for years before reddit even existed. go fuck yourself for thinking you are detecting some reddit person

>> No.6155644

Mine is getting delivered today! Iv got mid 6 figures in my mew


>> No.6155704

g'damn biz. I moved everything off of ED because you said it was hacked now you say MEW is hacked, what the hell do I do.

>> No.6155760

Stop shilling a dongle you jew.

>> No.6155818

Lel wallet fags btfo

Who spread across a few exchanges like a real nigga? If all the 4 exchanges I'm on go down crypto is gonna be fucked anyways.

>> No.6155842

I've never understood it either, if anything it's messageboard spacing.

>> No.6155924

What? There's nothing actually wrong with MEW.

>> No.6155968

use mew offline you retard also don't listen to fud itt there is no proof that mew was hacked

>> No.6156008

just to be safe though everyone should buy a ledger nano s

>> No.6156061


had to check my shit...

everything accounted for. So is like what happened to ED?

Replaced the DNS with a phising site?

That's why I bookmark my shit nigga.

>> No.6156063

>lost eth worth about 800 in my wallet
>never lost anything by keeping it on exchanges
Cold storage is a meme

>> No.6156124

Heard you can get a good deal on ebay

>> No.6156167

because people are retarded enough to use web apps for this shit

>> No.6156170

how did you lose it?

>> No.6156203

>Replaced the DNS with a phising site?
>That's why I bookmark my shit nigga.

Surely your bookmark wouldn't help in this case, you'd need to bookmark the actual IP

>> No.6156207

spoken like a true redditor. take an upvote gay sir!

>> No.6156244

No idea. Could have been a bad transfer, hackers, bugs. Fuck knows? All I know is that one day it was gone. Fortunately the sum was so small it didn't affect me outside a bit of distress and anger.

>> No.6156360

You can view your tokens on etherscan.io as well.

>> No.6156456

for those who come to crypto because of distrust of government, taking care of your own storage makes sense
but yeah, normalfags coming in crypto for fiat gains are batshit retarded if they obsess over muh ledger and muh private keys

>> No.6156546

Do people really just use their private keys to unlock shit???

how fucking lazy are you tha you don't open the JSON file and input the password??

>> No.6156633

DURRRRRR. Same with a cold you fag.

>> No.6156640

>Do people really just use their private keys to unlock shit?

>> No.6156919


its fine fake site wouldn't have certs...I got the big green lock on the top so I"m good.

>> No.6156959

but if someone sees that shit or like this shit happens you lose all your money...

it takes 10 seconds for a Json + PW combo.

>> No.6157029




blue fuckers were actually trying phish normie private keys

>> No.6157178

thank god, I don't really have a wallet or any of this things, but im glad it's fake news for some reason

>> No.6157585

no coiner detected.