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6146849 No.6146849 [Reply] [Original]

>rumors of getting its license denied
>funfags reply to these claims "they didnt even apply yet"
>they somehow think this is good
>no one will adop funfair
>casinos make more money by scamming retards nit by being fairfags
>provably cucks
>whitepaper is pure vaporware. anyone can understand the btc whitepaper but this shit is overcomplex on pourpose becsuse its all bullshit and just a quick cashgrab on this bubble
>820M$ mc for a bunch of shitty flash games made by amateurs
>tfw funfags are more deluded than stinkies

>> No.6146872
File: 150 KB, 1492x842, FUNCOINER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nofunner spotted

>> No.6146894

FUNfags are going 0 when they fail to get a licence and also realise that the token has absolutely no value

>> No.6146896

>anti-funfag has pictures of transvestite erections on his computer
not surprised

>> No.6146913

dudnt matter to me, I made my 25% :)

>> No.6146943
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you cunts are shilling bc it just mooned, niggers

>> No.6146945
File: 74 KB, 459x582, 1515147484081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>rumors of getting its license denied

This is a blatant lie/fud.

(1) They haven't even applied for the license yet.

(2) The license is for a remote gambling software license. It lets them license software to actual casinos in the UK

(3) They aren't going to be denied... the team are all professionals from the gambling business scene and have UK personal licenses already

(4) Even IF (big IF) they're denied, FunFair isn't halted at all.... the license is just needed for UK casinos only. The rest of the planet can still use FunFair.

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.6147075
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>> No.6147335

>1) They haven't even applied for the license yet.
That's what op is saying tho. Why do you say that like it was something good lol.

>> No.6147396

because that means that you would still be early to invest you absolute retard. continue buying high. seems to be working fine for you.

>> No.6147403

>That's what op is saying tho.

So OP is saying the team has both (1) not applied for the license and (2) there are rumors of the license being denied?

Are you retarded?

>> No.6147431

Hes saying that funfags say that not applying is good, you're proving his point by saying that

>> No.6147442


And did you even read (4) ? The license is irrelevant in the long run. Just something pajeet shitlords can latch onto in hopes of spreading FUD.

Pretty sad.

>> No.6147478

Remember the more FUD is spread the more solid the product is.

>> No.6147555

If it's not that important then why is the team constantly talking about it?
So verge is a solid project I guess

>> No.6147570

why does she have a dragon dildo in her pants lol...

>> No.6147592

you think aquiring the license for this is like a registration for fucking high school? obviously you need months, if not years of preparation to get the best chances of receiving the license and not getting BTFO'd since this will, obviously, leave the project with quite a setback

>> No.6147615

I played the slotmachine in theor website, its ssooooooo fucking bad

Funfags will get justd

>> No.6147717

>CoD MW2 production cost: 250M$
>shitty flash game: 805M$
Not a bubble

>> No.6147727

>Team said they would apply at end of January
>Currently second week of january

What's the problem here? I'm picking up high levels of autism in this thread

>> No.6147891

holy shit you are really this stupid. please embarrass yourself more

>> No.6147914

The UIs for their games are great and run smoothly on any device. Also the fact that you think FunFair's product devolves down to being just a "flash game" shows you don't have a clue what they are actually developing.

>> No.6147922

The team doesn't constantly talk about it. They just answer questions in Discord when people ask them about the license.

The team is incredibly accessible.

>> No.6147932




>> No.6147947
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>> No.6147985

I bought in at .04 literally a day before it mooned to .09. Then it fucking moons to .19. Try as hard as you want pajeet, you'll never make me hate this coin.

>> No.6148005

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
funchad whale here,i'll bite
>rumors of getting its license denied
lol they will apply for the UK RGS license by the end of the mont as stated by Jez.
The review of the application and the commission verdict can take up to 16 weeks.
>funfags reply to these claims "they didnt even apply yet"
so which one it is? they refused it before they submitted the application?
aldo LMAO Jez has an OBE ffs and most of the team has worked in the industry before,some already hold personal licenses.these are not a bunch of no name slavs.
>no one will adop funfair
brainlet,potentiallly lower operating costs alone means they will take a good hard look at it
>casinos make more money by scamming retards nit by being fairfags
lol no they don'the problem of fairness at least in regulated and sonewhat legit jurisdiction is mainly a perceived one.you already have to give the code to regulators and use hashes/checksum to prove what'youre running is compiled from what you gave them.this howere is opaque to the user who still want more transparency.
>whitepaper is pure vaporware
which one? that's right my brainlet friend,they have two,technical and commercial and they are very accessible imho.
>820M$ mc for a bunch of shitty flash games made by amateurs
not flash brainlet using an html5 graphic library called tree.js and in the future(maybe) pixie.js
platform agnostic,less resource usage and wirks on mobile
have FUN being poor

>> No.6148066
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>rumors of getting its license denied
That you completely made up

>> No.6148104
File: 67 KB, 1152x864, 1511996892301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to FUD

Just hold that FUN and get rich fuck this trap loving fag op LUL.

>> No.6148115

There's an awful lot of FUN-FUD here my dudes, wondering what it all means???

In the mean time how all my FUN Bros holding up? feeling pretty comfy from the pump yesterday

>> No.6148403

>knows it's bait
>/biz/ buying/selling the coin won't fluctuate the price at all either way
>replies anyway

>> No.6148789 [DELETED] 

Just because something's bait doesn't mean others won't fall for it, and responding isn't about being worried about the price, it's to keep people from being misinformed and losing the opportunity to invest in something they would may have otherwise.

>> No.6148949

>>6148403 #
Just because something's bait doesn't mean others won't fall for it. Responding isn't about being worried about the price, it's to keep people from being misinformed and losing the opportunity to invest in something they would may have otherwise chosen.

>> No.6149557

Bought near yesterdays lowest point. Can't go wrong buying dips in this market, if a coin has any semblance of a chance of a future itll experience gains in the short term.
This licence application stuff does make me apprehensive about a long hodl though

>> No.6150326
File: 466 KB, 2000x1000, funfud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of FUN fud

>> No.6150619

now thats some BTFO-ing right here to all the FUDders

>> No.6151248

You’re a good man

>> No.6151435


Since when did any of that shit you said matter anyway? Verge has 3bn market cap and no working product TRONs whitepaper doesnt even make fucking sense written in english and yet its market cap is 2bn answer that with your precious logic then