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File: 197 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180109-053303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6138137 No.6138137 [Reply] [Original]

I reached a million a couple weeks ago (I have like 200k in stocks and like 20k in my bank account so I technically reached it earlier), but honestly I have no idea what to do with the money or my life.

Did your life change when you reached the "magical" number? (doesn't feel very magical once you've reached it desu)

If yes, how?

I have no idea what to do with my life. Would be nice to hear what you guys are up after the fact.

>> No.6138270

I'd probably get a less stressful job, travel more, have a family, etc

Instead of wage cucking

I'm just waiting for my 10x then another 10x

>> No.6138278

donate it all to african children's fund and then become an hero

>> No.6138308

24hr change lmao

I bet you're still fat and poor


>> No.6138429

I don't have a job. I spend all my time trading or reading about crypto. Still live with my parents. I'm bored of jobs and crypto.

not fat, not poor

single yes, I spend all my time at my computer just like you do

>> No.6138435

I’m nearly there but I will keep on playing the game till atleast 5M more than likely waiting til 10M as I want to make sure my family is set up aswell

>> No.6138448

Honestly, you just want more after it. But it does give you some security. Lets just hope you can get it out

>> No.6138492 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 400x269, pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump n dump group here. Pumped STU to 300% profit earlier. Next pnd in ~40 hours. Join here to get in on it..


>> No.6138494

how old are you?

>> No.6138512

yup. pretty much.

I have no issues getting out money right now at least, I've been withdrawing about 10k per week for almost 2 months now.

>> No.6138514

invest all in PnD

>> No.6138530

Then grow the fuck up.

>> No.6138534

I married into wealth, was poor as shit so it was a huge adjustment, I've come from a thrifty home so it took a long while before I felt comfortable from going to "spend nothing" to "spend a little" until finally "is ok to spend a lot sometimes". Being frugal is how you become a millionaire and stay a millionaire,and there's a difference between cheap and frugal. Look into the rich man/poor man shoes parable. As for life changes, I eat better, and buy stuff I want, and don't have to worry about penny pinching everything, I can fix things without worrying about replacing it, I can goto the doctor when I have to, I can buy food I want rather than just the store brand shit. Money worries are gone, but I still avoid unneeded purchasing, I use thrift and second hand stores all the time, I use Costco, I also bought solar panels to save me electric costs over the years.

>> No.6138555

around 22-25

>> No.6138593

You pay capital gains or is it treated like income tax? Or do you even pay taxes at all?

>> No.6138658


he pays capital gains

>> No.6138683

Capital gains, I live in an EU country so I pay almost 30% (considering moving somewhere else, I'm getting raped by the taxes)

Sounds really nice. Hard to build a life like yours though since I don't have a roastie by my side.

>> No.6138702

I'm in medical school right now and my initial goal was to earn enough to live off until residency. Now I might actually be able to pay for school and living expenses. Even if I were to "make it" I think I'll still finish out school.

>> No.6138764

If this isn't a LARP, you've made a substantial amount of money at a young age. Do you have any career aspirations? If I were in your position I'd cash out 90% (pay the 20% capital gains tax cause trying to dodge the IRS is not worth it) and then enjoy some of the money to travel.

>> No.6138801

I became a paper millionaire on new year's day. Now I'm up to 2m. Quit my job without notice. Cashed out 30k. Waiting until end of September so I can. Cash out the bulk of it so I can get a 50% discount on CGT

>> No.6138810

Damn didn't think I'd see another med student on /biz/. I kinda started the same way, investing in crypto thinking it would help pay for personal living expenses since I don't have an income. Now I'm starting to think I'll be able to pay off all my debt after I graduate.

>> No.6138831

i am just under 2m, but my magical number is 10m. i'll let you know how i feel once i get there.

>> No.6138846

please show more of your portfolio

>> No.6138884

You are a fucking idiot. Cash out then drop out. At the very least don't bother practicing medicine it's shit money. Even if you achieve some specialty with big bucks you end up paying half of what you make in taxes and forever a stressed out wagecuck

>> No.6138914

I just paid off my pharmacy school debt with crypto gains.

>> No.6138925

what more do you want than not having to work? life doesn't get better than that

>> No.6138945
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If ppl knew about this place and the fact this place actually has young millionaires...

Ill get there ..

>> No.6138967

Grats OP hope to get there one day maybe. Any of u millionaires buy a house? condo?

>> No.6139003

Destroyed my life, I got the dragon sickness around 300k, needed more and more.

Quit my job, stopped talking to my family, smoke 2 packs and drink every day, told all my friends and professors about bitcoin a year ago, they tease me all the time and act weird now.

Traded in class, would just leave LAB in the middle to watch charts on my phone.

Basically it has taken over all my life, I just need a little more, 1 more double to never work again.

I think BTC is going to crash and I just can't cash out...I know I'll lose it all.

I'm a mess.

>> No.6139014

>hedging your entire life on trading cryptocurrency

You realize most specialties not family medicine start at 300k, and you can easily pull 500k with a private practice? You'll be back at McD's once the crypto bubble pops while doctors will still be pulling 500k.

>> No.6139052
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I'm staying in past a million. This is only the start.

I wanted to buy my mom a retirement apartment and buy myself a turn-key business and some apartments.

And I still go to work, doing sales in hardwood flooring and working for an engineering consultant part-time.

The idea of retirement sounds worse than unemployment. I like to stay busy.

>> No.6139070

Is suggest talking to a fiduciary fiduciary planner, someone that only charges a flat fee, ask them what to do. I'd personally just cash out, don't listen to the FOMO fags, you can live on a million for the rest of your life right now if you're smart, I'd say take the 30% tax hit and run ,but you should talk to a fiduciary first. Regardless, find a nice state to live in, buy a nice bit of land, a small house, NOT A FUCKING MANSION, and live for a few years humbly to get your shit together and decide what you want to do for the rest of your life. No matter what, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FUCKING CHILDREN ON THIS SITE ABOUT ANYTHING, 1/100 faggots here has any real financial life advice, talk to a real human

>> No.6139082

getting emotional over money lmao not for you man , quit while your ahead

>> No.6139108

start smoking meth

>> No.6139116

Just a poor fag here. Share that wealth https://sso.coss.io/api/invite/D2J51ZQI9B..

>> No.6139121

Every girl wants to fuck me, all my bros want loans or to pump shitcoins for them.

>> No.6139125

buy three apartments, rent them out, never work again

>> No.6139166

can i join in on the larp too?

>> No.6139171

plus 10 btc & 40 eth in cold storage

lost my gf bc of crypto after 5 years relationship a couple days ago. Whatever, I'm ready to start a new life in Thailand or another south east asia country, already have my dive master, thinking about becoming a dive teacher, not for the gains but for the beauty of the sea and the 18y old backpacking girls kek

I think for being 23 I've done pretty well, bye bye wagecuck life

>> No.6139190

how much was that? i'm gonna be looking at around 100k of debt

>> No.6139212
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>> No.6139224
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>ENG $4.62
>REQ $0.67

Fucking hell. You scared me for a few seconds there.

>> No.6139231

My favourite shows are Dragons Den/Shark Tank/etc, so I guess what I'd love to be is an investor or entrepreneur. Problem is I don't have enough money to become one yet, I feel anyway.

I'm not gonna cash out that much. I have sold and have almost 500k USD on my coinbase and kraken accounts ready to withdraw but honestly I'm second guessing myself all the time about it. I'm just withdrawing 10k per week right now. Currently I'm just using it to daytrade BTC or ETH.

Yeah but what are your plans with your life and money after you do that?

Nice let me know anon

It's just random shitcoins I own 5-10-20-25k of, iota, req, bat, modum, shitcoins like that with actual technological and real world value.

Life is very fucking boring dude when I don't have any interest in seeing the world or do normie shit. It probably sounds gay as fuck but I want to advance mankind in some way.

I know how it feels dude. I have sold a lot but I don't know what the fuck I should do. I'm so greedy. And I have some aspirations I would like to reach but I need more money. 1.5m will get me fucking nowhere.

Sounds super nice dude. Good luck! Same here, I have realised the life of a NEET cryptoautist isn't what I want to be in the future. I just want to find something I can do now that will satisfy me for a while.

That's why I wanted people who are actual millioniares to give some advice and ideas on how they will proceed with their lives. It's hard to decide what to do desu. I'm still bullish on crypto, especially in the long run.

"Never work again", "Live your life" sadly won't work for me due to how I work as a human. I need something to focus on constantly. Right now I'm still super focused on crypto but I need to progress my life.

Sure, LARP on brother

>> No.6139233

You have reached nothing until u cash faggot

>> No.6139235

I swear I don't know how people do it. 100k portfolio swings, it cripples me, that's a house!

This last BTC dip, I want to cash out so bad, but I don't want to miss out!

>> No.6139245

hey OP I hit 7 figures last weekend as well. Don't care if anyone believes me though Biz is direcltly responsible for my success. I haven't cashed in any of it out so it still feels very theoretical but i'm selling of 30 btc worth of coin this week sometime and will be cashing a bit of it out.
I have no idea what to do now. I'm at work right now shitposting fud on ven and ark threads. I have to quit but it feels all too surreal and I'm a bit overwhelmed.

>> No.6139290

Graduated with $175k. Just paid off the remaining $120k.

>> No.6139294

If you own that munch NEO, how much GAS are you getting a month?

>> No.6139307

Pic related question, who is that guy? I laugh every time I see his face.

>> No.6139322

fuck off pops we trying to go to the moon over here.

>> No.6139350

I'm planning on ER, where you make 350k and work 30 hours a week or less if I wanted. I can't stand not being busy so there's no way I'd just quit

>> No.6139372

Any advice for poorfags?

>> No.6139397

It's such a weird feeling. maybe I'm such a reck because I'm from a small town, with out a doubt I'm the richest person in the town now. All because I used a $2500 overage check to buy eth two years ago.

Maybe if I lived in a city it would be more in perspective. But people have fuck all here.

>> No.6139409

this is an amazing accomplishment at such a young age! well done. think about how you can do something great with your life maybe? there is a lot to choose from my friend. i wish you the best.

>> No.6139410

get rich

>> No.6139418

Yeah it's crazy. I had about enough cash for 1 year before I'd have to live off loans, now I can cash out crypto gains to live for 2-3 years

>> No.6139427

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6139452

It's scary as fuck that 4chan is producing so many young millionaires

>> No.6139473

1st million went to chipotle
2nd million went to chipotle
3rd million isn't set yet due to the market going up and down but it doesn't change anything

I'm diversifying and I hope I'll never have to work
I almost bought a 911 turbo s but talked myself out of it at the last minute. I'm only 26 so there's still time to figure out meme cars. I just need to get in good shape and not get caught up in any vices.

>> No.6139495

How much do you have? You never said

>> No.6139522

be proud! we all kind of knew there was a gifted quality to the place, in a weird and fucked up way, and crypto investing is something a lot of us are very good at.

>> No.6139538
File: 42 KB, 720x479, B295F4FE-3C47-4841-9D1B-0E2A9C4B430B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s to be scared of?

>> No.6139540

The person responsible for every mass shooting since 1996.

>> No.6139553

can you get around taxes safely

>> No.6139559


you arent a millionaire until you successfully pull it into a bank account where you can use it. Good luck anon.

>> No.6139566

i mean, at the very least put most of your money in a stable investment.

>> No.6139596

Badass. That’s my immediate goal right now. Just $120k to go!

>> No.6139601

Would also like to know. But I think it's some guy who stole someone's iPhone and the phone took his image whne he tried unlocking it

>> No.6139603

hinekuu moshi moshi?

>> No.6139635

Oh shit you are pretty close to me right now. Pretty sure my 6 year relationship is about to end or at least take a break. Very close to hitting 7 figures. Thinking I will go live in Thailand too for a bit. I already have for a few months before. Probably will just do muay Thai,continue bodybuilding, and teach English some for fun.

>> No.6139643

lol chipotle was how I celebrated I don't have many friends and my parents were too tired/busy to go to a nice restaurant
right now only 500k is diversified so I'm still taking a big risk in memecoins

>> No.6139647

1.3m is more seed funding than most startups have.

>> No.6139669

If I would not of sold anything I would have about 9 million right now. Let that sink in. 9 fucking million. But I was going on deployment in 2016 and sold half to be safe. Sold more at $45, $120 and $300.

Now I have around $1.2 million but I made most of that on PIVX and Strat. MobileGo ICO fucked me over really bad too.

>> No.6139682

my dream life is to not have to work or study so I could play vidya games or watch cool shows 24/7

>> No.6139736

Or are you hinekuu moshi moshi??

>> No.6139737

>considering moving somewhere else

Listen. Travel to Cyprus, UAE, Panama or any other nation which has 0% corporate tax for income earned outside of that nation.

Seek out a law firm specializing in incorporating. Have them walk you through the steps.

>You incorporate there
>Law firm takes about $4000
>Law firm acts as CEO/shareholder
>You get PoA, so that you control all funds
>Set up corporate bank account outside of that nation to trigger the "foreign based income" clause
>Use online bank and corporate debit card to spend in your home country
>Pay an annual fee of about $1500 to law firm, for them to take care of all paper work

That's it. That's what every richfag does. Not me though, because it's illegal where I'm from :^)

>> No.6139738

thing is 1 million isn't dick nowadays
need at least 10 million imo

>> No.6139764

nope, you have to fulfill your life with rewarding relationships, experiences, and helping others find the same

that always helps with a million but i found it to be one of the more anti-climactic days of my life

fuck it tho, at least i quit my job

>> No.6139772
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>tfw the new class of young millionaires has been on 4chan for at least a few years, some were even raised on 4chan, having been on the site for over a decade.

>> No.6139774

Oh, and of course, the most important part. Cash out through the corporate account.

>> No.6139790

It's Sam Hyde guys

>> No.6139813

OP I'm starting a company that will get me to 100k a year will that keep me satisfied or should I dream bigger?

>> No.6139823

Any tips for going to 1MM from 150k anons?

>> No.6139837

wow this is such shitty advice, yeah OP youre still young and smart so instead of doing what you do best (pursue crypto) just liquidate and move to a farm where you can carve sticks all day

>> No.6139838

Chipotle? You have 67% of your net worth in Chipotle stock?

>> No.6139839


Get over yourself.

>> No.6139849

What are the odds of you donating to help pay rent for a poor uni fag?

>> No.6139861
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Once I'll make it I'll create my own game development Studio.

>> No.6139868

Born and raised on 4chan since 2006 here. If only younger me could see me now..

>> No.6139875

lol no it's how I celebrated I ate by myself at chipotle so now it's a tradition

>> No.6139881

The pain will be insane once she breaks up, and I'm sure I'd be still crying if I would've to continue working a real job. But a look at my portfolio always eases the mood. I'll be in the 5star aria in Vegas, dining shrimps and playing midstakes stakes poker while nice asian girls massage my feet while she still has to wagecuck her whole life while slowly getting uglier. Can't wait to finally go on another roundtrip around the globe while being single.

>> No.6139888


>> No.6139889

Find something you're passionate about and see if you can make a career of it.

I haven't hit 7 figures yet, but I'm probably going to get there within the month if I can see a 30% return by end of february. Before I got into crypto (pretty late, like late november is when I really started putting money into it) I already had a good job (SWE and I like my coworkers), a great relationship with good communication and enough independence to feel like she complements my life instead of displacing it, and I'm happy enough with my fitness/attractiveness that it's not something I'm focused on right now.

To be honest, crypto's kind of made my life worse in a way because I'm so preoccupied with the gains. My yearly TC is around $200k/yr so I was basically set either way, but nothing compares to the returns you get from crypto - in like 2.5 months I've basically trippled my net worth. And now I feel kind of consumed by it.

If you feel the need for it, maybe spend some time losing yourself in some hedonistic shit until you get tired of it (travel, hookers, drugs) and then after you've gotten that out of your system, just find a hobby your passionate about and go with that. I see from your portfolio you're going for long-term hodls, so you're already a step ahead of the game by not obsessing over daily swings. The end goal is a happy life and having enough to do what you really care about.

>> No.6139898
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Find a wife, get a house, have children, treat them better than you were, find meaning in your life.

>> No.6139921
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Just last month I've had at least 5 100k swings, you get used to them dude lol. I also open shorts on btc and eth to hedge my investments whenever bitcoin starts to dump a lot.

Korean chicks are fucking 10/10 but I'm not sure I can get a good looking one only my flaunting my money around. I'd easily dump 100k to get a korean gf.

yup, sounds like you are kinda stuck where I am right now. Ever since I reached the million I've just been siting here zoning out wondering wtf to do with my life.

Like 4-5 GAS I think.

Spend 18h per day. Find some twitch streams or tv shows to entertain you while you watch the graphs like a hawk. Watch communities, discords, etc. The more time you spend the more you learn the more you understand this market. It kills you in a way to do this though, I wouldn't recommend it unless you are deadset on becoming "rich". I definitely have some mental and physical issues after spending 18h every single day for over a year.

Yeah, I've started working out at the gym. Also pre-ordered a tesla 3, but that's probably not arriving in a while.

The wealth transfer is amazing. I think it's a good thing us young people get a chance. I consider myself very lucky and will try my best to pay it back to humanity.

Nope, I won't do that. Time is the most limited resource we humans have, I don't want to spend some of it in jail in exchange for a possible monetary gain.

Yeah, but I still need to live, eat, buy a house, shit like that. I need to have all that covered for a lifetime before I think about it. I'm not at that point yet.

Any idea if it's legal in Scandinavia?

yup, I agree. Although I think ~3m is good enough, which means I would need to reach 4m because 1m will go towards taxes.

>> No.6139978

Being spanked was one of the best things that happened in my childhood

Actually forced me to try in school unlike many other kids

>> No.6139997

research and patience
it's hard to research now so much is being advertised and fuded, but when you find something you believe in 100% don't sell at a loss on the first sign of adversity

>> No.6140025

More like FUDuciary, gramps.

>> No.6140049
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>absolute dogshit tier Canadian exchange held up my money for weeks
>finally get on a real exchange January 3rd with $1000
>i'm up a massive 4%
>stressed out, constantly refreshing blockfolio, second guessing my picks, etc.

I'm g-going to be a millionaire in no time guys just wait

>> No.6140060

you should try shanghai. chicks there are fkn crazy for white folks, also very submissive. if you want to explore a weird country where you'd never expect such beautiful, strong yet submissive women fly to mongolia, just check that you go in July or you might freeze lol

>> No.6140068

This guy is a good example of someone in sync with the market

U cant make great gains until the very fiber of ur being hits congruency (same wavelength) as the market hivemind.

>> No.6140080

I turned 2k into 10k in little under a month from this insane alt market. Would it be a good idea to get a loan to use for extra weight in trades?

>> No.6140096

>Any idea if it's legal in Scandinavia?

If you don't disclose the funds to the tax authorities, it's not legal. And if you do disclose the funds, they'll force you to pay taxes on it. Because by law in NO/SE and probably DK, as long as you are a permanent resident you are obligated to pay taxes on any income earned abroad.

But the list of steps I wrote makes it literally fucking impossible to get caught. As long as you're not a dumbass and list yourself as the CEO, but use a law firm as strawmen. Or tell someone who could fuck you over.

>> No.6140151

if you need a meme car get a couple year old Ferrari, 90% of the depreciaction is gone and they hold their value very well.

>> No.6140163

I'm not good at crypto by any means. Wish I was where you are.

On money though, it doesn't change you. It just lets you be who you really are. So now that you won you should do what you like to and what you think you'd like to right now.

>> No.6140164
File: 805 KB, 750x738, A35FC53C-7DFB-479D-BAE0-36EFA05320C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I hit a million and it’s nothing special. Wtf does a million get you now and days... I’m waiting for 5 million at least. To bad Bitcoin Core is going to bring this whole thing down before that.

>> No.6140213

yea. It really was super anti-climatic. I told my mom and she was super happy for me. But other than seeing her happy, I felt very indifferent about the whole thing.

dream bigger, 100k per year is nice but you'll have lost all your hair before you have enough money to do anything.

I'm trying. I'm still pretty young and very fucking confused about what to do dude. I have a million ideas and it's nice to hear you guys opinions and ideas for your own lives.

I know and I will do all this but I need a fucking life goal man.

Thanks dude, really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I'm swedish as well.

rooting for you dude, you'll make it. This ship is not gonna fall before trillions have been pumped.

Chinese girls just aren't on the same level as koreans though. Japanese comes close but still don't reach.

Probably. This depends entirely on your abilities as a trader. The loan rates are a joke and costs you fucking nothing right now.

I see. Thanks dude, I'll do some research into it!

>> No.6140297

Young people who role play millionaire on the internet

>> No.6140300

Congrats anon. Do you day trade at all or just hold stuff?

>> No.6140404
File: 443 KB, 1020x784, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I really like the style of the 458
but I think the 911 turbo s would be more reliable

>> No.6140418

Both, 850k I hold long-term and the rest I daytrade/withdraw right now. I haven't daytraded much after new years because my body can't handle the constant anxiety anymore.

>> No.6140513

my parents beat me and forced me to tryhard in school, now I'm what you call "emotionally unavailable", permanent virgin and I wish to kill myself everyday

>> No.6140527

I'm super jelly. I'd hire a cook and become a writer. I'd definitely travel more. It would be grand

>> No.6140540

Same. We have crypto at least.

>> No.6140583

Bro i feel you on that

>> No.6140617

Sorry to hear that. Make gains, leave them in the dust and become the Great Gatsby, or whatever the hell you want to be. God bless anon.

>> No.6140634
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Life hasn't changed one bit. Still go to work. Pay my house payment. Come home and play with my 2 year old. Check crypro news. Haven't sold anything. Going to wait and see what happens in 5 years. Either 0 or Callisto.

>> No.6140710
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This man will make it.

>> No.6140719
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you don't have much

>> No.6140739

reminder that you could've put that in PRL and had 200mil

>> No.6140803

>you'll have lost all your hair before you have enough money to do anything
im very young and hopefully reach 6 figures before im 19

>> No.6140838

This is how you stay poor. Sure, I'd guess the amount of success if probably 20-50% of the reported success simply because nobody pretends to be poor but plenty of people want to pretend to be wealthy. But there are plenty of real success stories. You don't see yourself achieving the same level of success so you assume it's all a crock of shit.

I remember I once went on /r/cscareerquestions to try to help out some college newgrads or other people looking to get into software engineering and told them the route I took to get a $150k compensation package in my first job out of college (and it wasn't by attending a top 20 college and majoring in Math/CS, though I'm sure that probably works). And I got downvoted to shit because people couldn't believe in the non-traditional route I took (turns out just being really passionate about engineering goes a long way even if I didn't major in it in college) worked and they didn't want to give it a shot and would rather just assume that they were fucked because of society because it absolves them of blame and responsibility.

>> No.6140928

One or two ICOs. All in.

>> No.6141012

Get a 9/10 gf and get her pregnant in a country where the government cannot take my wealth. Live free of wagecucking. Everything else is a surrogate activity.

>> No.6141147


felix, dat you? If so, place your chair upside down next video.

>> No.6141267
File: 566 KB, 750x925, 3D1BF33D-B08C-45D4-A6C3-85FB031DBA0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For tho use of you who went to University/College what was life like after you graded? I grad in April and have a job lined up for September. It’s going to feel weird being on my own to do what ever.

>> No.6141417

I'm happy for all of you but damn do you make me jealous.

Is it too late for a nocoiner?

>> No.6141467

Im getting in the second I get paid on Thursday. Small amounts at first to test the waters, see if I can turn 10 into 100 and go from there

>> No.6141480

Why don't you take out a college fund for your kid?

>> No.6141495

I'm up $5000 from my initial $25,000 crypto investment on January 1. This thing is barely getting started.

>> No.6141536

still can't afford a phone charger

>> No.6141560

Which coins did you invest 25k into?

>> No.6141574

We've got another year or two before this money train crashes, so come on in.

>> No.6141611

put the next paycheck into RLC and you'll make it.

>> No.6141653

id start accumulating land around my region in the country and base all of my future endeavours on that
that shit is hella profitable here

>> No.6141683

Where did you get the majority of your gains, Anon?

>> No.6141693

What's wrong with his 24 Hour change? Mine is similar? I don't get the joke?

>> No.6141694

Feels new and refreshing the first couple of weeks/months. Then you slowly get trapped in the wage cuck trench.

>> No.6141735

Ethereum, Deepbrain Chain, Payfair, and VeChain

>> No.6141788

Smart pick with Ethereum. It's gone up so much in just the last month. Do you see this trend continuing?

>> No.6141809

>told all my friends and professors about bitcoin a year ago, they tease me all the time and act weird now.

This. They used to tease me 2 years ago when I wouldn't shut up about crypto and kept telling them to buy.

Now I barely talk about it. And I don't know if its me but my friends act different around me now. There either jealous, angry or depressed they missed the boat.

>> No.6141861
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Absolutely no change at all in my life aside from secretly feeling superior to other people

>> No.6141932

Could I ask for like $1000 just to drop into the OriginTrail presale and dramatically change my life?

>> No.6141976

Look up Curt Schilling and what happened to him when he tried to get into the gaming industry.

>> No.6141982

Yeah so if its a daughter she becomes a mentally ill whore tranny or if he has a son he becomes a perma virgin soyboy. Fuck the indoctrination centers you asshole.

>> No.6142053


nice going on the xvg dude. I had 120K stolen from me in the coin pouch hack, left me with nothing. Trying again now with other low market cap coins... any advice?

>> No.6142150

Little fish here. I'll share with you my plan.

Make enough money in crypto to buy real estate in developing areas (focusing on a certain part of the United States). Lease these spaces out to yuppies. Take the passive income and travel *I've studied Art and World History for the last three years, so it would be great to see these places in person.* Come back to the States and finish my education with two degrees in Classics and Biology. Form a non-profit organization that spreads literacy and entrepreneurialism to disenfranchised communities. Sleep with a lot of people I meet. Marry someone I love. Contribute to the world in a way that's meaningful to me by living my vision. Die happy.

>> No.6142199

You know, if you really raise them right, that won't happen.

>> No.6142221

One day his luck'll run out and they'll catch him. One day.

>> No.6142252

Kin, its a cheap coin its also in the top 100.
Cheapest coin in top 100 = guarenteed moon mission

>> No.6142254

How'd you do it?

>> No.6142260

Follow us: https://twitter.com/ironwood_rg?lang=en

Tell them Innately gave you the rec. These guys are attached to large players and carry a solid track record.

>> No.6142302

im a dude with some cash, But i dont know shit. Im not asking for coins. but for someone to teach me the ropes and take me in. is anyone willing?

>> No.6142320

Thought this too lol. Like "damn, he's buying a lot of Chipotle franchises"

>> No.6142324

>Did your life change when you reached the "magical" number?
NO because i haven't even hit 6 figures so fuck

>> No.6142329

>If I were in your position I'd cash out 90%
What a stupid faggot. Anyone who is a millionaire today will become a billionaire if they just hodl.

>> No.6142354

I just dropped out. I realized college was making me run away from the person I am rather than embracing myself. It's a great refuge for assholes who end up working as administrators or academics shilling bullshit and propaganda they don't live. Or they're lab monkeys. You'll definitely have some growing to do. But people sleep better at night with the social status of a degree even if they're wickedly in debt without serious employment or opportunity.

>> No.6142358
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Been reading your responses and I'd suggest exploring your options for a career. You have the funds to basically put yourself into any career path you want.

I'm a far way from where you're at, if I had even a fraction of that I could probably turn it into at least 250k. I've turned $50 into $1000 in a month.

A little advice from someone a bit older: It's the relationships that you form with people that matter that makes life worth living. If you have any good friends/family members, spend time with them and use your money for some life experiences that may give you a hint at what you'd like to do.

If you feel like tipping


If not, godspeed anon, I hope you find what you're looking for.

>> No.6142430

If an Anon is feeling generous tonight and wants to change someones life,

Anything would be a nice surprise really.

>> No.6142466



>> No.6142544
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BTCP Thread

>> No.6142659

Got a job right away, felt appreciated and like those 4 years paid off.

That was a year ago, now I'm kinda bored and underpaid, making way more just trading shitcoins. Wouldn't have my starting money without the job though.

>> No.6142674
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I have 315 ZCL. Will I make it, anon?

>> No.6142700

Buy yourself a fucking house, then buy your parents a better house. They deserve it for putting up with you. Who paid for the electricity you used to trade crypto?

>> No.6142765


Just bacame a follower on twitter. Some CP related tweets there to prove its me. I'll mention the name. Thanks mate. Seriously.

>> No.6142870

>advance mankind in some way.
Dude, make The Venus Project come true

>> No.6142904

honestly I'm a little worried about it too. I'm afraid that it'll only be after all my paper gains go away that I actually get off my ass and make my dreams real. I'm up so much percentage wise it's insanity.

>> No.6142963

m8 at current market cap growth rate there will be more money in crypto than all stock exchanges in the world by june

obviously this shit has to burn to the ground before that, i strongly recommend u reconsider this :---)

>> No.6142970

Lmao collegecucks are so sad, if you can read a book that doesn't make you smart and better than everyone else.

>> No.6142999

you missed his point.

>> No.6143140

You can start doing a good deed

>> No.6143199

How the fuck are you guys going about taxes? I got hyped to see 150k in my account and realised like over 1/3 of that goes to tax.

>> No.6143235


Feels like stagnation and a slow death. Don't get me wrong, there's highs and lows but if you get pigeonholed into a job cause you're good at it, then you feel like that's all you'll ever be.

>> No.6143272
File: 5 KB, 352x82, yqpUgyc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did your life change when you reached the "magical" number?
feeling relaxed now.
I did not changed anything yet in my life after my first million, i'm just buying the dip with more firepower and buying more monitors

>> No.6143280

You can send me your money as charity.

>> No.6143432

>feeling relaxed

How relaxed are you when BTC has one of its bi-weekly autistic seizures and drops 20%?

Because I only have $200k, and my blood pressure skyrockets every time.

>> No.6143440

Biz help me get from 6 digits to 7.
I need a x10 or x5 coin. I never hit those and getting up here without that has been a lot of work.

Thanks bizbros.

>> No.6143474

>been on 4chin since the beginning
>used to work 6 fig job but recently quit
>$700k networth including cryptos, not a millionaire yet

Just fucking kill me.

>> No.6143523

Lamden ico was 10x

>> No.6143594

You're obviously smart with your money so I'm sure you'll be able to keep it steady at least or keep growing it. My plan would be to try delegate a lot of your responsibility to other people so you have confidence your money will still be in smart places, growing; but you don't have to lift a finger.

Then I'd suggest studying something you're ''''somewhat'''' passionate about; fuck knows what that would be for you. But do what you did with crypto, pour everything into it; instead of doing it for yourself though (considering you're financially fine), maybe try help out your close friends, family, people you like?

Up to you though, enjoy not having to wagecuck for anyone ever again really. Some of us are thriving on getting anywhere close to where you are.

>> No.6143621

It takes some time to get used to dude. I have cashed out enough that I wouldn't feel like killing myself if it all went to 0 so that's how I handle it. It's tough though. And it eats away ate your mental fortitude.

Yeah man. It is real money. Every week I withdraw 10k and it shows up on my bank account. It's all real money. It still doesn't feel very real though. I don't know man. So lost atm.

Seems interesting. Would have to do a lot more reading on it though to get wtf it's all about really.

>It's the relationships that you form with people that matter that makes life worth living. If you have any good friends/family members, spend time with them and use your money for some life experiences that may give you a hint at what you'd like to do.

Yeah. My mom is my world to me right now and I've understood I probably only have 30 more years with her. Gotta make them all worth. I plan to do some cool stuff with her.

>> No.6143641

gotta think in the long run, it's going back way over 20k this year when segwit + lightning adoption + rootstock

in the meantime, I buy more cryptos shorting tops and longing dips

>> No.6143679

Thanks dude, appreciate your help.

>> No.6143687

OP, just started buyin shitcoins for 1.6 k Euries. Should I day trade and if so where to start on Binance or kraken? Which discords to join. I onmw to work and sick. Probably able to work for 5 years. Help a bro out.

>> No.6143752

> It probably sounds gay as fuck but I want to advance mankind in some way.
legitimately consider academia, and not the gender studies kind.

you never have to worry about working a job again so why not?

>> No.6143754



>> No.6143793

I know what you mean that's roughly how much I'm withdrawing weekly and it still doesn't really feel real. Like last year I had these ideas about what I could do with more money, now I have that money and the only thing I want is making more. Because then I can do those things for longer. It's scary.

>> No.6143830

Buy property, rent it out. Property is the ultimate chadcoin.

>> No.6143910

How will OP or crypto millionaires cash out in USD or EUR?

How do you guys plan to do that? You realize no exchange can give you that much money?

>> No.6143911

buy btc or eth and send it to binance and daytrade there. buy some bnb to get your fees down to .05%

daytrading, assuming you get good at it, will take you to the next level easily, while investing most of it and holding will depend entirely on your luck. You'll probably make money doing either as long as the bullrun continues but assuming you are willing to put literally all your time into this and grind, grind, grind you daytrading will do you really well. Yes, you'll see people hitting the jackpots and buying that 100x coin at the right moment, but those people are few. Trust me. Daytrading and compounding your gains will make your portfolio go parabolic. But don't get too greedy, you can easily get fucked.

Too small. I would love to work with people actually autistic enough to deep dive into, but I think I'm more into the managing aspect doing things around them instead. I'm not sure though.

>> No.6143923

Tenants fucking suck ass and being a landlord sucks ass too though.

>> No.6144043

I have 11k now from 5k a couple weeks ago. I want to have 1 million eoy is it realistic?

>> No.6144095
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I hate my job so much, my boss is a huge asshole and I go back to work tomorrow

Just going to leave my bitcoin address here and then I can pretend someone sent me money...


>> No.6144129

First thing is get your family comfy for life, after that use a sizable amount of it to fund your own passions and make them profitable

>> No.6144143

my ROI during 2017 was >200x but honestly I don't know if we'll ever see a year like this again. Mcap 40x'd so I beat market by more than 5x. 40x of 800b would 32 trillion and while cocksuckers keep comparing apples and oranges (crypto vs stock for example) that seems unlikely. I would expect mcap to 4-5x this year assuming bitcoin starts another bullrun.

>> No.6144201

Beautiful. That's a big boy blockfolio. Congrats, less me with few words my lord anon!

>> No.6144243

any ico suggestions?

>> No.6144287

Bless *

>> No.6144304

I feel pretty bad about missing 2017. The last few months of 2016 I was playing around in Robinhood generals instead of paying attention to crypto and I got burned early 2017 on a shit stock and I pretty much stopped coming on biz for a while cause i focused on just working to make my money back

>> No.6144310

do you have a telegram account? i'll give you some advice

>> No.6144361
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I'm 19 and got into crypto about 2 months ago. I've made OK gains, but I fantasize about having this kind of money one day. I don't know what I'd do with it though. I'd like to not have to wagecuck ever again, but I have my whole life ahead of me, and just $1M won't cut it lol. Honestly, I'd like to give some to my family, then maybe build a log cabin somewhere in rural NY and live there for a while. Eventually I'd find a woman to marry and start a family. I'd like at least 3 kids. Sometimes all of that just seems so impossible despite the simplicity of it. That stresses me out a lot, and I ride on the hope that one day I can make some kind of substantial gains from crypto which I can use to help boost me towards those goals. I don't want a lambo on the moon or 50 mansions, I just want to be able to live a comfortable life without having to stress about money too much.

>> No.6144455

Thanks OP. I am going tongrind everyevening after wagie. Tip for you watch ted talks for inspiration 70 is shit but some will give you ansense of belonging. 1 more question i buy 1 eth. Buy some bnb for fees. Then trade eth xrp for instance and then back to eth when ita high. What are good indicators? Any good reads you can recommend?

>> No.6144457

not who you replied to, but can i join in on this group?

>> No.6144524

wow this thread is crazy to see. i just hit 1m this weekend and share the feelings many of you posted here. i thought 1m was the end goal but i just want more now. it feels unreal

>> No.6144549

He literally made my salary in a day.

>> No.6144581

what's ur telegram username

>> No.6144593
File: 93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180108-233330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Just a farmer tending to my beans.

>> No.6144641
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1513961174344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this is not real.

4.5M in bitbean

24hr change -417K

holy fuck

>> No.6144643 [DELETED] 

Yet another dude.

>> No.6144703

It's not too late. Yeah, it sucks you missed it but there are thousands of opportunities out there. Crypto is still super hot. You'll still be able to hit jackpots on shitcoins but I doubt btc or eth is gonna do a 100x from this point onwards unless the world's financial systems completely melt.

You're still 19, I'm a couple years older. Don't go full autist yet, go to the gym and enjoy girls and shit.

Thanks man, I'll save that and take a look at it.

>Buy some bnb for fees. Then trade eth xrp for instance and then back to eth when ita high

yup, correct.

>What are good indicators? Any good reads you can recommend?

I'm completely self taught. I'm too tired to do a write up on how to trade and since I'm pretty sure the way I trade is known to very few I don't want to give my strategy more exposure. What I will tell you though is this: Don't be afraid to take profit. And once you've taken profit, you've taken profit. Learn to deal with your emotions. They are the biggest enemy. If it continues going up after you sold? So fucking what. You have to tell yourself that and reset to look for the next opportunity.

>> No.6144770
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I know I'm young, but the idea of actual financial stability gives me a bigger hard-on than the cutest thottie in my town

>> No.6144775

Same really, never understood people's desire to party in yachts on top of skyscrapers, I could just buy a couple of apartments, rent them out and never have to worry about losing employment thanks to a stable level of passive income. If my coin of choice reaches somewhere between x50-x300 by this time next year i'll be able to invest some in other promising potential exes of the time. If things go really good than I'll also invest part of my gains in promising stocks.

>> No.6144789
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My dude I'm down over $1 million but you have to trust in the bean.

>> No.6144832


>> No.6144840

fucking retard
i'm over 2MM and it can fluctuate hundreds of thousands per day easily

>> No.6144912

Yeah but crypto is extremely fucking addicting man. It takes over your life and and you spend every awake moment on crypto sooner or later once you get into it as hard as I did. I feel physically and mentally weak after doing over a year of constant grinding.

As soon as you feel it's starting to take over your life you have to take a step back. I didn't. Yes, I made a fuck ton of money. I'm not entirely convinced it was worth it though.

>> No.6144930

Thanks OP almost at work. Another
Gem is the book Sappiens. Will put life in perspective by telling history. Get the audio book. I do not expect you to show me your trade strategy. But could you point me in the right direction where to find good info. GodSpeed anon.

>> No.6144949

why is everyone investing in DRGN right now?
Is it too late?

>> No.6144972

You're going to immediately lose that $10 in fees, dumbass. And by the time you finally do a 10x you'll regret not putting in 10k.

>> No.6145036
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this guy gets it

In my opinion, one year of stress and grinding is worth having that kind of financial stability/independence.

>> No.6145077

How often do you sprout? Lmao

>> No.6145080

What route did you take? I'm interested in listening to your advice

>> No.6145083

Help a bro, my account from binance has been dumped, im ruined please help me

BTC: 1sh6YGz

>> No.6145087

I went from 800 to 14k in 7 months. Is it good speed? Can I get to the 1 million mark in 1 year? Any tips?

>> No.6145095

Think of all the people who wake up at 5am to wagecuck for a few hundred dollars a week, that would make you feel lucky

>> No.6145110

i am not joking, i will do anything, got kids to feed

>> No.6145131

kek i sprout about half and keep the other half on some really high orders

>> No.6145157

All those shitcoins

do you make 10 different wallets everyday and have accounts on 50 different trade sites

>> No.6145158

Send me $10k it will change my life

>> No.6145173

Nocoiner here trying to convert to the cryptology
Are there any useful discords or channels to follow to talk to people with more experience?

>> No.6145195


Very slowly

>> No.6145209

>lost my gf bc of crypto after 5 years relationship a couple days ago.

Reminds me on how i lost my girl 4 years ago because i worked too much. Im now well off with my own house etc and shes stuck with some loser, occasionally calling wanting me back, yeah fuck those kind of women.

>> No.6145213

Cash out 300k. Once the money is in your bank account instead of an app that looks like a boring trading simulator, you‘ll feel entirely different.

>> No.6145233

Yes man, I live in a third world country, Last year i had 4 jobs, it was so fucking exhausting, i left 2 of them, I make like 700Dlls a month, here in my country that's fine, im still 25 years old but i cant even imagine have all that money to finally let my mother and father rest and enjoy.

>> No.6145236

>But could you point me in the right direction where to find good info. GodSpeed anon.

Like I said, I'm self-taught. But how I gathered my initial info and ideas on how to trade I was following 100s of crypto traders on twitter, I browsed /biz/ and the daily threads on reddit for bitcoin and eth to try to get ideas from traders there, and then I spent long sessions on investopedia and tradingview to get a feel for how traditional markets works and how I could apply some of that on crypto. Adding it all together and testing out different ideas accumulated from all knowledge I had gathered and a lot of grinding I found a strategy I could apply to anything in crypto with good volume.

If you felt how I feel right now I think you would change your mind about it. I feel horrible. I have breathing issues, I'm unable to fall asleep unless I've been up 24h+, I have a constant headache, I'm on morphine (from my doctor) which does barely anything to help me. I'm normal weight and in a good health physically according to my doctor, but the mental issues from doing this has severely impacted me.

I have a couple ledger wallets and I trade on 5 exchanges I think. That's it.

>> No.6145246

Open a facet and collect ad revenue. Its how the top dogs have been doing it. save a fuckton on tax.

>> No.6145299
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x1024, С котом на балконе.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem like a nice guy. If you want to chat about crypto or whatnot, here's my fake mail, just mail me and I'll be able to mail you back from my actual one. 153655835 @n8 .gs

>> No.6145303

I've talked to Kraken. There are no issues for them increasing my limits and withdrawing 500k in one swoop if I want to.

>> No.6145304

I have never had a gf because of it, i lost even my friends because of work, last year I was dating a med student but did'nt work because i didnt have a car, being poor sucks man.

>> No.6145305

Hey OP, me again.

I had a similar issue with my health and the best thing you can do is 0.1 mg of Meletonin 30 mins before you want to sleep. It saved my life, give it a try!

>> No.6145348

I'd also like some if you don't mind...

>> No.6145353

I went from 3.500 to 15.000 in a month, but it was all pure luck.

How do you guys 1MM club determined which biz shilling is good and which one isn't?

Or was early 2016-2017 a different time and age?

So many shills these days I'm confused which new coins I should get into.

>> No.6145399

I'm already in the industry (5 yrs). Just don't have my own studio.

>> No.6145424

I'll check with my doctor and see what he says. Doesn't seem to be available here without a prescription.

>> No.6145517

It's a natural occurring chemical in your body that triggers sleep. It's a supplement, you should be able to pick it up at the store unless you live in communist Russia. Just remember, the pills they sell are like 3 MG each, you only want 0.1, so take a small piece of the pill. It's enough to induce the same kind of rest that you'd get relaxing on the porch at sunset.

I'm a pharmacist, if that helps any. I hope it helps you, sleep issues are the worst.

>> No.6145524

please invite me as well @Tankerelli

>> No.6145530

how much capital do you have? i don't want to waste my time coaching a pajeet

>> No.6145587
File: 64 KB, 1078x524, Флаг русского либертарианства.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you live in communist Russia
Please, you can buy anything from China delivered to your nearest postal office or by a courier. Supplements, whatever.

Nice joke.

>> No.6145593

14k right now from 800 in 6 months. Hope it's enough

>> No.6145614
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>t. butthurt commie

>> No.6145659

I have a question for all the millionaires on /biz/:

Why are there so many 100K/millionaires on 4chan, yet there are so many fake airdrops? I see endless kucoin and binance shill threads for referral links, people promising they'll give someone $10 in BTC and never delivering, people making roll threads on /b/ promising them 0.02 in BTC and never delivering, etc.

If I ever make it to millionaire status (post-taxes and post-house purchase), one of the first things I'm doing is making an airdrop thread on /biz/ and giving back to the community. So much advice on /biz/ about crypto, so many begging threads, but hardly any giving back anymore. It's just more, more, MORE.

>> No.6145700
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i'm in a really great group and we have a list of the best ICOs and small caps but i don't really want to give them away for free, sorry

>> No.6145709

Same here anon, same here.

When I make it big, I'm going to give out at least 100k here in a fun giveaway. Praying I can get some more capital to trade with, I'm pretty good at it.

>> No.6145756

Which brand of Melatonin would you recommend?

>> No.6145758

nocoiner here. What are the best exchanges?

>> No.6145778
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If I had enough money to do it I'd give a few anons 1-2k just to make some people happy. This board is a really good place once you sift through all of the pajeets and shills.

>> No.6145780

so how rich is the richest cryptofag on here? do we have any bitcoin billionaires? 500M? 200M?

>> No.6145789
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I'm up 137% in less than a week, really far from being butthurt. Most of Russia is a shithole, same goes for the US, but I live in comfy DC-2.

As for commies, thay don't really have any impactful political support nowadays even from the old farts.

>> No.6145834
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I'll give you 10 links if for the invitation, legit.

>> No.6145855

I just use Nature Made.

The most important thing is ONLY taking like .1 mg. Small amounts induce sleep, high amounts can throw your schedule off.

If anyone wants to give back please check my posts for my btc address. I know fuck off begger, etc.

>> No.6145905

If I had enough, I'd make a thread about the latest currency I believed would make it big, something like BAT, VEN, REQ, etc., that way I'm not just giving people money, I'm helping to secure them a solid base for the future so they have money to make money, that way I end up giving more money than I actually have.

>> No.6145923

I started with $150 last December and now I have $750. Despite earning quite a bit I realized that I still really have no idea what I'm doing apart from buying low/selling high and looking for prospective moons. Is there anything fundamental I should study/understand to help me increase my gains?

>> No.6145985

Also a good idea.

>> No.6145998

i can't add you to the group but if you give me 15 links i will fill you in on our current picks. post ur username if you want

>> No.6146005

I hold some bag of ETC and my portofolio is not even 20k, but I'll send some ETC your way because sleep is important and I'm having trouble sleeping.

>> No.6146007

>ledger wallets
I have a couple of wallets on blockchan.info. Am I safe or I have to get better ones?

>> No.6146151
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Dunno if it's sold where you are, I've heard some US health officials believe it to be a placebo, but I've used it and it's actually very helpful, reduces the time brain needs to rest during the night and improves one's memory. It's cheep as dirt here, 2,25$ for a 60 pill pack (300 mg each, with vitamines B1, B6 and B12). It's somewhat of a meme supplement here, but it actually works well.

>> No.6146170

We didn't become millionaires from creating retarded pajeet threads on /biz/ to rustle the jimmies of "poorfags", it's just a waste of time.

I do tip people who make some cool OC both here and on reddit though.

If your computer gets a trojan you're not safe, no. If you have at least a couple thousand invested I would spend the money on getting a ledger.

>> No.6146171

Reported for begging. Enjoy your ban poor faggot

>> No.6146174


Thanks bro. I'm the kinda guy who really hates any kinda hippy supplement bullshit, and I held off on taking Melatonin for years because of that. I still think most supplements are bullshit and wouldn't recommend them, but Melatonin works very well.

>> No.6146193


>> No.6146209

>I started with $150 last December and now I have $750. Despite earning quite a bit
>earning quite a bit

Do you mean $750k or are you 12 and $750 is alot of money to you?

>> No.6146233

big pump group with 30k members!! big pump happening in 10hrs join in

discord link--> qXpkdeZ

>> No.6146240

honestly OP nothing really changed besides my stress levels.
Ive noticed now that im alot happier and carefree now that i know i got capital to back up my life. Problems now are just mere expenses.
But ill never leave this life, i will continue to build my portfolio till the day i die.

>> No.6146241

No, but I am poor and to me $750 really is 'quite a bit' more than $150. Simple as that.

>> No.6146276

I see you have breathing issues look at wim hoffman method of breathing and give it a try. Thanks for the info

>> No.6146386

NP, thanks for the tip!

Sent like a beer worth of ETH, maybe it'll take some time, I sent it from exchange. Have a beer on me.

Btw, are you in the millionaire club? Do you mind checking out this post I wrote earlier,


>> No.6146418

College is still shit desu, I fucking hate it and I dont even want to change majors from Comp Engi, I just fucking hate it all.

>> No.6146432

>If your computer gets a trojan you're not safe

let's say they get into my email but they wouldn't know my wallet password

>> No.6146448


I'm not sure about glycine, I know they have melatonin over here though.

>> No.6146449

same here

>> No.6146451


Quadriga held your money for weeks? You fucking serious?

What exchange did you use instead?

>> No.6146452

I haven't broken 5 figures yet, but don't HODL. Learn how to day trade.


Why leave your money in a coin that is literally losing value when you can just slam it into one that's gaining?

>> No.6146479
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Also, thanks for the beer anon :)

>> No.6146507

>I wonder what war Papa Bear fought in?

>> No.6146511

My biggest gain is from holding Stellar though. I got in on DRGN and BNTY from biz though, and that worked great.

>> No.6146519

same position as you my friend...

>> No.6146550

username is @tarmac_x

>> No.6146601

invite to group pls anon. help me not be poor anymore.

>> No.6146610

My biggest fear of day trading is taxes. Even hiring a professional, keeping track of all those trades is ridiculous.

>> No.6146653

Seconded. Link to reddit please.

>> No.6146835
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i just want to ask one question to OP

after you withdraw $10,000 a week.
(in my country they flag you, so you need to withdraw a max of $9,999 . . . same thing)

anyways... that's only $52K a year.

so aren't you just earning the $10,000 back every week in crypto?

This means you have an endless stream of. . .

>> No.6147118

I think doctors have similar effects on peoples health to McD's, desu. Too much iatrogenesis

>> No.6147214

I'm in bed ready to sleep so I think my id will change but yea I'm earning way more than 10k per week atm. Haven't had any issues with my banks and I'll pay taxes for everything I withdraw so I don't care if I get flagged that way.

>> No.6147283

thanks for the thread op, i'm a small fish 350 invested 3k current but i hope i can make it this year
gonna learn how to trade n shit and multiply my own gains instead of praying for it, although i do like investing before the news n shit
how do you do your taxes? did you hire someone?

>> No.6147300

either that or he eats A LOT of guacamole

>> No.6147369

based anon

>> No.6147386
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>10k a week is only 52k per year

>> No.6147529

School is a scam. Ive made way more money from crypto than from my Harvard degree. Also, Harvard is a horrible place full of broken people.

>> No.6147539

Pharma anon here.

1k would literally change my life right now and allow me to really step up my trading. Is there anything I can do for you that is worth that to you?

>> No.6147543
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I grew up poor, so maybe my mentality is different, but I think it's crazy that at 1 million some of you don't at least take out maybe 10% to have some tangible assets. I live in an area with relatively low housing prices, so I'd put some of it in a decent down payment to the point where your mortgage is insignificant (a few hundred dollars).

And I'd probably be traveling the world and fucking whores. You could die from a fucking aneurysm at any second, and it'd be a shame to not just experience some fun shit every now and then rather than posting on 4chan about your gains you haven't cashed out yet.

>> No.6147546

I remember some anons talking about bitcoin(dot)tax and some other website that supposedly calculates capital gains/losses for each trade. Not sure if it's a scam or not though. I've been limiting my day trading because it's already going to be a headache for me to calculate taxes on previous trades

>> No.6147547
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>$10,000 a week
>$52k a year

>> No.6147624

I'm not a millionaire yet but I have enough LINK that I will be when it hits $5. What is everyone's plans for making their million last? I want to quit my job and live off my investments. Could just throw it in a fund of course and have ~$50k a year income but eh, that's boring. Might open up a high performance car shop or some shit, I like that stuff.

>> No.6147629



>> No.6147703

That's retarded.
Is billion BBB and trillion TTTT?

>> No.6147708
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JAV actress. She did 3 films and in 2014 and disappeared.

>> No.6147719

That slut is 42? Who is she

>> No.6147763

What's her name

>> No.6147783

Nope the only crypto millionaires that will become billionaires are the ones that somehow manage to sell the top of this bubble (very hard, almost impossible to time) and go all in after the massive drop.
Those hodling through it will be wealthy but nowhere near billionaires

>> No.6147787


>> No.6147816

there is no bubble you moron, cryptos will be fundamentally worth trillions

>> No.6147828


Does anyone know her whereabouts? I'll find her.

>> No.6147861

I wish people would stop asking for money and start asking for crypto. $1000 will still be $1000 in December. $1000 in the right crypto can be $20000 if you hodl it until the right time.

The majority of people who invest in crypto are people who have jobs who don't want to work them anymore. That's pretty much the #1 motivating factor.

>> No.6147888

Yes they will. But there will be bubble cycles. It may drop to 800 Billion cap from 1.6 T only to rally to 3T after a bear market.

It wont go to double digit trillions without major Bearmarkets in between. Those who manage to sell those tops and buy those bottoms will be billionaires.

Like the bitcoiners who sold at 1k in 2013 and bought at 150

>> No.6147906
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That's really what I was asking for. 1k in ETH to trade with. USD is for chumps.

>> No.6147935
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Abigail Asakura. Video IDs are SDNM-030, SDNM-034, and SDNM-037. Her videos got progressively more hardcore (rougher and more gangbang stuff), but she looked best in her first film.

She's either 1) some yakuza boss' side whore, 2) trying to live a normal life raising a kid using her porn funds that she's probably already blown through, or 3) working at the soaplands and delivery health places fucking randos.

>> No.6147951

Fair enough, there will always be pullbacks. Never anything as serious as 2013 was, or even 50% without a black swan event. Mostly 10-30% pullbacks. No point in trying to time it, most who do will lose.

>> No.6148001

Some will manage to time it either by luck or insider knowledge.
Imagine working at tether an knowing when they will implode beforehand.

Those kind of guys will be the new elite after crypto is fully adopted.

>> No.6148014

I live in Korea. Just being white can get you hot girls. I've seen some real neck beard types punching way above their weight here, and if you look at least somewhat presentable you will do well. Being rich will exponentially boost your attractiveness. This only applies to the major cities though.

Personally after a year of playing the field I found them on the whole to be extremely irritating.

>> No.6148061

How feasible is it to have a great time in korea when you only speak english?
Thinking of blowing some gains on a few months stay

>> No.6148069


>> No.6148246
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This is true. I don't have a big problem with plastic surgery, but the truth is 98% of attractive Korean women have had major surgery, and they tend to look more similar because of it. You'll find more naturally pretty girls in Japan with a bit more variety in terms of looks.

>> No.6148287

Not true. Derivatives total value is INSANE.

>> No.6148310
File: 99 KB, 1080x1349, sierra_skye_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP what's your trading strategy and how do you read charts?

>> No.6148412

nipland is overall a better, more interesting country
k-pop culture is degenerate

>> No.6148475
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>m8 at current market cap growth rate there will be more money in crypto than all stock exchanges in the world by june