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6143682 No.6143682 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody have actual TA on this? My discord has it dropping to 1800 sats. Help.

>> No.6143706

I bet we're in the same Discord, that or we are all well and truly boned.

>> No.6143755

thats weird the TA expert in the other xlm thread just demonstrated how this is going to 9k-11k in a matter of days

>> No.6143785

>ATH buyers
its fine, just relax

>> No.6143814

>TA expert

>> No.6143820

Heard it's bouncing back to 1.40 min

>> No.6143822

Your discord is a scam and malicious. I would watch what it says and not take advice from it

>> No.6143846

Weird, my discord says it's pumping to 6000 sats.

>> No.6143848

I bought some for shits and giggles

But i've known from the beginning this is a SHITCOIN

anti mooner

side winder

sleepy snake

I stupidly read the chart wrong today, and thought moon was coming

How dare i be so stupid to think XLM is gonna take off..... FUCK you all and i mean that from my heart. If you are in 50% or more in XLM you should leave crypto you massive faggot

>> No.6143849
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Like there is any other option....

>> No.6143851

All TA is bullshit. meme lines mean shit look at the tech not the charts

>> No.6143870

Even if you didn't buy at the ATH, you've got to be thinking about opportunity cost at this point.

>> No.6143895

Another FUD thread on XLM and they are not getting any more creative.

>> No.6143931


XLM holders like to think positive even though truth is coins are mooning all around them

And they are sitting with their money invested in bags. Literal shitcoin bags , take my fucking advice. I don't care if this moons tonight - drop this shitcoin. You are losing so much fucking opportunity

>> No.6143937


>don't sell at a loss bro dude dont do it
I sold when it dipped the first time at 3% loss and jumped in to 3 coins since that went 10x

Literally LMAO at you fucking retards

>> No.6143966

Post screenshot

>> No.6143971

So what should I buy

>> No.6144007

No one will tell you, DYOR

>> No.6144057
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That's why I know they're just fud shitters

>> No.6144067

We're rippletard 2.0 our day will come.

>> No.6144069
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>> No.6144085

ICX is a start...
HUGE news this month

It is expensive... Enigma is another Great coin that has action

Leave here, and never come back

>> No.6144096

That's weird man. My discord says its pumping to 2,000,000 sats in 5 hours

>> No.6144106
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>people mad they fomo'd in at $.90

>> No.6144147

I hope it does moon tonight, i bought in at the low of today, can't wait to slam dunk (dump) On your guys bitch ass

Just waiting for when i think the peak hits, no way would i hold XLM bags

>> No.6144169

You're a moron, did you buy high and sell low?

>> No.6144210

Hodlers always end up right, daytraders do not.

>> No.6144225

Just wait until fairx announces that they are not ready. Lumenfags think they're telling coinbase to fuck off before February.

>> No.6144231

>In at 1200
>Sold 30%
>holding rest as largest bag
Blowout soon, fellow stalkers.

>> No.6144250

Well no shit I wish I did x and y and then z I could be a millionaire by now if I had foresight like that.

It was a risk vs reward thing

>> No.6144254

What discord is that? :-)

>> No.6144255

XLM and others are tanking right now because CoinMarketCaps excluded the Korean exchanges from their price calculations.

This is why you see see many people selling due to the FUD. Hold tight, and don’t sell.

>> No.6144282


This is going to be the hottest coin of the year, fucking bitcoin doesn't even have partnerships this good.

>> No.6144357
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>> No.6144414


IF THOSE MEANT SOMETHING it would have been 10x by now, because people would know

Most of that is priced in, this coin will never pass $1 again

You got EXTREMELY lucky to have 2 moons in a row. This coin is SHIT , most of the time ... for investors that is

>> No.6144423

Should've went in ICX instead of this piece of shit holy fuck.

>> No.6144485

how new are you

>> No.6144507

Can’t wait for all those pink Wojaks when this thing takes off, solid iron hands here.

>> No.6144560

i've been watching these charts for a month straight you faggot

Yea im still new, but i know ICX, VEN, ENIGMA, CARDANO, IOTA, ETH

ARE ALL , better choices for money making than this shitcoin. Repeat, FOR MONEY MAKING. I give absolutely no fucks about partnerships and what this coin 'promises'

End of the day we are here to take profits, for our selves. Not support some fucking faggots project.

>> No.6144687

Funny guy. even at its low value now XLM is 4x from 1 month ago.

Ethereum is only 2x

>> No.6144779

I hope you guys are dumping this before the TRX moon, you can always jump back after if you want but make some gainz in the meantime.

>> No.6144788
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>tfw 50% holdbags waiting for the news
>tfw 40% icx holdbags compensating the xlm droploss
>tfw 10% daytrade coins

who /comfy/ here

>> No.6144826
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>a month

>> No.6144857

Okay, later then, Pajeet. You can stop shitting the thread now.

>> No.6144862

when is moon?

>> No.6144881


>> No.6144885

this shit has not moved since I got it. sorry guys

>> No.6144907

Lets look into our magic globe.. Oh shit it seems like TRX doesn’t absolutely do shit and is not a save investment at all. Who would’ve thought?

>> No.6144989

convince cripplefags that they move their funds

>> No.6144996

Yea well I've been here since summer faggot

>> No.6145022

Lol gr8 fud m8. You really don't think the price will go up when they launch an exchange that is way better and easier then scambase? okguy.png

>> No.6145053

Redditfag detected, kys

>> No.6145138

exactly, thats how SHITTY this coin is that fucking joke IOTA is better

At least it did a 8x or so within a few days


>> No.6145140
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Loving these coordinated FUD threads. We're averaging about 1 an hour at this stage. Something yuge on the horizon.

>> No.6145188

>implying he knows jack shit

>> No.6145214
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>> No.6145229

Have fun putting your IOTA into imaginary tangle land, now featuring disappearing transfers! Lol stay poor

>> No.6145312
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>> No.6145340

Lol you cant expect to rally every fucking week. FairX.io is around the corner and the nodes are live and running. Just wait. $100 April 2019 screen cap this.

>> No.6145347

What's IBM's website supposed to be called? Fairx.io or something liek that?

>> No.6145354

This is going to $2.75 retards we are just about out of the descending triangle

>> No.6145361

Imagine being this buttblasted over internet scam coins.

>> No.6145369
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>> No.6145486

Hope you bought the dip

>> No.6145578

you are really misinformed and uneducated. You obviously lack experience in this market.

>> No.6145613

Investing =/= daytrading

Just look at bitcoin in 2013, 2014..

>> No.6145717

These brainlets don't even understand why you hold xlm. There's a reason whales are keeping the prices low.

Stellar pays out the transaction fees in the whole as dividend weekly. The more XLM you have, the more you get.

After FairX goes live, you see a transaction increase and the whales get more money from the dividends.

As poorfags search for moon missions everyday, XLM whales just earn money weekly from the dividends.

>> No.6145984

XLM is an investment, not a daytrading shit coin.

>> No.6146087

thx, I just bought 20k xlm

>> No.6146146

stupid animu girl

>> No.6146147


Wish I knew that before I went like 80% on it

>> No.6146208


People said the same thing about XRP awhile ago... the problem is I think it will take months for XLM to moon, but it will probably be an XRP-tier moon.

>> No.6146284

god i hope so i can pack my bags some more

>> No.6146335
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I sure hope the meme lines hold up...

>> No.6146426

You have to ask why people are telling you to sell. Is it because theyre giving you advice for your own good? So that you can make it? Out of the kindness of their heart? No? Yeah i doubt it too.

Make a play and stick with it despite what FUD says. Rememeber, the amount of FUD that ripple had before 1$. They always told them to sell and that it was a jew coin. Now that it shot past 3.50 they have been quiet. Because they were wrong. Even stinky linkys had their moment at $1. Never doubt the potential of a coin that is fudded as much as XLM. An actual coin with global and lassive usage backed by industries that believe in it.

>> No.6146474


listen to this guy newfags

>> No.6146484
File: 968 KB, 872x872, HODL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump and dump all you want, faggots. I got in way under the floor and there ain't a fucking thing you chumps can do about it.

>> No.6146533

This. It's all too familiar, the noobs buying ATH and then complaining nonstop how they've invested in a shitcoin. It will go up eventually and when it does, it will 5-10x. Sell for a loss if you want as it might take months, but blame yourself and not the coin. Stellar is a legit project.

>> No.6146566

>They always told them to sell and that it was a jew coin.
It is a complete jew coin. Premined bank fiat coin.
That said, you're right. There's a reason for all the shitposting and the artificial sell walls.

>> No.6146646

XLM will be going up tonight

>> No.6146648

XLM mooned like 10 days ago though? Only late buyers will be getting no gains

>> No.6146796

Tell me more please

>> No.6147077

>speculating on XLM
>before FairX
Stop listening to retards. All movement before FairX is irrelevant.

>> No.6147107
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But I've been catching all the other moon missions as well
Some of us can afford to diversify a bit and invest our own money. Btw I'll be holding my xlm because it's a great coin.
>pic unrelated

>> No.6147208

fairX will succeed. all alternatives at the moment are as bad as it could be

>> No.6147295


I got in at 1500 when my discord was heavily promoting it and took a little profit to play with at about 4500. The rest of my XLM stack may as well stay put for the foreseeable future.

>> No.6147343

I sold my XLM at .70 last week after getting in at .50. I think I will wait until there is more FairX news, like when we actually hear back from people who used the beta. You might be getting in a just a bit higher price, but people are right about all the lost opportunity costs.

>> No.6147372

I just bought 50k of this coin. It's about to go up. Don't worry, anons.

>> No.6147422

>tfw I sent my XLM from Okex to Stargazer Wallet 2 days ago
>still nothing
What are the chances that those coins got lost? Any way I can get them back?

>> No.6147471

Let me reiterate guys

If you wanna be moving your money between shitcoins, just dump your ATH XLM bags, keep trading and have an eye on xlm

If you wanna make a smart investment, keep holding and use your newfound free time for something else

>> No.6147484

sitting on 5300 i rly hope you're right

>> No.6147514

Did okex require a memo? If it did and you didn't fill it properly, you might be in for trouble. You can still contact their support and prove that you paid

>> No.6147533

big and probably no chance. Ask support

>> No.6147581

Nvm, misread. Your wallet should't require a memo. Either you sent to the wrong address or okex fucked up. Or your wallet is compromised or broken. Check stellarchain.io for your balances

>> No.6147604

Huh. Mine says it'll pump to 23,430,597,168 sats in 3 hr 32 min and 40 seconds.

>> No.6147631

It literally doesn't show anything, probably because the XLM never arrived and it didn't activate. Guess I'll try my luck with the Okex support.

>> No.6147635

whale here, probably going to drop my 1k xlm soon because this shitcoin's going nowhere. just giving you a heads up

>> No.6147651
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I don't even care what happens to this shitcoin

>> No.6147666


>> No.6147686

you know what's gonna happen if you sell it right?

>> No.6147690

nigger I...
anime forum

>> No.6147696

Check it on stellarchain.io too. Like you said they most likely didn't send it

>> No.6147712

>coin going sideways is bad
The absolute state of /biz/ stay poor fags

>> No.6147722

Yeah, I checked it there. It shows absolutely nothing, so I guess they really didn't send it.

>> No.6147740



>> No.6147743

Another whale here. I'll join you by dumping my 100 XLM

>> No.6147759


Fucking this. If it was dead it would be dumping. It's not doing that - it's just resting.

>> No.6147814

Sorry man. Hope okex comes through with this. I haven't heard of any disappearing funds or jammed transactions when making initial deposits, so okex still must have it

>> No.6148278

Legit did the same thing just then with 1000 lumens...

Used the Stellar desktop client Wallet address and apparently it doesn't exist

I want to kill myself
