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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6135593 No.6135593 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biztards — how does it feel to bag hold failing VeChain? You know that Sunny committed suicide right? You know they’re being charged with securities violations right now... right anon?

Oh wait, you didn’t know that because you’re a REE from plebbit who thinks 10x gains happen overnight — it’s all a lie. Only the ICO investors make money.

You fell for their trap, anons. You fell for the scams, for the hype, for the fake glory. How does it feel?

> pic related: jack ma after finding out VeChain partnership will not go through and that he will be going to jail too

>> No.6135646

implying China will ever go after these people.

they encourage it

>> No.6135724
File: 139 KB, 500x333, 2613155E-1E12-42A8-B0F4-5AF10AE2CC82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


China is being pressured by the Bogdanoff’s — it’s clear as day. You’re shilling the eventual downfall of VeChain bagholders and crypto as we know it.

Just cut your losses anon

>> No.6135748

Cool larp bro.

>> No.6135897

Big if true

>> No.6136087

I delusionally sold some BAT link and lrc to get in this shit. Sold for some profit to all in ICX tho. Fuck vechain. I have a massive stockpile of GAS. It's a long term investment as I think it is way undervalued vs NEO. Sell for more ICX or no. Sell raiblocks for more ICX or wait for next xrb moon?

>> No.6136590


All in on ICX. Pull out Jan 24. All in on Wabi.