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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1515014970572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6131800 No.6131800 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you buy in under a dollar? Everyone told you to do it. If you don't have UFR and CAPP by now, you're missing out on free money.

>> No.6131901
File: 1.46 MB, 320x240, HAPPENING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1.80 NOW


>> No.6132015

Get in quick, it wont be at this price long

>> No.6132108

Yeah just FOMO'd fml

>> No.6132144

Where can I get it other than cryptopia which is closed to new users?

>> No.6132207

I will see you guys at the top, Just funny that people would rather buy TRX at $0.15

>> No.6132275

Sleep on it till tomorrow when the price becomes stable and then hop in

>> No.6132351

many people make the mistake of buying stuff just cause it's under a dollar. Your 2 dollars of UFR will take you further than your two dollars of TRX.

>> No.6132404

It was listed on EtherDelta but it doesn't look like it's been getting volume, or maybe try bypassing Cryptopia. CAPP is also ready to moon easy 2 or 3x

>> No.6132734

well market cap is everything and this has room to sky, looking at about a $80 coin when it hits $1b

>> No.6132936
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Idk if I'm brave enough to do that, I got mixed feelings about this coin. Yesterday I held almost 7k of them, now I bought back in and only have half of that. This makes me so angry aaahhhh why do I have to be this way.

>> No.6132984
File: 3 KB, 100x95, 1472215236883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this growth sustainable or are we moving too fast?

>> No.6133132

HOLD'n UFR, COSS, and Lamden. Max Comfy

>> No.6133311

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYYYYYYY SIR so much potential

>> No.6133900
File: 446 KB, 743x414, om rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6133946

this shits going to the orion belt

>> No.6134007

Just sold. Cheers for the good pump biz.

>> No.6134022
File: 9 KB, 200x200, upfiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, look at the fucking circulating supply and market cap. We haven't even begun to move.

>> No.6134067
File: 93 KB, 951x519, jeufrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This UFR fire rises get in or stay poor fags

>> No.6134094
File: 64 KB, 743x647, ufr yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao @ ur life kid

>> No.6134133

Holy mother of god: are you guys watching this shit???

>> No.6134168

Get in quick, 100m cap soon

>> No.6134209
File: 829 KB, 1000x1000, upfiringg moneys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought in 4 days ago thinking it would 10x in a month but did not think it would move this fast.

praise god

>> No.6134268

Brother we're fucking mooning almost at $3 holy fuck

>> No.6134279

>tfw too dumb for etherdelta

>> No.6134307

Skipped 2.10 and went straight to 2.75 holy shit.

>> No.6134343

who are these fucking idiots selling small shit below 19000?

>> No.6134346


>> No.6134403

wtf this went from 1% of my portfolio to 5%

>> No.6134449

Well, they're fucking idiots. Who would sell something that jumps from $10m MC to $40m MC in less than 2 days. Shit's fucking mooning. It's a rank 400 coin, we've seen little coins like this go up thousands of percent in a week

>> No.6134463


>> No.6134493
File: 10 KB, 1205x109, gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought in 4 days ago
holy fuck how high are we gonna go??

>> No.6134540

it is ironically less scammy than all those other low volume exchanges.

>> No.6134567

Did I finally choose something right anons? This seems like a surefire moon at this point with tons of potential left

>> No.6134659


and from now on just search the coin name on coinmarketcap and click the markets tab

>> No.6134669

I would deff give EtherDelta a shot until cryptopia starts doing registration again. Soon it will be listed on different exchanges and you can transfer it out. EtherDelta kinda sucks though

>> No.6134746

Yes you did, 19k sats on cryptopia and people still buying in. The hype is just starting

>> No.6134761

do i sell upfiring now? this thing isnt going much higher is it

>> No.6134789

Worst idea of ur life

>> No.6134809

SELL PLEASEEEEE, you will miss out good sir

>> No.6134833


>> No.6134895

what app is that

>> No.6134947
File: 217 KB, 1290x807, ufr_concert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have listened.

500% in two days.

Get your next 500% now.

>> No.6135145

This is insane. Already up 50%. Welp I guess I missed this moon mission.

>> No.6135166

> mfw saw this at >7 mil marketcap
> didn't buy in because "lol who would want a torrent system that doesn't do video and charges you"
Now that I think about it, I still don't know why this is mooning. Fuck you, /biz/

>> No.6135220

Should slow down in a couple hours and pick up tomorrow again

>> No.6135254
File: 217 KB, 1920x1080, masterpiece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video is not available until full release to keep everything light. also here is a free pic

>> No.6135259

I bought 480 at .77. I feel awesome for once.

>> No.6135385

Now it is down to $2.09 which is more appropriate prices. I reckon it will moon the fuck out if this coin lands in either KuCoin or Binance.

>> No.6135566

Still huge gains, glad we set a new high tonight. If it hits a big exchange like that, we're hitting at least $5-10

>> No.6135756

its a browser portfolio called cointracking, im pretty sure there are better ones so dont even bother with it

>> No.6135819

looks nice than what i use now, ill look into it

>> No.6136091

No UFR faggots straight through core

>> No.6136729

I bought the 2.7 spike fml

>> No.6137033

got fuckin JUST'D, thanks you fucking dickheads now im stuck holding bags, bunch of punk ass mutherfuckers, FUCK

>> No.6137167

Time to buy bags of /biz/?

>> No.6137212

Surely it was obvious how hard these pajeet shills were memeing - its just a shitty dump coin

>> No.6137303

you will make it back in 2 days don't worry bro

>> No.6137388

Pump n dump

>> No.6137429

ur a good lad

>> No.6137567

Whoeveer bought the top don't worry. Look at the MCAP

You'll 2x in about a week

>> No.6137910

i agree