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6132700 No.6132700 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do you guys do it?

I've been an absolute nervous wreck seeing my 350 dollar initial investment hit 220, and then skyrocket back up to 520. It's all I think about throughout the day and it eats me up at night and prevents me from doing anything I enjoy. Even when my meager portfolio finally started to rise it was consuming me and shitting me back out as a quivering mass of anxiety. What are some of your secrets? Drugs? Massive capital outside of crypto? Do you just invest and forget, not trying to daytrade it all back like I did?

I've turned all my crypto into eth and I'll be cashing out tonight, but if I ever wanted to come back, what can I do about the stress?

>> No.6132759

step 1: don't be a little bitch
step 2: there is no step two

>> No.6132775
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think of it as funny money and that you are playing a video game, the fastest way to lose money is getting emotionally invested

>> No.6132796

lol, 210k when i got sleep 240k when i wake up

180k when i eat breakfast, 220k again now.

You cry about 100$?

>> No.6132832

Why do you buy something that goes down?

>> No.6132901

I can already tell you will buy high and sell low

Just give up anon

>> No.6132917

>How the fuck do you guys do it?
dont quit your day job

>> No.6132923

this, just pretending im shit posting about someones favorite lol hero or overwatch shit

>> No.6132934

Take out your initial $350 investment once you get to $1350. You also learn to not care. Anyone who went through Bitcoin going from $10k to $20k then back to $10.4k in the past month and subsequently fucking everything else up and down and all around got good training in strong hands.

>> No.6132955

You gotta visualize yourself a Chad Trader and soon you shall become.

Encompass and eclipse.

>> No.6132966
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>Literally me every hour and a half or so.

>> No.6133120
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Literally all you have to do to make money in crypto is not buy at ATH and not sell below your buy in price, the market is so volatile even the shittiest of coins will come back up again

>> No.6133188

I sleepy comfortably at night.

>> No.6133191

Sissies like you can't even take a 200$ drop
Nigga just end yourself by end I mean literally erase your existence

>> No.6133202

I'm sorry but I live in a developing country and those 350 dollars are "something" here due to exchange rate but heck.... not even me would fucking crying over 350 dollars... it'd suck to lose them but hey.....it's just 350 dollars you cheap jew! you might be playiing our of your league.... I've got 6.000 on it and yes sometimes it makes me nevous and if I lose those 6k I'd be pissed off but....I can afford to lose those 6k, I'm still gonna be able to pay my rent and utilities with my job so.....move on

>> No.6133228

you gonna spend that all on tendies?

>> No.6133265

it helps be dead inside/be a sociopath. I have $350k in crypto, $5k in my bank account. when my portfolio drops by $30k in a day I feel nothing. sometimes i'll buy more on a credit card if I dont have enough cash.

>> No.6133292

I know what your going through op. I've been there like 2 weeks ago. Started with 300 and it pumped to 500 and was really happy, then to 800, 1100, and finally 1900.
Then it dropped to 1100 and I shit you not, the feel of losing that money is 100 times worse that knowing I have like x5 my money. It got me furious with my self for like 3 days, and even now I'm on 1500, I'm still mad. Everybody brags about the good ones, but there are the bad ones the ones you have to struggle with. I drain my LTE connection, as well as my battery checking binance on intervals of half an hour, and it actually makes my job and my studies harder
But anon
Oh anon
Belive me, that the adrenaline pumping when you see your coin going 50%, 100%, 200%, that's something that for a sucker like me, it just makes me feel alive, I'm robot-like and I got in biz a place, and a hobby I really like, and being bad at trades like I am, I'm still doing good.
In my opinion, you just lost the money.
The day you got your money into crypto, you lost it. It got destroyed.
So everything that comes after that money, is free money.
Go on anon, this is the time, more and more normies are getting into crypto. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.6133315

>be emotionally numb
>substance abuse

thats how you survive the emotional rollercoaster

>> No.6133323

>$350 dollars
lol. nice pocket change OP

>> No.6133352

Constant gains and losses have made me almost numb to it.

Finally joined 10k+ club and I don't even feel it

>> No.6133354

i live in a country were the average salary is 500 dollars a month, literally the drop in my portfolio today, its got nothing to do with that

>> No.6133376

Treat the money like it's already gone. Crypto is so volatile that if you can't handle a 20%+ correction on a daily basis, you're doing it wrong. BTC and ETH are as stable as you're going to get if you don't want significant loses.

>> No.6133402

yeah desu i dont feel anything but excitement whether the market is going up or down. but it helps to more than a tiny bit of money.

>> No.6133437

yeah substance abuse too. scotch and xanax work great at killing your pussy emotions

>> No.6133470

ive been sober 2 and half years so that is not a necessary piece of the equation. i have my doubts that it helps at all.

>> No.6133473

Scared money don't make money

>> No.6133495

Only spend what you can afford to lose. Sorry op but not all of us are going to make it.

>> No.6133527

+10 high dose acid trips here, i literally dont care about anything lol

>> No.6133556

then don't put a month's salary on it, put $100 if so and stay on your league. I'm getting the feeling you're balls deep investing more than you can actually handle.

>> No.6133570


1 - You're being a little bitch

2 - Why the fuck would you pull out everything? At least buy some shit like LINK and forget about it for 5 years ffs

>> No.6133608

Which coins are you hodling? Any coin you wanna shill?

>> No.6133667

you misunderstood, i didnt really care about it, i know how the game is

>> No.6133706

Don’t invest more then you can lose. This is high risk so it sits different in your mind then putting money in a 401k. So when people tel you to not investment more then you can lose-they mean it. It’s a physiological thing. When I first got in I would make a big bet when I was feeling ballsy and I would fret about it all day and night. Now I bet what I am comfortable with. And when I bet on it I set a price alarm and sell when it goes off. Or I look at it and go ‘oh no it dumped oh well I didn’t need it anyways. I’ll just hold and see if it comes back around”. That’s it. Really.

>> No.6133713

come to this chat on discord wPbxDXE

>> No.6133728
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I like simple portfolios.

Started with 14 grand in December.

>> No.6133746


My hands were trembling the other day. But good old whiskey helped. I'm rarely sober when I do my trades.

>> No.6133796

Are you just using me for +1 invite?

>> No.6133808

I wish I stayed in crypto. Haven't been paying such attention since the summer.

>> No.6133815

then you're a dumbass senpai

>> No.6133877


how would you best invest $100? poorfag curious here.

>> No.6133882

Price movements give me boners, if this doesn't sound like you, leave

>> No.6133886
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this is truer than everyone realizes

>> No.6133890

drop your expectations. Assume that you are only making 2x and anything above that is a miracle

>> No.6133919


>> No.6133936

please buy kin

>> No.6133947

>My hands were trembling the other day. But good old whiskey helped. I'm rarely sober when I do my trades.
I once saw a post of an anon who said he lost it all, because he sold 10 eth worth of I don't remember what coin, at like 0. Man, that scared the shit out of me. I now count the zeroes after the comma for this. And if I recall right, that anon was drunk trading.

>> No.6133953

>get greedy
>buy the peak of random shitcoins because i'm too stupid lazy to do research
>lose money

how do I stop being so retarded? I"m tempted to sell at a loss right now. I'm all in TRX and XLM. any advice?

>> No.6133977

this for real.

>> No.6134021

just wait, don't leave until you see the price you want, both those coins are going to be huge soon, even if in 5-10 years they die out

>> No.6134030

Very true anon.

>> No.6134087

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with staying in btc while you just sold some other coin.
At first as soon as I sold a coin, I got into another one, and I was a machine for losing money.
Now, I take much more care, I might sell today, and buy on Friday, or till I feel comfortable.

>> No.6134095


Don't worry about TRX, they have a big announcement with five large organizations later this week. Wait for that and then you can sell your TRX when the price spikes

>> No.6134113


what app is that?

>> No.6134125
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Nigger ive touched 120k and im at 89k now, u think i get as worried as u

>> No.6134134
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I just pink wojak along with the rest when things go badly. I've made more this past two weeks than I have since starting crypto in September, I almost don't know how to react otherwise.

>> No.6134158
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Just watched my Portfolio reach 12k last night and this evening its back down to around 7.5k. Still sleep like a baby and haven't even flinched, this is Crypto get used to it or don't bother with it if you can't handle these swings.

>> No.6134190


>> No.6134266


thanks my dude.

>> No.6134271

You could always kills yourself. If you are stressing over a few hundred dollars you probably shouldn't be doing this, weak faggot

>> No.6134277


I equally bought all 5 of the best coins /biz/ was shilling. That way there was never any fomoing as I was in all the coins that where getting 90% of the threads, and also the effects of FUD causing anxiety disappeared as the chances of the FUDs coming true for literally all 5 of the most popular /biz/ coins was tiny.

Within a week I was in healthy gains and within a month I x5. If you're in 5 coins too the spread of risk means your portfolio rarely bleeds more than 10%, and that's only when the bear market hits, so you never have to see huge chunks of gains disappear, just the odd $100 on the $1000.

>> No.6134522
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If anyone cared, XRP, XLM, REQ, LINK, ARK, same $500-600 as OP turned to $1.5k. Only ARK fucked me.

>> No.6134531

Sounds like you need to diversify, anon.

>> No.6134558

too late

>> No.6134614

Damn I just put like 50k into fluttercoin. What the fuck is wrong with you, op? You could unironically be worth millions in a year with a few hours of research a week and a strict budget and you cant handle the stress of 130 dollars (13 hours of minimum wage work, i.e. 1 day of hard labor, i.e. essentially zero pct of your life)? Please don't procreate (as if you'd have the chance).

>> No.6134655

>be emotionally numb
>substance abuse

Nailed it.

>> No.6134695

Think of it like gold in a video game.

>> No.6135104

I tend to pre heat and piss in mom's oven upstairs when I'm in the red. The stench when the piss burns clings to the roof and walls and she makes me spend the rest of the day cleaning it all out.

It keeps me from checking my phone. Id go insane and panic sell otherwise

>> No.6135150

$500 hahahahahahahah how could $500 keep you up at night?

>> No.6135469

That's pretty much it. It doesn't feel like real money, because apart from he time you initially purchase with fiat, you're just trading ETH or BTC for alts and vice-versa. I'm playing with low amounts, but I know if I had a few hundreds or thousands in my hands, I'd think twice before putting it into whatever, but I don't really care that much since it's just numbers. It's depressing when things go down, but not any more than losing at some video game, and in this dumb market things almost always end up going up eventually anyway. As long as you don't put more money in than you're comfortable losing, just aim for the high score.