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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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612678 No.612678 [Reply] [Original]

Best books recommended for a complete newbie? No bullshit infobooks, I'm talking highly recommended books.

>> No.612693

The Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill

>> No.613157

rich dad, poor dad. Always recommended on /biz/

>> No.613168

Is this a joke?

>> No.613198

You must have never read the book.

Rich dad, Poor dad ;
The Cashflow Quadrant ;
The Art of War ;

>> No.613203

No? I've not read it myself (yet), but I see this reccomended on /biz/ constantly.

>> No.613228

For a total newbie it's ok, get your mind right and stuff.

>> No.613239
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It's a excellent general "starting point".
From there you have to decide in what direction you want to increase your investment knowledge.

>> No.613243

Poor Charlie's Almanac

>> No.613245

Yeh. Rich dad poor dad is considerd shit tier garbage. Its the "reccomend me a investo book" equivalent to us replying "buy pnd" when someone asks for investment advise

>> No.613271
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It is much better than "The richest man in Babylon" or whatever this book is called. I have never been so disappointed with a book.

>> No.613277

I read it, a lot is logic and common knowledge but still a decent read. It's nice to have your ideas reinforced.

>> No.613278

You don't need to read books. Personal Finance is pretty straightforward. A day of Googling will pretty much teach you everything.

>> No.613283

Books about what? Business, personal finance, investing, richfag circlejerking?

>> No.613292
File: 118 KB, 220x338, Screen Shot 2014-12-05 at 12.39.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.613297

Personal Finance for Dummies

Tl;dr it tells you to invest in index mutual funds :^)

>> No.613299


hes right tho

>> No.613311
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>> No.613433

It's out crappy troll ;_;
Plz no bully

>> No.613469
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>> No.613596

People don't like hearing the brutal truth

>> No.613622

if the "the intelligent investor" is the ideal starting point for long term investors, this is equivalent for short term swing/momentum traders


don't touch get rich quick schemes or self-help books, even if you have a healthy of skepticism there is no point spending precious time on them

if you ever seriously considered being part of a multi-marketing scheme or spending $2000 on a "day trading start up kit" then you need to stop everything you're doing and start evaluating your psychological state

your goal should be to learn something new every day, how oil futures trading market works, look up the SEC filings for a company that you're hearing a lot of internet chatter about, learn about logical fallacies, how to avoid them and how to improve your critical thinking skills, trade paper

>> No.613665

Also, I don't know if any of you know this, but if you want to read the book but don't want to buy it the whole audiotape is on youtube for free.

>> No.613758

there is nothing wrong with mutual funds though. Great lazy long term investing. 99% better than most /biz/ get rich quick q/a bullshit

>> No.613784

>recommends going into debt to buy a house that you want to sell

>> No.613838

Currently reading Think and Grow Rich. It's not really a book on how to make money, but how to motivate yourself in general (he sticks to money-making as the ultimate desire, but I think the book's tactics can be applied to any goal in life). Despite being 50% pseudoscience, the methods are still by far the most practical for becoming motivated to work that I've ever seen. If you sit on your ass all day, this book is for you. If you already work ten hours a day, this book may still have some value, but not as much as others out there.

>> No.613878

>>recommends going into debt to buy a house that you want to sell

>Implying this is the take away from the book

Do you even reading comprehension? Or do you just stick to online reviews without reading the book?

>> No.614441

Recommended books for what area?

>> No.614637

How to make friends and influence people

Not even kidding

>> No.614702

What about the economics classes on Khan Academy? Those any good and/or of practical value to someone interested in putting their money someplace worthwhile?

>> No.614722

How about some financial blogs?

>> No.615605

Curious about this

>> No.615769

Someone please post the pic with the list of books

>> No.615860

>Competing Values Leadership: Creating Value in Organizations
>Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
>The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
>Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy
>Steve Jobs
>Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant
>How To Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.615897

Isn't it a tad bit old? Do you think it's still relevant nowadays?

>> No.615904

Hello /biz/,

I have a G.E.D. and attended a shitty public school with no math teachers.

I can bitch about it, yet it is about time for me to learn to do some math. Crying about it won't make me money.

I need math to make money. All the careers I'm remotely interested in require lots of math.

What books do you recommend?

I have trouble starting with fractions.

>> No.615908

>I have trouble starting with fractions.
Any math textbook for Gr 5 - 6 curriculum is a start then. Google "Basic Algebra". Its gonna be a long journey but better than being an imbecile for the rest of your life.

>> No.615916

Looks spammy, but this book will send you into a spiral of entrepreneurship. They have an active forum too which is nice.

>> No.615924
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Forgot pic

>> No.615932

how so?

>> No.615952

This, super cheesy title but one of the first business books I've read. The last few chapters are solid info.

>> No.617158

Khan Academy

>> No.617181


>Business / Entrepreneurship
Rich dad, Poor dad
The Cashflow Quadrant
The E-Myth
Strengths Finder 2.0
Crush It

>Career / Office politics / Promotions / People skills
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Crucial Conversations
Who Gets Promoted and Why
The 48 Laws of Power
The Gervais Principle
Be Slightly Evil

>> No.618133


Seriously, go fuck your self

>> No.619084

Rake was in degrassi