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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6127159 No.6127159 [Reply] [Original]

As title says, honest ARK discussion. Reasons to invest and reasons to dump lets go.

$10 this weekend if trips

>> No.6127438

well the logo is nice

>> No.6127500

literally every other coin I looked at when first investing has gone 4x, some 10x. only ARK has 2x and just barely, with no hope of improvement any time soon.

at this point I'm only holding my bags because if I sold and it mooned, I'd probably end it all

>> No.6127562

People fail to see that it is mooning as we speak. It has been mooning for a few days now.

>> No.6127576

You and me both mate

>> No.6127617

>Looks at 3 month trend

This shit is about to explode.

>> No.6127688

I actually think ARK is insanely undervalued. Should moon once ARK 2.0 Is out

>> No.6127692

>one of the most successful ICOs of all time (in terms of ROI)
>great team, high community involvemen (i.e. the guys from biz_classic)
>aims to make blockchain tech easy (pushbutton deployable blockchain, nice UI, helpful tutorial videos)
>doesnt artificially pump price by making announcements of announcements etc.

don't even care that this doesn't 10x in a week like every other shitcoin, it has great fundamentals so I'm HODLing

>> No.6127768

$100 EOY


>> No.6127836
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>at this point I'm only holding my bags because if I sold and it mooned, I'd probably end it all
aaaaarkies. deluded arkies

>> No.6127848
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all the fud on this coin is by adhd stricken bugmen. 18.5K ARK since $0.13 here. Have not been this comfy since ETH at $5 USD. take a look at how homogenous the TA analysis is, for crypto this is rare, this much control is being done for a reason. My advice is hodl at least until ARK VM is complete.

>> No.6127863


sitting comfy on x13 on initial investment, 10%p.a. growth staking, if it takes off due to the tech, i'll be laughing, if not, I'm quite comfortable loosing my initial investment.

>> No.6127940

I regret investing in this shitcoin every day. I'm up 150% but it's just a terrible coin with shit developers. I'm going to hold for now but avoid this piece of shit if you can.

>> No.6128004

>reasons to invest
My writeup of a conversation I had with an Ark co-founder about the future and goals of the project.


tldr: Ark will become the Wordpress of blockchains. Deploying your own independent blockchain will be as easy as changing some settings and clicking a button. Every deployed chain will automatically be interoperable with every other ark-deployed chain using the Ark blockchain to send messages back and forth.

Ark coins themselves will be currency that these deployed chains use to interoperate. Holders of Ark can also use any service on these deployed chains.

>reasons to dump
Stuttering potheads.

>> No.6128137
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Don't bet against ARK, brothamans.

Don't chase the easy tail; they'll just wreck you. Get humble and comfy with a traditional token with a solid, wonderful personality

>> No.6128147
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I'll just leave you to think about this. There's a saying going around here and It's "always do the opposite of what biz says". Majority of biz says that ark is shit, we also got the name deluded arkies and iris hearth ( all top quality memes senpaitachi ) but Ill have to remind you how much money you would lose if you listened to the majority on biz. Ill start with IOTA. When it was at 0.5$ whenever a thread popped up you would get spammed with alahuakbar memes and everyone shitting on iota. Iota then blew up (huehuehue). Or link, one of the most shilled coins on this board. Pump and dump. You can still see the bagholders haunting the threads hoping to dump their bags. Hell just a few days ago, I saw a thread where someone posted if he should buy ARK or LINK. "Deluded arkies" were the only ones giving him reasons to buy it in forms of an argument, while literally everyone else were just shilling and posting memes and promises of lamboland. I'm not trying to shill ark and I'm not telling you to buy It. But do look at other examples and how biz reacted to other coins and where thy are now.

>> No.6128186
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That being said, don't bet against LINK. Patrician-bounds should hold both buds, for a free market is stronger and healthier with competitors

>> No.6128188
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we're all gonna make it. t-the future, i-i-it's so bright, so beautiful.

>> No.6128196

ARK is probably my most promising hold in terms of its project potential. But I am concerned it won't get the gains it deserves before the market collapses and thus may not see it through to the other side.

Still holding though.

>> No.6128280

The market probably still has a couple years of pumping left in it until the collapse. By then Ark should have accomplished everything on their roadmap.

>> No.6128309
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>> No.6128316
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why bother with ARK when you can hop on TAU while its cheap as fuck

>> No.6128349

I still like ARK.
But I dumped all of my ARK a few weeks ago to chase bigger gains and I've not been disappointed. I may at some point buy back in with ARK during dips with spare btc, but past that I'm done with it. The BTC gains are just too slow right now while I can watch things 2x 3x 5x 10x every day.

I got a taste of it though because of course the day after I sold there was a mini moon with ARK. BUT THEN IT TANKED AGAIN enjoy your bags.

>> No.6128350

I love Ark and I think that the project has a lot of potential. It's one of my comfiest holds. Been in since the beginning.

That being said, they have had a HUGE headstart on this idea and now we are seeing new competition pop up weekly. If they don't launch something significant soon they are going to get destroyed. A dank wallet is not enough.

>> No.6128366

I have a feeling we're going to get shaken hard at some point this year desu. There are things outside of crypto that will cause a domino effect which means crypto will go down too.

>> No.6128372

Good goy. Wait a couple of years with a flatlined crypto, while every other coin moons.

>> No.6128380

Dumped last week. The Slack conversation is all you need to know.

>> No.6128434


Why not call it “Space Ark” instead?

Just sold 100k

>> No.6128523

It's not necessarily a bad thing to hold a stable coin. Also, never said I'm all in on Ark, that'd be silly.
I know I could invest in a coin that'll pump sooner, but there's still that chance of missing the Ark moonshot, which I'm not willing to take.

>> No.6128729

>tfw Ark was 60% of my initial investment but now makes up 30% of my portfolio

>> No.6128741

>up 7.5x in dollarydoos
>not even 2x doubled in sats
ark a shit

>> No.6128795

ARK is a shitcoin. Read this:


The devs have no long term plans or goal. They dont know what it is their coin is supposed to be.

If you want a coin that you can stake to get rewards that actually has potential, check out COLX.

>> No.6128887

from the same subreddit:

>> No.6129005

>We, the founders of the biz_classic delegate,

Wait is it the ark team's vision, or the vision of two 4chan users?

>> No.6129016
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>> No.6129052

This >>6128887 was the direct result of
>>6128795 that.

We had a long discussion in Slack and the team is aware they haven't been communicating their goals to the community and they're fixing that.

How about you read more than just the first sentence.

>> No.6129062

Did you forget how to read after a few words into that sentence? Literally read the next 3 words.

>> No.6129084

What's Lamden?

>> No.6129116

Fucking namefags - this is the 'Arkie' community. Fuck this shitcoin.

>> No.6129144


>> No.6129170

lamden.io basically ARK but proper
etherdelta: https://etherdelta.com/#0xc27a2f05fa577a83ba0fdb4c38443c0718356501-ETH

>> No.6129204

>basically Ark
>an ERC20 chuckecheese token

>> No.6129211

it's the ark team's vision. the boys from the /biz/ delegate extrapolated the information from the devs themselves. that is one of the biggest shortcomings that people complain about regarding ark- the lack of communication from the devs. but if the product is actually delivered then that is the most important thing imo. their roadmap is very ambitious to say the least

>> No.6129263
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Being this retarded. Ark community does not want you. Fuck off and have a bad day.

>> No.6129273

>not knowing who chang and moonman are
check out this newfag

>> No.6129289
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>team is so shit two 4chan mouth breathers have to be the de facto spokespeople

>> No.6129293


Lamden is literally a shitcoin. It’s an ERC20 meme token that any idiot can deploy and make a whitepaper around and the pajeet tier devs didn’t even understand how percentages work. Dumb retards

>> No.6129319

stay poor

>> No.6129354

No, there was no extrapolation.

I chatted with Grexx in PMs and let him know about all the FUD going on about the team not knowing what the coin even does.

That leddit thread is based purely on what Grexx told me their vision for the future of the project is. Him and another team member are now also much more active on Reddit and engaged with the community.

They're learning from their shortcomings and improving.

>> No.6129382


Enjoy your useless meme token and pajeet devs faggot

>> No.6129459
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why you have to be mad

>> No.6129568
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Right here, buddy. Right, damn, here.

>he doesn't know what delegate means

>> No.6129689

love biz_classic! keep up the good work!

>> No.6129749

ARK has a major vulnerability , get out while you can.

>> No.6130170


>> No.6130254

It's vulnerable to Meltdown, GET THE FUCK OUT AAAAA

>> No.6130638

Because the original image is called "Ark of Space" and all I had to do was change the A to the Ark symbol. It's sad when I see this .jpg...I had 20k+ Ark when I made it...now I could barely afford 700. Feel like I should go all in on a bullet to the head.

>> No.6130800
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oh man, thats gotta sting...

>> No.6130844

Audible kek

>> No.6131062

if the only reason you're holding onto this coin is because you believe in two huge early investors of the project telling you to hold goy! then I think you need to rethink your strategy

>> No.6131277

This coin is such a cock tease

>> No.6131376

Yeah...it does. Life has always been about regrets for me...crypto has been a reminder of this constant theme. I truly hate living.

>> No.6131421

why didnt you just hodl? i have 18.5K and have been practically all in since the end of may

>> No.6131902

No way, I gave the same exact amount.

>> No.6132047

your arkies are safe with me, desu

>> No.6132512

One thing I do want to know, my primary concern for ARK. How will it survive not being a private currency? Realistically no crypto will ever replace the existing system if it's completely transparent to all users.

Ideally I'd want ARK but with XMR's privacy feature set but obviously that's not going to happen.

>> No.6132819

I wont sell on general principle. Arkies will get the last laugh.

>> No.6132902
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>> No.6133186

Literally the only reason I hodl is because of Uncle Chang and Moonman. I only got about 5k in it. If they stopped supporting ARK I would sell right now.

>> No.6133316

Any insight into this biz_guys?

>> No.6133388

If you want privacy buy XMR. Both is not happening.

>> No.6133433

How do you expect people to regularly use ARK as a primary system without privacy?

>> No.6133488

isn't this a trap?

>> No.6133541

This: >>6133388

Ark's intent isn't to be a privacy coin. Someone will probably build an "ACES" for Monero though so you can quickly shapeshift your Ark for XMR.

>Literally the only reason I hodl is because of Uncle Chang and Moonman
We've heard this so many times and brought it up when we were talking to the Ark team about their lack of communication. They've been taking the community for granted and relying on delegates (not just the biz delegate, but dutch, cali, del, and others) to speak to the community. That's changing though, thankfully.

Not sure what "primary system" means.

Her leddit account said she's 5'11 so... maybe?

>> No.6134020

>Ark's intent isn't to be a privacy coin.
I know, that's why I'm asking about its longevity.

>Someone will probably build an "ACES" for Monero though so you can quickly shapeshift your Ark for XMR.
That could work I guess, you'd have to use it for practically everything though.

>Not sure what "primary system" means.
Are we not looking to move the world into cryptocurrency and end banks? If so do we not want Ark being the 'winner' in this? I'm just saying I can't see this happening with public ledgers.

Unless you guys have no goal of crypto being used commonly and remaining just an optional form of payment I guess, that'd make sense I suppose.

I love you guys and this project, I'm just concerned it won't go the distance because people don't want to flash their wallet balance and purchases at people 24/7. Like, if I had 100,000 ARK I would not want the pizza guy seeing that when he checked the origin of my payment.

>> No.6134075
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>Sub $1B market cap
>People think ARK is done mooning

The real deluded people are the ones thinking there are better moons to chase than what we have here

>> No.6134145

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $1 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all ARKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in ARK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded ARKies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you ARKies. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an ARKie.

>> No.6134251

The cryptos that remain after all is settled will not all be privacy focused. I would imagine only a couple like monero (the only real privacy coin) and zcash would remain.
As for people spying on your wallet balance my only advice is have multiple wallets used for various functions. Sure they could trace back all transactions but they can never be sure that the wallet that sent to the one you paid with was yours or someone else's.

>> No.6134292
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This is why Ark is going nowhere

>> No.6134394

I know Ark's whitepaper is outdated but it does talk about the Ark crew wanting to integrate optional private transactions. We'll see if it's included in the new whitepaper they are working on

>> No.6134426



>> No.6134436

>arkVM is going to be hosted off chain, the tokens you hold have literally no use or relation to it
>Devs also think this a good idea and good design
>Mobile wallet was a disappointment to everyone, arks only major selling point was the fact the desktop wallet is good
>Devs generally have no idea of the direction they want to market the coin, early 2017 it was all about smartbridge technology now they are focused on marketing it as 'push button blockchain solutions' Good example of how bipolar the dev team are and clueless of direction wanting to be a jack of all trades and master of none in a market of 500+ different projects is a terrible business direction

Thats the reason I dropped my bags that i held since 30 cent.. and judging by the fact ark has went from rank 21 to not even top 50 anymore during this crazy alt bull run I think i'm not the only one that has this opinion

>> No.6134546

Maybe you're right, but I do see it as a flaw as a privacy and crypto(graphy) autist. Just gonna hold and see how it all turns out I guess.

>> No.6134598

That's promising. I'd at the very least be interested in what they have to say about it. I expected the topic to be ignored completely from the devs desu.

>> No.6135508

You do realize moonman sold all of his at 16k or some shit, right? Even if he's accumulating through forging taxes it's hardly "early investor" shilling

>> No.6135541

There is no reason to hold this. No roadmap milestones are being completed soon and they don't promote their coin.

Normally not hyping would be good, but when some autist on twitter like the Tron ceo can pump his coin 20x while ark flatlines, it's not worth it. I was 100% in ark and dumped it all. In that time ark doubled, while my portfolio went 20x

>> No.6135747

Also this. I bought it for smart bridges not this other shit. Once I saw that the VM is off the main chain meaning no trustless swaps I dumped everything.

Even if they do a 180 on that now I don't care, I don't trust the devs. If Chang and moon end up forking I'll buy back

>> No.6135807

The main chain will have non-turing complete scripting to facilitate trustless swaps. You don't need a full turing complete VM to do that.

>> No.6135874

god bless fucking retards for holding and keeping prices stable while the rest of us make gains to come back with larger stacks

>> No.6136073


Read up

>> No.6136700

I want to like Ark but by the time this piece of shit whale is through with it it'll be out of the top 100 and a memory in the cryptosphere

>> No.6136703

y'all niggas actually saved this god damned boat

>> No.6136744


>> No.6136808

you sound desperate anon. Do you need a friend?

>> No.6136841

Is it a serious concern that ARK isn’t reflecting the current market bull run? Now it went from $3.50 in the beginning of December to where it is now, but newer projects are pulling crazy 10-25x numbers. Is ARK moving along at too slow of a pace to achieve relevance in the crypto space, or is the alt mania nothing to worry about?

>> No.6136875

You're emotionally attached. Get out. Get out now.

>> No.6136916

dust will settle. Don't be surprised when Ark is mooning as rest of alt market is tanking, which will happen eventually.

>> No.6136991

If ARKVM and Ark V2 puts it anywhere less than $20 I’ll be concerned...of course the real moon will happen whenever they release a D app development platform

>> No.6137182


Not really concerned. This alt run isn’t over yet and the signs are good.

I laugh at the hyper-emotional faggots in this thread. If they think Ark is really going to miss out on this run why don’t they just sell and move on instead of giving themselves an ulcer.

>> No.6138104

currently screaming "buy it motherfuckers" at the nice folks chunking through the buy walls right now

>> No.6138513
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Ѧ 1728.410


>> No.6138633

With staking gains, yes.

>> No.6138853

I've been seeing TA for ark since October and so far almost none of it has come true

>> No.6139587
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>tfw 1153 Ark
feels good to be in the 1k club

>> No.6139650
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Wish I had like 5k or so

>> No.6140219

Brothers... I had impure thoughts this week... Thought ARK was run by deluded pot heads... but I didn't sell. Will my soul still be saved?

>> No.6140651

The whale is now on the bid. 29 btc. Buy buy now or stay poor.

>> No.6140761

No reason for me to invest, no reason to dump

Reason to hold is I have enough that suckling off the delegate gains can potentially give me a really fat stack to pump into other cryptos over time and if it REALLY moons enough passive income to retire

>> No.6141264


>> No.6141286
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>increasing price and volume
>/biz/ thinks it's dead
Every fucking time.

I wish, I would be a literal millionaire.

I agree with the rest but learn the lingo, it runs on it's own independent blockchain making it a coin unlike tokens that run on another coins blockchain.

>> No.6141319

Exactly why I hold it. Staking gains are too comfy.

>> No.6141351

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6141974
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Our time is soon bros

>> No.6142029

I used to be in the 1k club, staking pushed me into the 2k club 2 months ago.. comfy

>> No.6142132

my only regret is that I only have 160 of them