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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 7 KB, 290x174, Ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6127117 No.6127117 [Reply] [Original]

It has allready mooned, you know it is over.

Take the gains, there are better ones out there, like WaBi, more mature team.

>> No.6127162
File: 444 KB, 418x413, 76FC5D74-C449-4948-9B05-55B25226E3D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6127215

Not gonna lie, former Vechain 40 man dev team member here. This is fucking hilarious watching VEN crash and burn. But in all serious the more research i do the more shady shit i find.

>> No.6127414

I dont understand?

>> No.6127419

i dont understand why people are buying this shitcoin over walton?

>> No.6127486

Whatever you say, anon

>> No.6127490

The Vechain FUD is so real keep it up i'll buy all of your guys VEN

>> No.6127514

Why are you fucking faggots copy/pasting this shit IN EVERY THREAD

This is the biggest fucken buy signal noobs, load up on VEN ASAP. Every time shitty fucking co-ordinated FUD like this happens against a coin lately it moons hard soon after.

>t. guy who all-in'd xrp xrb and xlm

>> No.6127524


buying more VEN these fud chain is getting amazing.. i thought we were $20 EOM but now i realize that was low, we $40 with this fud easy

>> No.6127540

Holy shit
This shitty copy pasta FUD has been going on for fucking hours
Get a life cunts
No one actually believes you at this point

>> No.6127591

because it is the ethereum of enterprise

u can keep walton its nice supply chain specialty niche when its done

vechain is the next godcoin

>> No.6127610
File: 143 KB, 510x514, vechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes OP.

>> No.6127611

To be fair, you have to have a high iq to understand walton is the superior coin

>> No.6127668

also walton almost fell out of the top 100 , absolute SHITCOIN stay away unless you want stagnant gains.

>> No.6127682

i made a million off IOTA just watching the FUD tactics

same with EOS. thanks for FUD gang.

I will never sell my VEN because its going to become a staple of crypto industry, but my mjolnir node is going to be worth millions in about 3 weeks anyway why well, live off THOR

in fact to get rich you don't even have to research anybody

just buy whatever is getting FUD spam the most


>> No.6127743

why even sink to levels of WTC

let them be jelly let them have some supply chain

this is ethereum of enterprise we don't stoop to levels or tactics of lower life forms

>> No.6127758

wow such wealth
congrats on this seriously
you deserve it

>> No.6127851

i hate seeing newbs get tricked into shitcoins

you can't lose money in this game if you buy real projects

and you won't be a pump chasing asshole, that will ruin your ethics trust me

treat crypto like classic investing and you cannot lose - buy good shit at value and hodl and compound gains

>> No.6127865

Why do fucking wabi when you can get 10x on kucoin

100m market cap BNTY for instance

I sense a lot of new fags here, so please use my referral code when signing up


>> No.6128418

that shitcoin made it to 100m? wow you'd have to be king brainlet to buy that turd at this point

>> No.6128617

oh yeah im with you
youre a classic investor too? very nice
me also
the tricks i learned in the big league definitely helped in my crypto career i can tell you that HAHA