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6122692 No.6122692 [Reply] [Original]

ZRX mooning and no one's talking about this.
ICO holders report in.

>> No.6122817

it was just added to Bitfinex. strap in

>> No.6122862

>just added to Bitfinex
shit, hold your angus boyz

>> No.6122886

Big bags checking in.

Sitting comfy af since ICO and post-ICO-below-ICO-price-EtherDelta.


>> No.6122913

god damnit i am filled with so much regret

>> No.6122930
File: 298 KB, 3496x4024, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold this and bought QTUM and now I want to soduku

>> No.6122978

bought at 0.15 and 0.17 back in the day, depressed for months I just couldn't understand how the most important of all this shit was doing so bad

>> No.6123152

Suppressed by whales, forgotten by the noobs, hodl'd by the Chads.

>> No.6123308


Man I almost sold too when it was slumping for a couple months straight, but said fuck it. Now i'm glad I didn't. 0x will make me rich at this rate

>> No.6123315

just what I thought everyday, the more I read about ZRX the more stronger my biceps.

I'm a fucking Chad I guess

>> No.6123410

Indeed. Over 50k ZRX is Chad status.

Anything over 100k is "Set-For-Life" status.

>> No.6123433

zrx marine here. 15k of them here

>> No.6123434

Chad checking in, bought it yesterday. Doesn't even know what it is.

>> No.6123448

Better to be a Chad then not owning ZRX lol. To the moon brother.

>> No.6123528

They are talking about it quite much. In the discord group. Maybe you should read, what they say about ZRX.
https://discord gg/Z8P8VJp

>> No.6123545

What will be the top sats of this pump?

>> No.6123608

Its not a pump this is setting the new floor

>> No.6123708
File: 250 KB, 940x792, hero_chip_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ZRX only knows one direction UP ZP UP its only going UP

Also HODL my friends, lets make this a 10$ coin to March

>> No.6123798

Been stuck with req and bat bags

>> No.6123821

>Doesn't know what it is
>Claims to be a Chad


>> No.6123912

FUckkk YEAhH

>> No.6124100

Nice! Sadly not holding so much ZRX.

>> No.6124332

Finally the recognition this coin deserves, lets go 10$.

>> No.6124365

proven working pnd group
discord (dot) gg (slash) HzdnKX

>> No.6124503

iron hands holding this well into next year. Excited to see where this goes

>> No.6124930

this coin is saving my portfolio

>> No.6124951
File: 65 KB, 747x686, 1511131421057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that ZRX is only rank 44 on CMC

>> No.6124992

I think the titans who watch mcap are ready to put it over a billion

>> No.6125118

39442 holder here. The number of the original 0x gangstas.

>> No.6125173

ayy another icobro c:

>> No.6125267

Does this mean req will moon soon? ...and don't pretend that req isn't the best project that zrx is affiliated with.

>> No.6125308

pissed i just got in at 1.75

>> No.6125364

So irritated. I tried to get in 3 days ago around 6k but set the order too low. What's the next entry?

>> No.6125431

already down to 1.89 on coin marketcap. I would buy it at 1.6 or 1.5

>> No.6125715

Can this make it to $10? I can feel it

>> No.6125718

Too late to catch a swing?

>> No.6125748
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 1515374821656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally, time to pay off my student loan

>> No.6125761

Ethfinex is better

Req also partnered with knc

>> No.6125823

Fuck, how much should i put gas limit on and how many gwei in myetherwallet.

>> No.6125939

>not making minimum payments while your crypto goes to the moon

>> No.6125968


Give it a couple of weeks.

>> No.6126194

Holy fuck anon please don't toy with my poor little heart. If this reaches $10 I can pay off my student loans and even buy a new car

>> No.6126446

>Selling a $100 coin at $10

>> No.6126867

Shit man I suck at this. I sent tokens to bitfinex via metamask on myetherwallet. One transaction failed (I guess the ethereum address part) but token transaction was a success? Its pending with confirmation on bitfinex now. Im too much of a brainlet for this

>> No.6127008

just watched the july 2017 presentation on 0x and it sounds like the relayers are going to end up centralized... theres no real incentives encouraging decentralization and many that encourage centralization

>> No.6127230

How many coins have you guys got, can't believe there are kings sitting at 50k I'm at a measily 3.5k

>> No.6127313

around 40k from ico

>> No.6127671
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congrats anon