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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6118455 No.6118455 [Reply] [Original]

Feeling beat down /biz/. I've spent $600 on crypto in the last few months and only have about $800 in profit to show for it. I constantly miss out on these epic 100%+ moons and don't know how to get in early. Every time I try to get in on a moon it's near the end and I lose money on tanking shitcoins. The coins I've invested in have gone nowhere and I don't know what to do. Feel like just dipping out now and forgetting about it all.

>> No.6118561

Stop crying, start having FUN.

>> No.6118619

did you not see the REQ shilling when it was 4 cents m8?
That was a no brainer, how did you miss that?

>> No.6118627

Load up on Elix, trust me and you won't regret it

>> No.6118643

you will only make it if you put all of that money in one really low marketcap coin that gets shilled and or has hype

and then you wait till it gets at least x3 and take half of it out and repeat

Never sell all of it

And you need patience

these low market cap coins lose and gain over 50% per day don't panic they can only go up

Just forget about it for 1 week
atm UFR on cryptopia is the coin with the most hype

although I think that it is a shitcoin it will go x5 from hype alone

>> No.6118943

Currently all my funds are basically locked in XRB. Made the stupid mistake of getting in at $30 and overnight it tanked and hasn't recovered. If I pull out now I'm down like $500. Hoping it recovers to at LEAST my buying price but I'm starting to lose hope.

>> No.6118966

And it's still a no brainer now, it managed to break 1$ with only testnet and a few minor partherships, with mainnet and a big name onboard it will reach 10$.

>> No.6119032

87.4% of biz made less than 100% gains in the last 6 months.

>> No.6119078

dont beel bad. buy BAT, take a nap and wake up with x3 profit.

>> No.6119119

what you need now are chad coins for safe gains and only then you can start gambling with shitcoins
get on ICX and XRB before they really take off and after they are done mooning you take some profit for PnD shitcoins

>> No.6119127

I have XRB from when it dipped. It seems like it's artificially kept "stable" or something, not sure what to make of this...I do know that now that China can't mine, we might see a surge in value for coins that operate like XRB...so i'm holding

>> No.6119134


well you will have to hodl then

Never buy ath and if you do don't sell low
just wait

but with that low amount of money you need to take calculated risks and gambles on low market cap coins.

>> No.6119158

Stop being a fuckin follower and study up on low market caps you think have fuckin potential and fuckin hold fuck!

>> No.6119324

Stop being a pussy and buy BBT. Wait for the market to catch up with you. Easy 5x

>> No.6119419


Stop chasing the fucking moons.

You know what would happen if you managed to earn 5% everyday for 3 months?


>> No.6119487

the moons are the only way to make money in this market retard. some of us want to make quick gains rather than wait a year just for our NEO/ETH to finally give us back some profit.

Literally FUCK OFF

>> No.6119636

Stop buying high and selling low. Invest most of it in FUN, ETHbet and oyster pearl. Put the rest in ethereum or monero or something for safe gains.

>> No.6119725


Anonfag thinks I am a hodler.

>> No.6119997

I was preparing to buy KIN when it was 0.0002. I figured out how to use Etherdelta and everything. Was literally about to pull the trigger and then my anxiety made me wait. Low and behold it hits 0.001 and has only been dropping since then. Another missed moon because of my anxiety.

>> No.6120050

I started with 340 and have almost 4000, started mid December.


>> No.6120162

Also if you are wondering how? ECA and COLX ;)

>> No.6120199
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you have to be in it to win it

also patience

patience is key

>> No.6120267


>> No.6120423

patience but not "hold all year patience"

>> No.6120504

>some of us want to make quick gains rather than wait a year just for our NEO/ETH to finally give us back some profit.

Are you retarded? ETH was a terrible example to use

>> No.6120536

take out 50% when it doubles leave the rest and don't touch it

>> No.6120671

Mate I did 400x in 3 months by just getting a few percent on my BTC everyday using a consistent trading method.

It's not necessarily just about getting lucky on moonshoots, although it's good if you can.

>> No.6120802

What about shitcoins? Is the value holding onto coins that blow up up and will most likely die. Do you do the same with them?

>> No.6120909

What was your initial capital?

>> No.6121014


>> No.6121372


set yourself a timelimit when you cash out then
but someone who sold cardano at 0.02$ because he made x5 profit would kill himself looking at the current price

You never know and some shitcoins turn into goodcoins so to speak

>> No.6121508

which currency pair do u use? btc/usdt?

>> No.6121603

what was the trading method?

>> No.6121739
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Pretty much every coin that isn't totally obscure mooned in the past months. Just pick one or two or maybe three and stick with them, for fucks sake. Stop chasing the moon.

>> No.6121880

I dont get this shit. I started literally 2 weeks ago with a poverty $100 on coin base... Found out about other exchanges transferred to binance and bought ripple... XRP x 3 over night im not greedy I sould all of them 61 coins, bought trx sold at x3 then went all in on DENT and sold x4 now im holding in eth until I decide my next coin... Poor fags have to learn how to fly before they can take off to the moon, you go around hopping on every rocket and your gunna get dumped like a whore every time.

>> No.6121925

Fucking SHIT this resonates with me so much. Thank you anon. I will try to strengthen my resolve and stick with what I believe. Time to spend the next few days doing some serious research and waiting for my XRB disaster to hopefully come back around. Shit, at this point I may just consider XRB my perma hodl.

>> No.6121926

Nah, BTC/ALTs. I only x20'd the BTC but obviously BTC gained alot in USD value.

>> No.6121978

Basically just repeatedly buying dips.

>> No.6122064

You are a brainlet. Crypto is not for you.

>> No.6122409

You get in when people say shit like

>X already had its moon mission, it's never going up again
>X will be forever stuck in this range
>will X ever move or is it dead?

Also, research is the keyword.

>> No.6122510

Also, selling for a loss or to break even is the biggest rookie mistake you can make. Everything goes up eventually..well, almost everything.

>> No.6122653

learn how to read charts and movements

>> No.6123029

If you can't buy BAT i feel nothing for you

>> No.6123424

You might as well hold for upcoming news. Binance won't be far off. Wallets/website. Rebrand rumors.
Don't sell short. You'll get a chance to break even or better real soon.

>> No.6123596

bag holding is also cancer.

>cut your losers
>let winners run