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6116755 No.6116755 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make sure it hasn't been hacked so I don't get my shit stolen like that Reddit guy?

Getting nervous.

>> No.6116780

did you buy it from some random seller on ebay?

>> No.6116802

buy a new one from the company directly you jew fuck

>> No.6116830

Did you buy it from an authorized seller? Or even better directly from Ledger?
Did you get your recovery seed off the device and not on some bullshit scratch guard like the tard ledditor did?
Then you're probably fine.

>> No.6116886

Did you have to set it up?
During setup you have to write down 24 words generated by the ledger and create a minimum 4-digit PIN. If you haven't done those things, enter a wrong PIN 3 times to reset the ledger to factory settings and then start the setup again. It will generate new words so no one can get your coins.

>> No.6116998

if you bought from anything other than official source


hardware verify + software verify(using the ledger wallet app) + seed generation on device(not a scratch-off) = 100% safe

>> No.6117103

To avoid get fucked over like the Reddit guy, make sure your seed words are brand new, provide to you from the device.

Reddit guy received a pre-printed seed words code on fake Ledger branded paper. The seller already had a copy of those seeds and so had access to the wallet.

>> No.6117276
File: 144 KB, 456x505, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought it directly from LEDGERWALLET.COM

I ordered express and I tracked its shipping throughout - it arrived on time and didn't take any strange diversions that I can see.

>> No.6117460

then you're fine, none of this applies to you

>> No.6117492

then it's the original website, what's the worry?
check a video to make sure everything go well, then post your 24 word seed here so we can ascertain whether it is legit.

>> No.6117561

take the back off and look at it

>> No.6117635

I have my 24 words on three papers. Where should i put them?

>> No.6117683

>Trusting some company's closed source hardware wallet

>> No.6117756

if this shit is ever going to really take off, the normies need a solid device. not everyone is a fucking neet who has their shit encrypted on multiple devices.

>> No.6117805

Mail one copy to me, just in case you lose the other two. Don't worry I'm legit.

>> No.6117806

Hallo ruud

>> No.6117990

That's all fine and dandy. You can store your shit on the even most leaky machine as long as you don't put _everything_ there. I think this is what most normies don't get.

>> No.6118460

Post them up on here so we can check they're secure enough

>> No.6118468


Is this better than the trezor?

>> No.6118505

You can reset it by getting your pin wrong 3 times.

>> No.6118557

barely a difference
i just remember hearing trezor had a vulnerability ages ago or some shit, was probably not even true but not taking any risks to i just got ledger

>> No.6118728

top kek

>> No.6118902

One at the bank.
One in a water/fireproof safe at your moms house.
One rolled up in a Coxon stuck in a jar of Vaseline so you can quickly stick it up your butt in case of emergency.

>> No.6118949


rofl that reddit guy is trying to pin blame on Ledger


Seriously there plenty of onlien guides or Youtube videos that teach how to set one up so it should have pretty obvious that a scratch card was an obvious scam.

>> No.6119002


make sure you need to scratch off the seed words like a lottery ticket.

The fake one has blank spaces where you need to write them in

>> No.6119383

Don't worry Anon, just set it up as instructed and then send me your seed code and I'll verify that it's all OK for you.

>> No.6119917
File: 6 KB, 246x250, JESUS FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also just to add the Ledger did not allow me to change the Seed words, only to change and set the Pin.

Top fucking KEK! Doesn't he know what resetting means?

>> No.6120354
File: 18 KB, 531x111, my seed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine legit?

>> No.6120549

jk nice try pajeets

>> No.6120611

Account emptied 2014. Is this a reference to some famous account compromise or did you just post an old key?

>> No.6121177


>> No.6121267


>> No.6121642

Ledgers use their secure element chip to authenticate the hardware and firmware every time you use them with the official ledger app. Assuming none from your batch of 10,000 (that share a private key) have been compromised by an intelligence agency with an electron microscope and inside knowledge from the secure element manufacturer, or an adversary of similar capabilities, it can't be tampered with.

>> No.6122158

where do you guys store your 24 word pass phrase?

can it be regenerated if lost assuming you can unlock the wallet?

>> No.6122241

If it comes with a scratch off card GIVING you your random seed then it's fucked. Even if you buy a used Nano S, if you do a wipe and reset and generate a new random seed then you're good to go.
If you're ultra concerned about it just go through the setup process once to see whether it was compromised or not, then do a wipe and generate new keys if you feel you need to.

>> No.6122403

How does one use an electron microscope to compromise this?