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6115188 No.6115188 [Reply] [Original]

>hear anyting crypto related on TV or the radio
>immediately change it
>hear friends or co-workers discussing it
>ignore it or pretend I hate crypto-shit and have nothing to do with it

Anyone else? And why?

>> No.6115253

I don't blame you. You would get hounded by these guys if you reveal your power levels.

>> No.6115337

Because it hurts to hear misinformed normies spew their bullshit

>> No.6115390
File: 135 KB, 800x850, 1514221471909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that normies are in this shit now. I hate it so fucking much. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

>> No.6115471

Always hide your gains bro.

>> No.6115652

I've seen that there are Bitcoin documentaries on Amazon Video and Netflix. The thought of watching them makes me fucking shiver.

>> No.6115838

its because anything that goes mainstream goes to absolute shit. The whole world can't make millions off memes that would be sustainable. it can only be a few of us..

>> No.6116027

I tell them it's a shit investment and make them look into mutual funds lmao

>> No.6116088

My father always used to say
>The fool tries to show off that which he does not have, and the smart hides even that which he has.

>> No.6116123


>> No.6116195

You guys have no fucking idea.

Last night, my girlfriends childhood friend, a girl who studies agriculture and spent 2016 making "Make Racists Ashamed Again" t-shirts on spreadshirt asked me how to buy OMG.

>> No.6116255

That's the sell signal, anon

>> No.6116443


You feel that crypto belongs to you because you discovered it first.

>> No.6116591

Your father is a smart guy. Nothing I hate more then shitheads who brag about things they don't understand or that everyone else just doesn't care about. It comes off as obnoxious.

>> No.6116682

> he doesn't realize that without the Normie's we wouldn't be in a bull market
And would still be waiting an entire year for a ×2 gain

>> No.6116873

>buying a house you can't afford
>buying a car you can't afford because the neighbour just got a new one
>buying the new iphone so you can show off / don't get looked down on
The list goes on and on. This is what I like so much about crypto. Most of the people around here hide their power levels, because they know better.

>> No.6116969

Jesus christ abandon ship!

>> No.6117081

I'm cock blocking my friends that wanna gomo intonit because I know they would hassle me and ruin my focus!

Its hard enough keeping up as it is. Even when not trading just collecting shills and weeding out post moonissions!

>> No.6117104
File: 58 KB, 805x449, crazycryptoinvestor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't control myself the first time I got into crypto and ended up giving good information to people that didn't deserve it.

Now I purposely give bad information on bad channels and sites about crypto so they can screw themselves and waste their commy sjw money.

>> No.6117296

Good and bad we're always going to be one up on these fuckers might as well lead them to there demise