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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, raiblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6105022 No.6105022 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 1 reason, why this coin shouldn't be in the top 5. You can't.

5 seconds transaction time
Zero fee
Actual working product
Active devs

I'm listening

>> No.6105045

buy the dip

>> No.6105094

i bet the tards shilling this shitcoin voted for bernie

>> No.6105100


In addition there's something about it that just feels really comfy. I hope they dont fuck it up with the rebrand.

Wallet works great. Im still in at 40% bought this dip

>> No.6105321

Sad. Shills are desperate for people to pump up their shitcoin.
The hype died son.

>> No.6105383


How the fuck is 0 fees mean you're a socialist liberal lmfao

You IOTA cucks are fucking miserable.

>> No.6105427

you and me know that the average biztard cant afford any coin above 10$
were just here to remind everyone that they missed the boat to buy this one below 5$ like we bitgrail chads did

>> No.6105496

Baby whale here. Buying the dip with 120K from profits thanks to Link after work today. Prepare for price bump

>> No.6105530
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This is why

>> No.6105569


I don't even think it's too late to buy this. It's like buying Ethereum at $25

>> No.6105629

$100 end of month still lol

>> No.6105645

dude i hold ark myself an i can safely say
1 this coin is going nowhere for a long time
2 jarunik is a fucking moron that cant even run a fucking delegate node properly

>> No.6105648

Top 5 of ALL coins should be reserved for cryptos that have a working product AND are currently being used.


>but but muh technology
Shut up faggot, if it's not being used by someone it isn't worth shit

>> No.6105652


Attempting to transfer 300 xrb from bitgrail to kucoin. This is what I get on the "block"-explorer

Date Mon, 07 Jan 2018 xx:xx:xx
Status Received, pending deposit to balance. (Make sure wallet is open and all blocks are downloaded)


0.000000 XRB
(Pending Deposit: 300.000000 XRB)

>> No.6105714

Literal pajeet coin, if you yputubed it like 2-3 weeks ago it was literally 3 videos of pajeets and sandniggers with instructions how to get some its actually pathetic how the reddit normies keep buyimg into it. Also scam exchange

>> No.6105786


You can blame that on KuCKCoin, they're withholding transactions for some reason

>> No.6105802

It will be listed on Binance

>> No.6105849

Pajeet coin
>distribution via captcha faucet
>no ICO
>working product
>bitgrail ran the whole 100 million volume on 1 fucking node lmao
>muh reddit normies
youre just butthurt you didnt buy back when it was shilled here and below 5$

>> No.6105869

Ur vagene will be on indian coc

>> No.6105958
File: 20 KB, 543x373, 17884641_1872756156339857_1225209341884609863_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retard

>> No.6105960


>> No.6105968

>hallo sar i am not pajeet u ar tha pajeet for buying bad rayblox coin this is lituhral pajeet coin saar u shud not buy. pls to be buy my pascal coin saar thanks u very much sar many gaisn for u

>> No.6105973

Destributed to redarded 3rdworlders. Supporting this coin is supporting parasites, or people who supported parasites. You must be gassed

>> No.6106004
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1514330631479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you retarded? Anyone can could use the faucet retard it wasn't exclusive to third-worlders.

>> No.6106025
File: 49 KB, 480x456, 4fHs8mq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded 3rdworlders
>is a pajeet himself
its okey rajesh i will send a nuke to your country when i make it

>> No.6106733


Just give it little time.

>> No.6106804

say retard 3 times in 1 sentance you triggered turd

>another triggered turd
poo in loo

>> No.6106902

I have like 50. When will I be rich? Wish I wasn't such a bitch when it was $2 or lower

>> No.6106962

oh yeah i forgot the word
now back to liberal retard land you go

>> No.6107059

Every shitcoin promises zero fees and instant transactions, seriously

>> No.6107154

have you tried XRB?

>> No.6107245

buying now is like buying eth at $10 or btc at $1000. shits about to go parabolic once it hit binance. it will be $100 end of this month easily. its already getting adopted by Biz and reddit. the masses are starting to catch on

>> No.6107247

Do you even know how XRB works bruv?

>> No.6107295

it's not promising anything, it works right now, that's why it's so hyped

>> No.6107320

>5 seconds transaction time
>Zero fee
does anyone actually believe this shit

>> No.6107388

Agreed, not selling until we hit $100

>> No.6107443

you're the liberal making niggers rich by shilling their coin

hope u have some pink wojaks like your ID for when the scamniggers dump straight into your wife

>> No.6107444

Yeah because it wad tried and tested already


>> No.6107466

>does anyone actually believe this shit
everyone actually does. it works really well. too bad your a fucking idiot and don't own any. i helped my friend buy some xrb and sent it to his wallet and he literally received it in less than 5 seconds

>> No.6107479

You don't have to believe. It just works like that.

>> No.6107529

the pajeets and niggers already dumped when it reached 5$
if youre worried about SJW's making niggers and spics rich go focus on fudding iota you moron

>> No.6107548

try it out by yourself if you don`t believe it

>> No.6107630

iota already dumped faggot

>> No.6107652

Rai fags are some of the biggest newfags in crypto , they think they found their holy saviour. tech isn't everything retards and rai isn't replacing BTC as a trading pair anytime time soon. even ETH can't do it.

Stellar, Iota, Bitshares, Steem and many others can achieve exceptionally high throughput with minimal or no fees.

>> No.6107686

The cool thing about XRB is that it works whether you believe in it or not

>> No.6107711

how can you be this retarded holy fuck

>> No.6107737

This. Spbp.

Security is shit because no incentive to run nodes for free.

>> No.6107778

This. Back to /plebbit/ normie scum.

>> No.6107841

>no incentive
Your incentive is to make XRB tick.
If you sincerely believe in XRB, you run a node.
If you run a node, XRB works.
If XRB works, people use it.
Of people use it, we will see $9001 per coin.

>> No.6107849

wait til XRB is $1000 end of the year. ill be laughing at you idiot. normies do not like fees. i have multiple normie friends most are bankers and consultants who will drop 50k straight up cash into crypto and you bet they won't be buying shit with fees. they already set their mind on XRB

>> No.6107929

Ah yes people are just going to run nodes out of the goodness of their heart. Keep dreaming, Rasheed.

>> No.6107935

your shitcoin has no adoption anywhere and no actual corporate support , just bunch of underaged redditors who bought cheap rai hoping to make a quick buck.

>> No.6107959

well I used to seed loads of torrents for free

>> No.6108019

stay poor

>> No.6108044


>> No.6108060

It's not possible to stop spamming without dynamic fees.
There's no shorting yet so there's no way to profit from destroying the network. It's not a scam like iota so nobody cares.

>> No.6108081

Why don't you run a node?
Ah, that's right. You don't believe in XRB.

Why do I run a node?
Ah, that's right. I believe in XRB.

It's that simple, really.

>> No.6108098

>5 seconds transaction time
>Zero fee
>Actual working product
>Active devs
All this needs to be proven. Let's see what happens when the number of transactions grow. Can it scale? Only time will tell.

>> No.6108147

it's a scam coin idiot, just look at the logo and the nicely put name.

>> No.6108182

>All this needs to be proven. Let's see what happens when the number of transactions grow. Can it scale? Only time will tell.


>> No.6108192

We've already seen it can't hence the price drop but shills are absolutely desperate to slide it. Apparently it took them multiple 24 hour work days just to get a few nodes running on a single exchange lmfao.

This shitcoin is destined for failure but keep up the shilling, pajeets, it's funny as fuck.

>> No.6108194

It's not too late. Only way chadcoin goes down is if the whole ship goes down

So get this or a mutual fund

>> No.6108207

agreed. this is the bernie sanders coin lol

>> No.6108247

>your shitcoin has no adoption anywhere and no actual corporate support , just bunch of underaged redditors who bought cheap rai hoping to make a quick buck.

a lot can happen in 12 months. XRB hasn't even started their marketing campaign yet, once they do it's game over. XRB literally just got on a couple exchanges. this sht doesn't happen overnight. but when it happens, you'll see Xrb at $1000 and you'll cry cuz you didnt buy any. keep in mind litecoin was $3 exactly a year ago. guess what's better than litecoin ;)

>> No.6108263

what the actual fuck

>> No.6108295

Smart. I've been buying most of the dips too, but I'm more of a baby shrimp with 500 XRB T_T

>> No.6108311

this logo sucks
maybe because i am partly colorblind

>> No.6108346

rebranding incoming

>> No.6108367

Liberal coin. I'll break into it later tonight

>> No.6108378

I bought XRB at $1-10 and at that time there was no FUD.
Now it's mooned: so much FUD! It's hilarious and ridiculous.
It's obviously just jealousy hahahahahahah.
stay salty

>> No.6108383

shut your fucking mouth I only have 150

>> No.6108419

Feels like instantaneous transfers compared to every other of the 50 coins I've owned. feelsgoodman

>> No.6108422










>> No.6108452

exactly this! kek

>> No.6108535


Lmao this.

But to be honest there was a shit ton of FUD at $5. People really didn't want this coin to moon or intentionally FUD'd to buy coins for cheaper

>> No.6108548

As it stands that's how it is

Who knows if the network will still cope at higher volumes though, that's untested

>> No.6108624

Find a popular top 150 coin that is red on a given day on kucoin or binance. Something down 5+% See if there is literally any reason for it to be down (90% of the time there's not). Buy it.

Check the next day (or few days). Most of the time that coin is up. Sell it. Rinse/repeat, and move a portion of your gains into XRB especially if it's dipped.

I got in very late at $10 and $14 but since then I've been following the above strategy to grow my stack.

>> No.6108674

Kek. Literal Bernie coin, I took my profits and ran.

turned 1k into 13k so why not?

>> No.6108762

that 1k coulda been 60k by end of the year. youll regret it lmao

>> No.6108814

if you're not seeing 8 different colours there you are colourblind.

>> No.6109319

How high can it realistically go at this point?

>> No.6109489

.1 sat

>> No.6109612

I'd say comparable to dash so ~1000$ in a year or two.

>> No.6110098
File: 22 KB, 1080x237, blooddiamoncoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was mined via third world labor

>> No.6110225


>> No.6110836

don't worry lads I'm going to run a node so we should be fine

>> No.6111207


>> No.6111253


>> No.6111277
File: 8 KB, 225x225, rai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6111338

What is the story behind this?

>> No.6111412

i follow this guy on twitter and he predicted every moonmission lately just right before it startet and he beleives it could go 100$

>> No.6111467
File: 23 KB, 645x299, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about to take off.

>> No.6111531

conservative $1000 End of Year, $3000 if Crypto market is healthy. $5000 in 2019

>> No.6111745


Nothing. It can't even be mined so not sure what that idiot is talking about. It was distributed through a faucet by using captcha so it was distributed very fairly (Unlike ICOs which dump tokens to all the richfags in pre-sales and public sales)

Not to mention it was sitting between $0 to $0.50 for literally 6 months. Any dumbass that did even a little bit of research on the coin had the chance to buy a shit ton for cheap. Alas, /biz/ cares more about the newest most hyped PnD shitcoins. That's why you see all these salty fudders in these Reichblocks threads.

>> No.6112127

u high?

>> No.6112138

XMR - actually a good store of value
BCH - obsoletes BTC and LTC
ETH - smart contracts duh
GBYTE - DAG payments and smart contracts

and idk for the fifth, maybe something like RCN after it works, or another privacy coin, or even unironically link/req

>> No.6112396

All you need is like 10 people running nodes for XRB to function with 100m volumes. There are a lot more

>> No.6112917

>XMR - actually a good store of value
leaks your IP
>BCH - obsoletes BTC and LTC
>ETH - smart contracts duh
kitties clog it
>GBYTE - DAG payments and smart contracts
no working product, can't scale
XRB is the only coin the world ever needs. For smart contracts, we have ETC.

>> No.6112978

When does this hit binance?

>> No.6113113

Usually it has taken exactly twelve days for a coin to hit Binance after vote has ended.
XRB won the vote the 5th of january.
So unless something's wrong, we will see XRB on Binance January 17th

>> No.6113524

Stellar is better.

>> No.6113889

Colorblind or not, the logo does sucks. But what's coming soon is quite sexy imo : https://nano.co/