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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6106871 No.6106871 [Reply] [Original]

Confess, /biz/

>> No.6106918

I sold qtum at 45 to FOMO txr at .28

>> No.6107002

Sometimes I pretend to be the bazinga coin poster in order to troll and derail threads

>> No.6107053
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i own 50000 bazingacoins

>> No.6107094


What if I told you

EVERY bazinga post is someone doing what you did

>> No.6107116
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I just want to live in a tropical paradise with a super hot trap maid. I don't know if I should be ashamed, but you faggots might give me a shot at this level of degeneracy.

>> No.6107137


>> No.6107159
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that's not even funny you idiot

>> No.6107163
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I've never read a white paper.

>> No.6107252

I told people in work I had 1 BTC over Xmas and I sold just b4 the dip, actually I have £600k in shitcoins

>> No.6107277

I invested on icx at ATH and lost 100$

>> No.6107336

I don't know wtf I'm doing

>> No.6107370
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i have 11 bitcoins in a wallet i lost in 2012

>> No.6107387

I want to quit my 30/hr job, to trade crypto and finish my masters quicker.

>> No.6107428

It's fine, nobody does.

>> No.6107513

I firmly believe the majority of normies DO invest in digital currencies (as evidence by /biz/ being one of the highest traffiic boards, CB with 400k new members in a week, exchanges setting down registration, etc.) and just don't tell anyone because at the very core of our souls: we all know it's just a giant ponzi scheme and we do not believe in the tech at all.

What we're doing is fundamentally evil because we're all just waiting to dump coins for fiat when we become comfortable with a few hundred thousand.

>> No.6107582

Let me guess. You live in california? Why do people like to live in a state that burns your property and finances to the ground ?

>> No.6107600

I've got PFR stuck on ED because I can't be bothered to send more ETH to pay gas

>> No.6107604

I bought DGB at 1800, saw it go to 2400, lose the meme competition, drop to 1700 and fell for the HODL meme (tip: it only works on non-shitcoins)
sold at 300 to buy OMG at $2 and then REQ under ICO, so I'm still up, but damn that was brutal.

>> No.6107605

I would spend everyday looking for it

>> No.6107637

I mined a lot when cpu mining was a thing but have since formatted the drive that the wallet was on

>> No.6107741

Nope would never live in that state, too many idiots.

>> No.6107798

Do you swallow his load? How often do you bottom for him?

>> No.6107875


I turned down some fag that offered me 500 BTC for a quarter of DANK back in 2009.

Trying to turn this 5k into a mil by EOY rn. FML

>> No.6107876
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I would want to be the dominate one. Never really liked the idea of being a bitch like that.
Something is just really hot about fucking a Super hot woman with a penis.

>> No.6107955

I want to get my dumbass friend to go all in on a shitcoin since he rather get spoonfed and not do research on coins

>> No.6108013
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I hesitated selling my stack of OMG at 260k because I wanted 280k for it. So I held off and instead dumped my bags at 100k.

>> No.6108116

i'm hodling 250K LINDA at 62sats. kek I can't stop laughing about it.

>> No.6108150
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I had 6k ETH from the crowdsale and sold them when it started trading because I tought it was shit (made 200% profit anyway)

>> No.6108185

I confess that I'm only on /biz/ because I heard bitcoin was crashing and I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.6108242

i bought at 13500€

>> No.6108862
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I sold LINK before SIBOS, then proceeded to mock stinky linkies for months, until it reached 70 cents. Then I FOMO'd back in with $40k.

>> No.6108898

i bought xrp for profits

>> No.6108994

I bought xrp at 30 cents and sold it at 20 when it dumped, literally right before the massive moon mission started. Now I shill the shit out of it so hopefully other people buy it and lose money in it too.

>> No.6109034
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I shilled the crash for 2 days on /biz/ and was all USD. but then 4 hours b4 crash i bought back in. I feel real stupid

>> No.6109098

I bought (bump/dump)AERON 6 times in 24h. It was 100%+, reached 540%, low value coin, can’t remember how much sats but waw...
The end result was 60k positive, could have been up to 170k but I had a fcking connection problem. I screamed like a crazy man. On the middle of the night. Scared the sh out of my wife and dog.

I’m not proud. I almost had an heart attack. Never. Fcking. More. It’s not for me.

>> No.6109116


>with a penis

>> No.6109125

I thought digibyte was on an upward trend and now I'm getting JUST'd

>> No.6109139

I post here pretending that I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars when in reality I only quadrupled my $5k.

>> No.6109154

This one is the best. I wondered when these guys would start to admit they were wrong after shit talking Link for so long.

>> No.6109181
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I'm just fucking with you about Litecoin. I have no idea what it's going to do.

>> No.6109185

I've made a lot of HST shill posts this week.

>> No.6109204

How dare you

>> No.6109205

Almost panick sold my ETH. Fear of the bubble is real.

>> No.6109224

sold zcl at 100$

>> No.6109241

Once I had over $5000 worth of BTC I stopped telling people how much I was making. My family always asks and I just say "I'm doing okay"

Hit 40,000 today with a 2k initial investment mid-last year

>> No.6109242

Almost every trade I've made has lost me money over the last 8 months. Had I not tried day trading I'd have 6 digits right now. Instead I have less than 10k

>> No.6109264
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I've never traded on the stock market, just crypto

>> No.6109306
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>> No.6109346

I bought burgers for several 1000 BTC when it was play money for tech hipsters.

>> No.6109351


>> No.6109421 [DELETED] 

i didn't join this pump group sooner.

only made 220% profit in the last month, wouldve made so much more if I was in it sooner.

if you want to join, this is the discord

discord gg GX2gNaX

>> No.6109442 [DELETED] 

just had a wank fantasizing i fuck a poor south american girl for a big mac

>> No.6109477

I flipped BCH during the coinbase fiesta and bought bch at 0.2 and dumped my bags on someone probably browsing this board for 0.3 less than a minute after

>> No.6109527

I believed in Charlie Lee.

>> No.6109941

I fomo`d in XLM at ath... Pls kill me

>> No.6110174

Patience brother, we will make it.

>> No.6110271
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All I think of when I'm trying to make gains are hot asian girls. I'd rather a 10/10 dumb as fuck materialistic hong kong roastie than a lambo tbqh. I just wanna fuck asian girls man, i care about nothing else at this point.

>> No.6110322

I say to fucking normies they are fucking normies.


I'm a normie.

>> No.6110362

I started with 2K. Made 20k. and now i’m back at 4K because of really bad plays.

>> No.6110404

I lost money panic selling Bitcoin in early 2017.

I bought Ripple just after the summer crash started, thinking it was a dip. Having learned my lesson, I luckily didn't sell.

I told my mother about the summer crash when she asked how my investments were doing. She threatened to revoke my insurance if she didn't see "real money" from my grandfather back in my bank account the next day (I'm still in high school). I had to sell all my ETH I fanatically hodled throughout the entire crash just after it bounced off the absolute bottom in order to secure my financial safety. It mooned. Dismayed, I waited another day, hoping for one more dump. It mooned again. I reinvested, but lost 1/3 of my
ETH holdings. I would have been €4500 richer by now if I had kept my mouth shut and stuck to my plan.

I didn't convert my XRP to XLM on 30/12 out of pure counter-logical stress-induced inertia.

I considered selling my XRP on 4/1, but didn't feel like making another transaction.

I missed all these alt-moons.

I stress over charts as if I were a trader, without ever really doing anything besides hodling.

>> No.6110532

Why not keep hodling?

>> No.6110679
File: 9 KB, 501x585, oy vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...oh, and I almost forgot to mention that I can't be content anymore unless I hold more value than at any earlier moment in my life, including FOMO moons.

>> No.6110756
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I've been trading since early 2016 and have only recently made 100% profit

>> No.6110791

what were your plays?

>> No.6110839

i made 20k into 120 and i feel more anxious every day

missed so many moons, this crypto bubble will implode soon and i wont even be a millionaire

>> No.6110844
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, QONVIyz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd seen it all

>> No.6110853

Do you even know how to open a laptop?

>> No.6110909

What's that, like $.9? Fucking hell lad we're going to $5 end of Feb at the latest

>> No.6110922

I'm all in on tron since .04 cents father

>> No.6110928

I made 34x on XRB

>> No.6110979
File: 43 KB, 500x649, 1507358385603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Litecoin in summer 2016
>Sold because needed to move back to college
>Completely stop trading for a year
>Get back into the game in summer this year after withdrawing savings of 600 euro
>Bought Viacoin, CRW, and some DNT and other bits and pieces
>Make close to 100% profit
>Have to move away again forwork this time so withdraw 1000 euro during boom market
>Live broke until last month watching markets boom and coins I held 100s of reach 10$

>> No.6111023

bought 193 eth at ico in 2014 - sold last year @ 13$.
My pfolio now is only 20k.....fml

>> No.6111033

i bought KCS at $3.30 and panic sold at $2.54

kill me

>> No.6111081

>withdrawing ever
do yourself a favour and buy icx, main net in less than 3 weeks

>> No.6111082


I sold half my ark stack and outperformed it by so much that the other half is just awkwardly there.

>> No.6111098

Probably the case with most of /biz/

>> No.6111120

how did you even do that? I hope you're larping, anon. Else I'm sorry

>> No.6111127


>> No.6111141

It's depressing but I suppose it's no worse than the 10k pizza guys.

I mean I had to withdraw, nobody knew how long this market was and indeed is going to last.

>> No.6111205


Yeh just buy ICX dude and hold for the year. 10 mins of research and you'll realise its a winner.

>> No.6111239

I promise to myself , If trx go down below 0.14 today , i will taste my own cum . And yes i did

>> No.6111258
File: 14 KB, 323x250, 1484680776498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i held 14k NEBL at $2, sold at $5, i would be close to $600k right now if i did nothing but hold.

hold is unironically the best trading strat

>> No.6111265 [DELETED] 

huge pump happening tomorrow at 3:00 pm est
80,000+ members, 60-200% gains guaranteed
discord gg/GX2gNaX

>> No.6111325
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I could've gotten thousands of LINK at .17 but didn't and am now waiting to buy several hundred. I also barely got into crypto this week and made a few dozen dollars already but if I went in when I wanted to and invest in what I wanted to I would've made thousands. Hopefully I wasn't too late, I want to be a millionaire by the time I finish University.

>> No.6111332

price is still mooning... it hurts to watch

>> No.6111356


wait, how ?

>> No.6111520

sold 10 million RDD in october

>> No.6111565

I invested $1k in crypto this morning during the dip, despite being kicked out of my moms basement and only having $2k remaining with no job and no shelter.

>> No.6111667

I mined 100k doge and stupidly put it into Cryptsy which got hacked, instead of just keeping it in my personal doge wallet. I now have .7 doge

>> No.6111740

Simple, you buy coin with the expectation it will go up and it dips a bit. You debate and mull over whether its a legit dump and when you execute youre down 10% or more. A few of these and money disappears fast.

>> No.6112226

>bought xlm at 300 sats before the IBM news.
>Held through the pump and got bored when it stopped going up fast
>Sold at the bottom of the dip of the IBM pump
>Been watching it slowly go up
>Fomo buy in at 1600 sats, thinking it's mooning
>Sell when it dips to 1300 sats
>Decide to quit the coin
>Watch the fairx moon and start to panic
>Crack and fomo buy at 5900 sats
> Dips all the way down to 4200
>Iron hands this time not selling
>Wake up and see everything flash crashing
>Panic sell my stack at 3700
>Its back to 4250 10 minutes later

I don't have a job and crypto was supposed to be my income

>> No.6112410

i'm investing in some marihuanastocks. I don't even smoke it, I just want to gain money from degenerates.

A bit unethical tbqh

>> No.6112440

Someone was shilling PRL when it was at 5c and was too lazy to buy it.

>> No.6112463

I often pretend to be anti bitcoin cash because I want the price to be low and /biz/ to miss out

>> No.6112479

i buy at coinbase

they have 3.75% fees

i'm too stupid or lazy to find other alternatives

>> No.6112480
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I'm too scared to put any more than £400 in crypto

just wanted to post pink wojaks with you lads

>> No.6112484

Kinda this. Unlike the internet no one knows wtf blockchain is supposed to be good for and everybody's just riding the wave.

>> No.6112614

>we all know it's just a giant ponzi scheme and we do not believe in the tech at all

>> No.6112662

Thats like several million today. You could have made it for yourself, your kids and your grandkids. What the fuck man?

>> No.6112745


I unironically own 175k XVG

>> No.6112791

>She threatened to revoke my insurance if she didn't see "real money" from my grandfather back in my bank account the next day (I'm still in high school).

A man gave you that money to risk and do as you see fit. That was man - to - man, you should have kept your mouth shut. Your granddad is a good guy though.

>> No.6112841

Turned £500 to £13,000 the about past 10 days.
You will make it mate.

>> No.6112958

It's terrible what you've done.

>> No.6113011

You're an idiot.

>> No.6113053

I have zero dollars in crypto and six figures in the stock market. I'm only here for the robinhood threads

>> No.6113154

this has gotta be a larp right lmao

>> No.6113295

I don't understand why so many white dudes like Asian women more than white women desu.

>> No.6113357

I lost my wallet password and I'm afraid to tell anyone except /biz/. I just pretend like nothing is wrong.

>> No.6113437

I fud link non stop and i own 20k

>> No.6113504

I only come to this board when I hear that the crypto market is crashing. Then I look at the catalog with all the pink wojaks and think to myself that I'm so much more clever than these people for not investing into cryptos.

>> No.6113513

i brag about hodl but in reality im too scared to day trade

>> No.6113555

Here is my honest belief. I think 80% of the coins are shit, worthless shit. I just wanna get rich with them and dump so i eat expensive food and fuck hot women that would never look at me otherwise.

But, big but. That other 20% will change the world and the financial industry forever. We are on a the edge of a new tech age. This is the e commerce of the late 90s and early 2000s on steroids.

>> No.6113567

I just bought my first ETH and Bitcoins last night but have been LARPing for over 2 months that I’ve turned 1k into 100k this past year.

>> No.6113647

thats the best time to invest

>> No.6113726

Making crypto gains makes me feel like I have something to live for again. Last week I was tripping on acid I realized how much power and status I could buy if I ever made it big. I could just buy some nice clothes and expensive stuff to show off to all my friends, which would give me lots of status, and obviously women are attracted to status. Then I could finally have lots of choice and settle for a good looking down to earth girl and live happily ever after. It's shallow but I still feel like it would work.

>> No.6113743

Don't even start. I must stay a pure non coiner and when the price goes up again I must hide all crypto threads on my other favorite board.

>> No.6113813

Oh also I was planning to write a post on /biz/ about how what people want isn't money but the status that comes with it, and how people who call you shallow are just looking to gain status through other means, but I was tripping too hard lmao.

>> No.6113816

I also do this in addition to crypto and then LARP on /pol/ as a traditionalist white nationalist that is completely degeneracy free.

>> No.6113830

I know nothing about bitcoins or finance.

>> No.6113854

>using status to attract a down to earth girl
You're far too retarded to make any money

>> No.6113938

deus vult my friend

>> No.6114031

You don't want that, trust me. I've had two trophy gfs and just got burnt by another trophy. All you'll get with status chasers is a citi bike.

>> No.6114037

Yea I know, chasing status is a terrible idea. I still bought some nice clothes tho,

>> No.6114077

I sold REQ at 3k sats

>> No.6114155

I’m seeing much nicer gains from my concentrates than crypto but I’ve only been in crypto for a day now. I figure I can afford to piss away a grand, if things work out and I make a bunch of money awesome, if not fuck it I wouldn’t have had that money in the first place had it not been for my side gig in addition to my real job. This shit is like playing high stakes poker for autists, getting in on the wojak memes alone has been worth the 700 I spent on coins last night.

>> No.6114166

>tfw biz is the best board on 4chan rn
When did this happen?

>> No.6114529

I don't know, I still feel like I will have a better chance if I dress a bit better and live a good lifestyle, without really flaunting status.

>> No.6114550

I FOMOed into RaiBlocks at 38$, gonna hold it until the end of time

>> No.6114646

I bought Elixir at 0.35$ and sold at 0.50$ because anon team + FUD around lending crypto. (wHaT iF tHeY dOn'T pAy BaCk ThE lOaN??!)
Bought back at 0.90$, half the coins.
I bought Oyster Pearl at 0.40 and sold at 0.50 because the team was shit + the idea is cool but this shit will not really work.
10 days later... top team unveiled + mooning.
(Did not bought back: I still think this shit won't work)
And last, but not least... I bought TRON at 0.04$ and set a limit sell at 0.09$ and I forgot about it. Boom, 0.30 in 2 days.

Now I will just hold every fucking shit I buy.

>> No.6114875

This is the correct answer

>> No.6115112

I only own BTC, LTC and ETH because I didn't want to bother with exchanges and funny coins at the time. Nothing really changed.

>> No.6115435

This is exactly how you become UNhappy anon.

>> No.6115588

da fuck is wrong with her face, where did her nose go?

>> No.6115624

idk it reminds me of that reaction image of the monkey eating the watermelon

>> No.6115710

Well my gf is Polish atm and the reason being is that she wants to be a housewife, same with Asian women.

>> No.6115804

Eh.. That's the opposite I would expect from an acid trip. Are you sure it was lsd? I often become sleepy from cafeine. Maybe you're different entheogens make you shallow.

>> No.6115912

I sold DBC at $0.23, got mad that it kept going up and FUD'ed it for the next couple of days

>> No.6115929
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I told ZRX and REQ like a month ago

>> No.6115936

In this entire alt bull run I have only gone from a low of 0.13 BTC to 0.25 BTC

I have not traded nearly bullishly enough

>> No.6115945

most people did this

>> No.6115997

Oh and LEND. Fucking kill me.

>> No.6116018

Yea it was really acid, I have done it many times before. It was a weird trip. Guess I still learned I can be as power thirsty as anyone else.

>> No.6116090

If i was rich i would hate the status, i don't want fancy shit. I just hot girls to fuck and vidya to play.

>> No.6116139

I can't stop touching my penis.

>> No.6116464

Just get rich so you can continue your NEET lifestyle without your parents.

>> No.6116625

I will hodl DBC up until it gets to some 20$.

>> No.6116677

Just messing with you. I know you can encounter all aspects of yourself when you start digging. Weird is what it is.

>> No.6116700
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Dont have a savings anymore, every dollar I would save goes to crypto. Currently up 640% since my initial investment. Get used to the ride boys going to be quiting my job and day/swing trading starting march 1st.

>> No.6117092

i put 40 euros of my dole into crypto each week but t-this week I wanna buy persona or battlefront 2... im really sorry

>> No.6117142

Asian women are used to the level of social autism the average /biz/tard is showing. White women are too much for them.

>> No.6117270

are you an angry asian? confess.

>> No.6117435

I gambled away 2 BTC when BTC was worth 150 dollars