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File: 47 KB, 335x347, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6107427 No.6107427 [Reply] [Original]

what is it that holds the snake back?

>> No.6107495

whales on binance setting massive sell walls, keeping the price down so they can accumulate more

>> No.6107550

smart whales who know the value of FairX

>> No.6107568
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>> No.6107648
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You really don’t know, anon?

>> No.6107674
File: 92 KB, 479x360, 1515041103762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a penis right now. Fuck life.

>> No.6107698

Xlm will be worth $100 EOY 2019

>> No.6107736
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Unacceptable Behavior
Harassment includes:

Deliberate misgendering or use of ‘dead’ or rejected names (e.g., purposefully calling a trans* woman “he”)

>> No.6107776

>letting politics get in the way of making money
this is why you'll never make it

>> No.6107793

theres too many weak handed pussies , newbs, and poor people who hold this coin, and they sell at the first sign of a dip

>> No.6107801

the better question is, why is this shit coin so high at all. lmao

>> No.6107812
File: 664 KB, 1003x799, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent and/or after a request to stop

>> No.6107814


fucking pajeets

>> No.6107859

How the fuck do you predict 2 years in advance? Fuck off.

>> No.6107892
File: 780 KB, 1193x853, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting a SJW coin over literally hundreds of other mooning coins

*gives backrub*

>> No.6107893
File: 65 KB, 588x478, no lords no masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coin is totes the beginning of the end of the patriarchy~!

>> No.6107921

Newb here. Red pill me about sell walls.

>> No.6107980

he's a guru

>> No.6107982

maybe i need to dmor but i haven't seen any other coin with something as promising as fairx. It could be a ponzi scheme but it doesn't matter because i'll sell the news either way. got in at 24 cents

>> No.6108018

do queer faggots get upset if you just call them "it"

>> No.6108046


>> No.6108048
File: 374 KB, 1473x703, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what is it that holds the snake back
The Stellar Community prioritizes marginalized people's safety over privileged people's comfort. Community leaders will not act on complaints regarding: 'Reverse'-isms, including 'reverse racism,' 'reverse sexism,' and 'cisphobia

>> No.6108056

This is what happens when the West turned to individualism and turned their backs on culture and tradition

>> No.6108103

Ugh, it has the Palestine necklace too and doesn’t even have a dog in that fight. So cringe.

>> No.6108108

don't care, i tripled my money

>> No.6108117
File: 42 KB, 736x655, qa3txr2y331y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't consent to textual descriptions of physical contact. stop immediately. thank you.

>> No.6108154

Also that stuff was copy pasted from the "geek feminism wiki" years ago by a dumb intern who no longer works there. The fact that it was never found until now is alarming but I noticed it's particularly hard to find the page from the website.

>> No.6108153

At least spam something that is still in the guidelines you dumb faggot

>> No.6108166
File: 23 KB, 394x472, 22310420_1745395188817450_5577965605228404552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please. Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.6108186

It's a top 10 coin, #8 right now to be exact, what more do you expect from it? It seems at the right price to me, a little overvalued even.

>> No.6108188


>> No.6108215

low volume tightening, whales silently accumulating, relax and hold and enjoy your future gainz.

>> No.6108230
File: 11 KB, 300x301, 1436341389543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. dubs can’t be wrong but your 88’s should fuck off back to pol.

>> No.6108255

There's nothing wrong with the original guidelines unless you are some kind of disgusting incel libertarian.

Absolutely disgusting that we haven't lined up libertarian on the wall yet. Bring back Stalin and Fidel from the dead we need them more now than ever

>> No.6108267


>> No.6108271
File: 52 KB, 952x500, 1bbr8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intern who no longer works there.
>but I noticed it's particularly hard to find the page from the website.
>particularly hard
>didn't google "stellar community"
>one click
>particularly hard

>> No.6108275

They’ll make trump supporters rich,

Sjw coin, go go

>> No.6108281
File: 132 KB, 900x599, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who think this is a shitcoin that won't moon all year

>> No.6108325

yeah seeing this /pol/ retards everywhere almost makes me feel sympathetic towards the commies. people who use pol memes as a substitute for political opinions need to be bullied relentlessly

>> No.6108337



>> No.6108370

*hug* now counts as physical harassment. lmao

>> No.6108387

>sympathetic towards the commies.

Die already

>> No.6108394

stellar was my first moon and i will be loyal forever to astrosnake and his magic spacebux

irrational? yes but good luck being rational in this market

>> No.6108403

>/pol/ retards

Are you suggesting that anyone who doesn't believe in unicorn genders, reverse racism, cisphobia is a /pol/ retard?

>> No.6108416
File: 39 KB, 907x661, 100tbhfam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108438

*hugs relentlessly without consent*

>> No.6108441


That page was there because nobody bothered to check it anyway. As soon as someone noticed it it got removed.

Stop with these retarded FUDs and remove your shitty walls already you fucking retard

>> No.6108508



Now let’s talk about finances, you sucker poorfag

>> No.6108567
File: 82 KB, 640x633, 1510479587934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to ledit plz

>> No.6108612

the fuck you care so much about trans?! there s like twelve of them.

>> No.6108685

It's because Michael Dowling is a pussy and doesn't want to hype XLM/FairX for some reason. If he literally posted any information about FairX, the rocket would take off again.

Just gotta be patient with these bags I guess. They don't feel that heavy though, the Stellar team and it's partnerships are very promising. Just wish it could happen sooner obv. Wish I didn't go all in so I could put some money into some new, but riskier moons.

>> No.6108774

did you ever stop to consider that maybe it's so easy to find now because of how much people have started talking about it? I meant it was hard to navigate to from their front page. The intern thing was conjecture on my part but considering they said it was written two years ago it's unlikely they're still on the team.

>> No.6108783

At least Jewnance re-enabled withdrawals of XLM again. Most interest in XLM hinges on how FairX fares.