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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6101136 No.6101136 [Reply] [Original]

Who here just hodling or buying sale coins during the recession?

>> No.6101233

Me. Yeah i lost a lot of gains in the past 48hours, but such is life.

>> No.6101283

I'm so far up, it's going to come back tomorrow.


>> No.6101322

All the coins I'm holding have a real future, they'll bounce back. This is the perfect time for me to buy more of them.

>> No.6101380

If you have a portfolio you believe in this dip is no big deal. I’ll come back 48 hours from now.

>> No.6101426

My only regret is not waiting a bit longer before my latest buy in.

But such is life. I'm not selling, I'm going to get bigger gains or then lose it all.

>> No.6101432

Good thing i moved my stuff to bitcoin and ethereum. Perfect time to buy spme cheap alts

>> No.6101443

Sold 4 hours ago, when i saw the shit about korean exchanges on CMC...i will rebuy soon...crypto is too easy to make money, with all the scared normies

>> No.6101451

I went from a portfolio of $125k on the 23rd, to $65k on the 24th, to $240k on the 5th.

This shit does my fucking head in.

Currently down at $168k.

>> No.6101496

90% in xmr, the shitcoins I'm trading haven't had very good days so I've just held them. They used to have very predictable pattern before november so I could accumulate very easily.

>> No.6101497

I am pretty sure in my coin, didn't take as much as a hit as bitcoin did and it has huge news coming up so I am chilling this week.

>> No.6101513

Nah you did fine. Really everything went down, some more than others but not enough to be substantial in the long run.

It's impossible to predict the future, had CNC not removed the korean market randomly without saying anything everything might have continued to moon and you'd feel shitty then too.

>> No.6101537

im holding, literally too depressed to bother trading, ill just sit here and get drunker while watching my months of trading evaporate

>> No.6101549

Reverse to last week. That's where we are today. You just got to flash back 7 days on all coins. What did great this week? DBC, DRGN, KCS, You're welcome.....

>> No.6101586

Holding onto everything it will recover later this week. In the mean time I'm buying dips.

>> No.6101592

I'm in this to make life-changing bank, and this kind of shit doesn't bother me in the fucking slightest.

No one's got a crystal ball, and normies are risk-averse and I'm gonna buy all their coins for dirt fucking cheap

>> No.6101597
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>> No.6101643

Thanks. I caught the better part of the LINK moon so that makes me feel okay.

This isn't all bad, we've been seeing some crazy growth in blatantly shit projects so some correcting is in order. Frankly, continuous exponential growth makes me nervous.

>> No.6101677


right here...got 500$ profits I wanna move around...


>> No.6101890

Unless you reserved some in tethers, you always hold during these events, which occur almost every fucking Monday because stockniggers, korea, or just the international banks are back open day.

>> No.6101974

yes, because bitcoin regularly goes to $14k every monday

>> No.6102006

Bat / RDD

Maybe btc will get speed up to 20k from this dip and that will give confidence to alts anyway.

>> No.6102070

Probably throwing in another $1000 and increasing my VEN stack. Looming at a couple of other coins too, we'll see. I'm down 4 grand and counting today but I'm not sure worried. Stay strong, anons

>> No.6102140

You're right. Good way to look at it, though it's not confirmed that they'll have the same gains while bouncing back

>> No.6102165

I woke up like 4 hours earlier than normal because I got an alert that everything was on sale... currently buying up some 10x potential shitcoins at 25% off. I'm going to be so rich

>> No.6102184

Is ZRX a buy now or will it drop more? Still at 8600 sats.

>> No.6102210

bought at 87, nice

>> No.6102215
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It's going up already!

>> No.6102223

got no more fiat unhand to put in or I would, no point in bailing out might as well hold and see what happens

>> No.6102252



*breaths in*


>> No.6102253

or its a bull trap and we are going to 8k

>> No.6102289
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>> No.6102302
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I haven't slept in like 24 hours. I feel too tired to make any reasonable decisions so I'm just hodling. 100% in ETH at the moment so it's still relatively comfy.

>> No.6102332

well fuck me - i actually feel better that I was proven wrong.

>> No.6102397

What you referring to?

>> No.6102426

I'm about to sell some ven and req to pump more into xrp, xlm and link.
good or bad?

>> No.6102483

well never mind, I missed the boat, ill just be happy with my hodl

>> No.6102493

So it should drop further soon?

>> No.6102544

Poorfag, enjoy being poor
Made 200k+ and I’m really comfy right now, just relaxing
Real project, real deal, not your bazzinga/doge sack of air

Feels good to put more money on VEN after reading your comment

>> No.6102584

Stick to your pajeetcoins. We'll see who gets the last laugh :^]

>> No.6102613

>Be up 200% in last 2 weeks.
>Drop 20% in few days.
>Continue with gains

>> No.6102689

I'd give it 24 hours. Still not sure how much of this whole Korean exchange thing is true or FUD because I haven't done my own research on it yet. It seems like it wants recover faster than normal this time. Even XLM is on a buying frenzy atm.

>> No.6102989
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>I went from a portfolio of $125k on the 23rd, to $65k on the 24th, to $240k on the 5th.
>This shit does my fucking head in.
>Currently down at $168k.

Thats how it goes man.

hands of steel. relax

2 steps back, 3 forward and a moon mission.

You've made it!

>> No.6102998

Basically alts are going to go on a rally now. BTC will go up/down over the next 24-48 hours before going on a nice pump for the weekend.

>> No.6103196

